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Changes Coming to Community Streams


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You're that bad a chef? :p Sorry couldn't resist ;)


It's not a great comparison because the diner is sat within easy access range to all parts of the communication chain. If unhappy with the waiters response it can be moved up to the Maitre'd before landing at the chef.


With the Community Team there would be a far greater issue in the time frame of response to give meaningful feedback to a question if it falls beyond the remit of a stock answer.

It might work if the Q&A session was to be themed with a full blown Dev there to answer directly with the Community Team fielding questions.

But even then it has issues, in the past Devs have given clear answers to questions with their reasoning behind it and the players have shrugged it off and chosen to ignore it.


Have you ever tried to make a rare steak with no red in it?? Some people don't understand ^^

Or my favorite...Someone ordering a cheeseburger ...with no cheese...:rolleyes:


I know what you are saying, it's just that unfortunately Eric and who ever else can make them pretty yellow posts, are considered, to many ,the" face" of this game.

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To seek feedback on this arguable NON ISSUE, when there are so many issues that this community would likely rather see addressed, was foolish at best.


The effort had merit. But it's timing was a comically bad.


Actually, it tells me that the Community Team is tone deaf... they simply aren't listening and aren't hearing...


To bring up streams when there are so many other pressing game issues. Even ignoring the slot machine, how about the ops bugs, the remaining lag, the problems with the 192 gear stats (some of them are way off), etc.


Streams? Really?


Out of touch...

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Actually I'm sure they are not blind, but are being prevented by management from responding.


It would not be the first time a corporation put a gag order on the PR or communications. They have some serious issues to resolve and the game (IMHO) is really on thin ice with these issues. Some of the fallout is going to likely have negative impact to the game (One way or another).


While I do like cutting them slack for this alone.. I do have to say enough is enough and they need to get to answering some of the hard core issues/concerns we have posted. Slot machine was a PR nightmare and all the issues associated with 3.0 have also festered to the top alongside the whole "handle the exploit" farce.


I'd LOVE to have Q&A only, but with one restriction.. they actually ANSWER our questions and not pawn them off on "looking into it.." That 16m SM Loot I was reporting back on 12/4 and many closed tickets later still "Working as intended"... I told them NFW (No f'in way) RNG was so bad you never saw a 2nd Token of the same type beyond 1st boss. Things like that just piss off customers... you all need to get on the stick and do some damage control.

Edited by dscount
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I'd LOVE to have Q&A only, but with one restriction.. they actually ANSWER our questions and not pawn them off on "looking into it.." That 16m SM Loot I was reporting back on 12/4 and many closed tickets later still "Working as intended"... I told them NFW (No f'in way) RNG was so bad you never saw a 2nd Token of the same type beyond 1st boss. Things like that just piss off customers... you all need to get on the stick and do some damage control.


The 16m loot table is wrong, it is pointing to the 8m loot table, from what I've read on *other* sites...


The 16m loot table is physically there, but not being used...

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I'd LOVE to have Q&A only, but with one restriction.. they actually ANSWER our questions and not pawn them off on "looking into it.." That 16m SM Loot I was reporting back on 12/4 and many closed tickets later still "Working as intended"... I told them NFW (No f'in way) RNG was so bad you never saw a 2nd Token of the same type beyond 1st boss. Things like that just piss off customers... you all need to get on the stick and do some damage control.

I don't know what words they used in the direct replies to your tickets, but they have not said the 16m Loot was "working as intended" on the forums - they have said they'll be fixed in 3.1:

Hey folks,


We completed the investigation into the 16-Player Story Mode loot drops, and it does appear that they are not correct. We are aiming to get this fixed in 3.1.



Edited by DarthDymond
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Actually, it tells me that the Community Team is tone deaf... they simply aren't listening and aren't hearing...


To bring up streams when there are so many other pressing game issues. Even ignoring the slot machine, how about the ops bugs, the remaining lag, the problems with the 192 gear stats (some of them are way off), etc.


Streams? Really?


Out of touch...


They are basically starting with the things that they can do.


Anyway back to the topic in hand (I have only really seen the more recent streams just from before xmas)


1) stop using each others characters, I remember a few weeks ago Hilary spent the first 5-10 mins of the stream re-binding her keys after Musco changed them the week before as he used her character which also leads to point 2:-


2) Be a little more prepared, the last PvE stream I saw was supposed to be Courtney and Hilary running through Rishi, only to find that because Courtney had a "artificially created" character she did not even have a ship (hence could not travel anywhere other than Hutta or Dromund Kaas).


3) Yes please look in to the streaming times its a little inconvenient having a stream 10pm - 12am in the UK (even if it is on a friday)


4) Yes by all means have a Q&A, but be prepared to answer stuff you don't want to otherwise you will "loose" the community by blanking certain questions.

