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Separate pre-made from pugs.


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They need a better matchmaking system I see premades on both Empire and Republic but they always end up pvping against pugs.


In its current iteration, the number of pugs queing has dropped a great deal since 3.0 dropped.


Do they have to buy the expansion to make it to 60 now, I dont know, but judging from the current trend, premades are practically playing only other premades. Every now and then some new contenders pop in, but judging from the performance of pug players i doubt they stay for long.

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You guys should all transfer to The Ebon Hawk. We roll with super queues. Meaning two guild teams of 4 do a countdown timer and queue together. Bam!!!! 8 v pugs. I made an argument against it but most of the server is for it even though the ability to queue 8 at a time was removed from game. Since I seemed to be the minority, face rolling pugs is the way to go. Like the assn being flavor of the year, if you can't be them, join them. You will be glad you did and you will walk away from an evenings worth of pvp satisfied you completely dominated newb pugs!!!
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You guys should all transfer to The Ebon Hawk. We roll with super queues. Meaning two guild teams of 4 do a countdown timer and queue together. Bam!!!! 8 v pugs. I made an argument against it but most of the server is for it even though the ability to queue 8 at a time was removed from game. Since I seemed to be the minority, face rolling pugs is the way to go. Like the assn being flavor of the year, if you can't be them, join them. You will be glad you did and you will walk away from an evenings worth of pvp satisfied you completely dominated newb pugs!!!


My guild on Po5 tries to do that too. Get two 4 man groups queued at the same time. Every once in a while it backfires though. We find ourselves facing each other. In those matches, it turns into a holarious who can kill who the most event. The other pug members on both sides will be playing to win and the 8 of us are just wacking each other to death regardless of what is going on.


Those pvp events actually break up the tidious nature of PVP warzones. Having each other cuss other guild members out over teamspeak for 10 mins has everybody laughing.

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My guild on Po5 tries to do that too. Get two 4 man groups queued at the same time. Every once in a while it backfires though. We find ourselves facing each other. In those matches, it turns into a holarious who can kill who the most event. The other pug members on both sides will be playing to win and the 8 of us are just wacking each other to death regardless of what is going on.


Those pvp events actually break up the tidious nature of PVP warzones. Having each other cuss other guild members out over teamspeak for 10 mins has everybody laughing.


Yep... Don't see why others are not doing it.... Used to be against it as face rolling with no challenge was just lame after time. Now guild smacking each other with people pugs just gets funny. Oh the rage from the pugs when you could give two crapppps about obj and just spank each other. Gets even funnier doing this drunk pvp Friday nights after the kids are in bed. Hours of entertainment.

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Premade groups need to be queued separately from pug groups. Especially in the 30-59 bracket.


People are purposefully not leveling to 60 and just exploiting lowbies for valor.


Since your server is hoarding all the scary premades can you convince some to transfer? Most of the ones I see are more hindrance than help.

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I doubt they are farming valor. They are enjoying midbies. Or they haven't bought the expansion. Valor is pretty useless anyway. You don't need it for gear really. You don't need it to queue. It is not an indication of skill. It purely indicates they have PVP'd enough to get the valor level. What are they going to do with that valor? By an unrated crafted battle master Armor shell? That's about all the use I can see for valor. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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I doubt they are farming valor. They are enjoying midbies. Or they haven't bought the expansion. Valor is pretty useless anyway. You don't need it for gear really. You don't need it to queue. It is not an indication of skill. It purely indicates they have PVP'd enough to get the valor level. What are they going to do with that valor? By an unrated crafted battle master Armor shell? That's about all the use I can see for valor. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You can also use the rated ones, since they removed the rating requirement :D

Edited by TezMoney
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It's been an issue since start and BW isn't about to change it. Just quit the match and re-queue when you get into an imbalanced match.


Brother, that would be 100% quitting. There ARENT any matches where I'm either a) facing a horde of 55-59, or b) that level range AND a pre-made.


Since your server is hoarding all the scary premades can you convince some to transfer? Most of the ones I see are more hindrance than help.


So your server doesn't have Wook and Triumph? Lucky you.

