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<Zorz> HM Revan and Coratanni videos

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It seems super tight even with majority being BH and that demands one question: Are you all optimized 198? :confused:


Depends on video only min-maxed DPS we have currently are Fascinate, and yolo (sniper). As for tanks yes, we both were tanking three lockouts a week for a month most which were 8/10+ clears. Sorvali is min-maxed and raulos on his merc is majority 192.


On the 6 BH kill I'd say everyone outside fascinate has majority 192-198 mix and he had the only MH of that kill.


Our 3.0.2 kill we had three 198 MH (x2 DPS, x1 heal). Only fasc was full 198 min-maxed actually had to feed yolo his six piece the prior night. I'd say if we were fully min-maxed can add 300-400 raid dps. Though having all eight survive is most important, smugglin added in 220k which is a large amount.

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Gz on new kills! It somewhat makes me a sad panda that it's significantly easier because of x-skill unique to a class. To be honest, I'd rather have them change that than nerf it otherwise.


I'm sure the natural balance will be restored and we can go back to the traditional balanced raidgroups used since game launch against all challenging content.


What was it again... stack snipers to the roof and enslave a few marauders... Something about unique abilities or something... maybe the words "significantly easier" were used too...

Edited by Gyronamics
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Gz on new kills! It somewhat makes me a sad panda that it's significantly easier because of x-skill unique to a class. To be honest, I'd rather have them change that than nerf it otherwise.


to me it would be dumb to make hydraulics not work on the breathe in breathe out mechanic because then, you'd have to require nothing works on it, no entrench no nothing. It would just seem bizarre that you keep, frankly, buffing a fight that literally 2 guilds have killed ever and 1 guild has killed since the change. In NiM, I bet that nothing works from a physics immunity standpoint on this fight. But for HM, to further take it away, it's just literally making there be 3 different progressions on the same fight. It's dumb. Not that I think your comment is dumb, I can appreciate you wanting the fight to be hard but also not screw other classes, but I just don't think further "buffing" the fight is the answer. I don't see 10 guilds killing this boss right now (or period for that matter) without serious nerfs, and to just be like NAH MAKE IT HARDER just seems like an out of touch move for the general raiding community.

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Thanks to all and good luck with the content.


Just thought I'd throw in my two cents on the composition: it definitely can be done without Hydraulics by simply adjusting your position (we did not start this week with 8 BH), but the raid gains 2-3 GCDs every single Hydraulics which is a good net gain in DPS (we were approximately 5 seconds away from dying to the final Heave, although we did have a tank dead for almost the entire Machine Core phase which could add DPS). The only way Bioware can address this discrepancy is to make the in/out mechanic either have a fundamentally different role on the top floor or to also ignore Hydraulics/Entrench.


The other benefit to using Hydraulics on top floor is that it makes it slightly easier to perform the Unstable Aberration mechanic correctly since you do not have to worry about being thrown in/out while dealing with explosions.


We start coming to the point where you ask if the problem is with the mechanics or the abilities. I really like the mechanics on this fight, they are quite unique for this game. At the same time, it's not really fair to these classes if every time their utility is valuable, you make the mechanic override that utility. It was necessary to disable those physics resistant cheeses for Unstable Aberration in order to not trivialize purple circles, which is the technique we stuck to for the first month of the content. Is it necessary for the in/out pulse too? Definitely not, but it's still frustrating that it makes things easier to a degree that we all ultimately came on a BH to simplify the kill (at least while we were learning to do Unstable Aberrations without getting blown off the edge, which is still easy enough to mess up).


I don't necessarily foresee this being changed, since it is currently much closer to "Brontes unfair" as in using a bunch of Snipers to laugh at circles and not take knockbacks. When you could cheese both the in/out and Unstable Aberrations, it was blatantly overpowered. However, it seems to be a recurring issue that I don't have any easy answers to.


We have had a lot of fun progressing on this but some of those questions left unanswered for Nightmare, and for future raids.


edit: And I think I speak for everyone in Zorz when I say that we are far happier with this iteration of Revan than whatever we were killing before with pure Hydraulics for every mechanic, since it is much closer to being fair now and requires a high level of execution. But whether this should be the final state of this fight, I'm really not sure.

Edited by Saenth
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Okay, so how do those unstable aberrations actually work? I simply don't get how sometimes they push one man, sometimes they push 2 or 3 people, sometimes explode and don't push at all. Is it just bugged, insane rng or what? Its also unclear to me why Evrydayipt is calling where aberrations spawn position but none is moving to adjust push direction..you just stack together for aoe heals, do hydraulics for pulls and from time to time 1 or 2 man get pushed by aberrations.
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They only knock you if you dont face them when they explode


They explode in a certain order


You determine the order by watching their animations


Cool, thanks.


EDIT: Actually, very cool, I love this fight even more now.

Edited by Prog
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It's a cool mechanic once you know it, but it's really poorly telegraphed that's what's causing you to get knocked back. It would be nice if the ability had a name (like backstab or exploit vulnerability on Ruugar and Revan, respectively) that at least hinted at the nature of the mechanic, or something in the combat log. As it is, we basically had to cross reference a bunch of videos of top floor pulls and exhaust all ideas that actually had to do with interacting with the circles to realize what was happening.


