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Now THIS is podracing!


Talk about answered prayers. Seriously, if you've never played these before, do yourself a favor and do so. They can all be played with a gamepad/flight stick, and they still hold up after all these years.


These games are the space combat that SWTOR players wanted and asked for from day 1. Instead, you got GSF. My condolences.

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I'll point out that you can't get the same pvp experience, or really anywhere close, in those games that you can in GSF. Popping into the forum and being sad that they didn't port TIE Fighter into SWTOR isn't really productive. Honestly, they went through a LOT of effort to grab elements from those games, especially the power settings.


But if someone hasn't played them, so good. So very very good.

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And I'll point out that out of the 1.5 million SWTOR players, less than 250 consistently play GSF (everyone else plays 1 or 2 matches and then swears it off entirely). Meanwhile, TIE Fighter is heralded as one of the top 10 video games of all time on dozens of sources. The only thing history will remember GSF for is being a cheap knockoff of Star Conflict, and one of the most underwhelming expansions for a MMO ever produced.
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And I'll point out that out of the 1.5 million SWTOR players, less than 250 consistently play GSF (everyone else plays 1 or 2 matches and then swears it off entirely). Meanwhile, TIE Fighter is heralded as one of the top 10 video games of all time on dozens of sources. The only thing history will remember GSF for is being a cheap knockoff of Star Conflict, and one of the most underwhelming expansions for a MMO ever produced.


I doubt that; especially the numbers about gsf. Source?

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And I'll point out that out of the 1.5 million SWTOR players, less than 250 consistently play GSF (everyone else plays 1 or 2 matches and then swears it off entirely).


Lol, I could make up numbers too, but why bother? Your are hilarious and wrong enough.


Meanwhile, TIE Fighter is heralded as one of the top 10 video games of all time on dozens of sources.


Of course it was. But the games have very different goals. TIE Fighter didn't have multiplayer (and when they DID add multiplayer to later games, it had a lot of issues). But it DID have elegantly scripted and amazing AI. Meanwhile, GSF is the literal opposite of both of those things.


Also note that the players who played TIE Fighter were a different era, and very few in number. Among my friends, they ALL played TIE Fighter, and they all beat it. But if we were to fly AGAINST each other, I'd bend them into knots. It's not their type of thing. A single player game let them experience it all. And these guys are all gamers in some degree, but I'd argue that a decent amount of SWTOR's playerbase is a different and broader subset of people.


Hence why I'll see foodships floating in the distance and shooting rapid fire lasers at a target that may or may not exist.


The only thing history will remember GSF for is being a cheap knockoff of Star Conflict, and one of the most underwhelming expansions for a MMO ever produced.


I dunno, I'll remember it as a great game that a lot of the playerbase couldn't handle once they realized they had to fight other players who might be better than them.

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I doubt that; especially the numbers about gsf. Source?


He absolutely has no source.


I can disprove it, however: I have played a decent to a large number of games on Bastion, Ebon Hawk, Shadowlands, and Harbinger. I often see the same names from week to week, but not necessarily day to day. This tells me that there's plenty of players who queue in as a portion of their overall SWTOR experience, consistent players who don't tunnel the game or have anywhere near the play experience of, say, us. But they aren't people who play once and drop. So most players don't play it 1-2 times and quit, that's trivially garbage.


How many hardcore players? I mean, certainly, the top 250 players only have 250 players. You can always choose a cutoff. But there's several dozen players I see consistently and recognize on Bastion, there's a couple dozen players who just keep remaking alts on other servers, so I don't know... but 250 is super lowball of a guess. If it's players who play regularly? No, it's definitely way more than that.



Look, he hates GSF. If we had more moderation, players like that would get banned from the forums, but TRIVIALLY they would be banned from THIS subforum, where they just stand up and scream I CANNOT HANDLE THIS GAME AND I SPEEEEK FOR THE ALL-A-MAN (rings giant gong)...




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I don't hate GSF. I just dislike the majority of its niche playerbase of fanboys who blindly dismiss the fact that it was a complete and utter failure from the moment it was stolen from Gaijin Entertainment, and that it's not what the vast majority of SWTOR players wanted, expected, or asked for.


But you believe whatever you want to. I'm having loads more fun playing a 20 year-old game by myself than playing Galactic Gunship with a handful of yes-men who enjoy whatever EA tells them to pay to enjoy.


