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Changes Coming in Tomorrow's (1/21) Maintenance


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On negative note: No Jawa stuff,certificates or walker after 4 stacks of coins. On a positive note: They didnt tell us that the slot machine was easy to learn but difficult to master and we would need to learn how to play it as well as that playing it properly would be healing to full and making them pay.
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On negative note: No Jawa stuff,certificates or walker after 4 stacks of coins. On a positive note: They didnt tell us that the slot machine was easy to learn but difficult to master and we would need to learn how to play it as well as that playing it properly would be healing to full and making them pay.


I see what you did there ;)

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This item seems like the sort of thing that should have been a minor blip on the radar, and the change to it no more of a big deal than when they changed the look of Gav Daragon's Belt and Tunic post-release. But, as it turned out, people claim they were going after this item and going after it hard. So now you have people unsubscribing over a decoration (and probably at least a few EA execs wondering just why they should bother investing development costs into Ops and WZs if this is what the players care about). "Straw that broke the camel's back" or not, there's something... off about that.


It is an interesting comment . Why such a furor over this item?


I can only speak for myself - but the slot machine, while nothing more than a stronghold decoration really - greatly and unexpectedly increased the overall fun of the game for me.


This game doesn't seem like an especially social game. At least compared to other games I have played. I mostly hang out by myself when I play SWTOR. But last week I started dropping by guild mate's strongholds to play the slots. I chatted more than I ever would. Then I bought two slot machines and started inviting people over to my stronghold. I even handed out a few keys. It was really fun. And other people seemed to be doing the same. People were starting mini-casinos. Guilds were gathering at their flagships. It was a cool thing.


I also find the task of gearing up my alts really tiresome. And way too expensive. Sending out companions several hundred times is awfully boring. So I mostly play just one toon. Which is also different from other games I have played. But this past week I found myself quite excited about the possibility of gearing up all my alts and actually playing all my alts. I could get green mats on Yavin and I could get purple mats through the slot machine. It was awesome. I played the game more last week than I have ever played. And it was fun. I don't know anything about the health and well-being of the GTN and the crafting market. But I do know the game was more enjoyable for me to play when I thought I had an opportunity to gear up and play toons other than my sentinel.


Spending Cartel Certificates was also a blast. I've never really had enough certificates to do anything with the rep vendors. But last week I got all sorts of cool deco stuff and old Cartel items. And that was also fabulous and fun. Now that I have a stack of certificates I have a huge incentive to max out my rep on all future pack releases.


And on a more basic level - it's fun just winning stuff. Getting the Cartel Certificate jackpot was a hoot. The slot machine was something that made me want to log into the game.


And Bioware seemed cool with nearly all of this. I didn't care if I got less purple mats. As long as I could get some. And throwing in some more prizes - like a mount - seemed fantastic as well.


But now. Wow. It just seems like somebody came to my birthday party and stomped on my cake. No more hanging out at strongholds playing slots. No more gearing up alts. No more cartel certificates. The chance of winning the mount seems so bleak. Giving me something cool, something fun, something that makes me want to play the game every free moment - and then taking that thing away almost immediately seems rather cruel.


And that doesn't even touch on the rather unethical manner in which all of this has been handled.


So yeah - it is a pretty minor thing in one sense. But in a larger context I think it gave people a vision of a more enjoyable game experience. And then that vision was crushed.

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Whoever said the oddswerent the problem was incorrect.


Odds were absolutely the problem.


You have a 1 in 10 chance of getting Jawa Junk. So, for $5,000 credits, you are very likely to have received 1 jawa junk, directly transferrable to many (not all) purple crafting materials of any grade. You also received a chance to have blue and green crafting materials in the form of jawa junk as well as free spin tokens, rep items to be sold back to a vendor, etc. It was around a 60% reduction in the initial cost of your tokens purchased, so instead of $5,000 credits spent it was about $2,000 after you sold just the rep items. add to this, you had a chance to get certificate that you could conver into, conservatively $25,000 credits easily. For a stack of 99, the game essentially gave you the ability to make more money from the slot and resulting transactions than you put in. and for a stack of 99, you may very well end up with 12.5 Jawa junk, on average. I repeatedly had much much more.


