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Transfered FULL PVP gear from my PT to my Merc, just LOOOOOOOOOOL SOOO BAD !


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So heard the rumors that Merc is worse than ever in PVP at 3.0.... so transfered FULL pvp gear from my PT (with which i last 10 x longer if not more) to see for myself.


Now i dont know if its because i wear mando looking gear or the enemy players see the tag "Mercenary" but i get Gang R...... in 2 secs... and BOOOm dead. Should i wear Jedi looking cartel gear or what LOL ?


I dont even think a "ohhh **** im focused" button will help enough to fix this class in PVP like some people say, the class is MEGA FRAGILE !, and i thought my marauder and sentinel had it bad...... Did BioF...... do something like give Mercs "damage taken increased in PVP by factor of 3 or something ? :-)


Since 3.1.1 is fix for Maruader/Sentinel and AGAIN NOT for Mercs/Commandos i guess its true BioF... hasent liked this class almost through the entire games existence..... I know ranked is bad, but even random WZ as a Merc you get Gang R... and fall over like a fly....... :-( :rolleyes:

Edited by Shinzzun
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Wear "camoflage" gear doesn't help you. Believe me seen it attempted to often. Your weapons and attacks give you away regardless. You then also take crap from your own teammates who think you are either an RPer or simply stupid for selecting a gear set you get no benefit from.


It should be pointed out that the PT gear set bonuses are specific to that class, so odds are your Merc gained little to know bonuses for using it.


Also, in 4 v 4, the opposing team already knows the class of each player they are facing so the camoflage does nothing for you. When "Merc" or "Commando" title is seen, they are universally the focus target. I play both classes myself, and it almost universally goes that way in sudden death matches.


Players ahve been complaining about this class since before game release in PVP. It wasn't so bad back then because all that popped was Huttball back in the day and the focus was scoring and not player kills. But now, that has changed and Bioware seems to be indifferent to the lack of survivability of these classes in PVP.


Partly, I think this is due to PVP being a niche part of the game, but at times I also think that it is due to a lack of players with this class. The Inquisitors / Counselor classes get looked at more often simply because so many people play these classes that inherent strengths and weaknesses become blantantly obvious in their statistical numbers gathering. But I digress.


What do you do for this class?


Playing a Merc you actually have more options (at least on my server). Your team makeup is generally better. So your weaknesses aren't so blantantly obvious. But play a Commando and this weakness can be exasperated simply due to a lack of player population on the server. My server, Po5, tends to lack healers and tanks on the Repub side and most 4 v 4 matches has the Repubs all DPS facing a well mixed Imp team. With limited heals and no taunt or guard, you pretty much are toast from the get go and everyone knows it. It is just a question of how quickly their stealth team mates can get to you.


You do have some untility options that can help to save you, but with no "Oh crap" ability to select, it is hard to survive the intial focus. You simply have far to many utilities you have to activate to save yourself and for most players, they simply can't respond fast enough. Some of it is due to a lack of hot key selected and some of it is partially due to stuns being reapplies as soon as you break the initial one.

Edited by ForceWelder
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So heard the rumors that Merc is worse than ever in PVP at 3.0.... so transfered FULL pvp gear from my PT (with which i last 10 x longer if not more) to see for myself.


Now i dont know if its because i wear mando looking gear or the enemy players see the tag "Mercenary" but i get Gang R...... in 2 secs... and BOOOm dead. Should i wear Jedi looking cartel gear or what LOL ?


I dont even think a "ohhh **** im focused" button will help enough to fix this class in PVP like some people say, the class is MEGA FRAGILE !, and i thought my marauder and sentinel had it bad...... Did BioF...... do something like give Mercs "damage taken increased in PVP by factor of 3 or something ? :-)


Since 3.1.1 is fix for Maruader/Sentinel and AGAIN NOT for Mercs/Commandos i guess its true BioF... hasent liked this class almost through the entire games existence..... I know ranked is bad, but even random WZ as a Merc you get Gang R... and fall over like a fly....... :-( :rolleyes:


I guess you are talking about arenas

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Actually even in random non arena WZ i get MEGA focused first , and like the other commenter said i escape one stun and then the next is comign (with the broken resolve this game has) so its like LOOK A MERC andf BAAAAM im dead, not much fun when you constantly have to respawn......
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Wow, the Idiot meter on this dude is about to break because it's so high... If you transferred full PvP gear from your Powertech to your Merc, that means you have the Powertech DPS Set Bonus, which is COMPLETELY USELESS for Mercs. Try not being an idiot and acutally buy some PvP gear for your Merc that actually has a Set Bonus you can use, then come cry about being OP, because when I PvP on my Merc, everything dies, end of story.
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Currently mercs are in a better spot than mara tbh. Just get used to be the primary target and learn how to survive.
That is a *********** joke, no class is worse off than merc / mando in pvp. -none-. The fact that mara/ sent can go invis in stressful situations makes them 29034902490832 better currently.
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That is a *********** joke, no class is worse off than merc / mando in pvp. -none-. The fact that mara/ sent can go invis in stressful situations makes them 29034902490832 better currently.


