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Average amount of credits per player?


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usually float between 10 and 20 mil. Honestly would be a lot more but I spend way too much than I should.



On a new char I'm bringing up, he is lvl 38 and with his own collected money has purchased every single legacy xp boost unlock (comes to about 1.2 mil I think?) and has some fancy color crystals for main and off hand for himself and a alt that were about 400k each, and is currently sitting on about 600k. He runs scavenging, bio, and slicing. All but treek is out on missions at all times, and every single node is picked, every enemy looted. When inventory gets full I send companion to sell junk, stronghold travel and vendor my greens, dump everything else into cargo hold, then travel right back to where I was on planet. End of night before I log out I post everything from cargo to the GTN. Next day wake up with around a million waiting.


There really is no reason to be dirt poor other than laziness or you just spend way too much. And I don't see advantages to craft pre-60 with as fast as you out level the craftables, you're better financially to just get extra gathering skills and selling those.


Post 60, some GTN playing or nice craft work you can fly sky high with the credits, I used to do so awhile back but got invested in juggling alts for guild purposes and never really stopped rerolling characters as needed.

Edited by Maxil
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The economies crashed, so average now will probably be 100-300k for the majority

oh poop, just finishing rishi and yavin, now that training is free, should bring you close to a mil per character.


that said, personally I tend to hover around 5 mil total - per server, not per character. every once in a while I want to buy big ticket items, so I make some effort to make up the credits (usually, the big ticket item is hypercrates, but occasionally its particularly desired piece of armor, like the Xoaxan's chest piece I bought couple of weeks ago).


I craft all of my own augments and augment kits out of materials I gather myself (its a quirk of character, I know its not efficient, bit its what most fun for me) so that usually means I have to save up for those 42k per kit fees, but not much else.


if I finally decide to unlock tatooine stronghold (still holding out for other options, not a fan of that place) - I'll make some effort again and get more credits.


a friend of mine is much MUCH richer than I am, but they barely spend anything. for me, credits are just means to an end - a way to get me some shinies to play with.

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Not to brag, but I am sitting at 123+ million. Was at 160+ million until strongholds came out, but I went crazy for them decorations :) Slowly building it back up doing some dailies, but been logging in less unless its guild raid time. More PvP too now.(...)


However, I always thought I was on the "average" spectrum for wealth. I do not buy anything really and before you yell "upgrade your toons you scrub!" all of my two main toons are fully augmented and wear nice (I think its nice :D) CM gear. I buy nice mounts, pets, maybe a new outfit, maybe spend some CC for a haircut or tan, but really that's it.


I really don't get how people only have 1-2 million, unless you feel it is necessary to have fully upgraded gear throughout leveling...


Might I ask why exactly you are hoarding more than 100 million credits in this game? I'm not judging it, but I also don't understand it. I make credits easily as well (if I feel like it). But I spend it all right away. It's not that I can use these credits for my pension later. In December I made about 30 million credits and spent 35 millions. I earn the credits ingame to spend them on fun stuff again. I personally cannot think of one reason to pile up 100 million credits. It's always good to have a bit aside for future investments, but 100 millions is too much to just keep it. At least throw a big party on the fleet and pay a drink for every player online. :D


The economies crashed, so average now will probably be 100-300k for the majority


When exactly did that happen?

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The only time I had 10+mil on my legacy was when I forced myself to not spend any of it in order to get the title. There are just way too many things I'd like to have and the cartel stuff release cadence is already too fast for me to keep up with.


My income is low as well because I find the activities that earn the most creds to be boring. I don't like sitting in front of the GTN when I could be out questing and I don't craft anything beyond armorings for my alts. I force myself to do dailies until I hit max rep and get the achievements and then avoid them as much as I can.