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1) stop using each others characters, I remember a few weeks ago Hilary spent the first 5-10 mins of the stream re-binding her keys after Musco changed them the week before as he used her character which also leads to point 2:-


2) Be a little more prepared, the last PvE stream I saw was supposed to be Courtney and Hilary running through Rishi, only to find that because Courtney had a "artificially created" character she did not even have a ship (hence could not travel anywhere other than Hutta or Dromund Kaas).


Both tell me that none of them really play the game that much...


From what I've seen of the streams, they fumble around a lot...




I think they would be much better off just doing Q&A and talking about the game while they have one of us play.

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3) Yes please look in to the streaming times its a little inconvenient having a stream 10pm - 12am in the UK (even if it is on a friday)


This likely won't ever happen unless they have specific streams for specific countries/regions. It will never be convenient for everyone (which is the same issue of patches that Europeans always complain about). There is more flexibility with the streams, however, in that they could do unique streams just for Europeans if that is worth it (enough views).

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I don't know what words they used in the direct replies to your tickets, but they have not said the 16m Loot was "working as intended" on the forums - they have said they'll be fixed in 3.1:


The quote you copied was posted on Jan 21, 2015.


Seriously, how long does it take to correct the loot table, much less 'investigate' whether it is functioning properly?


Oh and don't forget, it doesn't even say 'will be fixed on [Date]', it says 'aiming to get this fixed in 3.1'.


The QA level and post release responsiveness to basic fundamental issues in this game is abysmal.


With this level of incompetent game management on display, I wouldn't want to tap dance through a Q&A either.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Game is broken. Management is broken. Communication is broken.




Lets talk about streams!!!! :D



I'm running out of aspirin.


Perhaps it is in their job description to do a few streams so they have to do them.


I still want them to use groupfinder and try to complete a new ops with random players.

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Stream will be over before they get a pop :D


I know, but if they stream a ops they will probably do it with a premade that can carry them.


I suggested earlier that it can work if they announce the server and the time then many players can queue up and they will get into a ops fast. It will however be random and a luck of the draw if they will actually manage to complete the ops.

Edited by Icestar
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Perhaps it is in their job description to do a few streams so they have to do them.


I still want them to use groupfinder and try to complete a new ops with random players.


That does not change the fact that this would likely not be received very well in the forum at present.


The current thread stands in evidence.

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The quote you copied was posted on Jan 21, 2015.


Seriously, how long does it take to correct the loot table, much less 'investigate' whether it is functioning properly?


Oh and don't forget, it doesn't even say 'will be fixed on [Date]', it says 'aiming to get this fixed in 3.1'.


The QA level and post release responsiveness to basic fundamental issues in this game is abysmal.


With this level of incompetent game management on display, I wouldn't want to tap dance through a Q&A either.


Again, a damned if they do... damned if they dont.


We complain that they don't post updates on the forums (I'm one of them who complains)... then when they do... this. I don't know, nor do you, what else was on plate to be reviewed, investigated, and worked into the fix schedule... what seems simple from the outsider looking in.. doesn't make it so.


Personally I think Tait does a good job with updates.

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That does not change the fact that this would likely not be received very well in the forum at present.


The current thread stands in evidence.


Why not?


Seeing them complete a new ops 16 man with groupfinder and random players would cheer me up :tran_grin:

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"I wish the community team's streams were better" - Said nobody ever.




Ok, that made me laugh. Reminded me of the some of the comedy bits from Katt Williams.


"Did you say no credit, bad credit, on approved credit?


That's like you go to the club


and a girl tell you, "I'm gonna give you some [blank]. Never."

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Dear Eric Musco,


You, Sir, are doing it right. Two thumbs up!


Rodney McNeely


P.S.: I know you take a lot of heat here, being the gatekeeper and all, but I really appreciate the level of transparency you've shown lately. For the first time in a while, I feel like a member of the team is really listening to us. I do apologize for the abuse you get, but thanks for being here! ~BEARHUGS~



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I've been lurking in this thread for a little while now, and, while I understand that the specific topic that Mr. Musco raised in his request for feedback (the streams) is certainly not what we players would consider a top- (or even high- or medium-) priority item, I would like to say that it appears that the Community Team is trying to do something to provide us with greater communication. This was probably not the most appropriate time to try to address this specific topic, as they could have probably just started making the proposed changes "mid-stream" (pun intended), asked for our feedback and ideas right there, and then posted this thread. Of course, this would be after they had addressed some of the most pressing concerns of the community and explained the course of action they are planning for those concerns as well as for the streams.


