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Have you ever role-played in SWTOR or any other mmo?


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wondering if i can find a bunch of people or a whole server environment that actually go through the game pretending to be the characters they are playing. Thinking of trying it out if such exists.


i wonder how complete the role playing is though, do they do it like RL - roleplaying, where you are totally in character all through, even on vent.. which means that you can't sound like a bloke if you are using a female character, stuff like that.


does anyone play like that? it would take everyone either in the guild or the server to be in on it tho


I saw a bunch of people doing roleplaying on my server (Bergeren Colony) and it looked like tons of fun! I even participated a little bit as a casual observer and they seemed to have fun noticing my guy interacting with their characters via emotes (doing /drink at the bar they were roleplaying at on the main fleet). The whole thing seemed really cool to me and very fun.

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You're a joke "bub". Nobody has tried to redefine anything, you've just tried to select one narrow definition of RP to fit the kind you do.


The unwritten rules of RP LMAO? There are no unwritten rules of RP except maybe in your little aspergers club. Your narcissistic and narrow minded view point is exactly what I would suspect of someone with aspergers.

Woooooooooow. Way to be disgusting and ableist.


Oh and for the record I don't give a rip how many RP communities you've been a part of. You keep posting stuff along that lines because you don't have a logical reason for why what you do is RP and what others might do is not. Oh they didn't make up every shred of their characters adventure, like what mission they went on for the Republic lol? Well did you invent the Republic? Did you create the intellectual property that you are RPing in or are you cheating by using something Lucas wrote and just "filling in the blanks"? So where does one draw the line on plagiarism and that good kosher role play you like? You don't have an answer for that because the only reason you're trying to narrow down RP is that in your autistic fit you think you're actually pinning some kind of blue ribbon of creativity on yourself lol.


RP'ers are defining it? Only the chat happy people with carpel tunnel syndrome that you RP with. That's your problem, you've got that "underwear at Kmart!!!" 1 track mind thing going, thinking the kind of RP you do is the only kind of valid RP. There is no such thing as "valid" RP or "real" RP.

Yes there is... Seriously, how are you even disputing that with a straight face? So all the people across hundreds of games aren't doing a real activity...?


Wait, I guess in your world words have no meaning. So you can claim to be an artist without ever drawing because "you FEEL like you are one so you are." There is no such thing as a real artist! Pretending you are an artist is exactly the same as someone who paints every day. Am I getting it right?


Nothing is real! Anarchy!


There are many, many shades and degrees of RP. If you want to be a "purist" make up your own universe with it's own lore and stop using someone elses work to create 1 little personality within their intellectual property. Nobody gives a rip that you think you are "somebody" in your little RP circle LMAO.


What this really boils down to is you think you're some kind of creative elitist by coming up with some garbage about any shade or degree of RP but what you do is not RP. Let me explain the "reality" of it to you "bub". You're bad at what you do and all the pretending to be some kind of purest isn't going to change that. What book did you author? What comic hero did you create? Who pays you for your creative intellectual properties? Nobody because you're not good at it and creating your own game with your own ridiculous rules does not change that lmao.


You seem like a very angry person and I hope you find happiness.


They aren't "my" rules.


Go to any RP server in any game and you will see people RPing the way I do, because I didn't invent it, and it's a real thing.


No amount of screaming that the sky is green will make people who know it's blue agree with you.


You clearly are not a RPer so I'm not sure why it's so important for you to claim RP doesn't exist?


100% of your posts boil down to you saying "I want to claim that I'm RPing by not RPing and you can't tell me otherwise!" Well, sure, I guess you could say you were a mermaid too. Doesn't mean you are one.

Edited by Beltane
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The unwritten rules of RP LMAO? There are no unwritten rules of RP except maybe in your little aspergers club. Your narcissistic and narrow minded view point is exactly what I would suspect of someone with aspergers.

Attack the argument, not the person. Back on topic:

No argument with you there. Nothing wrong with that. Unless those people are ******es that claim to have some kind of trademark on the term "roleplay" and accuse anyone doing anything a little differently than them of not role playing or not role playing "correctly".

There are, in fact, "unwritten rules" of RP that are commonly - but not universally - followed among those who self-identify as roleplayers. Typical guidelines include injunctions against powerposing or godmodding, because they violate consent or promote a one-sided power dynamic. Ideally, RP "rules" serve to enable cooperative story creation and character development. They can, however, also be used to exclude or to reinforce a rigid hive mindset.

Everyone has a different version of what they consider roleplay and normally my advice to them, if find like minded individuals and role play with them. Not everyone that role plays will be a good fit for you.

QFT. If people aren't "doing it right" or in a way that I personally enjoy, I'll find other folks to play with.

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As a 30+ year veteran of RPing, from table-top games in the late 70s through to MMOs today, I've yet to find the "right" style for RP. What I have found is the style I enjoy playing. I tend to be more lore-centric to the core intellectual property forming the basis of the game. But that doesn't make my way "better" than someone else's. It only makes it better for me.


This issue has been more thoroughly debated in the LOTRO forums, where RP is, generally, more prevalent. I remember the onslaught on our sensibilities in LOTRO during the great invasions of "Sparkly Vampires" and lovelorn "Lycans" ... my attitude then is the same as my attitude now: If that's what you like, go for it ... just leave me out of it.


This raises the issue of "open" versus "closed" RP. My SWTOR guild engages in weekly RP that is de facto closed, mainly because we tend to RP in isolated placed away from crowds. If a stranger wanders past and tries to join in, we do our best to accommodate them. But we generally have an agenda that is part of an overarching story and are less welcoming to someone who shows up expecting us to drop our plans for the night and focus all our attention on them.


