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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Consumer Protection - Ontario, Canada


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All you people crying about slot machines are funny. You need to read that little disclaimer that comes with the game (thats how I can tell no one here is an actual lawyer)


1.) BW can at any time change anything in the game with or without warning its in the "Subject to change" clause. (by clicking agree you forgoe your right to litigation for game changes and a multitude of other things.


2.) BW never advertised the slot machine as having a certain drop rate (hence when you change the rates, the item is fundamentally the same as it was before, its still what you bought " a slot machine")


3.) The item was BROKEN, do you think a vegas casino get sued when they fix a broken machine that always spews out money? (the answer is no, they are in control of their own drop rates within a range set by the federal government.


Ultimately you have less than 0 legal grounds to threaten anything. To insinuate otherwise speaks only to your ignorance of law and consumer agreements. Come on people.... threatening to sue over a digital slot machine that doesnt use real world currency? :rolleyes:


(and if this is a troll post I am ultimately rick rolled, but it was fun to type and laugh at people in my head so ill take it as a win.)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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All you people crying about slot machines are funny. You need to read that little disclaimer that comes with the game (thats how I can tell no one here is an actual lawyer)


1.) BW can at any time change anything in the game with or without warning its in the "Subject to change" clause. (by clicking agree you forgoe your right to litigation for game changes and a multitude of other things.


2.) BW never advertised the slot machine as having a certain drop rate (hence when you change the rates, the item is fundamentally the same as it was before, its still what you bought " a slot machine")


3.) The item was BROKEN, do you think a vegas casino get sued when they fix a broken machine that always spews out money? (the answer is no, they are in control of their own drop rates within a range set by the federal government.


Ultimately you have less than 0 legal grounds to threaten anything. To insinuate otherwise speaks only to your ignorance of law and consumer agreements. Come on people.... threatening to sue over a digital slot machine that doesnt use real world currency? :rolleyes:


(and if this is a troll post I am ultimately rick rolled, but it was fun to type and laugh at people in my head so ill take it as a win.)

5 hours after troll admits to trolling, people are still biting. Impressive.

Most impressive.

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Good god QQ much!? *********** tired of all this ******** QQ all over the forums. Get over it. Now because of your stupid whining from ya'll they probably won't release any more slot machines. Go ahead and waste your time and money trying to sue about this and leave this place.
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apparently you never worked in the service industry...or with customers at all...thats all I most do is laugh at the stupidity of customers half the time. The other half we're crying for having to deal with them.


once had a guy come in to my convenience store screaming hell and high water and absolutely refused to pay for the first half gallon of fuel since the person before him had purchased premium and didn't want to pay for whats in the hose....god that guy was an idiot. Note hose doesn't hold much gas at all, and the customer before him paid for it (at which point he didnt' want to pay for the LAST half gallon) which he left in the hose. Did I mention he was an idiot?


The "customer is always right" should be changed to "customers are usually idiots and do what you can to shut them up and get them to go away" The cost of arguing with someone often times outweighs what was being asked for.


Thank you for this post. Personally, I think the core of the issue is that after all the professional pampering people get from PR guys, they actually start to take it at face value. This, however, couldn't be farther from the truth. Just looking at the first page of this forum, anybody who has to deal with it on a professional level will scream at their monitor "gooddamnit what a bunch of spoiled brats, I don't give a **** whether they live or die if they just could SHUT THE **** UP for a minute", and then proceed to ctrl+v "Thank you valued customer for your feedback. You are a unique and special snowflake, and you alone have a very very special place in our hearts."

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Good god QQ much!? *********** tired of all this ******** QQ all over the forums. Get over it. Now because of your stupid whining from ya'll they probably won't release any more slot machines

Hopefully they will not release any more. And they will admit they made a gargantuan mistake in the way they handled this one as well as do something to make amends for it.


And if you are tired of slot machine threads, why are you posting in one?

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Thank you for this post. Personally, I think the core of the issue is that after all the professional pampering people get from PR guys, they actually start to take it at face value. This, however, couldn't be farther from the truth. Just looking at the first page of this forum, anybody who has to deal with it on a professional level will scream at their monitor "gooddamnit what a bunch of spoiled brats, I don't give a **** whether they live or die if they just could SHUT THE **** UP for a minute", and then proceed to ctrl+v "Thank you valued customer for your feedback. You are a unique and special snowflake, and you alone have a very very special place in our hearts."


Truer words were never spoken, and reminds me so much of these:



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The TOS allows them to make any and all changes as they see fit.

Yes and no. A TOS cannot supersede local laws. In the US alone some states say it is binding, only certain items in a TOS can be binding, nothing about accepting a TOS is binding. Especially if they want to do business in a foreign country they are about by that countries laws no matter what they write and you click.


That said I don't think the OP has a leg to stand on because most decisions to date have had nothing to do with individual specific items in a game. Especially when said items can change at any given time. I've not seen a law yet that says they are not allowed to make changes at any given time in this type of game.


I don't think EAWare handled this well at all, but good luck proving anything they did was actionable.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1.) BW can at any time change anything in the game with or without warning its in the "Subject to change" clause. (by clicking agree you forgoe your right to litigation for game changes and a multitude of other things.

Unless it is fraudulent. For example they can't promise free 20000 CC for everyone who gets a 6 month subscription and then change their mind after you paid with no refunds.

2.) BW never advertised the slot machine as having a certain drop rate (hence when you change the rates, the item is fundamentally the same as it was before, its still what you bought " a slot machine")
This. Players ran the numbers and came up with a calculation of the drop rates but they were never advertised to have certain payoff minimums. Now it shows how BW cannot apparently do simple math and I suppose there is a very small possibility that BW did this purposefully but the way they operate we should assume incompetence

3.) The item was BROKEN, do you think a vegas casino get sued when they fix a broken machine that always spews out money? (the answer is no, they are in control of their own drop rates within a range set by the federal government.

To be pedantic, state government.

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I submit that they clearly stated that the changes were specifically referring to Jawa Junk.


I too was "duped" by this one.

Being told they are looking into Jawa Junk changes was fine with me when I went ahead with the purchase because of the line that using the machine is not an exploit and is working as intended.

High Jawa junk being nerfed is not what makes me feel ripped off, it is the complete ballistic nerf to everything else.


Bioware should have stated "At the moment we are looking into changing the functionality of the slot machine, but for now, it is working as intended and it's use is not considered an exploit".


What they did was advertise the slot machine being functional the way it was, minus the jawa junk, knowing that these are selling for top dollar.


If this were say a movie streaming service claiming a one time passkey for 50 dollars would give you access to 20 blockbuster movies, then changed it to 20 blockbuster movie previews, there would be refunds-o-plenty.

The fact that this is a video game item should not detract from the real world value of 50 dollars that people spent expecting something advertised as being much more than what they were left with 2 days later.

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Com'on, you guys have never trolled the forums before...Your replies have been great entertainment during my work day...5PM...time to go home...




To be completely honest, I had to delete my CC info from my account because my card expired in December. I would miss playing SWTOR way more than I will ever miss the Cartel Coins that I spent on trying to get a Slot Machine.


Having 19 characters over 56 means that I have way more Crew Skill potential than any slot machine could have ever compared to. As a foot note however, do not dismiss the fact that the crew skill UI is in so much need for some Dev-Love. Maybe fixing the UI would be a nice gesture of compensation for the whole Slot Machine issue and will likely satisfy the stated goal of getting more Grade 11 mats into the economy.


Great job ressurecting a 3 week old thread that was acknowledged to be trolling by the OP on page 18.


You are to be congratulated for utterly failing at reading comprehension.

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