As it stands, the choice to ask us about what we want to see in a stream and how to make them better just leaves a kind of bitter taste in the mouth of the player-base. I am a very casual player, and, honestly, haven't even logged on in a while due to a number of RL things going on, but I've been keeping an eye on the forums so that I can stay abreast of the state of the game. There are some real concerns that have received little to no response from anyone on the Community Team, and that is greatly disheartening.


What I think is most necessary at this point is for BW and EA is to reestablish the lines of communication with the SWTOR community. I think the "quickest" way to jump-start this would be to find some way to be much more active (and transparent) on these forums. I realize that everyone over there has day-to-day responsibilities that have to be fulfilled, and perhaps that includes reviewing forum threads and posts, but when we don't see more than a handful of "gold" posts a week, we begin to feel like nothing we say, discuss, suggest or complain about is going to actually make any real difference. If that's the case, what's the point of wasting time on the forums? We could just as easily wait for the patch notes to see what things have been changed and hope for the best.


I believe what Mr. Musco is trying to do by starting this thread is a step in that direction, but, as they say, "the proof is in the pudding" (I always thought that was a weird saying, but it fits...). If the SWTOR team is truly interested in and dedicated to getting feedback from the community and striving to improve this game that so many of us enjoy, we really need to see that in the form of more interaction. The streams are "nice", but they should definitely not replace active and frequent participation in these forums to let us know that our voices are being heard...



Edited by G_Hosa_Phat
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The quickest, easiest, least time-consuming way they could reestablish community relations is to post on these forums more than once a week.


Once that's accomplished, we will work on the relevance of their posts. I.e., addressing concerns, not silly streams.


If that is worked out, we will then have to focus on their accuracy. I.e., not posting half-truths, diversions, smokescreens, nonsensical spin, and marketing blather.


If we somehow manage those objectives, we may be rewarded with a halfway decent "Community Relations" team... but I suspect they will be fired soon after.

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I've been lurking in this thread for a little while now, and, while I understand that the specific topic that Mr. Musco raised in his request for feedback (the streams) is certainly not what we players would consider a top- (or even high- or medium-) priority item, I would like to say that it appears that the Community Team is trying to do something to provide us with greater communication. This was probably not the most appropriate time to try to address this specific topic, as they could have probably just started making the proposed changes "mid-stream" (pun intended), asked for our feedback and ideas right there, and then posted this thread. Of course, this would be after they had addressed some of the most pressing concerns of the community and explained the course of action they are planning for those concerns as well as for the streams.


As it stands, the choice to ask us about what we want to see in a stream and how to make them better just leaves a kind of bitter taste in the mouth of the player-base. I am a very casual player, and, honestly, haven't even logged on in a while due to a number of RL things going on, but I've been keeping an eye on the forums so that I can stay abreast of the state of the game. There are some real concerns that have received little to no response from anyone on the Community Team, and that is greatly disheartening.


What I think is most necessary at this point is for BW and EA is to reestablish the lines of communication with the SWTOR community. I think the "quickest" way to jump-start this would be to find some way to be much more active (and transparent) on these forums. I realize that everyone over there has day-to-day responsibilities that have to be fulfilled, and perhaps that includes reviewing forum threads and posts, but when we don't see more than a handful of "gold" posts a week, we begin to feel like nothing we say, discuss, suggest or complain about is going to actually make any real difference. If that's the case, what's the point of wasting time on the forums? We could just as easily wait for the patch notes to see what things have been changed and hope for the best.


I believe what Mr. Musco is trying to do by starting this thread is a step in that direction, but, as they say, "the proof is in the pudding" (I always thought that was a weird saying, but it fits...). If the SWTOR team is truly interested in and dedicated to getting feedback from the community and striving to improve this game that so many of us enjoy, we really need to see that in the form of more interaction. The streams are "nice", but they should definitely not replace active and frequent participation in these forums to let us know that our voices are being heard...





Very well written!


I agree that there should be more gold posts addressing everyone feedback and bug reports.


Saying "call the customer service line" isn't a good way about it since the forums reach many players at once and allows us to see if BioWare and EA are seriously trying to improve and make the game better.

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I don't believe this was a step to move in the direction of more communication. I believe this was another blunder.


However, it was rectified somewhat by the post dealing with the ravagers exploit...you know....something that is likely of real interest to the community.


Not this foolishness. This was a post that could have waited until more pressing issues were addressed.

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Folks, before you get all up in Musco's face about this being an inappropriate use of his time. Realize that the poor guy is not a programmer not a developer not in anyway someone who can directly work on the game. His role is to interact with us. This post was perfectly timed in order to start developing better interaction. So mocking him for taking the time and dealing with the qq rage of you all. Just makes you the little person after all
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