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TOR segment from EA's quaterly earnings call


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i get that some of you wont be happy till you see it, but considering they have already stated that they are getting back to the core of the game and whats coming this year, a little patience wouldnt hurt, just sayin


I tend to agree here. While there still may be some residual soreness from 3.0 and its resultant affects, it is heartening (to me at least) that they are getting back to what is the games strength imo. That being immersive story-telling and unique classes as astutely pointed out by another poster elsewhere.


GSF was perhaps time wasted, despite the fact that an expanded space game seemed to be desired by so many. With EVE already in existance and with the new Elite and Star Citizen coming down the pipe its a gaming genre soon to be well represented once again, and unlike TOR they are more or less dedicated to that theme. SWTOR I think spent the better part of the last year or so trying to be too many things to too many players and thereby diluting the product somewhat.


Now I bemoan EA as much the next guy but I don't believe they are so short-sighted as to not recognize the significance of the new film, nor of the potential boon it could prove to be on their Star Wars IP. Common sense would suggest they up the budget this year. Then again if common sense were indeed common why don't more people have it?

Edited by StrangeDais
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GSF was perhaps time wasted, despite the fact that an expanded space game seemed to be desired by so many.

What are you talking about?! NOBODY was asking for what GSF is/was...PvEers wanted a space OFF rails PvE style experience, and PvPers simply wanted more maps...GSF was a waste and failure because it wasn't what either one wanted or asked for.

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That's not how business works. In my business, I could care less about what customers think. They are customers because they like the product in the long run and will keep coming. And as long as they keep coming in and buying my food (I own a restaurant), I'm content to leave *everything* as it is, if not attempt to reduce costs. If I see earnings dip, I start looking into why, trying to adjust quality of ingredients vs price of said ingredients. EA does the same thing. They'll add more developers and such when they start seeing the cartel market profits start slipping in two consecutive quarters. Anything else will be chalked up as a fluke, and everything will remain status quo.


Unfortunately... this. It happens in all walks of life. It's a victim of it's own success at this point. Any action taken can piss off the player base more and cause revenues to fall. As long as revenues are relatively constant, and considering the cost and risk of raising that bar... coasting is the word of the day.

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If your point was that the number of players doesn't matter, just the amount of revenue...I don't think that's right, for the reasons I said. If you were trying to make a different point, I didn't see it.


No. The number of subscribers doesn't matter as much as the number of players does... in that this supports the gaming of the whales.

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Thing is, though, that with EA's track record, they wouldn't add more developers if the profits start slipping.

They'd simply let it run into the ground, shut it down, close the studio and start something else.



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I thought that's just a tax trick. If they hide their income, they don't have to pay too many taxes and don't have to pay back too much money to the shareholders. I don't know too much about finances though, so I may be wrong.


That works to a point, but sooner or later they need some profit... Wall Street expects it...


Apple makes tons and tons of profit and manages to avoid most taxes. :)


In my opinion, EA releases a lot of crap that doesn't sell all that well, in an attempt to own the gaming market. In return, they have huge revenue but huge expenses...

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You know, I'm not a fan of TOR's current handling of its 'many' issues, but your post makes little to no sense.


We had a new expansion drop LAST MONTH and you're already complaining about lack of new content.


That wasn't an expansion, it was a minor content patch that they decided to charge money for and call an expansion.


Calling it that doesn't make it one...


What WoW got in November was an expansion. This was not.



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What are you talking about?! NOBODY was asking for what GSF is/was...PvEers wanted a space OFF rails PvE style experience, and PvPers simply wanted more maps...GSF was a waste and failure because it wasn't what either one wanted or asked for.


^ This...


People wanted what SWG had in space... Or a modern version of it...


We got something else completely... A $5 Steam game patched onto SWTOR that really has nothing to do with the game itself...

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The new movie is going to bring droves of new and returning peeps to this game. Should be fun for a little while. Hopefully BW doesn't screw anything up too bad before that time.

people said the same thing about the new star trek movie with sto. no new players.


people said the same thing about age of conan. no new players.


unless bioware does a 360 and starts doing what we the customers are demanding of them then this game will be sunset by next year.

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people said the same thing about the new star trek movie with sto. no new players.


people said the same thing about age of conan. no new players.


unless bioware does a 360 and starts doing what we the customers are demanding of them then this game will be sunset by next year.


Lol, okay troll. Keep parroting the same tripe you have been for the past 2 years.

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Their Cartel Market is doing well. They sell a lot of coins to some who spend as much on fluff as 5 or more others spend on a subscription. That's where all their resources are now. The game will become the Simms + nothing but old content soon.
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Hmmmm, welcome back I guess.

i only came back for sor and i'm not impressed.


way too many bugs the only class that is remotely good is sin and everything else is nerfed.the storyline reads like something on fanfiction. really i'll be glad once my sub is over and i can go back to a real game.

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Their Cartel Market is doing well. They sell a lot of coins to some who spend as much on fluff as 5 or more others spend on a subscription. That's where all their resources are now. The game will become the Simms + nothing but old content soon.

He said less than two months after two new ops, two new flashpoints, a new leveling world, a new large daily area, and a revamp of the Skills system came out.

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i only came back for sor and i'm not impressed.


way too many bugs the only class that is remotely good is sin and everything else is nerfed.the storyline reads like something on fanfiction. really i'll be glad once my sub is over and i can go back to a real game.


"I only came back because I hate myself and I'm beating myself up for no reason even though I have the freedom to stop playing at any time and stuff WAARRRRGHARBLE."


I know you're not serious and you're playing the character very well. Its a much better disguise than copperfield and even he got a few hits. Well played sir.

Edited by Arkerus
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Look at the bright side: he can post in the forums. Hence, he's a subscriber and is supporting the game.


Strange to support that which is a sinking ship, but to each his own really. :p


I know. That's the hilarity of the whole thing.

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What are you talking about?! NOBODY was asking for what GSF is/was...PvEers wanted a space OFF rails PvE style experience, and PvPers simply wanted more maps...GSF was a waste and failure because it wasn't what either one wanted or asked for.


I have to disagree. GSF was very close to what I was expecting. I enjoy it immensely. Bioware made some serious misteps with its accessibility but making a blanket statement that "this isn't want we wanted" is not only innaccuratet but makes sweeping assumptions as to what other people wanted.

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That wasn't an expansion, it was a minor content patch that they decided to charge money for and call an expansion.


Calling it that doesn't make it one...


What WoW got in November was an expansion. This was not.




This is why I get a headache reading the forums.


You can't define what an expansion is to everyone. If Bioware wants to call every single story change an expansion, they can do so. They can call it "bananas" for all it matters.


You are trying to apply your expectations of the term based on past experience and then making an argument based on that definition. That's a grossly flawed argument.


And furthermore, you bought it, continue to pay and will probably continue to do so. You're just arguing semantics of the term which isn't really even a discussion point!


Now, if you want to lay out your gripes in a more quantifiable format, you might make a point that people can at least discuss. For example:


"I didn't like SOR because I didn't feel that my $20 gave me $20 of content. I felt that we didn't get enough flashpoints and I was done with the content in 5 hours. I hope ongoing content that we haev to pay for is bigger in scale."


(Sample does not represent my opinions on the matter.)

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