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Action For The Ravager's Exploit


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Consider me impressed that BW actually took action.


Indeed this strikes something off the list of things i am unhappy with. I honestly thought they wouldnt do anything.


Reading these posts they definilty are in the damned if you do damned if you dont boat though, so many people mad they are actually punushing people. That however doesnt suprise me at all...

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Indeed this strikes something off the list of things i am unhappy with. I honestly thought they wouldnt do anything.


Reading these posts they definilty are in the damned if you do damned if you dont boat though, so many people mad they are actually punushing people. That however doesnt suprise me at all...


And quite a few expressing anger that more was not done. Overall though it seems most people are finding everything acceptable.

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Well, I am still waiting to see if they screw this up somehow. With their recent track record it would not surprise me.


As soon as the forum ban lifts I expect to see alot of people claiming gear was wrongfully taken. Even if it wasn't, people will try to take advantage of the situation.

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Well, I am still waiting to see if they screw this up somehow. With their recent track record it would not surprise me.


I wonder if there will be any poetic irony... one of the people calling for lifetime bans or total gear loss, getting severely nailed accidentally because of a data glitch or human error inside Bioware.

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Way to make a mountain out of a molehill.


Now that that's over, how about you stop wasting resources on this nonsense and direct them at identifying and fixing bugs in the game.


it's not a molehill it gave those people a huge unfair economic advantage over the majority of the players.

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No. It was known it was an exploit. Exploits are against the TOS. The exploiters shouldn't have received leniency just because they didn't expect to be punished. Exploiting has always been risk vs reward deal, and though the risk seemed little after so much inaction in the past, they were still risking bans by breaking TOS.


How, specifically, was it known to be an exploit, at least until the post was made about "the exploit going around". I'll grant that in this case you could have a reasonable belief that it was an exploit. But there are other mechanisms that seem a bit odd, even some that were made not to work after a patch. We've been explicitly told that using the slot machine for vast amounts of jawa junk wasn't an exploit (nor renting access to your stronghold so others could use your slot machine for vast amounts of jawa junk) and yet they changed it so you can't get vast amounts of jawa junk. You could get lots of expert and ultimate commendations from doing level 55 content, that got changed but no one official has called it an exploit.


Again, I'll grant that this one was obviously not as they intended it to work, though when patch after patch went by it wasn't hard to think "but they don't care about it, they're fine with this behavior". The only thing that could be said is that a lot of players considered it an exploit and were shouting to Bioware to punish the exploiter. And you got the punishment. Yahoo.


I wasn't a participant in this, so have no worries. I have done other things that someone might call an exploit, though I'd call it strategically using the in game mechanisms. And as near as I can tell, my only risk is if a lynch mob forms from people saying "punish the people who do this". And that's a LOUSY way to run a community.

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I wonder if there will be any poetic irony... one of the people calling for lifetime bans or total gear loss, getting severely nailed accidentally because of a data glitch or human error inside Bioware.



Stranger things have happened.... but lets hope not, because no need to give pitch forkers a new cause!

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it's not a molehill it gave those people a huge unfair economic advantage over the majority of the players.


What are you talking about ??!!??


The only unfair advantage right now is the scarcity of lvl 11 purple mats....if they just fix crew skills to begin with there wouldn't be such an outcry over everything that has happened so far!!!

Edited by grombrinda
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Oh and your argument is invalid since, the above highlighted.


So the people who exploited and (noticed the and) also jumped on everyone who was posting displeasure in the changes to slots and the rate drops of certs/etc and relentlessly hounded, them, berated them, made fun of them...


Eat up your punishments! How does it feel? I hope it feels great! On my end of the things, since I did not exploit, I am basking in the QQ glory! I cant wait to read more butthurt. This thread has made my week/day/weekend/month. Karma, gotta love it.


Lighten up, Francis.

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I wonder if there will be any poetic irony... one of the people calling for lifetime bans or total gear loss, getting severely nailed accidentally because of a data glitch or human error inside Bioware.


Bwahahahahahahahahaha..... Human error inside BioWare... How dare you? That can never happen....... Buawahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

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I don't disagree with punishing exploiters, but considering BioWare's past history of not doing so, which was basically encouragement for players to exploit, you should have given more warnings and less suspensions.


In other words, you created the problem by continually not doing anything about exploit after exploit, setting the precedent that exploiting is not only OK, but required to keep up, and then after 3 years of this you decide to come down hard on players.


Again, I'm fine with punishing exploiters, but you should have been consistent on it for the past three years, and since you weren't you should have stated that you failed to do so in the past, and use this opportunity as a chance to warn players not to do it anymore instead of going from "do whatever, we don't care" to "exploiters must be purged!" seems a rather extreme shift in policy all at once.

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So you have zero sympathy for people that exploit unless you are able to benefit from the exploit personally? That is how I am reading your comment.


nope zero sympathy at all. The difference is in the type of exploit. This one is a completely obvious abuse of a bug. The others were mechanical in nature that still had a chance of failure. I have never benefited personally from an exploit regardless of what you may think.

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We appreciate your understanding of our position and hope you’ll continue to enjoy your time with us. We have a lot of great additions coming to SWTOR this year and we look forward to sharing them with you.




Thankyou and we look foward to your posts regarding the future of SWTOR

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I don't disagree with punishing exploiters, but considering BioWare's past history of not doing so, which was basically encouragement for players to exploit, you should have given more warnings and less suspensions.


In other words, you created the problem by continually not doing anything about exploit after exploit, setting the precedent that exploiting is not only OK, but required to keep up, and then after 3 years of this you decide to come down hard on players.


Again, I'm fine with punishing exploiters, but you should have been consistent on it for the past three years, and since you weren't you should have stated that you failed to do so in the past, and use this opportunity as a chance to warn players not to do it anymore instead of going from "do whatever, we don't care" to "exploiters must be purged!" seems a rather extreme shift in policy all at once.


I don't really agree with the 'encouraging exploiters to keep up' part, but in general I do agree that if you're going to radically shift the policy you shouldn't go from zero action to zero tolerance either.


That said, everyone guilty of this knew better. They had to.

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Better late than never. This is the way it should have ALWAYS been.


Kudos to them.




Additionally, had there been nothing but warnings... it would have been looked at as an empty gesture. Then the next time it would have been the whole debate all over again... "you didn't do anything last time..."


I, for one, believe that they did take into consideration lack of action on priors... if posts here are to be believed, the majority received a short suspension, with loss of crafting schematic.

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