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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's coming for 2015?


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I started playing when the game started but gave up for over a year and now came back as a sub since Christmas.


I still have Hutt Catel and Revan to do, but was wondering what might be coming for 2015.


Have there been any announcements?

Last year they released a "Producer's Road Map" in early February that gave a general overview of what's to come. Hopefully they'll do the same this year within the next two-to-four weeks.

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I started playing when the game started but gave up for over a year and now came back as a sub since Christmas.


I still have Hutt Catel and Revan to do, but was wondering what might be coming for 2015.


Have there been any announcements?


James Ohlen and Jeff Hickman said 2015 will be a great year for this game.


Both of them.


On separate occasions.


It shall be so. Rest assured.
















We're screwed. :o

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Cartel packs. Lots and lots of cartel packs.


Full of garbage items like raid icons, and armor that causes clipping.

Obviously the aspect of the game that generates the most revenue and has the most revenue returned to it in funding and it constantly pushes out broken items, and worthless garbage.

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Full of garbage items like raid icons, and armor that causes clipping.

Obviously the aspect of the game that generates the most revenue and has the most revenue returned to it in funding and it constantly pushes out broken items, and worthless garbage.


Yelp. I hate it, with everything in my core. There are 2 things that should never go together. EA and cash shops.

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James Ohlen and Jeff Hickman said 2015 will be a great year for this game.


Both of them.


On separate occasions.


It shall be so. Rest assured.
















We're screwed. :o

With that being said I hope it is really a good year for this game indeed

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All I know is that devs said that implementing the new discpline system would mean giving them more time to focus in other areas of the MMO more then before. Now even if I disagree and dislike the new revamp I will agree if that is the case then maybe it could have been a good move but from what I have seen them do so far it hasn't yet been the case and all that's it has done is gave them more time to focus on and put all their creativity into the cash shop (Cartel Market) even further and more then before and not in other more important areas as they said it would. So so far they surely haven't met the players expectations or followed through with what they said would happen after the revamp something that worried me and concerned me when I heard about revamp because in my opinion like most MMOs I felt we were gonna lose more and gain less in return from the change and that they just gonna tell the consumer what they want to hear just to make the transition easier and run smoother.


Now I will say at same time it's still too early to pass final judgement and I hope I'm just being over cautious and Jung the gun about their plans and intentions for the MMO and 2015 but only time will tell. This may be off topic but I'm still waiting on the confirmed race we were promised and was supose to launch along side the Revan expansion but I bet there reason for delaying the new race was to sell it through cash shop separately instead of including it in Revan expansion as they made players believe would happen something I'm not happy about but will overlook of course because new races are great and important no matter how they do it but I hope in future expansions this don't happen again and that they make expansions fuller and bigger then the past 2 expansions and instead just charge more, I rather pay more and get more instead of paying less and getting less like they say you get what you pay for. A steady flow of expansions are what makes MMOs successful not cash shops and they need to put more effort and focus on providing bigger and better expansions first then the cash shops. This isn't hard choice to make since bigger and better means they can charge more for their expansions so it's not like they won't make money. Now don't get me wrong if it was the case where they didn't make any money from expansions tthen I would understand since first focus of any MMO is of course business and money first since without it the MMO could not and would not exsist but of course this ain't the case.


So I hope their plans for 2015 is more about focusing on the MMO itself first meaning expansions and new content in general and then cash shop second and not put all their time and creativity into just cash shop alone as I have seen both lately and in past. These are my thoughts and hopes for Swtor in 2015 and hopefully it's another great year for Swtor and a better future.

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1. Feeble attempts at balance, usually unbalancing something else in the process.


2. No new maps for PVP, in fact nothing PVP related whatsoever, including no return of ranked 8s.


3. More CM packs.


4. More reskins.


5. The demise of Galactic Star fighter.


6. The demise of housing.

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1. Feeble attempts at balance, usually unbalancing something else in the process.


2. No new maps for PVP, in fact nothing PVP related whatsoever, including no return of ranked 8s.


3. More CM packs.


4. More reskins.


5. The demise of Galactic Star fighter.


6. The demise of housing.

Demise of housing? Really? I am sure everyone who has spent a small fortune decorating they're strongholds will continue to use them as long as the game exists. They are not just all fluff either, they have plenty of practical applications.

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