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Action For The Ravager's Exploit


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Some of you people need to read Eric's post again.

"Inside of those categories of player’s it is also possible they could have very specific additional actions taken against them including:

Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials

Removal of credits and commendations"




"Possible", is not a guarantee.

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Some of you people need to read Eric's post again.

"Inside of those categories of player’s it is also possible they could have very specific additional actions taken against them including:

Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials

Removal of credits and commendations"




"Possible", is not a guarantee.


HMMMMM, this is a valid point.

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Yeah, I hope that happens. I think it might temper some holier than thou attitudes.


Tux... this stance makes you no better than those with the holier than thou attitudes. I agree with DW... its coming off as petty.


The ones going to extremes (on either side) didn't win the day.

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I don't know, a lot of people got a bunch of 198 BiS toons and they only have to not play the game for 24 hours and they get to keep the gear. Gratz to them, kinda wish I had done it now.


If they just got their suspensions, how do they know if their gear has been removed?

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Tux... this stance makes you no better than those with the holier than thou attitudes. I agree with DW... its coming off as petty.


The ones going to extremes (on either side) didn't win the day.

Fine lol. This is a freaking video game...I play to have fun, not to set some moral standard, I just thought it would be funny and ironic.

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If they just got their suspensions, how do they know if their gear has been removed?
i think the process is a little messy. some were banned stayed logged into the game.


some on reddit are saying when they checked they were able to login. that the schematics were removed and he kept the legit ones.


i assume he's being truthful.

Edited by Pagy
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I actually agree with you. Thank God Bioware runs this MMO and not some in our community.


Gear removal, bans and perma bans you agree with?


Seriously are you some sort of troll or what? You spent all the time arguing in the other threads and calling people Witch Hunters and what not when the punishment dished out is exactly what most called for.


You make little sense and seem to just like to argue for the sake of arguing. This is somewhat proven by your attempt to argue with DW over your previous comments in this thread.

Hell your previous comments in this thread just go to show that you are truly nothing more than immaturely trolling the community and just want to inflame the situation more. It is people like you that give the supposedly toxic community as of late it's toxicity.

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I've never claimed to be better...I just know what I would love to see happen to those who are unwilling to bend.


Sorry, I have personal dignity, a sense of right and wrong, believe in personal responsibility, and stand for what I feel is right. I am not "willing to bend" on something that is clearly wrong and fully within someone own realm of personal responsibility to not partake in.


I guess the difference between me is I can see the intent of one over the other.


It is possible for me to be "pro death penalty" yet be "pro-life" at the same time. on one hand someone had no choice in the matter (I can't choose to decline a reward forced on me), I can however, choose not to knowingly break the rules by avoiding a mechanic.

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Gear removal, bans and perma bans you agree with?


Seriously are you some sort of troll or what? You spent all the time arguing in the other threads and calling people Witch Hunters and what not when the punishment dished out is exactly what most called for.


You make little sense and seem to just like to argue for the sake of arguing. This is somewhat proven by your attempt to argue with DW over your previous comments in this thread.

Hell your previous comments in this thread just go to show that you are truly nothing more than immaturely trolling the community and just want to inflame the situation more. It is people like you that give the supposedly toxic community as of late it's toxicity.

That's not at all what I agree with...well, not like you think at least, but there are certainly some players who should be banned...but that's limited to very very few.

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Gear removal, bans and perma bans you agree with?


Seriously are you some sort of troll or what? You spent all the time arguing in the other threads and calling people Witch Hunters and what not when the punishment dished out is exactly what most called for.


You make little sense and seem to just like to argue for the sake of arguing. This is somewhat proven by your attempt to argue with DW over your previous comments in this thread.

Hell your previous comments in this thread just go to show that you are truly nothing more than immaturely trolling the community and just want to inflame the situation more. It is people like you that give the supposedly toxic community as of late it's toxicity.


Well to be fair he STARTED only going after the people calling for harsh punishment. Then others walked into his AOE and had their flags turned on.

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"Thankfully, a large majority of our players didn’t exploit at all..."


This says all. It seems many claiming on forum that a lot exploited only tells one truth - vocal minority are active on forums but majority NEVER post on forums or only read :)


And since being here before game launch and not participating in exploit i welcome the final decision.

Edited by Divona
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Fine lol. This is a freaking video game...I play to have fun, not to set some moral standard, I just thought it would be funny and ironic.


No doubt TUX, everyone wants the game to succeed so we can all have fun in game. But disciplines should have teeth and not just words because obviously some people don't listen to warnings or fear ToS rules. BW created the game and can run the ship as they see fit. We are the customers and have a choice to either get on board or go somewhere else. The people who are mad because they are being disciplined agreed to the ToS and can either live by it or go create a game of their own that is full of chaos and anarchy where cheating is ok. (and yes the exploit was cheating and we ALL knew it. you shouldn't need BW to tell you in writing on the forums to know that.)

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No doubt TUX, everyone wants the game to succeed so we can all have fun in game. But disciplines should have teeth and not just words because obviously some people don't listen to warnings or fear ToS rules. BW created the game and can run the ship as they see fit. We are the customers and have a choice to either get on board or go somewhere else. The people who are mad because they are being disciplined agreed to the ToS and can either live by it or go create a game of their own that is full of chaos and anarchy where cheating is ok. (and yes the exploit was cheating and we ALL knew it. you shouldn't need BW to tell you in writing on the forums to know that.)

They shouldn't have said a thing tbh...they should have pulled the game down, removed the loot and started it back up again - problem solved, fraction of the bans to process. However...their neglect of this issue for nearly a full month, and their inaction on anything big in the past, made taking the chance seemingly risk free to players.

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So basically you are hoping that some people get caught up in the bans, even though they didnt do it, just because they were being "extreme" in the forums. That in itself seems extreme.....pot....meet kettle...

Yes. Never said I wasn't extreme at times.

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