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Have you ever role-played in SWTOR or any other mmo?


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I can definitely understand not wanting to RP, and just enjoying the RPG aspects of the game. :) I only argue that it isn't RP in the MMO sense if you aren't interacting with anyone else, or if your character is the game story character. Does that make sense?


Most of the posts in this thread are using RP in a way I've never seen it used... and I think I'd know. I've been involved in online RP since 1998, have RPed in around 10 MMOs, and visit a large variety of RP forums. I think at this point I understand what MMO RP is...


For what it's worth, the way we avoid plot holes is to take the lore as a base and go from there. For example, when the Korriban flashpoint came out, my guild RPed it having huge effects on our characters. Lots of people we knew died (we even offed some of our own alts) and we then RPed our way through the Revan expansion story from the perspective of a 'normal' group of Sith rather than the heroes of the galaxy. It can be really fun, but I understand it isn't for everyone.


That definitely makes sense and I agree with you...and it's why I used quotes when referencing that RP.

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No sorry but your interpretation of RP is limited to only the kind you participate in. I could post the definition of role play if you want but I have a feeling that would be redundant.

I am referring to the kind of RP anyone who plays an MMO and RPs is talking about.


How do you imagine I don't know what RP is when I run a RP guild, RP daily, help people shape their own characters, recruit likeminded people, am active in RP forum communities, etc? Seriously, lol.


Nobody who says "I'm a roleplayer and I'd like to join a RP guild" is talking about wanting to join a guild because they played cops and robbers as kids, roleplays as a nurse in the bedroom, or plays Final Fantasy games. Words have context and meaning.


In an MMO, proclaiming yourself as a RPer generally means you ROLEPLAY--not just play the game... or RP servers wouldn't exist, because every single person who touches this game by your definition is a roleplayer.

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No sorry but your interpretation of RP is limited to only the kind you participate in. I could post the definition of role play if you want but I have a feeling that would be redundant.


It seems like you are actually the one limiting their interpretation of RP to the kind they are talking about.


They are not limiting the definition of RP...they are simply referring to a specific type of RP...and for some reason, you are arguing with that.

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I am referring to the kind of RP anyone who plays an MMO and RPs is talking about.


How do you imagine I don't know what RP is when I run a RP guild, RP daily, help people shape their own characters, recruit likeminded people, am active in RP forum communities, etc? Seriously, lol.


Nobody who says "I'm a roleplayer and I'd like to join a RP guild" is talking about wanting to join a guild because they played cops and robbers as kids, roleplays as a nurse in the bedroom, or plays Final Fantasy games. Words have context and meaning.


In an MMO, proclaiming yourself as a RPer generally means you ROLEPLAY--not just play the game... or RP servers wouldn't exist, because every single person who touches this game by your definition is a roleplayer.


Uh no that's a strawman argument because I never said just playing the game is RP. People who create detailed back stories for their characters that either elaborate or go outside their class story in SWtOR are in fact role playing. ESPECIALLY when they make conversation decisions/etc to reinforce that back story and character. You've gone from trying to define the term role playing to defining what is "correct" role playing in an MMO.


It seems like you are actually the one limiting their interpretation of RP to the kind they are talking about.


They are not limiting the definition of RP...they are simply referring to a specific type of RP...and for some reason, you are arguing with that.


No I'm referring to the fact that he/she is implying that the only kind of "correct" RP in an MMO is the kind he/she does.


In fact looking back just at the post of hers/his you quoted I've never seen such elitist narcissism. Essentially her/his argument is that she has been involved in RP long enough that she can define what is proper MMO RP and what is "just playing the game".

Edited by Criosdh
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Uh no that's a strawman argument because I never said just playing the game is RP. People who create detailed back stories for their characters that either elaborate or go outside their class story in SWtOR are in fact role playing. ESPECIALLY when they make conversation decisions/etc to reinforce that back story and character. You've gone from trying to define the term role playing to defining what is "correct" role playing in an MMO.