And I can guarantee you that there are 1000x more people playing TIE Fighter tonight than are playing GSF. No, I can't back that up with numbers, but you know I'm right. You'll certainly dispute it, because that's what you do. But deep down in what passes for your heart, you know I'm right.


And I'm also right in asserting that gamers will still be playing TIE Fighter long after SWTOR goes offline.

Edited by Teschmacher
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haha this is funny. Most gamers i know don't play games 20 years later. they move on to other newer games. I loved X-wing and Tie-Fighter back in the day, but honestly I haven't even tried to install them in years, and don't plan on paying for a copy that plays on newer PC's. It's old school was great for it's time, but that time has past. Newer and better stuff to try.


GSF in my opinion is far better. Flying against other players is awesome. testing my skill versus other people beats playing against a computers AI any day.

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I don't hate GSF. I just dislike the majority of its niche playerbase of fanboys who blindly dismiss the fact that it was a complete and utter failure from the moment it was stolen from Gaijin Entertainment, and that it's not what the vast majority of SWTOR players wanted, expected, or asked for.


I hope you don't expect to be liked back? If GSF was a failure it would have been cut in SoR expansion. As for being stolen from Gaijin Entertainment, why don't you give use an official source (for instance record of a law suit filed against BW/EA for stealing).

BW and EA have no obligation to cater to everyone and their mom. They choose what they want and they implement that. If people don't like it - they move on. If they do like it - they stick around.


But you believe whatever you want to. I'm having loads more fun playing a 20 year-old game by myself than playing Galactic Gunship with a handful of yes-men who enjoy whatever EA tells them to pay to enjoy.


/sarcasm on

So basically you're saying that you're a looser that can't handle PvP and because of that you decided to hide behind a single player game? Also 20 year-old game at that since you didn't upgrade you computer in 20 years? Good for you!

/sarcasm off


We don't need a permission from you nor EA do make decisions what to like and enjoy. We play GSF because we like it and we have ideas on how to make it better, but I doubt that you will understand this concept from that single player hole you stuffed yourself into. Once we stop liking GSF we will vote with our wallets and move on to things we like more. Your opinion is irrelevant.



And I can guarantee you that there are 1000x more people playing TIE Fighter tonight than are playing GSF. No, I can't back that up with numbers, but you know I'm right. You'll certainly dispute it, because that's what you do. But deep down in what passes for your heart, you know I'm right.


And I'm also right in asserting that gamers will still be playing TIE Fighter long after SWTOR goes offline.


I suggest you explore wonderful branch of philosophy called epistemology (since I don't expect you to know what that is, I'll tell you that it's study of knowledge). You might learn something about this thing you call "I know". What do you really know?


And about 1000x more people... you know that even more people are playing tetris or any of those trendy smartphone games? It's just as relevant of a comparison as comparing a PvP game to a single-player game. Also, since you can't back it up with numbers - don't bother putting it in writing either. Once you submit a proof - we might bother with your theory. There is nothing to dispute at this time, so we won't even have to bother.


And about TIE Fighter being there after SWTOR is gone... considering TIE Fighter is a single-player game that can be kept on a local machine and be fully functional... I suppose someone might keep an old machine just for that. But it's also likely that SWTOR will be just given to some private servers and SWTOR will live on. Future will tell. Neither you or I have a definite answer.

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Whenever I hear "No one plays GSF, they just try it once and quit." I imagine all the players that fly at me straight and level, never using abilities, shooting at beyond max range, not using missile breaks etc. Your inability to play the game does not constitute a failure on BW behalf :rolleyes:


Every person who ever said that was bad at the game, didn't try, couldn't hack it and quit rather than learn something complex and fun.


Gunship Fighter... That statement is old hat and just proves you know nothing about GSF.


Edit: The correct cry baby response is "premades blah blah, deathballs blah blah" carry on :D

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haha this is funny. Most gamers i know don't play games 20 years later. they move on to other newer games. I loved X-wing and Tie-Fighter back in the day, but honestly I haven't even tried to install them in years, and don't plan on paying for a copy that plays on newer PC's. It's old school was great for it's time, but that time has past. Newer and better stuff to try.


GSF in my opinion is far better. Flying against other players is awesome. testing my gear versus other people beats playing against a computers AI any day.



