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I love the Shadow of Revan expansion


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I just wanted to say that I really like this latest expansion. I certainly enjoyed Rise of the Hutt Cartel, but this one is even better. I feel compelled to complete the class missions for each class so that I can so that I can see from each class perspective.


The planets are beautiful and doing the solo flashpoints are quite a bit of fun too. The leveling feels just right and I don't feel under or overpowered. I can't seem to get over the new skill trees. I liked them before, but this feels so intuitive and more interesting and useful.


I like everything else too, but those are my favorite things about the Shadow of Revan expansion :) I'm really looking forward to the new things coming to swtor in the coming year as discussed in the Producer’s Road Map 2015, especially the new Togruta species!


Anyway, thanks for all your hard work on this game Bioware!

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I do to. Some people here need to just take a step back and see the game for what it is again. I feel as though there are those that are way too critical and need to learn how to just chill out, have fun, and take the game for what it is :) Although, I hope in the future they don't make all the side quests non full voice acted in cutscenes with decision making. ;) Edited by Sarfux
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I agree, both planets are really beautiful, love the interesting story on Rishi, all those pirate intrigues, quite enjoyable, both FP were interesting as well, especially as solo mode, and at the top, Op's were challenging too, so overall very good expansion and of course there'll be bugs, but that didn't put me off at all, as for Revan's fate, if you payed enough attention to the Revan's whole story, then this ''expansion'' lead to a lot of conclusions over his past, it's kind a reminded of Darth Vader's fate at the end!...


Note: one thing that I didn't like was a lack of cut scenes for the side missions...

Edited by sandisrd
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SoR was a very well done single story and I enjoyed it much more than RotHC by a factor of like 100. Adding single player flashpoints was beautiful, I would love it if they gave this option for all flashpoints, even the old ones so you can do the content where it's relevant to the story without someone yelling at you for not pressing spacebar :rolleyes:


The only complaint I had with SoR was the bait and switch of the 'return of story missions' a single quest is not the rich story we got in 1-50. Heck even if it was just like a 4-5 mission arc it would have been a dramatic improvement.


As far as the bugs I haven't seen a lot of the issues people are freaking out about tbh. But to be fair I've only been doing solo content so stuff like FPS dropping in OPs I wouldn't have seen not because it didn't exist, but because I didn't go there.


I hope the next expansion that comes is similar to SoR in scope story, but also have a more substantial amount of story based content. Having unique content for each of the 8 content makes the fact that planet arc is the same across factions forgivable, especially if it's a longer arc.

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SoR was a very well done single story and I enjoyed it much more than RotHC by a factor of like 100. Adding single player flashpoints was beautiful, I would love it if they gave this option for all flashpoints, even the old ones so you can do the content where it's relevant to the story without someone yelling at you for not pressing spacebar :rolleyes:


The only complaint I had with SoR was the bait and switch of the 'return of story missions' a single quest is not the rich story we got in 1-50. Heck even if it was just like a 4-5 mission arc it would have been a dramatic improvement.


As far as the bugs I haven't seen a lot of the issues people are freaking out about tbh. But to be fair I've only been doing solo content so stuff like FPS dropping in OPs I wouldn't have seen not because it didn't exist, but because I didn't go there.


I hope the next expansion that comes is similar to SoR in scope story, but also have a more substantial amount of story based content. Having unique content for each of the 8 content makes the fact that planet arc is the same across factions forgivable, especially if it's a longer arc.


It's always puzzled me that the developers didn't have a better production setup for generating future content. You would have thought that with the experience of the initial game the tools were in place and the serious lessons learnt on how to get the jobs done more efficiently.

Class story was a huge promotion point for SWTOR at launch and has been sadly missed. Faction story doesn't quite hit the mark when you've been used to the more personal experience of class and companion story.


I wouldn't go as far as to call it 'bait and switch' tactics, but it will always be hard to manage the players expectations of this sort of content. I suspect the need to go over the class specific content in more depth to minimise conflicts and keep it consistent adds to the development time over a more generic world/ faction quest.


I just hope the devs saw enough return on investment to make it a viable part of future content.


The solo mode through FPs was nice as well, I'd gone back and rerun some of the older FPs solo just because the character outlevelled it (Black Talon at 19 etc) but hitting the end game FPs of the original launch I had no such luck and ended up doing them in a random order. That disrupted my enjoyment of that part of the game. Shame they can't have a 'Solo' mode for all FPs and limit it as a Weekly.

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Rishi and Yavin IV are both beautifully designed areas and I've really enjoyed them (Makeb was pretty, but there was something to fall off of or get eaten by everywhere you turned.) I've got a few quibbles with the way some things in the expansion were handled but I loved the new planets and it would be cool to see more. (Rishi stronghold? Eh? Eh???)
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I love lamp.





Anyway...I like this expansion too. And I think people are being far too critical. It's okay to offer feedback, but it gets to be so much whining about so many minor things. In a game played by so many, from all walks of life, you can't keep everyone happy.



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It wasn't too bad the first time through, but it loses it's enjoyment pretty quickly. As far as story line, I enjoyed Makeb and Oricon for multiple runs far more. Mostly, it's just the sameness of the entire play through for the story with every toon once the class story is done, and SoR just fails to entertain much after a time or two through it.
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I loved all the Solo flashpoints EXCEPT (this spoilers are here for a reason, if you haven't completed rish then don't read them)

The filthy "blood hunt" or whatever it was called, on Rishi, with the b*tch Vizla, and the fact that she wasn't kilable was probably the most annoying thing Bioware ever created. Literally, I'm still pissed about that like, around 2 months after I did it


Personally I didn't care much for the plot either, a lot of it was too far off, like

saving Theron, I mean, Idc about some filthy SIS agent, I'd be pleased if he died, as he was no longer really needed, because appearantly, Lana could slice now anyways. Maybe he'd be useful to get in touch with the Jedi, but I honestly think it could've been resolved without him and his death wouldn't bother me. Any why not contact Marr in the first place? Silly if you ask me


That being said, glad you're enjoying it, mate, let's hope you keep enjoying it!

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I'm glad you made this thread op. The reality is if you are happy you likely aren't going to make a fuss about being happy. It's good see positiveness on these forums and acknowledge that there are good qualities too about the expansion. I think Disciplines makes the whole thing worth it, though I know plenty disagree. Re-spec is so much easier now.
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  • 7 months later...
Just got back after over a more than a year's absence. I completely absolutely love this expansion. It is fantastic. Made 60 last night and if this is typical TOR then I am subbed for the duration.


Great job, great fun. Wow.

What's has changed in the past year exactly? You hit 60, so you have done Rishi/Yavin already...what expansion are you talking about? 3.0?

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