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Funniest trolling attempts you've seen


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Waiting outside DF for the rest of the group and a guildie on a FOTM PT in full pvp gear challenges my PVE geared sorc to a duel. Duel accepted, 1sec till engagement and I extricate him while still friendly and overload push him into the lava. Win


While doing my favourite pastime killing randoms in Outlaws den on my Slinger, a random posts in Gen chat asking about the GTN terminal in the Den. I whisper him and tell him I can group up and show him where it is and that I'll protect him from getting ganked. He takes me up on the offer and I lead him to the GTN terminal, he is really really appreciative. I drop group and gank him, he does the *** song in chat, so I regroup and apologise, rez him and wait for him to heal up, drop group and kill him again


Oh and my favourite so far. Summoning a full raid group to DF for a NiM run. Positioned myself at the very edge of the lava and summoned. They all accepted and fell to their deaths


You sir deserve a medal in trolling.

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Waiting outside DF for the rest of the group and a guildie on a FOTM PT in full pvp gear challenges my PVE geared sorc to a duel. Duel accepted, 1sec till engagement and I extricate him while still friendly and overload push him into the lava. Win


While doing my favourite pastime killing randoms in Outlaws den on my Slinger, a random posts in Gen chat asking about the GTN terminal in the Den. I whisper him and tell him I can group up and show him where it is and that I'll protect him from getting ganked. He takes me up on the offer and I lead him to the GTN terminal, he is really really appreciative. I drop group and gank him, he does the *** song in chat, so I regroup and apologise, rez him and wait for him to heal up, drop group and kill him again


Oh and my favourite so far. Summoning a full raid group to DF for a NiM run. Positioned myself at the very edge of the lava and summoned. They all accepted and fell to their deaths


Nice. I too have done the group up trick in the Den. Fun times.

Another one that is similar is to have you and a friend or two positioned in the Outlaws Den. Get in chat and ***** about a bunch of Pubs (or imps) killing people in the den. When people show up to help, kill them.


Another older troll is to talk about the secret rare 10+ datacron at the bottom of the Sarlaac pit on Tatooine.

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Since a toggle wouldn't affect you at all, I'm not sure how that constitutes "trolling".


On topic: people who get all pissy when others don't spacebar through the one and only convo in KDY.


I know right? The first time I ran it someone was like "I think we need some keyboard Pressers tonight" Anyway, two people need some special playtime- with other trolls. See how they like that. :p

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Tonight two moronic sith were screwing with me on Yavin 4. I was on my main toon (who is a shadow tank) and pulled one to the ledge, pushed him off, then cloaked out. Did this twice before I recruited help and we mopped them over and over (they got us a couple times). Good times, good times.
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I have done some trolling. Mostly spelling Nazi. I once got a guy frothing at the mouth for explaining why accurate spelling is key to a nonverbal communication.


And that they're is pronounced different from their, which is in turn different from there.





That's the best way I can describe it in words, but I learned the worst and how to tell them apart by which part is emphasized. Or in the case of they're, the missing "ah" from the contraction.


It was a great deal of fun. I was also drinking, and as a lightweight, I was in happy drunk mode quickly enough.


Poor guy raged so hard, claiming that we knew what he meant, so I responded in painful 1337 5p34|<. I think it was "|<4π ¥0√ ®34<| |\/|3 |\|0√√?"

That was painful for me to type, but so worth the rage as the guy claimed that I was now spamming. Some others said that they could read it. Made the guy madder, his spelling got even worse as he fell into angrish.


Half an hour later, he was begging for help defeating Skotia, and couldn't even spell Skotia's name, or Khem Val's. Or anyone's. Made more amusing when he said he was a level 10.


I might have been a bit mean, but I do try to keep my words spelled right in case of someone nitpicking my spelling. Except this guy was spelling things very badly to start with, not even an accidental typo.

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When my Shadow left Taris, I did my usual "so long and thanks for the fish" bit in general chat, and got a "don't let the door hit you on the way out". Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the fact/headcanon that she's a pragmatic Jedi and Revan fangirl in the days beforehand. And then they started going into "having a door hit you on the *** hurts" discussion.


I also think it's Imperial law that everyone on Dromund Kaas must make Jawa puns every chance they get.

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Bit of explaining beforehand: In the german client the title you get for some social level(think it's 10? Bigtime) is called "Überflieger", what could be translated as "High-Flyer". So back in the days when EC was released, there's this waterfall cave directly after the minefield boss.

We used to tell people new to this raid that they get this title if they jump down there.

Most people didn't fall for it, but there was this one guy who was like "Seriously?" and we said yeah, sure. One of us said "Look, I already got it" and put the title on, while I was like "I'll do it right now, since I don't have it on this toon". I jumped down and after I zoned back in also displayed the title, so he jumped too :D



And and of course booting the whole raid of the edge on Master&Blaster HM just for lolz :D

Edited by Torvai
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Shortly after launch on the now defunct Ven Zallow server there was a Scoundrel called "Hope" who made a name for himself by being both skilled in flashpoints and unfailingly polite.


Some few days into launch someone types this in General Chat on Fleet: "Oh, my God. I just passed Hope!"