My only other complaint about it is the only way to know what order they're going to explode in is to see the one-time animation. If you happen not to be looking at two circles to see which order they change in (say, you're running out for a pull in on one of the later sets) there's no way to tell what order they turned. Obviously this can be worked around, but it would be nice if there was some indicator.

Edited by namesaretough
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It's an abysmally obscure mechanics for merely hard mode.


Sure it's mimicking revans brutal *** grab move if you turn your back on him but we were only finding out through RNG of people surviving for no apparent reason and examining playback of why when others next to them died.


I can only imagine that NiM will be ghastly or merely buff the previous two floors which are quite easy by comparison.

Edited by Gyronamics
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It's an abysmally obscure mechanics for merely hard mode.


Sure it's mimicking revans brutal *** grab move if you turn your back on him but we were only finding out through RNG of people surviving for no apparent reason and examining playback of why when others next to them died.


I can only imagine that NiM will be ghastly or merely buff the previous two floors which are quite easy by comparison.


As others have stated already that was my main issue with the mechanic; the lack of being able to determine what it was based on what was handed to you. It truly is one of, if not the, hardest mechanic based fights in this games (including NiM) which is great, but do I think more than 2-3 guilds will clear this in its current state? Probably not. Will it receive a nerf of some kind? Probably. Are Bounty Hunters still awesome? Duh.


I hope many others clear this fight as it is really an experience to learn and master all the mechanics. I wish those pulling it currently the best of luck & to try and enjoy it :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thing that makes cora rough is the occasional double damage knockback from ruugar. I don't know if it's a bug or a mechanic we're missing but we see it in both 8 and 16. If it weren't for that I don't think it would be so bad. Revan is hard because the top floor is all personal responsibility. I don't think one is really harder than the other, they both just have different challenges.

Edit: of course that's from the perspective of someone with a couple months of experience with both the fights on 8m, if you're coming at both blind I'd guess revan would be harder just due to the number of mechanics and how fast they come out, like I think revan is probably harder to learn on 8 than cora is.

Edited by namesaretough
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I do agree there's a good argument for Cora 16 being harder since the spikes in Ruugar phase can be immense, although we came incredibly close to 1-shotting it whereas that was definitely not the case for Revan since you need most of the raid to survive the first few purples with few mistakes to get good initial DPS burn on the Machine Core.


The main thing in Revan that is difficult is the Essence Corruption is much more chaotic and difficult in 16 on first floor. Otherwise (from a healer perspective), the fight is fairly easy on 16 and I was just focusing on staying alive as long as I could, not even doing anything really clever or using cooldowns well.

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to me it would be dumb to make hydraulics not work on the breathe in breathe out mechanic because then, you'd have to require nothing works on it, no entrench no nothing. It would just seem bizarre that you keep, frankly, buffing a fight that literally 2 guilds have killed ever and 1 guild has killed since the change. In NiM, I bet that nothing works from a physics immunity standpoint on this fight. But for HM, to further take it away, it's just literally making there be 3 different progressions on the same fight. It's dumb. Not that I think your comment is dumb, I can appreciate you wanting the fight to be hard but also not screw other classes, but I just don't think further "buffing" the fight is the answer. I don't see 10 guilds killing this boss right now (or period for that matter) without serious nerfs, and to just be like NAH MAKE IT HARDER just seems like an out of touch move for the general raiding community.


Hey Justin,


"I'd rather have them change that than nerf it otherwise".. I guess I wasn't clear enough. What I meant was that if they are going to make it easier, then they should tune the DPS check for the burn instead of keeping x-class OP for that specific phase. I did not mean they should make it harder, rather if they are making it easier just balance it so that stacking x-class does not bring significant benefits.

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Hey Justin,


"I'd rather have them change that than nerf it otherwise".. I guess I wasn't clear enough. What I meant was that if they are going to make it easier, then they should tune the DPS check for the burn instead of keeping x-class OP for that specific phase. I did not mean they should make it harder, rather if they are making it easier just balance it so that stacking x-class does not bring significant benefits.


Oh, okay, then I misunderstood the point you were trying to make, apologies on that. Yeah, I understand that line of thinking for sure. :)

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Oh, okay, then I misunderstood the point you were trying to make, apologies on that. Yeah, I understand that line of thinking for sure. :)

I totally understand not figuring out my every incoherent brainfart. :o

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Ambassadors just downed Revan on T3-M4. First non-8-BH-Kill on Euro Servers. Did it at least with Sage Heal and Shadow Tank... Its not like kills are being tracked currently, but isnt that World 3rd? Edited by Aniajan
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Ambassadors just downed Revan on T3-M4. First non-8-BH-Kill on Euro Servers. Did it at least with Sage Heal and Shadow Tank... Its not like kills are being tracked currently, but isnt that World 3rd?


Big congrats! Great to see more kills! It should be the first EU kill in general regardless of group composition.

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Ambassadors just downed Revan on T3-M4. First non-8-BH-Kill on Euro Servers. Did it at least with Sage Heal and Shadow Tank... Its not like kills are being tracked currently, but isnt that World 3rd?


Yay more kills! plz no nerf, bioware! should be world 3rd "buffed/fixed" revan hm 8man!


zorz has had a kill with op heals + sorc dps and dnt world 2nd with jugg tank + sin dps.


Bring on more Revanchists! :rak_03:

Edited by SupaHsuB
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