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You guys really need to accept that GSF is a failure, and that it's dying. Based on your very own threads and comments permeating page 1 of this subforum, it's clear you already know this, you're just afraid to admit it and would rather lash out at anyone that can actually see the forest for the trees.


Had EA imported the Totally Games engine, you wouldn't be sitting in queues for 45 minutes a stretch or being forced to group up with toxic players you can't stand just to "enjoy" warzones with a z axis on the same two maps over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, pretending like everything is ok. Because SWTOR players wanted XvT. They didn't want War Thunder in space (you guys SERIOSLY need to check out Star Conflict and that line of games from Gaijin so you can fully understand that GSF is a watered down version of (marginally) superior games).


Don't get me wrong. I hope GSF improves. I hope maps are added. I hope more ships and roles are added. I hope tiered matchmaking is added. I hope a competent tutorial is added. I hope pve missions are added. I hope flight stick/gamepad support is added. I hope EA does SOMETHING to make GSF more accessible and appealing to the normal, rational gamer, stops catering to the toxic hardcore elititsts with Aspbergers who think that the ability to push buttons on a mouse and keyboard = ace piloting skills, and who respond to posts they disagree with by using a series of point/counterpoint rebuttals, which only serves to reinforce my point completely. I sincerely DO hope efforts are made to correct four years of blatant oversights in a game based on a franchise that DEFINED space combat; a game that thus far has done a huge disservice to it. I hope that ultimately the players who have invested so much time and money into GSF are rewarded for their efforts beyond "here's a new paintjob for you to buy with cartel coins, see you next update!".


As for me, I'll be playing these 20 year-old games with my RL friends (remember those? Sadly, you probably don't) where I actually get to fly Star Wars starfighters (not ones that kinda sorta look like Star Wars ships if I squint really hard and use my imagination) against competent opponents who don't hide inside a cheesy gunship turret because they can't dogfight. This community's toxic, insular, overzealous, overbearing and elititst attitude will most definitely not be missed. I don't need to cling onto the stubborn refusal to give up on GSF because I'm a fan of spaceship combat and/or Star Wars anymore. I don't need to grind through 450 matches just to put myself on a level playing field with the unemployed elitists in their gunships anymore. I don't need sit at my desk for 45 minutes at a time waiting to find others willing to accept mediocrity along with me and play the same 2 10-minute warzones in space over and over again.


I have better games to play again. And I couldn't be happier.

Edited by Teschmacher
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I have better games to play again. And I couldn't be happier.


So... why are you here again? Go back to clinging to your game from twenty years ago when you were in your golden years. Stop trying to force your views on others and accept others might not think the same way you do.


TL;DR - Grow up.


Edit: Also, thank you for the heads up to the OP! :D

Edited by Yojiro
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testing my gear versus other people beats playing against a computers AI any day. .


So I presume you mastered some ships and then you were able to compete with the aces on your server while stomping everyone who didn't have a mastered ship? If you didn't (which I presume is the case), how can you make that claim?

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So I presume you mastered some ships and then you were able to compete with the aces on your server while stomping everyone who didn't have a mastered ship? If you didn't (which I presume is the case), how can you make that claim?


Like he made the rest of his claims - with carefully presented and founded argumentation! I mean look at all those sources! :rolleyes:

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You guys really need to accept that GSF is a failure, and that it's dying. Based on your very own threads and comments permeating page 1 of this subforum, it's clear you already know this, you're just afraid to admit it and would rather lash out at anyone that can actually see the forest for the trees.


How about we start with this: What is your definition of failure?

There is only a fraction of people who post on the forums. Most of the time forum posts are extremely overblown. Only BW/EA has access to real data and can make a claim what fails and what doesn't.


Had EA imported the Totally Games engine, you wouldn't be sitting in queues for 45 minutes a stretch or being forced to group up with toxic players you can't stand just to "enjoy" warzones with a z axis on the same two maps over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, pretending like everything is ok. Because SWTOR players wanted XvT. They didn't want War Thunder in space (you guys SERIOSLY need to check out Star Conflict and that line of games from Gaijin so you can fully understand that GSF is a watered down version of (marginally) superior games).


And you know that how? Have you seen the alternative reality of GSF? Do you have any experience developing MMOGs? Can you link your projects?