Doesn't traditional RP mean YOU create the story of your character? The kind of RP you're talking about seems lazy compared to what real RP consists of. I play the game, but I'm not RPing my character ever. Going through the pre-written script isn't RPing imo, since it involves YOU doing nothing other than just following along.


To me, "RP" consists of some creativity...what you're doing is just getting immersed in a game, not RP. Do you pretend you're RPing when you read a book too?!

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Doesn't traditional RP mean YOU create the story of your character? The kind of RP you're talking about seems lazy compared to what real RP consists of. I play the game, but I'm not RPing my character ever. Going through the pre-written script isn't RPing imo, since it involves YOU doing nothing other than just following along.


To me, "RP" consists of some creativity...what you're doing is just getting immersed in a game, not RP.


That's true if you just take the class story at face value and do no other creative though process.


But what about the class story is preventing people from being creative? You can create your origins. There is nothing stopping you from being the force sensitive child of a rich family that took great pains to get you into the academy or you can be the abandoned street rat that used the force to pick pockets to feed yourself until a Jedi discovered you.


You can be anywhere from a goody goody 2 shoes jedi by choosing all light to a "gray" jedi to a Anakin style "traitor" by choosing mostly dark.


You can be an Imperial Agent working as a spy for the Republic, you can be a Republic traitor doing espionage, you can be a retired Republic trooper working as a contracted Mercenary.


There's to much room to be creative in this game or any other MMO, EVEN with the ones that have a primary quest line to say that someone who RPs that way is "doing it wrong".


If anything her kind of RP is in the wrong place, it's a game with class stories, if she thinks that's incorrect she should be pen and papering instead of being in an MMO.

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That's true if you just take the class story at face value and do no other creative though process.


But what about the class story is preventing people from being creative? You can create your origins. There is nothing stopping you from being the force sensitive child of a rich family that took great pains to get you into the academy or you can be the abandoned street rat that used the force to pick pockets to feed yourself until a Jedi discovered you.


You can be anywhere from a goody goody 2 shoes jedi by choosing all light to a "gray" jedi to a Anakin style "traitor" by choosing mostly dark.


There's to much room to be creative in this game or any other MMO, EVEN with the ones that have a primary quest line to say that someone who RPs that way is "doing it wrong".


I don't think anyone is saying you're doing it "wrong"...you're simply doing it how you want to.


I created a backstory for my character, which can be found in my sig...and I immerse myself into the storyline written out by Bioware...choosing the dialogue choices that best represent my character along the way.


While that is technically the "role-playing" aspect found in RPG...it's simply not the same as the RP that most people are referring to.

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That's true if you just take the class story at face value and do no other creative though process.


But what about the class story is preventing people from being creative? You can create your origins. There is nothing stopping you from being the force sensitive child of a rich family that took great pains to get you into the academy or you can be the abandoned street rat that used the force to pick pockets to feed yourself until a Jedi discovered you.


You can be anywhere from a goody goody 2 shoes jedi by choosing all light to a "gray" jedi to a Anakin style "traitor" by choosing mostly dark.


You can be an Imperial Agent working as a spy for the Republic, you can be a Republic traitor doing espionage, you can be a retired Republic trooper working as a contracted Mercenary.


There's to much room to be creative in this game or any other MMO, EVEN with the ones that have a primary quest line to say that someone who RPs that way is "doing it wrong".


If anything her kind of RP is in the wrong place, it's a game with class stories, if she thinks that's incorrect she should be pen and papering instead of being in an MMO.

Fine...but that's more just playing along imo...but you can call it RP if you want. I just believe that too much of your story is set to consider it "RP", but call it whatever you like...just throwing out my 2¢ on the subject.

