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The sniper Motto: 'Just waiting to die'


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I take the utility to auto slow people with pen blasts, and add knockbacks to pen blast and ambush. Those help immensley with melee classes, and in regs they help my melee friends with their uptime. I've been playing MM a long time, but in 3.0 I feel good against the dps melee, less so agianst the tanks. In regs you can survive a long time with the roots, knockbacks, stuns, slows, and even using diversion to lower accuracy. You should be a hard counter to deception sins/shadows as well. In ranked the goal is to kill someone with burst before you die. You can put a lot of dmg out quick, and some CC before your hunkerdown is used up, and i'd say 9/10 times I'm able to drop 1.5 ppl in a 4v4 while being focused. Don't forget to shatter shot still if they have a decent healer and your team isn't CCing well.


I'd say 3 classes you should feel really good against, other snipers, deception sins, and lightning sorcs. Snipers are great at taking down ppl in teams that focuse fire well. No matter what you play you'll die in ranked if your team doesn't act like a team.

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And while you're waiting to die, might as well chain a couple of 22K ambushes...


"Chain" lol.


If you mean by chain as it has a 12sec cooldown, in which you'll have to do good (and pray to god your team cares even the littlest bit about you which they don't ) to still have time to get off another 1.5sec cast AND not hit one of the 4sins/juggs on enemies team's deflection/saber wards.


This when all 4 opposing dps (read: 3sins and a sorc) go for you as if you f***** their mom.

Edited by Aerilas
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A marksman sniper can be effective, but for the most part, a lightning sorc brings more mobility while still having that burst compared to a sniper.


I play both a Lighning sorc and a MM gunslinger, and the MM gunslinger has much more burst than the Lightning Sorc. You can get and instant Charged burst as soon as you enter cover, you can do your knockback to get another instant charged burst and then you can use trickshot and then use Smugglers Luck to use aimed shot and get an automatic crit dealing massive damage. MM Gunslinger is my favorite class right now cause that burst is really good, but I do agree that the mobility on the Lightning sorc is really good and is a nice advantage that it has. Both specs are great and I have tons of fun with them, its just like the burst of MM Gunslinger the most.

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Well, once your shadow hits 24, youll get Deflection, which jacks up your melee and ranged defense by 50%, IE, adds 50%, so base, 60% melee range def. For 12 seconds. And in 60 pvp, thats 12 seconds of immunity to CC. IE, dead sniper, unless the sin has an awful crick in their neck and cant quite roll their face across the keyboard just then.

Since very few pvpers stack any accuracy at all they are mostly at 90% base accuracy wich in turn, atleast for the more basic white attacks will net you even more defence.

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Since very few pvpers stack any accuracy at all they are mostly at 90% base accuracy wich in turn, atleast for the more basic white attacks will net you even more defence.


To be fair, snipers don't really need it with Target Acquired, god forbid you have two MM snipers on the same team, I wouldn't even want to be Hatred Assassin in that instance, deflection or not it's going to hurt.


Probably why they get focused pretty hard. I know I'd rather take the sniper down before any Merc and that's saying something (unless it's IO Merc, the dots p*** me off)

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Well, once your shadow hits 24, youll get Deflection, which jacks up your melee and ranged defense by 50%, IE, adds 50%, so base, 60% melee range def. For 12 seconds. And in 60 pvp, thats 12 seconds of immunity to CC. IE, dead sniper, unless the sin has an awful crick in their neck and cant quite roll their face across the keyboard just then.


Thank you for this explanation. Now I understand.

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That is not the marauder / sent lacking, it is the ridculousness that is sorc and sin at the moment, those two classes should have been the first up for the nerf nuke. Sents have good "oh ****" abilities, commandos have none, vanguards had one, which is now being nerfed and made useless. As for sitting back, well, its a ranged class, if it weren't able to do that, it wouldn't be ranged.

You do know the 99% immunity takes half your health right? New changes make it a viable DCD instead of cutting your own health of which you cant medpack during due to the health loss. As a merc you have HO kolto overload knockback net slows on unload(or replacement move) you can also spec into RP root. Marauder has no immunity to stuns/roots camo is meh but ive rooted players right after theyve used it and they wind up stuck there until they reappear.

You dont get kited as PT/Merc, you get LOS. As a PT I can close the gap and remain within at least 10m.


Mara is the most susceptible class to roots. That you have not noticed this leads me to believe that you dont know what you are talking about.



To OP: roll root knockback stun shield repeat. If MM use your AOE accuracy debuff. If facing melee drop it on yourself. They will need to stand in it to hit you and if they stand in it they have the chance of missing. If on ranged hit them with it.

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