Not that I mind random RP. But, in my opinion, the crux of "good" RP is consent. Consent to participate within a mutually consensual framework of rules (e.g., no deaths of participants without consent, etc.). A frequent mistake I see is an RPer emoting (i.e., "posing") an action that assumes success: "Thoronmir lifts Darth Vader by the scruff of his neck, shakes him like a rag doll, and tosses him out the thermal exhaust port." Vader's player might want to intercede before his character becomes space dust, but I haven't given him the opportunity. It's what makes combat in RP (outside the realm of duels) very tricky.


So ... as with everything in this game ... find people who like to play (be it Ops, PvP, or RP) the same way you do and have fun.

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Right, well, you've proven you're a person that can't be reasoned with so I'll just leave this here for anyone who is actually interested in the topic at hand--


There very much is a definition of RP among MMO communities and if you're interested in learning about it, the best thing to do is to roll on a RP server and find a forum or guild to join. Most games/servers do have individual forums, usually on Enjin, for discussing RP and character building in that given community. TOR itself has SWTOR-RP.com, Ebon-hawk.net, ebhawk.enjin.com and several others, but I'm only familiar with the communities of the server I play on.


Good luck :)

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Doesn't traditional RP mean YOU create the story of your character?


Well I guess according to some if that's true then Dungeons and Dragons isn't a role playing game. There's plenty of supposedly "kosher" role playing games out there where you interact with a board (dungeon) full of random encounters that have limited out comes and the roll of a dice can determine out come or the effectiveness of a chosen out come lol.


So apparently the only way to properly role play is in an MMO while completely ignoring the entire game except custom emotes lol.

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Well I guess according to some if that's true then Dungeons and Dragons isn't a role playing game. There's plenty of supposedly "kosher" role playing games out there where you interact with a board (dungeon) full of random encounters that have limited out comes and the roll of a dice can determine out come or the effectiveness of a chosen out come lol.


So apparently the only way to properly role play is in an MMO while completely ignoring the entire game except custom emotes lol.


May I suggest something?


Just play the game the way you like it and if you are having fun it really doesn't matter if someone agrees with you or not. The main concern is you are having fun.

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I saw a bunch of people doing roleplaying on my server (Bergeren Colony) and it looked like tons of fun! I even participated a little bit as a casual observer and they seemed to have fun noticing my guy interacting with their characters via emotes (doing /drink at the bar they were roleplaying at on the main fleet). The whole thing seemed really cool to me and very fun.


nice, i'd really like to see and do that sort of thing, i've always wanted more ways as well for my character to visibly express stuff, would be nice if they could make a game out of emotes, just like your abilities use hotkeys and stuff, you can bring up an emote UI.


then you could do things like change your emotes in convos etc. Also what do you think of allowing too players to enter into a convo scene? like the camera goes close up and it switches to convo UI.. you know the tech is already used in some games that the camera watches you face and maps the movement of your lips to your character.


it's also quite easy to make you speak through your character too, the voice been localized to your character's location, those closeby can hear you, those far away can't, you can even shout and people a bit further can hear, press the s - key for shouting, and it would extend the radius of those who can hear you, press w for whipser and it would reduce the area people can hear you.. the only thing I don't think we have tech for is to make your voice sound like your character's voice actor :( or alternatively, use how your voice sounds on your character.. that would have been interesting.

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I've roleplayed to various extents in every MMO I've played, right back to EverQuest in 1999.


When in-game I always communicate in-character, because I find that fun, and it doesn't rely on reciprocity: the person I'm speaking to can reply in any way they wish, I simply present them with a persona for that character. A lot of the time people won't even realise I'm roleplaying, because they have no idea who the real person behind the character is, and just assume that's my 'real' personality.


Every character I've ever made in an MMO has had their own personality, sometimes unique, sometimes a blend of others, and I'll often re-use a lot of a character from one game for another character in a different game. They're never complete copies though, because a) that usually wouldn't work and b) my characters tend to evolve as I play them.


For me though the most fun part of roleplaying is creating stories around events that happen. It can be a quest I find a humorous twist to, or just a random comment someone said that sparked an idea. I used to spend a large amount of time writing up the stories for the Guild, or the game forums, etc.


In fact, I still have some of my roleplaying stories from LotRO kicking around, if anyone's even slightly interested... :)




I always have multiple accounts in MMOs, and usually play several characters at the same time (yes, each with their own personality), but for my LotRO stories they were almost all done from the point of view of Callia, my Minstrel, as those are storytellers :)


I also used to do some Live storytelling events, where I'd set up a stage outside the Guild Hall and have Callia telling a story while the other two would use /emotes to do the actions (and also interrupt and correct her about how *they* saved the day etc). That was a lot of fun!


I've not written many stories for SWTOR (even though I did join a RP guild pre-launch) as I don't have as much time these days (bah!), but I still spend far too much time doing sad things, such as the Character Sheet in my signature...




It's a month or two out of date at the moment though (see not much time above), and the group photos really need updating too... perhaps once the double XP weekend is over! :)

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I have RP'ed in TOR. In a very small group, using /group. I don't RP the game's stories, so my Lyraine is not the Great Hunt Champion, but I have RP'ed the side quests.


Lyraine once had to explain why she was only being support for a fight, because one of the other players was at-level for the heroic, and because she'd been running around the galaxy for years (story wise TOR spans a few years), so it would be very unfair for her to use her highly expensive weapons to one-shot kill the target instead of giving the others a chance to fight.


That was pretty fun. And a pretty fast curbstomp, but Lyraine had fun just one-shot healing people, and a couple of multi-shot heals for the others. I can't remember why we were all a large level spread (levels 20-55) now.

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