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People are using macros on slot machines..


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We cannot prove this but BW has the evidence if they look into it.


All they have to look for is the input of the players using these machines and if people have been sloppy and created a macro that say clicks every x seconds exactly, then that's a pretty clear indication that they are using a macro that is against the TOS, and is a permaban offence.


I find it extremely hard that there wouldn't be people abusing this with a macro. Are they stupid enough to get caught is another story though.


Only the dumbest ones will do it that way. The more clever ones will add random timers and even some pauses to simulate normal human behaviour.

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I am sure folks are abusing this with a macro. Folks have found ways to abuse almost every repeatable mechanic in the game using bots and macros....one favorite seems to be log ins to grab chests. I also heard there was a farming bot for the GTN...if something is sold at a certain price it is purchased and then resold.
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I still roll gathering missions all the time while I'm playing the game.


But I'm starting to think that I'm alone in that.






Not in running gathering missions... But in actually playing the game

It seems that everyone saying that gathering missions are dead have decided that playing the slot machine is "playing the game" nowadays...


Nice dramatic pause :D


No you're not alone, I've got 3 slot machines in my SH and I'll play them for a quick stack then I'm off to do something else (PvP / PvE / Levelling / Crafting / Gathering etc etc). Yes I'll still also run crew missions while doing those.

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They go AFK for hours and hours and hours and let the clicking do the work, I'm surprised Bioware didn't patch this in on the first day. These known "clickers" keep undercutting me because they have so much stuff to sell. I've sent in tickets but Bioware take days to respond to them.


Oh boo hoo.


This is not a ticket issue. Because its not a bug. Plus we all know you would do the same if you had access to one.


I do have one but have not listed a thing on the GNT yet other than items picked up from standard drops joring game play. Do I complain about how much in-game credits you were making before on selling stuff on the gnt for far far too much? No I was no because what you sell your items for is totally up to you. As such don't feel sorry for you now because others are making the credits by selling items cheaper. As I said boo hoo poor little you.


Really this is a game you are meant to enjoy playing, not a game where you are meant to make in-game credits as fast as possable. Far to many of you have lost sight of that going by how many threads there are about players complaints about this and stuff like this.


If this post is considered flaming, well they can ban me from it.



Same as the two posts above, yes still send crew on craft missions.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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Only the dumbest ones will do it that way. The more clever ones will add random timers and even some pauses to simulate normal human behaviour.


Giving advice on cheating is also against the rules.


That said swtor.exe is running as administrative process.


If somebody from BW looks close enough, they will spot a cheater. They just don't have the resources to look into everything.

Edited by easeyway
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We cannot prove this but BW has the evidence if they look into it.


All they have to look for is the input of the players using these machines and if people have been sloppy and created a macro that say clicks every x seconds exactly, then that's a pretty clear indication that they are using a macro that is against the TOS, and is a permaban offence.


I find it extremely hard to believe that there wouldn't be people abusing this with a macro. Whether they're stupid enough to get caught or not is another story though.


Oh definitely, I never claimed anywhere that people weren't macro'ing this, I strongly suspect it as well.

What I had and have an issue with in the post I reacted to was the use of the word "proof" for something that is at best a vague possible indicator (someone having a lot of stacks of rares on the GTN).

Only Bioware can generate hard evidence and react accordingly.

Edited by wolfyde
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You know, it's interesting...on my server mats have actually gone UP in price.

No movement on crafted items either.

I'm still waiting for this impact that is supposed to come....I would actually appreciate it if folks were not selling green mats for ridiculous prices.


I've actually noticed this as well this morning on my server. I can't speak for augments as I haven't made any lately, but as far as hilts, mods and enhancements go I'm still listing and selling at the same price as before.

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You know, it's interesting...on my server mats have actually gone UP in price.


No movement on crafted items either.


I'm still waiting for this impact that is supposed to come....I would actually appreciate it if folks were not selling green mats for ridiculous prices.


Yeah, I sell mainly dyes (and of those, mainly black/red, because that is still selling like hotcakes) and I've actually noticed prices going up.

Used to be I'd sell the dyes at 25k-35k.

Now it's 35k-50k.

And I'm still selling (and crafting) more of them than I used to do.

And at a greater profit (since I don't have to buy the purple mats any more).


In fact, I'm kinda running out of mats too fast so I have changed the gathering skill to archeology on one of my main toons (from slicing) just to get more green mats.

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OP: People are using macros on slot machines.


Poster 1: How do you know?


OP: I just do.




Yeah, that's pretty much how this thread has gone.


Take a few seconds, use google and you know, that people do use macros on this.

Edited by Neglience
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And why is that a problem? After seeing how hard gear was to obtain pre 3.0, I can see the point of this...


"Hard: as in hard for casual players who never come to the forums and are not hard core players who grind dailies"


Over and over and over, in flashpoints and ops, I'd see undergeared players... now they have no excuse... It used to be too expensive to buy the proper gear, now it won't take much and I see that as a good thing.


If the "elite" crafters all went away, the core game is still here, perhaps now with more people playing. People will craft for themselves and for their guild, but perhaps it won't be a profession where people spend hours and hours making billions of credits doing it.


Point taken. Then I want a Ultimate Comm slot machine, PVP reward slot machine, Ops slot machine. See, I don't have time to do all those things so I just want them handed to me.

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When I try to talk to them but get no response, when I click on the machine and win the click a few times, stop for a couple of seconds and see them resume clicking. Ermmm the very fact this person told me they are macroing, showed me a print screen of their inventory before & after doing 72 hours of macroing and seeing they haven't been offline in 3 or 4 days...You're right where is the proof?????


And you have a copy of this or it is just your word?

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Close thread.


proof is out there, just search for it. its not allowed to post something like that here on the forum.


Well to be specific, no proof that the person uses macros which the OP claims, but that there are peoples using macros on this.

Edited by Neglience
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I know people are macroing this and I know this because people have told me that's what they are doing. So honestly this could get out of hand for sure macroing this. It's like an unlimited credit making machine.


I think removing the grade 11 mats from the jawa traders is the easiest and best solution to this problem. I don't have a problem with someone having a lot of credits but for people who don't have a lot of credits and don't have acess to a slot machine or the time to spend in from of it yes I strongly think this does give some players an unfair advantage. But as far as creating credits and cash you can only spend so much so after several million the only benefit you could have is being able to buy gear but only 192s are Craftable so really with credits and gainin credits their is no advantage.


But crashing the market of the price of mats is unfair with mats the price dropping means the people who don't have access to a slot machine are left behind in the chance to create wealth. And if they try to harvest mats to sell they are better off just doing dailies but even then they still aren't making the same amount.

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IF they are macroing, they'll be discovered and banned. That's what happened during the casino event, and that's what will happen here.


But then, that's only IF they are macoring, I still haven't seen any proof of that.


Well in time you may eventually see proof. I have been shown proof myself therefore I know for a fact this person is using macros on the slot machines. However I'm not obliged to show you the same proof.


But know that the issue here is that people CAN use macros on slot machines.

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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I'm not accusing anybody because the person who was using macros already showed me they were using macros.


That's besides my point. I commented on the general absurdity of you saying to someone "you can't prove they didn't do it". No one needs to prove their innocence, innocence is automatically assumed until proven otherwise.

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That's besides my point. I commented on the general absurdity of you saying to someone "you can't prove they didn't do it". No one needs to prove their innocence, innocence is automatically assumed until proven otherwise.


I'm sorry but you're totally incorrect about that.

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