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Tier 1: Your core group of 4, within your core group of 4, you are the only one of that class and you can freely roleplay, outside that group is


Tier 2: everyone, here you can roleplay too, but when coming across people of your own class, you just don't bring up class story related events, or things related to your class' involvement. You can if it's members of another class as long as one of your core group's members isn't there, which if he/she is, then his class also cannot invovle class story role plays.


everyone follows these roles,


e.g. i can roleplay my class story if no one else in the group is my class, so can they if they're the only one of their class, if not, then they can't, they can also not roleplay class story of the class any other member of my core group is as long as that member is in the group. so if my friend was a smuggler, and there was another smuggler and a trooper in the group, me the knight and the trooper can pull our class story into the role play, but the smugglers can't.

I think I see what you're saying, but unfortunately this sort of thing has the potential to get very confusing very quickly if you choose to interact with the larger community in an in-character context. For example, I meet you for the first time when you're RPing your class story. Two days later, I encounter you again with a same-class friend, so instead you're playing "Tier 2." I'm going to be quite puzzled by the inconsistencies in your personal narrative (my character is likely to assume you have a bad case of Korsakoff's Syndrome or DID -- that, or an evil twin).


I feel like this could only work if your canon storyline RP were limited to a select group of people who all know what's going on and agree on the rules.

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I don't think anyone is saying you're doing it "wrong"...you're simply doing it how you want to.


I created a backstory for my character, which can be found in my sig...and I immerse myself into the storyline written out by Bioware...choosing the dialogue choices that best represent my character along the way.


While that is technically the "role-playing" aspect found in RPG...it's simply not the same as the RP that most people are referring to.


Actually let me quote one of his/her earlier posts that you may have missed:


This thread is really weird and confusing and most of the replies have absolutely nothing to do with RP.


Roleplay in an MMO sense refers to writing custom /emotes (I.e. /emote picks up a glass and takes a drink) and interacting with other players in a collaborative in-character setting.


It doesn't mean playing the game as your character and never talking to anyone else, being in character 100% of the time, or whatever else. Just because you play an RPG doesn't mean you are role playing.


Roleplayers generally are NOT in character all the time. I play the game like a normal person and then very deliberately choose when I want to RP, i.e. when I wish to collaboratively write stories with likeminded players. When I PVP I am out of character, for example, because it makes no sense from an IC standpoint.


It's considered bad form in RP to take the game storyline as IC as well. People create their own backstories for characters.


Go to the fleet cantina on a RP server and you'll see what MMO RP is.


Notice all the rules and restrictions she put on what it means to do "good RP" there? Notice how it all revolves around her, and the things that step outside of what she does to RP means, what was it she said, "have absolutely nothing to do with RP". I also find it a little iffy that she said go check out the cantina to see what RP is and then goes on to argue later that she doesn't cantina RP.

Edited by Criosdh
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Criosdh;8022008]Uh no that's a strawman argument because I never said just playing the game is RP. People who create detailed back stories for their characters that either elaborate or go outside their class story in SWtOR are in fact role playing. ESPECIALLY when they make conversation decisions/etc to reinforce that back story and character. You've gone from trying to define the term role playing to defining what is "correct" role playing in an MMO.


Roleplaying in an MMO 90% of the time involves other individuals. Roleplaying in an MMO normally take collaboration of others to create an unique story. While you can create your own backstory as it seems you have done, without collaboration of another individual you have actually limit yourself in the creation of your story.


Writing on the forums as my guild has done (check my signature) you don't do in game. These types are different than what you would see in game as you have a bit more freedom as such, as long as you stay within the accepted lore, than you would in game. You can create a story just by yourself or you can create (as we have) a guild story that keeps growing.


If you follow the storyline in game for your character you may consider that roleplaying but you didn't write the dialogue for that story so that is someone's else creation not yours.


A lot of people I know take bits and pieces of the story but they create their own story. Most roleplayers that I know do not consider ERP roleplaying and a lot of the ones I know would never take part in "cantina" roleplay. While cantiana roleplay can give you a start it can be very limiting as a lot of the times you do not know the people you are interacting with. Being able to trust an individual in a roleplay can be very important depending on the story line you have going.