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Might I ask why exactly you are hoarding more than 100 million credits in this game? I'm not judging it, but I also don't understand it. I make credits easily as well (if I feel like it). But I spend it all right away. It's not that I can use these credits for my pension later. In December I made about 30 million credits and spent 35 millions. I earn the credits ingame to spend them on fun stuff again. I personally cannot think of one reason to pile up 100 million credits. It's always good to have a bit aside for future investments, but 100 millions is too much to just keep it. At least throw a big party on the fleet and pay a drink for every player online. :D


Honestly, I think its because I have only two characters and I don't really see many things that "fit" my character. My main is for pve and pvp and my imp alt is just pvp.


I only need to gear up pve/pvp once a year it seems and I change my toons' look maybe 2-3 times a year it doesn't add up to much. Plus I provide the mats I require for crafting.


I get the "no point to save up" but I also don't see the point to buying a bunch of stuff that I don't want or need. I just play the game. The fact that I've accumulated so much is an after thought for me.


Big party of fleet? Considered, maybe i'll make it a huge party in my apartment that i've spent 30+ million on. Need dat 50 people achievement :)


Got me thinking now, maybe make it a credit raffle give away? Give away millions based on rolls and other prizes.

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I have been playing since launch, it has been becoming increasingly easy to gain credits in this game. Across 5 of my toons I have upwards of 100 million.


I haven't made a killing as of late, i wont give away all of my secrets, but I will throw you guys a bone lol.. Back when rakata gear was the highest tier and the best gear could be crafted, I was able to pull in 50 mil from only crafting and selling Might Hilt 24's (i think that was rakata lvl, its been so long).


I was also in the Color Crystal market before the Cartel Market destroyed any reason to craft crystals. Those would sell for between 30-60k each.


Times have changed and with that you must adjust.


I only have so much because there isnt anything in game that i MUST have.. every few months I may change my outfit and that may cost close to 5 mil. Im not really into the stronghold decorations, in fact, I completely decorated my coruscant SH and I havent been back there in 2 months. With exception to quick traveling.


I never run dailies either, to be honest, i probably spend maybe 5 hours a week playing outside of progression raiding.

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As in, from laughing that hard.


I'd say maybe 1-2 mil for the average 50-60 player. And that's not taking into account the F2P players can't go above like, 300k.


They still have escrow, which means they'll actually have a lot more, since they wouldn't be spending it. Before I re-subbed 4 months ago, I had 83 million in escrow over 7 toons, that's just from not being able to buy anything (I refuse to spend all my credits to expand my spending pool... plus, there really wasn't anything worth buying).

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On my general runs, running the following in order and with story stuff:


Oricon / Makeb


Yavin 4


Gives you about 800k without looting bodies. I imagine that'd be about 1 Mil if you're not a dork like me and actually loot every enemy for credits.


Also, admittedly I misunderstood and was thinking 'per character' and not player earlier.


And honestly, if I actually tallied up the global worth of the stuff I have on all my characters I'd probably peak over 20 Mil myself. My Consular alone runs a Meditation Hoverchair, the Conqueror's Saber with that cool wavey effect, a white color crystal, etc.

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Let's see, my toons usually have 2-5 mil on them, I was lower than that, but I was sending over credits to my alt guild/banker toons to buy my alt guild a dreadnaught (yet, none of my active guilds have one).


Credits are generally easy to make, if you try. I don't normally go for the big overpriced items (none of my mounts or outfits are worth more than 300K). I think the only semi-expensive items would be my main that has white dye and white crystal, but those weren't really all that pricy either.


I made my level 26ish sniper toon buy and unlock all of Kaas City on her own, and I had my 26ish seer toon buy and unlock all of Coruscant on her own. When I re-subbed, I just easily went and unlocked all of Tat, didn't really think about the other SHs until more decently.


I spend most of my credits on SH decorations, but usually it's just overflow cash (dump surplus credits on banker type toon). I say banker type, but I don't really have a banker, each toon tends to do their own money gathering. I never really have to shift funds to any of them. NEW toons get a little buffer, they'll get their outfit, weapon, crystal, mount and then they give back (used to, until I got the Dreadnaught), so now the coins are more overflowing.

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You can make 2 to 10 mil a day when you try yet you don't let your main banker get over 20 mil.