Welcome to real world "Neo", here we most of the time have to deal with people we don't like, manage retarded employees and report to an idiot boss. For as long as you have no self sustainability and ability to control who you contact with - this problem will exist.


Don't get me wrong. I hope GSF improves. I hope maps are added. I hope more ships and roles are added. I hope tiered matchmaking is added. I hope a competent tutorial is added. I hope pve missions are added. I hope flight stick/gamepad support is added. I hope EA does SOMETHING to make GSF more accessible and appealing to the normal, rational gamer, stops catering to the toxic hardcore elititsts with Aspbergers who think that the ability to push buttons on a mouse and keyboard = ace piloting skills, and who respond to posts they disagree with by using a series of point/counterpoint rebuttals, which only serves to reinforce my point completely. I sincerely DO hope efforts are made to correct four years of blatant oversights in a game based on a franchise that DEFINED space combat; a game that thus far has done a huge disservice to it. I hope that ultimately the players who have invested so much time and money into GSF are rewarded for their efforts beyond "here's a new paintjob for you to buy with cartel coins, see you next update!".


No you don't, you sprout a lot of BS, your departure to your 20 yo games is long overdue.


To create even wider hardware gap between an average SWTOR player like you and people who had invested in hardware. This sure will calm the whining of the forums where loosers like you come and say it's unfair that they have to be forced to play against players that have specialized hardware and that's why they loose. Also as soon as flight stick/gamepad support is added it will increase their costs to keep GSF running and without a doubt will make GSF a pay-to-fly game cutting down player base.


Define "normal, rational gamer"? It will be very entertaining to see how many people will agree with you, especially on the "rational" part.


You realize that piloting skill refers to the actual RL piloting and everything you do in games (aside from very specialized training simulator that cost a lot of money) is just a dumbed down version for general population?

Also just because you think some people who beat you in GSF have mental disorders doesn't make it true. It's also funny coming from a guy who plays 20 yo games with his RL friends.


People reply to specific points that you make in order to prevent your imagination from running wild. It gives you a good idea what reply goes where to reduce chances of interpretation error. When a professor marks your paper (s)he doesn't put a long feedback on a separate page, your work is being taken apart as they read it.

As you can see I even colorcoded things for you to make even less room for interpretation and keep your post mostly intact.



As for me, I'll be playing these 20 year-old games with my RL friends (remember those? Sadly, you probably don't) where I actually get to fly Star Wars starfighters (not ones that kinda sorta look like Star Wars ships if I squint really hard and use my imagination) against competent opponents who don't hide inside a cheesy gunship turret because they can't dogfight. This community's toxic, insular, overzealous, overbearing and elititst attitude will most definitely not be missed. I don't need to cling onto the stubborn refusal to give up on GSF because I'm a fan of spaceship combat and/or Star Wars anymore. I don't need to grind through 450 matches just to put myself on a level playing field with the unemployed elitists in their gunships anymore. I don't need sit at my desk for 45 minutes at a time waiting to find others willing to accept mediocrity along with me and play the same 2 10-minute warzones in space over and over again.


You mean bunch of loosers that can't afford a better machine to play something better than 20 yo games? Playing computer games with your RL friends? What a joke! Go to a bar, go hiking, go on a trip! That's what RL friends are for. For RL activities. If you need RL friends to play video games - you failed at life.

Now I see your real motives. You are a looser that couldn't kill a gunship and thinks that because someone flies a gunship they can't crush you in any other ship? Wake up! People who play gunships well and can kill you on a consistent basis - can totally turn you into a space dust while flying other ships. Or maybe you could have brought your RL gamer friends to group up with? GSF is a free to play part of SWTOR and teamwork quite often beats individual skill. Or are your RL friends not good enough?


Why are you still here? Your actions contradict your words. Can't you get lost already?


Another statement that shows that you are a looser. A person who looses 2 games a day and earns about 500 ship requisition per game (daily bonus included) can master any one ship in about 2 months. 2 games is about 30 minutes of game time. You need about 11-12 games per day where you earn 500 ship requisition or 6 games per day at 1000 ship requisition to master a ship in 3 weeks. The fact that you say 450 games tells everyone here that you're a looser that played few games while expecting to bend everyone over in a stock whip, but was bent over instead. Instead of trying you gave up and you didn't even bother to check how quickly you can master a ship of your choosing. There are guides of the forums that give you best builds and how to play them.