Everyone has a different version of roleplay and yours may work for you but for the most part to grow your story you will (my opinion) need other people to help grow your stroy. Sure you could follow the game line but then again you are going to find a number of people with the exact storyline and a lot of times a roleplayer should strive for something different, (sort of think outside the box) and that is where having other individuals involved with you helps.

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Most roleplayers that I know do not consider ERP roleplaying and a lot of the ones I know would never take part in "cantina" roleplay. While cantiana roleplay can give you a start it can be very limiting as a lot of the times you do not know the people you are interacting with.

Sadly, in this game the cantinas on neutral territory or unaligned planets are among the few viable places one can routinely find non-combat, cross-faction roleplay.

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Use to RP in UO and a few MUDs/MUSHs, but I don't any more. Many MMOs don't really support it and the more graphical they get without that support means it is more you have to suspend your disbelief of your suspending your disbelief.


That and now days I'm tired and don't want to deal with that when I'm in an MMO. I still TT game(when I can) to RP. If the right MMO came out that allow fun and really supported RP then I might. The closest that is really trying their utmost IMO is Star Citizen.

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In fact looking back just at the post of hers/his you quoted I've never seen such elitist narcissism. Essentially her/his argument is that she has been involved in RP long enough that she can define what is proper MMO RP and what is "just playing the game".


Read your own posts if you want to see elitist narcissism.


Here's the reality, bub.


I am a person who RPs every day and has for years.


So, as a RPer, when I see a thread asking if you RP in this game... I came here intending to talk about RP. Instead what I see is page after page of people like yourself trying to redefine what RP is.


In fact, you're literally telling me that I don't know what RP is... repeatedly. It's really bizarre and laughable.


I RP EVERY DAY. I play on a RP server. I know what RP is. I'm not the one defining it, RPers are.


If anything her kind of RP is in the wrong place, it's a game with class stories, if she thinks that's incorrect she should be pen and papering instead of being in an MMO.




Nice try.


It is 100% possible to RP without making class stories your character's background. There's nothing incorrect about that. YOU are attempting to dictate what RP is and you call me elitist? :rolleyes:


Actually let me quote one of his/her earlier posts that you may have missed:


Notice all the rules and restrictions she put on what it means to do "good RP" there? Notice how it all revolves around her, and the things that step outside of what she does to RP means, what was it she said, "have absolutely nothing to do with RP". I also find it a little iffy that she said go check out the cantina to see what RP is and then goes on to argue later that she doesn't cantina RP.


Uh huh... it all revolves around me. Not like I didn't choose to join numerous games' RP communities. You are acting like I'm the only person who does this when the reality is that *I* conform to MMO RP. I interact with other people. I didn't create this... I'm just following the unwritten rules of RP which you are pretending don't exist.


Also, there's not a thing wrong with cantina RP. Cantina RP is RP. But you word vomited up something elitist and juvenile about how the people who RP in cantinas are horrible writers and that's all RP is, to which I responded, no, you can RP without ever stepping foot in a cantina.


Dear god. Next you're going to start telling PVPers that you can be a PVPer if you don't /duel or step foot in war zones because you like to PRETEND that you're an elite PVPer by yourself. Or that you're a raider in your soul even though you don't raid in TOR. Words have meaning and context.

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Gonna try to summarize this one more time.


RP is a literal activity. Guilds in MMOs are generally broken down into categories, like a PVP guild, or a raid guild, or an RP guild.


RP does not change across games. RP is RP, because it's a literal, real thing that people choose to participate in.


You can try to say "BUT RP IS EVERYTHING" all you want, but that won't fly with literal RPers.


Example: I have never RPed in WoW, but when I tried out the new expansion I rolled on a RP server. Know what I saw? People RPing the exact same way I do in TOR, with custom emotes and unique characters! Gasp! How is that possible!? Because RP is a real thing people do, and I didn't invent it.

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If you follow the storyline in game for your character you may consider that role playing but you didn't write the dialogue for that story so that is someone's else creation not yours.