You obviously do not have both a Mara and a Merc at 60. If you had both you'd know that the range on a Merc is much more beneficial than the short invisibility a Mara can have.

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You obviously do not have both a Mara and a Merc at 60. If you had both you'd know that the range on a Merc is much more beneficial than the short invisibility a Mara can have.


IKR. I have both at 60 with full Reg gear (working on Ranked gear) and have had many less deaths as a Merc than my Mara. Possibly more kills too.

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IKR. I have both at 60 with full Reg gear (working on Ranked gear) and have had many less deaths as a Merc than my Mara. Possibly more kills too.


To be absolutely fair I'm not saying Merc doesn't have it's own troubles but Mara is definitely at a much higher disadvantage. The skill and luck required in picking engagements is really really high being a melee that cannot initiate from stealth. Playing my assassin is night and day. you can just laze around and pick whatever engagement is best. I'd actually be scared of any current good Mara deciding to roll Assassin. They would be so lethal.

Edited by undiess
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Mara are not in a worse place, that just silly...

it isnt just the vanish, its saber ward, its intimidating roar, its cloak of pain baseline, its obfuscate, its undying rage...

and range doesnt make up for much in the days of force leaps, graples, and other such things that virtually negate it much of the time.

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You obviously do not have both a Mara and a Merc at 60. If you had both you'd know that the range on a Merc is much more beneficial than the short invisibility a Mara can have.


I've got both a Sent at 60, and a Merc at 60. Played PvP on both, and at least I get to do some DPS when on my Sent, and be useful to my team. Merc? Yeah, dead. Think I managed to get 480 dmg in one arena round, that's how **** it is atm. :rolleyes:

Edited by Transcendent
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I've got both a Sent at 60, and a Merc at 60. Played PvP on both, and at least I get to do some DPS when on my Sent, and be useful to my team. Merc? Yeah, dead. Think I managed to get 480 dmg in one arena round, that's how **** it is atm. :rolleyes:


Ok, aside from the fact that arena experiences are being used to compare imbalance, 480dmg in one round is not a class balance issue.

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Ok, aside from the fact that arena experiences are being used to compare imbalance, 480dmg in one round is not a class balance issue.


No, it's a being locked out of your toon issue within seconds and not being able to do ****. Don't even go there with saying "l2p" or any of that. I'm well aware of how to play the class, but being stunlocked to death with 4 others on you? Yeah it's gotten boring now.


"Oh look a merc!"

"Him first then"

"Yep, kill the merc first"

"Poor sod... I've got one of those, I'd never bring it in here though"


That's essentially the conversation when a team sees a merc or mando. You know the one, equally you know why, because the class is so easy to lockdown and burn within a few seconds.

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I luv you op, if your gonna ***** about bad classes like alot have done throughout, at least make it funny to read then seeing angry text with the enthusiasm of bob costas on nbc, yawwwwn. Yes mercs are bad, but bio dun care unless PT'S and juggs complain "this class is 2 ez to kill" which aint happening lmao.


But mara/sent has it worse. It goes like this:

Hey look a mara.

Thats cute prob some kid that thinks two lightsabers are cool.

PT: proceeds to bull rush

Here come the CC'S

Mara player: now to activate cloak of pa--oh im dead.


Gang R complete faster than a mercs death, but yeah but are bad, least mercs can support or w/e.


With mara its like LOL can a sin take his spot plsss dont wanna lose in rank bc we have to babysit.


/semi troll post


However sadly true. (Btw i wanna camo now, would be fun for troll purposes in unrank)

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But mara/sent has it worse.


I don't disagree with your post, I just find it strange that soon as Merc/Mando and Mara/Sent issues are voiced everyone start comparing them to eachother.


I for one play mara, I wish they would buff merc/mando for pvp. Heck I think sniper needs some love for solo q ranked. Usually when I do WZ I vote for the merc/sniper/mara not because of they topping any meter, just extending some love to the people who still play the toons they prefer. We should stick together and wish for one day when all the FOTM players cry out in a thousand voices.


Personly I would love if they nerfed sins in a way that good people still make it good and the bad sins become fodder.

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