Ask any crafter how much a single artifact quality drop of grade 11 quality costs them to harvest? At a 20-25% chance of dropping a criti result on a Rich mission to get 3 of them, the cost was higher than $5,000. So even if we couldn't sell anything back, it was more expensive to run crew skills than play the slots. But since we could sell some tuff back and make decent profit on othe stuff, the 'cost' to us for the materials was essentially free. now, if its free (essentially) from playing slots but still costs credits grom crew skillgathering, do you still think there is not a problem with the percentage rate of return for jawa junk?


The odds very much were the problem. Your 'solution' would still make taking your allotted number of spins per day _more_ profitable and more likely to get you what you needed than crafting gathering missions. because the odds of jawa junk were still too high.


Now, the current odds of 1 in 1000 spins is WAY to low.

The pot isn't sweetened by a 1 in 100,000 chance of getting an unnamed speeder that is merely a reskin with reportedly only 90% speed buff.


So the adjustment was much to much.


Bring it backso that the cost of the Jawa Junk you acquire costs you a number of credits that exceed mission gained mats (my own suggestion is 150 to 200% the cost of gathering gained mats) which means you lower the odds significantly, but not to the crazy levels they were, and BOTH methods are viable and game balance is served.


But the odds were decidedly what was wrong with the prior slots.


you are looking at it wrong. there was no reason to change the slots.


they could


A. lower the costs of the missions

B. increase the crit rate of the missions

C. remove the failure component to missions.(they fail way too much)

D. use this as a reason to overhaul the crafting system to bring it more in line with the state of the game as it is now. make it more fun. have more people involved in it.


their stated objective was to increase the availability of mats. massive failure


they have alienated a large portion of the player base, lost subscriptions and possible future cartel coin sales. they have lost a lot of credibility with players. they had and still have an opportunity to do good things. ignoring this to keep the gtn wanna be hutts happy will lose that opportunity

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The source of the packs are from real $, not credits no matter who bought them


and you can still buy them..exclusive means no one else can get them....these items are not and never were in any way exclusive. the devs NEVER told you they would never sell them to anyone else. you cannot show any sort of dev statement that those were exclusive. they said they would embargo them, but not that they were gone for ever.


you want exclusive, go play ranked pvp...season awards have been promised to be eclusive

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I could have fixed 90% of the whining with one simple change: Make all prizes character bound. And so is everything you buy with it.


why should they do this to make the crafter gold farmers happy? they dont play the game, they just run missions all day. sure they provide a service, but so do the gold sellers spamming fleet. for all we know, they may be one and the same.

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I actually would be fine if it was all bound. I didn't play the machine to make money, I played it to have fun and get some goodies.


The main draw for me was access to items on the embargoed items vendor. The mats were just a nice bonus.


IMO it should have never had scraps in the first place....but should have dropped certs like candy.


Binding everything you can buy to legacy would have been fine by me.

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It is an interesting comment . Why such a furor over this item?


I can only speak for myself - but the slot machine, while nothing more than a stronghold decoration really - greatly and unexpectedly increased the overall fun of the game for me.


This game doesn't seem like an especially social game. At least compared to other games I have played. I mostly hang out by myself when I play SWTOR. But last week I started dropping by guild mate's strongholds to play the slots. I chatted more than I ever would. Then I bought two slot machines and started inviting people over to my stronghold. I even handed out a few keys. It was really fun. And other people seemed to be doing the same. People were starting mini-casinos. Guilds were gathering at their flagships. It was a cool thing.


I also find the task of gearing up my alts really tiresome. And way too expensive. Sending out companions several hundred times is awfully boring. So I mostly play just one toon. Which is also different from other games I have played. But this past week I found myself quite excited about the possibility of gearing up all my alts and actually playing all my alts. I could get green mats on Yavin and I could get purple mats through the slot machine. It was awesome. I played the game more last week than I have ever played. And it was fun. I don't know anything about the health and well-being of the GTN and the crafting market. But I do know the game was more enjoyable for me to play when I thought I had an opportunity to gear up and play toons other than my sentinel.