I agree but I don't see why one has to be in a position of "one upping" someone with RP skills in order to be role playing. I know that's not exactly what you're talking about but if someone is following the class story and filling in the gaps then they are most certainly role playing. They're building around the main storyline of the game because that's where the leveling progress/etc are at. I think if someone is more focused on impressing others with their role play or is worried about plagiarism then they're probably doing the RP for some other reason than just enjoying RP. I know I don't worry about trademark infringement when I bother to make up a back story for my character because I'm not it in to win it, I'm doing it for the enjoyment.


Role play does not have to be a script writing competition to be role play.

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I agree but I don't see why one has to be in a position of "one upping" someone with RP skills in order to be role playing. I know that's not exactly what you're talking about but if someone is following the class story and filling in the gaps then they are most certainly role playing.


Role play does not have to be a script writing competition to be role play.


Because in the eyes of an actual RPer, that's not RPing, it's just playing the game...


Is it also roleplaying to watch a movie now if you fill in the blanks for what the characters did between scenes? :rolleyes:

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I agree but I don't see why one has to be in a position of "one upping" someone with RP skills in order to be role playing. I know that's not exactly what you're talking about but if someone is following the class story and filling in the gaps then they are most certainly role playing. They're building around the main storyline of the game because that's where the leveling progress/etc are at. I think if someone is more focused on impressing others with their role play or is worried about plagiarism then they're probably doing the RP for some other reason than just enjoying RP. I know I don't worry about trademark infringement when I bother to make up a back story for my character because I'm not it in to win it, I'm doing it for the enjoyment.


Role play does not have to be a script writing competition to be role play.


Where do you get the idea that the RP they are talking about is a "competition" or about "one upping" someone?

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Where do you get the idea that the RP they are talking about is a "competition" or about "one upping" someone?


I wasn't saying that at all because I don't think that's what the person was trying to say but that's kinda what he was saying by the way he worded. He said something about "using someone elses work" like you're cheating or something by role playing and using the quest chains in the process. Well I didn't invent the game of basketball either does that mean I'm doing it wrong every time I go out and play? It might be if I claim I invented the basketball or the hoop. It's not like anyone is claiming they wrote the class story lol when they RP with it in conjunction with their own back story, etc. Also it's not like the people that are doing the "real" RP invented every or even most of the aspects of their RP. Did they invent the Republic? The Empire? The Sith? The Bounty Hunter? The light saber? NO. Are they cheating too then? Well it depends on if you ask the narcissistic a-hole or not lol.


Read your own posts if you want to see elitist narcissism.


Here's the reality, bub.


I am a person who RPs every day and has for years.


So, as a RPer, when I see a thread asking if you RP in this game... I came here intending to talk about RP. Instead what I see is page after page of people like yourself trying to redefine what RP is.


In fact, you're literally telling me that I don't know what RP is... repeatedly. It's really bizarre and laughable.


I RP EVERY DAY. I play on a RP server. I know what RP is. I'm not the one defining it, RPers are.






Nice try.


It is 100% possible to RP without making class stories your character's background. There's nothing incorrect about that. YOU are attempting to dictate what RP is and you call me elitist? :rolleyes:




Uh huh... it all revolves around me. Not like I didn't choose to join numerous games' RP communities. You are acting like I'm the only person who does this when the reality is that *I* conform to MMO RP. I interact with other people. I didn't create this... I'm just following the unwritten rules of RP which you are pretending don't exist.


Also, there's not a thing wrong with cantina RP. Cantina RP is RP. But you word vomited up something elitist and juvenile about how the people who RP in cantinas are horrible writers and that's all RP is, to which I responded, no, you can RP without ever stepping foot in a cantina.


Dear god. Next you're going to start telling PVPers that you can be a PVPer if you don't /duel or step foot in war zones because you like to PRETEND that you're an elite PVPer by yourself. Or that you're a raider in your soul even though you don't raid in TOR. Words have meaning and context.