To which I replied, "That would make a perfect country and Western song". Got a few laughs, no big deal, thought it was over.


Nope, not even close. It STUCK. So, every time someone encountered Hope in the Fleet or planetside they would light up the chat box with "OMG, I just passed hope". Which is funny enough on its own, except for this next part.


Hope didn't get it. He had NOOOO idea why people kept saying that over, and over, and over. You could tell the poor fellow was really trying to figure the deal out, but we just let it ride.


Good times. I miss ole Ven Zallow.



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I was on a later planet leveling, and someone wrote in gen chat something like "20 minutes with no chat? What gives? Wake up people, 35 of you on this planet and nobody has anything to say? Why are you all so quiet?"

In a few seconds, someone wrote, "We're hunting wabbits"


Sorry was meant to be funny wasn't trolling!

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Once my best friend and I were planning to meet up on Tatooine (we were spaking over the phone) and he was using a level 28 sin. I decided I'd have some fun so I logged on with my 55 commando and told him to meet me near Junland.

As soon as I got in range, I said: "Hi, how ya doin'" and fired an explosive round which drained about half his health. He was so freaked out, he hid in stealth and quicktraveled away.

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the funniest attempt was this.


there was this game i played that got shut down after a bunch of people spent $500 million dollars on something to replace it with. and rather then look at what those of us who played that other game told them to do they ignored us. it's funny as once again we are right.


Funniest, not most pathetic, but feel free to keep trying

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Yea I don't believe you can sleep dart more than one person at a time. When you sleep the 2nd the first one immediately breaks.


You're half right. In PvE you can only sap 1, but in PvP you can do multiple. I sap multiples all the time to mess with people trying to cap.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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Well, I think probably more then half of us have trolled pugs or our raid team in the Dread Fortress droid hallway of trololol. We used to make a game out of it. The devs must have know the troll potential of that hallway, so here's to you creator of dread fortress devs, for many many laughs. :) Anyone got any really good droid hallway troll stories?
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Once my best friend and I were planning to meet up on Tatooine (we were spaking over the phone) and he was using a level 28 sin. I decided I'd have some fun so I logged on with my 55 commando and told him to meet me near Junland.

As soon as I got in range, I said: "Hi, how ya doin'" and fired an explosive round which drained about half his health. He was so freaked out, he hid in stealth and quicktraveled away.

You missed a letting in "spaking", let me fix it for you:

Once my best friend and I were planning to meet up on Tatooine (we were spanking over the phone).


Well, I think probably more then half of us have trolled pugs or our raid team in the Dread Fortress droid hallway of trololol. We used to make a game out of it. The devs must have know the troll potential of that hallway, so here's to you creator of dread fortress devs, for many many laughs. :) Anyone got any really good droid hallway troll stories?

My Shadow Tank managed to kill all 15 raiders with 1 droid in the first few weeks of it's release. Set up Phase Walk at the entrance door, everybody just so happened to stack up at the beginning for heals, and I Force Pulled the first droid as it had 1s left and immediately teleported away. Then stealthed out and danced on their corpses as they all yelled at me in Mumble. Good times.


One of my Guildies and myself also make it a habit to get on our biggest mounts (Desslers) just before we get to the last boss of S&V, and run ahead to park our mounts just in front of the holes in the bridge and await people falling to their deaths. Another guildie of mine helped us out 1 time by telling them if they looked up they could see the Death Star being constructed... WHY WOULD YOU FALL FOR THAT!? (Pun Intended)

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I was in Oricon in an attempt to do the "Scarebear" challenge for the title with my concealment operative, which was at that time (it was 2.8 I think) in full optimized brutalizer gear. I was incredibly douchy, I was just outside of republic base stealthed and waiting for my victims to just come out of the base. Sometimes I attacked them instantly, sometimes I followed them around and attacked later so I wouldn't be too predictable. Needless to say, most of them got quite mad at me. When someone said "if only I knew where u are" to the chat, I got an idea.


I swapped to my 55 slinger and arrived to Oricon and immediately said that I'm fed up with that ganking coward operative. Others agreed and for a while we just talked trash about my operative (fun already) and how Imp players are just total tools and idiots. Then I said we should teach that dirty operative a lesson by hunting him down and humiliating him by killing him over and over again. I was able to convince them to invite their guildies to join us and soon enough we had a 15 member ops group hunting my operative. As I was the leader of our group, I said we should spread out to search for the operative. Then I secretly took my gear away and went naked allover the map to die while shouting "FOUND HIM HE'S HERE HELP HELP" and killing myself by attacking enemies naked. Others came just a bit too late to save me from that dastardly devious operative which always managed to stealth away just in time over and over again. Surprisingly I was the only one finding that operative. Instead of suspecting anything fishy they just congratulated me how I was so good at finding that operative. I just said I have a bit of experience in stealth classes.


After an hour went by I got bored. Decided to leave and just told em "I'll be back soon, just keep at it, I promise I'll brb". Logged back to my operative, saw them still searching for me, ganked one of em and said "Yo, I'm back as I promised"


Then I logged out and congratulated myself with a cold beer.

Edited by Furiku
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