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Server Pops Too Low - Remove Shards


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I believe that there should be a few more towns (ones with spaceports and such) and/or landmarks added to the game, ones that may possibly become player hubs, allowing players to feel as though they are part of a larger MMO community, but once the player leaves the town, they would set out on their mission (alone or in a group) and feel like a hero with the minimal amount of people around. However, the main reason that there aren't many players in the main city of the planet is that majority of players are out there leveling up. But overall, I love the way the player is given the luxury of feeling like the main character of their own tale, the story part is very well done. :)


Just saying.

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Personally I believe that PvP servers at least should have a higher cap on the instance or no instances at all. Having players tagging your mobs is one thing, meeting 20-30 players throughout the whole game is ridiculous :\
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Hi guys

I totally agree on the problematic of the low player count in the shards. Nevertheless I see a more major problem behind all this.

First and foremost we all miss a higher player count to have the world feel more crowded and lively, plus we want more opponents in pvp. But apart that, a higher player count would not really change anything, cause the whole game structure has been build to get played first and foremost in a single player kind of way. There simply is no need to interact with other players. Bioware didn't implement any interesting stuff to do in cities apart following your quests and story, There is no room for RP (no sit animation for chairs, most emotes don't do anything, no additional alternative clothing slots and so on) and there are no minigames for people to play in cities like Guild Wars 2 will have them. I never played an "MMO" with so few interaction between players.

So my point is, even if there run around more players, this would result in a mainly cosmetic change. It would not be gameplay relevant (except for pvp) - and that's a pity. Cause for me MMO doesn't only mean to interact with opponent players, but I'd like to have more room to interact with people from my side. So the necessity to change it is not that big at the end. Still I agree it could help the atmosphere of the world.

Sorry for the weak english ;)



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Its because there is probably 200 Imperial to your 50 republic so in total there is probably 150 to 200 per planet shard. Because your repub side is low, doesn't really tell the whole story of how many are on that planet. Edited by Psytic
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I know what shards are. I'm using the common language that everyone uses to make the point. Shards can mean different things. But thanks for the clarification.


But it seems a lot people on this thread don't.


Reading this thread is confusing because people dont know what a shard is.


I mean is that a term this game even uses? I don't think so. I have mostly heard of Instance and Server.

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The game is 90% designed for solo, 8% designed for 4 player coop, and 2% designed for 8+ players on a team, IMO.. As such, you shouldnt expect to see other players very often. If you want massive multiplayer games, then youre better off playing a sandbox like EVE, or a themepark with more dynamic content like Rift or WAR. Edited by LokiRin
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Just get rid of sharding on pvp servers. Those guys don't care about the pve game experience anyway and won't mind queuing for a node or mission objective...they can just kill each other for the right :rolleyes:


I completely agree. Sharding needs to be COMPLETELY removed from PVP servers.


Who doesnt want to be ganked roll PVE. I personally like to hunt and be hunted. WoW PVP on Dragonmaw was the best PVP experience.


Remember Garbagegirl and ganking in WPL- Dragonmaw server. The nemesis was actually born! I want that experience back. A beautiful homogenic world that TOR has to offer, not some stupid sharding and COOP play.


This aint COOP game this is supposed to be MMO and MMO on PVP server should be played like that.

Edited by Werra
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You say this now.


But when they increase the 'shard' population you wont find yourself fighting more world pvp, you'll find yourself sitting there waiting for the mission objective to respawn since some jerk just sniped it while you were fighting mobs to get to it.


So what? The most of us dont mind sitting. Who cares about leveling lol?The game should actually begin at LVL 50.


This is supposed to be an MMO not single player 1 time experience.

Edited by Werra
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i dont give a flying fyscke about 'world pvp'.


i dont want 100s of people dotting a spaceport/zone in SO an unrealistic way that it breaks the immersion.


or i dont want 100s of people trying to mine the same quest zone, clicking on same quest items and making each other wait.


go make your open world pvp in age of conan.


Then go play Ghost n Goblins or any other single player game.

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If this continues many real MMO players will give up. Guild Wars 2 will ruin SWTOR if they dont allow players to communicate and make friendships. Actually 15 of my WOW friends are playing the game right now and they HATE this sharding s..t.


Whoever wants to play on Ghost server roll PVE or stay out of PVP servers.

Edited by Werra
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From Wiki

The Old Republic is BioWare's first entry into the MMORPG market,[13] and is the second Star Wars MMORPG after Star Wars Galaxies. BioWare had long been interested in working on a MMORPG, but waited until they had "the right partners, the right team, and the right I.P."[14] A major focus in the game is on developing characters' individual stories[13] and, in October 2008, BioWare considered this game to have more story content than all of their other games combined.[14] The writing team worked on the project longer than any of the game's other development teams.[25] An October 2008 preview noted some of the 12 full-time writers had been working on The Old Republic for more than two years at that point


All that wasted time on single player story, which a lot of people just spacebarred through, and they released a game that isn't even an actual MMO.

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All that wasted time on single player story, which a lot of people just spacebarred through, and they released a game that isn't even an actual MMO.


Exactly, who really cares about VOice acting in MMOs?


Spacebarred ofc...


Thumbs up for the story, voice overlay etc...but what we need is full grown servers where we can make friends, celebrate, and all sorts of stuff as seen in many other MMOs.

Edited by Werra
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lvl 49 trooper..was on corellia (sry if it spelled incorrectly) was there doing missions for a good 2 hrs. 3 people on the planet. logged off for a few hrs came back 5 people on the planet..decided to only do class missions just to get off the planet. in ill say 4 hrs of play it peaked to 5 people on that planet counting myself. people with this "i dont wanna run into anybody" in an mmo are either making an excuse for a bad idea or like someone else said prob need to go play a single player console game. I'm not sure how a game could be called an mmo with out actually being one. and this ..its only temporary is laughable. I play mmo's because i dont care to play single player games. being fooled isnt fun at all, but if this is how this game is going to be then the people who dont like or dont enjoy should just move on.. which unfortunately also means me.
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Instance PvE zones, DON'T instance cities and PvP zones.


I thought there was going to be planets based on large scale PvP. Less people than in a warzone is not large scale PvP....


l I play mmo's because i dont care to play single player games. being fooled isnt fun at all, but if this is how this game is going to be then the people who dont like or dont enjoy should just move on.. which unfortunately also means me.


I completely agree with u guys. This looks like a single player COOP game, i just dont feel it as MMO. I have been walking through some corridors, cities i dunno, it just looks as a ghost world. As if there are no real people playing it, i cant see a fellow player, nor an opponent..


All looks stiff, Most of NPC models are unclickable looking as they are imprinted into the game. It feels a lot linear. Really the biggest problem is absence of great compact world that has a look and feel where people are running, fighting, talking whatever.. Planets and hubs are just devoid of players...


Dunno but I really expected it to be a real MMO, i just feel like I cant wait for Guild Wars 2.

Edited by Werra
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