You're a joke "bub". Nobody has tried to redefine anything, you've just tried to select one narrow definition of RP to fit the kind you do.


The unwritten rules of RP LMAO? There are no unwritten rules of RP except maybe in your little aspergers club. Your narcissistic and narrow minded view point is exactly what I would suspect of someone with aspergers.


Oh and for the record I don't give a rip how many RP communities you've been a part of. You keep posting stuff along that lines because you don't have a logical reason for why what you do is RP and what others might do is not. Oh they didn't make up every shred of their characters adventure, like what mission they went on for the Republic lol? Well did you invent the Republic? Did you create the intellectual property that you are RPing in or are you cheating by using something Lucas wrote and just "filling in the blanks"? So where does one draw the line on plagiarism and that good kosher role play you like? You don't have an answer for that because the only reason you're trying to narrow down RP is that in your autistic fit you think you're actually pinning some kind of blue ribbon of creativity on yourself lol.


RP'ers are defining it? Only the chat happy people with carpel tunnel syndrome that you RP with. That's your problem, you've got that "underwear at Kmart!!!" 1 track mind thing going, thinking the kind of RP you do is the only kind of valid RP. There is no such thing as "valid" RP or "real" RP. There are many, many shades and degrees of RP. If you want to be a "purist" make up your own universe with it's own lore and stop using someone elses work to create 1 little personality within their intellectual property. Nobody gives a rip that you think you are "somebody" in your little RP circle LMAO.


What this really boils down to is you think you're some kind of creative elitist by coming up with some garbage about any shade or degree of RP but what you do is not RP. Let me explain the "reality" of it to you "bub". You're bad at what you do and all the pretending to be some kind of purest isn't going to change that. What book did you author? What comic hero did you create? Who pays you for your creative intellectual properties? Nobody because you're not good at it and creating your own game with your own ridiculous rules does not change that lmao.

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I agree but I don't see why one has to be in a position of "one upping" someone with RP skills in order to be role playing. I know that's not exactly what you're talking about but if someone is following the class story and filling in the gaps then they are most certainly role playing. They're building around the main storyline of the game because that's where the leveling progress/etc are at. I think if someone is more focused on impressing others with their role play or is worried about plagiarism then they're probably doing the RP for some other reason than just enjoying RP. I know I don't worry about trademark infringement when I bother to make up a back story for my character because I'm not it in to win it, I'm doing it for the enjoyment.


Role play does not have to be a script writing competition to be role play.


Role playing is not a competition. Roleplay is working together on a goal that everyone is a part of . No one in a role play is better than the other, they just have different roles.


As far as the storyline in the game most of the time the ones that do not follow the story line are looking for a more creative roleplay so they do their own storyline which most of the time includes others as well.


A lot of times the problem with some role playing is that they can't see themselves being "perceived" as weak so they don't want to be captured, tortured, etc. Sometimes that is the best part of a role play is doing something outside your comfort zone and then growing your character after all this has happened.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Role playing is not a competition. Roleplay is working together on a goal that everyone is a part of . No one in a role play is better than the other, they just have different roles.


As far as the storyline in the game most of the time the ones that do not follow the story line are looking for a more creative roleplay so they do their own storyline which most of the time includes others as well.


No argument with you there. Nothing wrong with that. Unless those people are ******es that claim to have some kind of trademark on the term "roleplay" and accuse anyone doing anything a little differently than them of not role playing or not role playing "correctly".


A lot of times the problem with some role playing is that they can't see themselves being "perceived" as weak so they don't want to be captured, tortured, etc. Sometimes that is the best part of a role play is doing something outside your comfort zone and then growing your character after all this has happened.


Yeah been there done that, it's one of the many reasons I don't bother with group RPing. (Time constraints being the foremost). And also like I mentioned before, most of the RP I've encountered is just terrible. My adult ADD won't let me sit there through 3 max letter sentences just for one character to sit their freaking win glass down. There are a lot of RP "purists" and "elitists" that like to fancy themselves an RR Martin or a Tolkien but they really couldn't match most 10 year olds writing skills.