Edited by DurdensWrath
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Brother, that would be 100% quitting. There ARENT any matches where I'm either a) facing a horde of 55-59, or b) that level range AND a pre-made.


Then you are up the proverbial creek without a paddle, 'cause nothing indicates that BW is going to separate the queues. Quite the opposite

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I love premades. If I play with them, it’s easy comms and medals. If I play against them, I learn tactics. A face-roll is worth a demo of how to focus, guard and redeploy. And a reality check. It’s valuable.

Also, there is a limited number of tactics, so a pug that anticipates stands a chance.

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To be fair they shouldn't be separated because it is an MMO, people should play together BUT premades should be put up against other premades. Yes the queue times might be longer but there are so many of them around as soon as 2 groups are made, they would be thrown in really quickly. To be honest queue syncing isn't difficult anyway.
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Premade groups need to be queued separately from pug groups. Especially in the 30-59 bracket.


People are purposefully not leveling to 60 and just exploiting lowbies for valor.


I usually stay out of these threads, but since you made a direct reference to me and the guild I am in, I guess I should give my side of it.


There is a chance that the team you faced was the team I was in. I was the healer Kersaela from Triumph.


Now that that is out of the way.


No, I am not farming valor. I already had 40+ valor for a long time and I had 4500/2700 comms when I was at 55.


No, I am not in 55 PvP gear. This was a new character that got to 55 a short time before 3.0 and I didn't want to waste the comms I collected.


No, we are not using voice communication.


Coordination? lol, there is none. We are just playing around and don't take it seriously.


Yes, I am taking my time getting to 60 on this character, but that is not because I want to farm pugs, it's to help my friend level up his characters and get comms. Once he gets his characters to 60 I will power level to 60 on this character.


Currently my bonus healing is around 1000 and my expertise is 1850. I am in fact lower than many other operatives I saw for some reason and I am definitely not on par with those who have 55 PvP gear. Also, no augments.


And no we are not always 4 man. Usually it is a 2 or 3 man team which will sometimes have returning players who are not in 55 gear. Once we had a level 30 operative dps with us.


And once again I'm going to say this. We are not doing any special coordination. We do not really communicate much. Although I do give my group mates preference, I try to heal everyone on my team equally. We face both premades and pugs, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. It's a game, get over it.

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Statement invalid. Valor is a reward given at the end of a warzone just like XP and Comms. In order to not level you must leave warzone before it ends. You can only acquire valor when you acquire XP. Valor is useless anyways. Beyond getting ranked comms at lvl 40 it has no use.


But back to your original statement what does any of this have to do with PRE-Mades and PUGS?


Level 55, didn't buy the expansion and I still get valor without XP.


I'm in WH gear, which scales well with bolster but not as high as those with full pvp gear.


I'm not going to buy the expansion and will wait when it becomes free. In the meantime between leveling alts up to 55, I'll farm the bracket for comms, cash, valor.


Not all Pre-mades are good - sometime a PUG will win the match.


The real problem is full PVP 55 gear and fully geared 59 twinks that quit the match before it ends - bolster needs to be redone to boost 30+ up to 59.

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To be fair they shouldn't be separated because it is an MMO, people should play together BUT premades should be put up against other premades. Yes the queue times might be longer but there are so many of them around as soon as 2 groups are made, they would be thrown in really quickly. To be honest queue syncing isn't difficult anyway.


queue times would only be longer for premades, so I'm fine with that.

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queue times would only be longer for premades, so I'm fine with that.


Me too. If a premade queue in unviable, then let it be unviable.


But I don't see why it should be. Lump 2man, 3man and 4man groups into a separate queue. Would work. People get to play with friends and meet people playing with friends. Win-win.

Edited by vennian
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Me too. If a premade queue in unviable, then let it be unviable.


But I don't see why it should be. Lump 2man, 3man and 4man groups into a separate queue. Would work. People get to play with friends and meet people playing with friends. Win-win.


Unless someone misses queue pop, drops grp, or disco's.


Also I love how say queues will be slower, but then end with "win-win". Do you really not know what that terms mean or did you have a stroke midway through writing that?

Edited by TezMoney
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