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Everything posted by headshot_hendo

  1. This is why players like you dont have people to group with. You are too stupid to be successful in PVP.
  2. If you know you need to win in order to do the ranked daily and weekly, yet you know if you join with weak gear your wont win, why do you que. You are not going to get your weekly done if you que in bad gear. You drag each team down by not contributing. Not only are you not getting your weekly done you are forcing others to lose out on theirs as well. Take the time to gear before going into ranked. Take the time to learn your class and the other classes before you que. Dont blame other peoples attitudes because you want to do content you are not ready for.
  3. PT is already viable for ranked brunna vedda you just need to learn how to play the class. If you struggle in ranked as AP or tank you need to reroll. With the changes to pyro if you struggle after that you for sure need to reroll. Learn to use your defensives correctly. I constantly see bads blow all of their CDs as they enter the fight. Read the tree and figure out how to proc certain attacks. Stop blaming other people for your ****** fingers.
  4. The best bolster is unsubbing. If you unsub you bolster your vitamin D intake. You lose SWTOR presence but you gain social points. I would also suggest taking up a new crafting skill or minigame. I hear that the automotive or woodworking minigame coming in 3.1.2 is a productive way to level your character. Also you can try to date a black girl and increase your "dark knowledge". I hear that they are offering pottery courses on Yavin, Makeb. Corruscant, and Alderran. Any one of these options will bolster you, along with many other activities that went unmentioned.
  5. Am I the only one who notices that there is a GCD that everyone is subject to? The only difference between clicking and keybinding on this game is movement. It really doesnt make that big of a difference IMO. There is no delay between activation of abilities. This game is so unbelievably easy that it doesnt really make a difference. Bads will be bad. Keybound or not if they suck they will suck either way. Also a little tidbit of info. With the stigma of clicking it is safe to say that most players keybind. So it is safe to say that there are more ****** keybinders than clickers.
  6. Are you really going to compare the woes of operatives to BH or trooper? I seem to remember our AOE being nerfed before yours. I also remember operatives being unbeatable at launch. I remember commandos cant do ranked even anywhere near as successfully as OPs. I also remember PT being nerfed into absolute uselessness in PVP. If I recall correctly PT is always focused first, OPs are not lol. Do you really want to ***** about a class that has pretty much always been at the very least decent. Please compare Operatives/Scoundrels to PT/VG, it is hilarious and demonstrates how new to this game you are. (Lets not mention that the only healers viable all last season and the season before were OP/Scoun healers, poor you lol)
  7. You basically created a thread for people to list how bad they are lol. Mando had its time and it has been announced that mando will be on top again. Sorc was on top, OP was on top. My favorite is the snipers. Lol I seem to remember successfully doin team ranked as lethality on POT5, roll bang, and now MM is strong as hell. Shadows used to 2 shot sents pre 1.0 BTW jugg rage used to hit harder than mara due to the armor debuff. (In team didnt make a difference) Oh and lets not forget that hybrid jugg was top duel spec for a long long time. Whats funny is the people who posted may have played during FOTM and still sucked but its the game meta's fault. I genuinely want to thank you for providing me with a list of easy kills lol.
  8. Do you honestly think no class should have CC immunity with all the damage right now? A stun now is like a death sentence.
  9. I'm not saying they shouldn't but BW doesn't. The point is OFC there is a disparity between levels with the same gear. As I said there should be a separate bracket, but at the end of the day it is transitional phase of PVP. So it wont be a massive issue on BW's radar.
  10. If you have an issue with imps come to harbinger. Click someones link and get a free Xfer and play. Pubs usually wreck. A lot of players have run from a one sided server. That's what happened to bastion and pot5. There were actually pubs that played when I got there and by the time I moved my mains back to HBGR there were almost none. Until x server ques which probs will never happen, that's the only choice you have.
  11. Here is the thing bolster works for gear. The base stats are not adjusted, this causes a minor issue but realistically 2-300 mainstat isn't that huge. Does it make a difference? Yes but not on a massive scale. Low end midbies will have less abilities which will lead to reduced survivability and output. Players are also usually learning that class or the game so it makes it more difficult. Realistically another tier would relieve some of this but in the end it is only lowbies. Take your licks, push through and then beat on lowbies yourself. Lowbies are a transitional phase that you move out of unless you dont have the x pac in which case keep your mouth shut. You didnt spend the money, you dont get a say.
  12. You do know that as you level you gain more statting on your char alone right? You also gain buffs from the tree. I hate to be a dick but this is like the 4th thread ive come across you but you miss so much simple information it leads me to believe you arent very bright. You may be but pointing out that in the same gear a lvl 57 has more statting that a 46. If a 46 had the same stats as the 57 what would ever be the point of leveling. Ever notice when you are leveling and you havent updated your gear but you hit harder and have higher HP. Kinda the point. If your base stats are raised as you level like it should be there will be a minor disparity to bolster.