(I haven't even taken into account using your CC monthly allowance to convert requisition from ship to fleet to seed up the process.)


Got anything to back up your claims? Data? Official sources? Screenshots of conversations with those gunships that confirm they are unemployed elitists? Maybe you log their time online on a daily basis? (though the last one will prove that you're an unemployed looser that is collecting meaningless data instead of looking for a job)


I have better games to play again. And I couldn't be happier.

If you're so happy, why don't you go to those better games and spare us your whining?

Trust me you will not be missed (trash is rarely missed).

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And I'll point out that out of the 1.5 million SWTOR players, less than 250 consistently play GSF (everyone else plays 1 or 2 matches and then swears it off entirely). ... The only thing history will remember GSF for is being a cheap knockoff of Star Conflict, and one of the most underwhelming expansions for a MMO ever produced.


Normally I do not seek leadership positions, but I have to admit I am a little jealous that 1.5 million SWTOR players have elected you to promote Star Conflict in multiple threads within this forum.

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Normally I do not seek leadership positions, but I have to admit I am a little jealous that 1.5 million SWTOR players have elected you to promote Star Conflict in multiple threads within this forum.


It's pretty hard to mock this guy with just one sentence, but I think you've done it. Personally, I can't hold myself to that. I mean, he literally is engaging in triumphalist crowing about the nonexistent death of a game he's too bad to compete in, while claiming that he's playing 20 year old single player games with his real life friends, while simultaneously claiming we don't have any because, I guess, GSF is so easy that we... have no social life?


Could you picture this guy at the bar?


Bartender: Good to see you again, mate. What have you been up to?

Techsmush: I've been busy insulting people online. I go on this forum of video game players, and I call the ones who are better at me at that video game nerds.

Bartender: Sounds reasonable and normal!

Techsmush's real life friend: Yea, it's so great when he fails utterly in a video game, then logs into the forum and makes ad hominem attacks for hours straight. Sometimes he'll be busy failing at a space game while I'm logged in right next to him failing at an RTS, and our buddy is terrible at FPSs so then we'll all call swap and tab to forums and complain!

Bartender: Ok! What are you drinking!

Techsmush: raW biLE

Bartender: We don't have any of that.

Techsmush: Ok, I'll just go into the corner and tell everyone there that they are losers for hanging out here, and that they are wrong to enjoy drinking, and that the fact that there's a dozen of them having a great time means that they are social outcasts.

Bartender: That sounds fine because WE HAVE NO MODERATION SO DO WHAT YOU LIKE I GUESS

Edited by Verain
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GSF in my opinion is far better. Flying against other players is awesome. testing my skill versus other people beats playing against a computers AI any day.


GSF is a burst game, and people who love tactical play like in turn-based RPGs or in turn-based strategy games which REQUIRE LOTS of thinking ( and I mean "up to 10 minutes of planning" with that, mind you ! ) have no value in GSF. Because in GSF, there is no tactical planning like in turn-based games. And anyone who denies this has no experience with turn-based games.


If you don't believe me - then buy yourself and some friends the "Age Of Wonders" games. There, you can have multiplayer via e-mail. Yes, that's right, PBEM. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Play-by-mail_game#Play-by-Email


With this methjod, you can "test your skills versus other people" AND have it turn-based. this should be perfect for everyone.


But of course PBEM does not provide you with fast battles. If you prefer fast MP battles over PBEM ... well, to me that's proof that GSF is mainly made for extrovert players who prefer "burst" games. ;)

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There are many reasons GSF will have problems with most people:

1: What does this have to do with a WoW clone? Oh, it's a totally separate game within a game (which shares some code so changes to the WoW clone break stuff). Answer to that: spin it off.

2: You can shoot stationary targets? You're ready to fly against the local untouchable 8-man premade-with stock ships! Simplest answer: PvE content. Unfortunately, the AI would be hard to write. It would not only have to deal with players and other NPCs, but also complex terrain and the ships' very limited maneuverability. In order to not be totally boring and easy, fighter AI would also have to use tactics players use.


As for that list of Lucasarts classics, most of them are called classics for a reason: very dated graphics, good design and gameplay (and they pulled it off with a 486/68040!), good story.

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