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What is the point of Kolto Overload again?


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What exactly is this ability meant to do for Mercenaries? I'm being serious, I'd love someone to explain exactly what this is meant to do.


Kolto Overload



Activating this ability applies a Health Monitor that lasts up to 60 seconds, which triggers a Kolto Overload when your health is reduced to 35% or less. If your health is already 35% or less, Kolto Overload triggers immediately. Once triggered, Kolto Overload goes on cooldown for 3 minutes and rapidly heals you up to 35% of your max health for 8 seconds but will not exceed 35% of your max health.


So 35% of your HP.


In PvP I have around 40k HP.


40000 / 100 = 400

400 * 35 = 14000


So when you go below 14000 HP this kicks in? So say you have 13999 HP and this kicks in, how is this even remotely useful for Mercenaries when you can be hit twice in quick succession for 12k and something else, and be dead?


So why am I even wasting time activating this ability in PvP?


This part is for the developers at BioWare.


I've played my Merc for a long time now, but ever since you decided to alter this ability to activate below 35% it's been fairly useless as a DCD. In addition to this, since the numerous amounts of buffs to other classes, and gear increases etc, it's long overdue you went back and balanced Mercenaries DCDs.


It's getting literally to the stage where if the developers simply continue to ignore this class and continue to pander to other classes that have far superior abilities (Marauders are a prime example) - then I'll probably pull the last of my hair out and start playing the FOTM.


No threat, just to let you know the sheer frustration you are causing by not bothering to communicate with the Merc / Commando community. There is zero point playing something that isn't enjoyable. Most players are not asking for overbuffing, just a rebalance to give us the chance to actually dps and not be the ones tunnelled straight away.


That's all. Read, digest. Other players may have something to say on the matter, but this is literally my opinion and me speaking up that it simply isn't good enough anymore to continue to ignore this class.

Edited by Transcendent
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It makes you very resistant to filler attacks, meaning that unless you're being focused hard by three enemies, your opponent will need to dial up some burst to burn you through it. This means that they have to save some burst for when you pop it, meaning that they're going to have a little less to open up on you with. (Alternatively, they just CC you when it activates and switch to another target or H2F while they wait for it to wear off.)


Yeah, it's not all THAT useful in practice, and it's not really the hardswitch factor it should be, but it does have some use. It's better than the old version of 8% health regen over a few seconds.

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It makes you very resistant to filler attacks, meaning that unless you're being focused hard by three enemies, your opponent will need to dial up some burst to burn you through it. This means that they have to save some burst for when you pop it, meaning that they're going to have a little less to open up on you with.


When you can literally be stunned by a shadow / sin, and lose 50-60% of your HP in the matter of 2-3 GCDs you either break your stun or die, or don't and die. Either way, that 35% isn't going to do a damn thing. That 30% dmg reduction while stunned utility isn't doing anything close to what it needs to do.


Again, it's purely my opinion. I'm sharing it with the devs, they either address the merc / commando community and take a look at the class or not. The choice is theirs to make.

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It makes you very resistant to filler attacks, meaning that unless you're being focused hard by three enemies, your opponent will need to dial up some burst to burn you through it. This means that they have to save some burst for when you pop it, meaning that they're going to have a little less to open up on you with. (Alternatively, they just CC you when it activates and switch to another target or H2F while they wait for it to wear off.)


Yeah, it's not all THAT useful in practice, and it's not really the hardswitch factor it should be, but it does have some use. It's better than the old version of 8% health regen over a few seconds.


Three enemies? Kolto cant survive vs one competent enemy. It is a completely useless lackluster ability that in all honest isn't even worth the time to bind. Even if it had a 45 second cool down I would still consider it trash. Yet it has a 3 min cooldown which is shared with insane abilities like force barrier which also has a 3 min cooldown (Heroic utility will lower that to 2 1/2 mins) So even then my kolto overload is practically useless. It can easily be burst through by anyone and the ONLY remote chance I have to survive is to have HO and Energy shield up at the whole time while spamming my insta heal (which usually heals me above 35% and makes kolto useless even more).


Mercs only have two defense cooldowns. I'd trade kolto overload for concealments operative roll once every 3 mins than to to have kolto overload. I'd trade it for half a shield probe. 1/3 a sorcerer bubble...im pretty much willing to gambling it away for about anything. It's just useless.

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Its a pretty insignificant cooldown tbh. They need to increase the ceiling to 45-50% (40% isn't going to cut it) or drastically increase the amount of healing it does for it to be remotely useful.


more like 50-70, to put them on par with Juggs and other classes that do ridiculous amounts of healing AND dps.

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more like 50-70, to put them on par with Juggs and other classes that do ridiculous amounts of healing AND dps.


No, it should stay at 35% but have DR attached to it as baseline. In competitive PvP DR cooldowns are what make or break a class, and Troopers simply need better DR.

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No, it should stay at 35% but have DR attached to it as baseline. In competitive PvP DR cooldowns are what make or break a class, and Troopers simply need better DR.


If they gave kolto dr for mercs it would likely only be 20% like pyro pt's (do they still have that talent in 3.0?). It would definitely be a step in the right direction but it would still need more love to serve as our anti-focus cd.

Edited by nzologic
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Yeee it's pretty useless except for tanks in pvp when there's no healer. In that one scenario it's very good.


For every other situation for all bounty hunters its pretty bad. Sad for it being a 3 minute cooldown as somebody else pointed out. Changes to it would be great but who knows if it'll actually happen.

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Yeee it's pretty useless except for tanks in pvp when there's no healer. In that one scenario it's very good.


For every other situation for all bounty hunters its pretty bad. Sad for it being a 3 minute cooldown as somebody else pointed out. Changes to it would be great but who knows if it'll actually happen.

In fairness, it's useful for tanks in PvP too. Something to do with the fact tanks have much more DR, the tank passive that allows it to heal past 35% also makes it more meaningful. It's a weak CD even for tanks but at least it actually does something measurable, while for DPS it tends to activate and do absolutely nothing as you get executed right away.

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