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I don't even know what we're arguing about anymore.


To answer the question - yes, I roleplay in TOR. Yes, I've RPd in every MMO I've ever played in. I have a fairly loose definition of RP, and that is "Making my character react in an in-character manner to the situations presented before him or her."


That can happen either within the class stories or out in the open world, whether fighting on Yavin IV or hanging out in a Cantina on Coruscant. I just react to the situation presented to my character in an in-character manner.


So if I'm in a cantina, and someone approaches my LS SW, he'll be friendly and polite back. If someone approaches my DS SW, he may be more aggressive and/or stand-offish


If I'm in a class mission and there's a choice to be made that will hurt other people, I'm going to choose that one when playing my DS SW and choose the choice that helps people on my LS SW, because - from an in-character standpoint - that's what they'd do.


Just come up with a personality, and make the things you say and do stay consistent with that personality*. Whether I'm alone or with others, that's all it comes down to, for me.


To me, RP doesn't get much more complicated than that.







*Yes, I know personalities change over time. That's character development, and we like that. :)

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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No argument with you there. Nothing wrong with that. Unless those people are ******es that claim to have some kind of trademark on the term "roleplay" and accuse anyone doing anything a little differently than them of not role playing or not role playing "correctly".


My guild really doesn't care how someone else roleplays. Everyone has a different version of what they consider roleplay and normally my advice to them, is find like minded individuals and role play with them. Not everyone that role plays will be a good fit for you.


We know what works for us and each person has to find what works for them and arguing back and forth isn't going to change people's opinion.


Opinions are that opinions and the thing with that there are millions of opinions but finding the group that works with you is the harder part.


I can say I was extremely blessed to find the group I role play with prior to launch and there is no one I would rather role play with then them. We have added a few since launch.


I do wish you luck in your role playing and the best advice is have fun.



Yeah been there done that, it's one of the many reasons I don't bother with group RPing. (Time constraints being the foremost). And also like I mentioned before, most of the RP I've encountered is just terrible. My adult ADD won't let me sit there through 3 max letter sentences just for one character to sit their freaking win glass down. There are a lot of RP "purists" and "elitists" that like to fancy themselves an RR Martin or a Tolkien but they really couldn't match most 10 year olds writing skills.



This is the part we reserved for our forum role plays as we have a bit more freedom and time to do so since those are done when you can post and do not rely on everyone being in game at the same time and gives us a better chance to work with our empire guild (those sith are not nice lol) in ways we couldn't on game.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I don't even know what we're arguing about anymore.


To answer the question - yes, I roleplay in TOR. Yes, I've RPd in every MMO I've ever played in. I have a fairly loose definition of RP, and that is "Making my character react in an in-character manner to the situations presented before him or her."


That can happen either within the class stories or out in the open world, whether fighting on Yavin IV or hanging out in a Cantina on Coruscant. I just react to the situation presented to my character in an in-character manner.


So if I'm in a cantina, and someone approaches my LS SW, he'll be friendly and polite back. If someone approaches my DS SW, he may be more aggressive and/or stand-offish


If I'm in a class mission and there's a choice to be made that will hurt other people, I'm going to choose that one when playing my DS SW and choose the choice that helps people on my LS SW, because - from an in-character standpoint - that's what they'd do.


Just come up with a personality, and make the things you say and do stay consistent with that personality*. Whether I'm alone or with others, that's all it comes down to, for me.


To me, RP doesn't get much more complicated than that.







*Yes, I know personalities change over time. That's character development, and we like that. :)


I agree with you. Apparently the argument is that what you described is not creative enough or good enough to be "real MMO RP". I guess using characters and technology and situations and environments that are someone elses intellectual property is "real RP" but interacting with your class story automatically makes it "not real" RP LMAO.



You are 100% correct. Reacting to stimulus while being in character is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT role playing.

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