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So it's been 3 years(??) now....


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As a former nwn player, I don't miss the screen clutter of multiple players speaking at once. Although, I would like to see something changed with the chat as it exists now.. For example, an actual whisper mode.. Sitting in a cantina and three or so players at a table using whisper so that only they hear their conversation.. Or reducing the "sound travel" of normal talk mode.. Being on the fleet and reading the emote rp of a player I can't see anywhere near me is annoying.. It should have a much shorter cut off distance..
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It would be a option to toggle on/off ofc.


I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but one of the big reason this isn't implemented yet, and probably won't ever be is because of the UI handling in this game. I mean, just updating your goddamn friendslist (clicking on it) drops your frames to < 15. CHARACTER NAMES popping up on fleet will also put a dent in your performance when they pop up. Marginally in small numbers, but fleet can be laggy as hell.


Imagine if you added yet another UI feature like chat bubbles that would pop up and cause even more of a performance hit. The engine is just too horsebawls to handle it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The community feels this is something that has to be implemented. Maybe as a subscriber gift or CM item?


Here the problem people are having poor fps as it is with this UI. You think lag an issue now put chat bubbles in and say good bye to a playable frame rate. The hero engine that bw uses cant take it as it is every time they add some thing new every ones frame rate drop. Cant wait to see what will happen with the outfit designer. so lets add some thing you will hate when players spam messages in pvp that will make you stand still. Hey what do i care i have a 100fps all the time any ways it is the rest of the team that will stand still like in SWG NGE days while i run around killing them all and they cant see me there lag was so bad they just die. Sounds like a great idea. But rpers will have chat bubbles

Edited by Neoforcer
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Here the problem people are having poor fps as it is with this UI. You think lag an issue now put chat bubbles in and say good bye to a playable frame rate. The hero engine that bw uses cant take it as is every time they add some thing every one frame rate drops. Cant wait to see what will happen with the outfit designer.


Can't believe they chose such a crap engine for a MMO. It's almost like they don't know jack about what a MMO is....

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Can't believe they chose such a crap engine for a MMO. It's almost like they don't know jack about what a MMO is....


They didn't choose a crap engine. Players say it's crap because players always ignore what a game is good at and only notice deficiencies.


SWTOR's engine was designed and built to offer the cinematic experience on the market. How many other MMOs have fully voiced dialogue with action sequences with their quest convos? Heck half the mmos around are still using text based quest giving.


SWTOR was designed to be a MMO KoToR, they chose an engine that would be best suited for that goal.

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They didn't choose a crap engine. Players say it's crap because players always ignore what a game is good at and only notice deficiencies.


SWTOR's engine was designed and built to offer the cinematic experience on the market. How many other MMOs have fully voiced dialogue with action sequences with their quest convos? Heck half the mmos around are still using text based quest giving.


SWTOR was designed to be a MMO KoToR, they chose an engine that would be best suited for that goal.


You forgot the choreographed combat as well. People forget that when it was released, SWTOR was the only major MMO on the market with a fully choreographed combat system that also allowed free movement (others had fully choreographed combat but locked movement during the animations). What SWTOR does there is pretty impressive even by today's standards.

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Can't believe they chose such a crap engine for a MMO. It's almost like they don't know jack about what a MMO is....


So why did you participate since before launch, take 2 years off and then come back to do nothing but complain? You posted a couple times at launch, left for two years and now have 400+ sad and whiny posts.


What's worse, a poorly finished game engine or the player that keeps coming back and doing nothing but whine and complain about it?

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So why did you participate since before launch, take 2 years off and then come back to do nothing but complain? You posted a couple times at launch, left for two years and now have 400+ sad and whiny posts.


What's worse, a poorly finished game engine or the player that keeps coming back and doing nothing but whine and complain about it?


A poorly finished game engine of course.:rolleyes:

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I am a very big roleplayer and I don't care for speech bubbles but the toggle would be nice. But I wouldn't get mad because they never have them.


Also, I would like to know why you play this game and are on the forums LNF. If you say swg is the supreme game, this game can't touch that game, this is a crap engine and you point out all the flaws and are so dismal and seem so upset, why do you do something that makes you so angry?

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I am a very big roleplayer and I don't care for speech bubbles but the toggle would be nice. But I wouldn't get mad because they never have them.


Also, I would like to know why you play this game and are on the forums LNF. If you say swg is the supreme game, this game can't touch that game, this is a crap engine and you point out all the flaws and are so dismal and seem so upset, why do you do something that makes you so angry?


I've always said that the speech bubbles should be toggable. People seem to ignore that.;)

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