  13. Kind of agree here. Funny thing is the boards for last season were a ton of sorcs at the top with 1 sage. Its not new and you cant force players to play a different faction.
  14. I agree but it isnt as much of an issue as PT globals in alot of people eyes. Tbh I dont struggle with sins on most of my toons. Yes the control is strong but alot of people are at moderate skill levels expecting to beat a decent if not good sin 1v1 which hasnt happened for like 3 seasons. I think BW is on the right track and yes it is miserable right now for alot of people. I am however very happy to see BW actually testing PVP changes on the PTS before implementation.
  15. Subs do ranked, regs are accessible by F2P. Solo que is solo skill. Most classes have team utilities. We will have differing opinions but no sins do not solo global someone. To get your procs you apply dots. First is Spike (5k depending), Discharge (1-2k without deathmark), Creeping Terror(1-3k ), Death Field ( AVG 6k), Dots tick harder, Melee strike to proc instant Demolish (10k over the duration maybe more depending on death mark), Procced Assassinate (8-16k depending on gear, Ive seen 16k assassinates which is why I mention it). With defensives the damage will be mitigated. That is 6 GCDs to dole out damage. PT can do it in 3. 2 PTs even less. 2 shadows might get you in 3-4. Changes are coming DW honestly this is basically a Beta season. Lots of new moving parts. And the Merc PVE comment is to provide an example as to why they wouldn't adjust it. They should by all means but that would be why they wouldn't.
  16. Sniper does great in team ranked and I do pretty good on mine in regs as well. It has a high skill cap and that's an issue for a lot of players.
  17. PT and Mara (arguably the class most in need) have been 2 of the first 3. Jugg tanks were a quick fix. Im sure sin will be listed next unless merc is a bigger issue. Sins have great defenses, but they do not SOLO global people. PT's do. Seems on the right track to me. BTW merc is OP in PVE, thats the majority of the community.
  18. Ummm I don't really have any issues Imp side. You are not good enough to beat the other players its very simple. If you want to be successful Imp side you have 3 options. 1: Get very very good at dps and carry the team to victory like I do. 2: Get into a guild and run premades to cut your teams tard level in half. 3: If you are tired of no heals, roll a heal toon and get good at that, also like I did. I don't see an issue, 90% of the healers are garbage anyways. BTW the healers flocked to pub side because Imp players refuse to peel, guard, taunt, CC for Imp healers.
  19. Noone forces you to pay anything. And I said "like" which means you act like an entitled youth. PT was garbage for a very very long time, I know because I played it during that time. SC helped quite a bit when it was introduced yet PT has a problem and 0.5s ICD was a bug, read your tool tip next time. I see the bigger picture and you focus on you, which is fine. As far as credibility goes, you fail to see that we no longer have hybrids, changeable specs in WZs, dead 8V8 ques, numerous small servers, sorcs can survive, juggs are tankier than marauders now, healing is fairly close to balanced, and lets not forget you are no longer FORCED to be a sub to play this game. There are plenty more but im bored. Caps at the beginning of sentences also provide more credibility chief.
  20. New subs every day I'm sure they can replace one whiny entitled scrub with another from youtube advertisements. To get back on track this season is a joke and will most likely wind up making next season better. I look at it as a beta season for the new CB system while they make balancing changes. Just play the game instead of whining. If sub to forum rage, there are cheaper alternatives.
  21. If you don't like the way PVP is go do PVE its what you pay for. If you don't want to do that then why are you here if you don't like anything the game has to offer?
  22. So it is kissing *** pointing out facts? Shall we run down the list of addressed issues? Last I checked I don't distribute W-2s to BW employees. You pay to gain access to something they provide. You do not however pay for them to create things for you. If that were the case I'm pretty sure this game would be worse. I didn't know every player who plays (including F2P) invested money to fund the creation of this game. Like all youth of today you feel entitled to things you don't deserve. Far more players who PVE contribute a whole lot more money than our small little niche community. You honestly think your measly 15$ a month makes the difference? Oh no PVPers quit the game when there is free access to most of it. Realistically think about this. As a subscriber only doing PVP what extra access do you gain? Solo que, and some extra UI elements. Thats it. Regs can be done F2P, team ranked can be done as F2P if one member of your group is a sub. So tell me all this "extra" lol money you contribute to the game funds what exactly?
  23. Look at me I whine on the first day of the shortest season in history with early released rewards, enhanced win trading monitoring, and no hybrids.
  24. Also you may want to think that the data they are using to make changes has been the data gathered over the last 2 months. So dumb lol. "Hey BW sift through all this data and make rushed changes yet again so I can run to the forums and whine about it." Please please please be more dumb it really is quite hilarious.
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