Spending Cartel Certificates was also a blast. I've never really had enough certificates to do anything with the rep vendors. But last week I got all sorts of cool deco stuff and old Cartel items. And that was also fabulous and fun. Now that I have a stack of certificates I have a huge incentive to max out my rep on all future pack releases.


And on a more basic level - it's fun just winning stuff. Getting the Cartel Certificate jackpot was a hoot. The slot machine was something that made me want to log into the game.


And Bioware seemed cool with nearly all of this. I didn't care if I got less purple mats. As long as I could get some. And throwing in some more prizes - like a mount - seemed fantastic as well.


But now. Wow. It just seems like somebody came to my birthday party and stomped on my cake. No more hanging out at strongholds playing slots. No more gearing up alts. No more cartel certificates. The chance of winning the mount seems so bleak. Giving me something cool, something fun, something that makes me want to play the game every free moment - and then taking that thing away almost immediately seems rather cruel.


And that doesn't even touch on the rather unethical manner in which all of this has been handled.


So yeah - it is a pretty minor thing in one sense. But in a larger context I think it gave people a vision of a more enjoyable game experience. And then that vision was crushed.


Totally agree, I've been having fun helping guildies gear up. I've loved being able to craft low level gear due to the addition of these items.

Whilst I'd agree the Jawa junk could of been reduced, I don't think it was necessary to remove the chance of actually winning anything. Before I was excited when I added a coin, now I was pissed off and angry. Last night didn't feel like doing anything in game to be honest, never thought that something as simple as this would make me question my Sub, but it actually has.

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[*]It had the risk of taking the Grade 11 material costs in the economy, in the long term, to a price below where we would like



So, you people at Bioware control the market? How do you come up with the assumption, "this is where the X price should be for selling X item."


The machine needed adjustment not a HUGE nerf. Why did you insist on listening to the small majority of QQ'ers and destroyed something that was fun. Now when I use it I feel like I am in a real casino here in Reno, Nevada. I'm sorry but I pay $14.99 to have fun. Instead of nerfing the heck out of the slot machine spend that energy and resources on fixing:


1) Server stability


2) Loading screens that take forever. Heck even Guild Wars 2 doesn't take 5-10 minutes to load from zone to zone. For its style of game is graphically intensive. It does push my system to the limit. I ran Swtor on both a SSD and 7200 rpm HHD and did not see much difference, granted the SSD was faster but not by much. Majority of us users shouldn't have resort to using Swtor Unleashed to get better performance.


3) Improve FPS in warzones and 16-man Operations


It is very possible that these are being addressed and take time when re working the code and performing extensive testing. Honestly stop trying to make the game pretty, it was fine as it was and spend time fixing performance.


My advice is don't offer 12x type event and invite people for closed beta at the same time. This is what happened to me and a few people I know. WE had to choose what was better for our entertainment dollar.:rolleyes:

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It is an interesting comment . Why such a furor over this item?


I can only speak for myself - but the slot machine, while nothing more than a stronghold decoration really .


We have our Slot Machine decorations already... I think many of us have 99, from the last mistake they made. The Slot Machine was the best thing about the game to hit in 3.0.

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never thought that something as simple as this would make me question my Sub, but it actually has.

I hear you. I can't believe it but I'm actually thinking of jumping ship and going to play WOW with my friends. They have been bugging me for years to play and this has just crushed the life out of me for this game. If I do stay I think I'll go back to prefered.

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Hey folks,


[*]To insure that the Slot Machine is still an awesome item to strive for, we have added a faction specific walker mount as a very rare drop




Mind-numbingly trying to get this mount is not awesome at all. Just sayin'.

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I find dailies mind-numbing. Other people love them. Just sayin'.


You would have to play 24/7 for almost 4 days to have an average chance of the walker dropping and it would cost you an average of 75 million credits.


That goes just slightly beyond "mind-numbing" and into outright crazy.

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Well, that's that. They went through a patch cycle, did nothing, said nothing. It is obvious to me that they do not care what kind of blowback this could cause, if any.


Fair enough.

They're ignoring everything here until they have something new to post. They don't care about the upset players or the cancelling accounts - they just want to avoid drama and they're doing that by ignoring their customers here.

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