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The funny thing about the slot machine nerf is ....


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You don't even know what P2W means based on your response above.


It was mild P2W pre-nerf, as the cheapest and fastest way to get mats was the slot machine. Sure you could use someone elses slot machine, but someone along the way had to pay real money for it. It's not too far off from Archage with its blatant selling rare wood mats or whatever in their cash shop.


If you are one of those people who are like "you didn't literally buy wins so its not pay to win" then you must think Path of Exile is P2W since they sell wins for $2 :rolleyes:

Edited by Exastify
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This slot machine was clearly the first in a series, with future versions coming in future packs. Keeping it as it was would have made those packs sell like hotcakes.


But now it's just another decoration. And who buys packs for those?


Peoples were buying packs for decorations and other stuff like crazy, even before the machine. Maybe a few of them who hoped to get rich in a few hours won't. but hey.

Edited by Neglience
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Peoples were buying packs for decorations and other stuff like crazy, even before the machine. Maybe a few of them who hoped to get rich in a few hours won't. but hey.


I'm willing to bet this pack outsold all those other deco packs by a large margin because of the slot machine and only the slot machine. I know a few that only bought it for the machine, because they weren't too thrilled with anything else in the pack.


Me personally, I may or may not have bought it depending on the price of the NPC decorations that were in the pack. If they were particularly high, I would have just to get them at a better price, but otherwise no, I know I wouldn't have bought this hypercrate until much later at the least, and possibly never.

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Peoples were buying packs for decorations and other stuff like crazy, even before the machine. Maybe a few of them who hoped to get rich in a few hours won't. but hey.


Just shut up will you? I am (And Im sure others are as well.) getting tired of your passive aggressive attacks on everyone in every thread.


Freedom of speech and internet anonymity does not give you a right to be a jerk to a lot of the community like you have been doing for the last 72 hours. And yes, what you have been doing is in fact attacks on others.

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This slot machine was clearly the first in a series, with future versions coming in future packs. Keeping it as it was would have made those packs sell like hotcakes.


But now it's just another decoration. And who buys packs for those?


absolutely. Why by a pack for anything other than decorations now? You can't trust BW not to change what you bought, after you bought it. Would be way different if they gave you the option to undo your purchase. You should never buy a pack if what you want is a utility item.

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Just shut up will you? I am (And Im sure others are as well.) getting tired of your passive aggressive attacks on everyone in every thread.


Freedom of speech and internet anonymity does not give you a right to be a jerk to a lot of the community like you have been doing for the last 72 hours. And yes, what you have been doing is in fact attacks on others.


Actually, that is the luxury they do afford.


Care Bears don't live long on the internet.

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Peoples were buying packs for decorations and other stuff like crazy, even before the machine. Maybe a few of them who hoped to get rich in a few hours won't. but hey.


People will still buy it, because the people hoping to abuse it were only a small minority.


And I'll be there to use them in public strongholds and grind my Rep up.


You do realize that these look almost identical to the non-functioning slot machines that everyone could buy for 1 credit, right?

Most people have 50 of those already.

They won't be buying future slot machines unless they are useful, and right now they're not.


Not even for the reputation items as you're basically paying hundreds of thousands of credits to gain relatively little reputation. You'd be better off buying the actual cartel crates off the GTN instead since you'd make back most of your money that way by selling the contents that you don't need (ie. anything except the rep items).


Mark my words, people won't be buying hypercrates to get these slot machines and they won't be selling for millions on the GTN.

Just look at the price of the current machine on the GTN if you don't believe me.

On my server (the progenitor) they went from 10's of milions of credits (which they sold for, I know because I sold one) to just 1 million as it stands now.

And it doesn't seem like they're selling at that price since the lowest priced one has been there since yesterday... (I checked the name)

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Go play a pay to win game (there's quite a few out there) if you think that's what the CM should be for.


You are obviously not at all up to date on the current state of the gaming industry.


Swtor changed during the last 3 years. It had to change. Because the gaming industry completely changed. P2W is where the money and the future of gaming is. It's either that or no game at all. Of course there are always certain exceptions, but generally it is F2P = P2W = state of the art.


The latest South Park season had quite some good explanations about how this all works. Funny episodes, too.


I started playing video games in the early 80s and I have ever been closely connected and have seen all trends come and go. As much as I dislike the current trend: It is the way the industry works at the moment. And I am glad that it works, because that guarantees that we get to see new games again and again and again. :)

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