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Request to remove or change Slicing.


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You're one of the Slicers that regularly roam Yavin, collecting slicing boxes. Hooray, free money.


But, eventually, you go offline to go do RL stuff like eat and sleep.


Other people are there, too. And they're gathering while you're gone. And there's a lot of them now. And that's millions upon millions being pumped into the economy every day that this continues.


So, now you have millions more than you did before. You can now afford more stuff and you buy that stuff from other players, and those millions move into the economy. More players have more money. And all those slicers and yourself are still steadily adding to those millions. More and more players have more and more millions, every day, more players are getting filthy rich.


Now, everyone has millions and so prices for everything start going up. Stims and augments cost more because, hey, we can all afford it. And if people try to bring the price back down, those cheaper items are bought up and relisted at their higher prices.


So, life is good at the top, but people who are new to the game or those who don't have a slicer are stuck with non-inflated credit amounts, so their credits haven't changed a bit, but all of a sudden, those credits don't buy what they used to buy.


And they're left with either leveling Slicing and join the herd of Slicers on yavin, farming boxes and avoiding mobs, or they make due with that substandard play, having do without high end stuff that wasn't so high-end before SoR launched.


Inflation, it's a thing.


Or maybe people could just not be as lazy as I was for two years and learn some crew skills to supplement their in-game income. That or just resell stuff from cartel packs. Either way - there's only so much blaming everyone else you can do for being broke in game.

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I've picked up a few hundred slicing nodes on Yavin, and never once gotten a slicing mission. They're usually just credit boxes, around 3-8K each. It would take hours to get the kind of credits the OP is talking about.


If someone has the time and doesn't get bored, then go for it. :cool:

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I thought the point of slicing was for a chance at finding a mission discovery... For my toons, it's always been a dismal drop rate. Those guys that sell mission discoveries must do NOTHING BUT send their companions on slicing crew missions, while hitting every slicing node without fail. Such cruel taskmasters! When do they find the time to play? Any money gotten from the crew missions just recoups some of the cost of the missions, and don't really turn that much of a profit.


Hmmmmm....? I'VE BEEN TROLLED!!! The OP was trolling with this suggestion!!


Slicing ain't broke! So, no fixing is needed.

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I thought the point of slicing was for a chance at finding a mission discovery... For my toons, it's always been a dismal drop rate. Those guys that sell mission discoveries must do NOTHING BUT send their companions on slicing crew missions, while hitting every slicing node without fail. Such cruel taskmasters! When do they find the time to play?

Running crew skill missions is playing.

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No it isn't. Just like standing in front of the GTN isn't playing.


Yes because everyone knows you can't play while running crew missions. Those tricksty companions will run off and drink beer instead of doing it. That is why you sometimes get failures. They were to drunk to get the item.:eek:

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Yes because everyone knows you can't play while running crew missions. Those tricksty companions will run off and drink beer instead of doing it. That is why you sometimes get failures. They were to drunk to get the item.:eek:


Or ADD...


"Got bored, do it yourself!" -- Skadge

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Yes because everyone knows you can't play while running crew missions. Those tricksty companions will run off and drink beer instead of doing it. That is why you sometimes get failures. They were to drunk to get the item.:eek:

I KNEW IT!!!! :mad:


Eric Jorgen: "Well *hick*, thaaat didn't go like it shoulda...*hick*"

Edited by TUXs
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Did you type "Eric Jorgen" instead of "Aric Jorgan" to further convey that line's sentiment or was it an error? :p

I wish lol...I just mucked up the spellings :) Eric or Aric...same thing...we have too many of them to keep track of :p

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DO NOT NERF SLICING or any other crew skill.


If anything, crew skills need to be BUFFED substantially, not nerfed.


The coins, missions and the like gained from these skills are exactly as intended IMO, and should be so. This is where this belongs, not on slot machines, in conquests or in packs.


Crew missions and crew skills are SUPPOSED TO GENERATE an income. This should remain as it is.


It was a welcome change to make them static, and it needs to remain so....in fact they should do this game wide.

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