Unless you constantly spend like a drunken Jawa sail barge deckhand or you rarely "actively try" or you're just making up the 2 to 10 mil a day claim, does not compute.


No, that's actually pretty accurate. They're not making 2 to 10 million EVERY day. They could if they tried. But it's only 20 mil a week, which I know about because that's about what I do when I try.


If you choose to spend that about 20 mil a week, that's not terribly hard to do. You're buying high-end, rare CM drops mostly. Mounts are pretty expensive - in the millions. If you want to go back in time to get an embargoed one that you missed, that's a lot more.


Some of the toys or regens or emotes go half a million or more each. You can get to 20 mil spent pretty fast.

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No, that's actually pretty accurate. They're not making 2 to 10 million EVERY day. They could if they tried. But it's only 20 mil a week, which I know about because that's about what I do when I try.


If you choose to spend that about 20 mil a week, that's not terribly hard to do. You're buying high-end, rare CM drops mostly. Mounts are pretty expensive - in the millions. If you want to go back in time to get an embargoed one that you missed, that's a lot more.


Some of the toys or regens or emotes go half a million or more each. You can get to 20 mil spent pretty fast.


Yup... just look at the prices of some of the newer outfits each time a cartel pack is released.

Chest: 500k-1mil.

Helmet: Same

Boots & Gloves: 250k-500k each.

Pants: 400-800k.


That's alot of money for an entire outfit right there.


Spending is easy.

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Yup... just look at the prices of some of the newer outfits each time a cartel pack is released.

Chest: 500k-1mil.

Helmet: Same

Boots & Gloves: 250k-500k each.

Pants: 400-800k.


That's alot of money for an entire outfit right there.


Spending is easy.

Add in "oh, new 37 hilts/barrels are out, fine." That's another 1.5 mil for Force Welder 37, 1 mil per the 2 Reflex 37s for my BH, a 3rd for my trooper, a skill for my rarely used agent healer. Oh, and 400K for 2 mights for my 55 mara that I should probably start leveling, since her Treek has a set of the 192 free comp gear. And for some reason, I bought a 37 resolve hilt for 900K for Nadia... though, i forgot she had the 192 thing already. Meh, that's really the only big spending spree I've hard lately, side from the 4 mill I blew on plants.

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If I had to guess average per player...1-2M. Who knows!


Between all my toons I have around 3M. I'm not one to run dailies or anything...if I need creds, I buy a hypercrate from the CM and sell it on GTN. While I'd love to run dailies, craft, etc to make creds, I'm one of the folks with more $$$ than time. When I do have time to play, I don't want to run dailies or harvest mats. I'd rather group up and kill stuff! pew pew pew!

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This question has been gnawing at me for some time. What's the average amount of credits for most high level players (50-60)? I've seen some players with a million, and some with upwards to a hundred million. The amount of credits I have on my main (level 53) is around 7 million.


since I bought 2 Rancors and equipment for 18 coompanions this month I am down to a low 163 million

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Let's see...if I take into account EVERY characters wallet... I got around $1Million to 1.5million. Of course all my alts are sporting custom gear, riding nice mounts, and All have cool looking weapons that I've bought and unlocked in collections. My "mains" job is to support my alts. So I only run dailies when he gets down to about $500,000. Don't really see the point of hoarding pixel money personally. I HAVE to be responsible with my money irl....here I can splurge to my hearts content without my wife complaining that $6000 is to much to spend just to put hydraulics on my 78 Caddy :D
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I sit back and shake my head at the wonder of it all. I have yet to see more than 1 million in a lump and have yet to make over 3 million in total for all two years of playing. Guess I just don't have the luck of selling outrageously priced stuff on GTN or the real world cash to throw away on hypercrates. Still loving the game but seriously....:eek:
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This question has been gnawing at me for some time. What's the average amount of credits for most high level players (50-60)? I've seen some players with a million, and some with upwards to a hundred million. The amount of credits I have on my main (level 53) is around 7 million.


Most people aren't anywhere near 100mil. That said, I've seen people with near a billion.


The average is down around 8-10mil, I suspect.

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