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Sentinel and Marauder Changes


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I'd like to know this as well. I don't think the saber throw / charge is actually needed, but the predation change and the baseline defensive forms? You still won't beat a PT or an assassin of equal skill 1v1. Probably not a jugg either. You might be able to stay on target long enough during a match to actually be useful though.


Unrelated to above post:

I want to clarify - we don't want our predation to give EVERYONE root / slow / knockback/ pull / push immunity for the duration - just us. Some people seem confused about that.


That reset out of combat would be very useful in 8v8 & pve, not having to wait on leap cd to close a gap at the start of a new fight or regenerating to build fury/centering for initial burst &resources. On my juggernaut&guardian i always have the reset utility& the 1 that reduces leap cd when attacked. It's really frustrating not having it when i switch to marauder/sentinel. :w_mad:



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That reset out of combat would be very useful in 8v8 & pve, not having to wait on leap cd to close a gap at the start of a new fight or regenerating to build fury/centering for initial burst &resources. On my juggernaut&guardian i always have the reset utility& the 1 that reduces leap cd when attacked. It's really frustrating not having it when i switch to marauder/sentinel. :w_mad:




I guess it wouldn't really make us too powerful in pvp, it just also wouldn't be super useful in my honest opinion. For PvE perhaps.

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So, let me get this straight... Marauders need to wait at least another month to get ANY type of modification to the Marauder class. In the mean time, the Juggernaut gets a at least 10% damage increase to a good portion of their abilities. The Juggernaut already parses for high dps... when they are supposed to be a tank class (you know, take a beating, taunt the mob, and let the DPS do the damage).
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Glad 3.1.1 could bring a needed change to Mara and Sent. Oh wait... Forgot, you all just buffed and rebalanced other classes, but nah Sent is fine.


I really liked the preliminary patch notes. It was great to see what was coming! But i'm extremely disappointed, like many others, that sentinel was not fixed. You guys are worried about tiny little armor bugs that make your butt look fat, but not worried about an issue with an entire class? I'm sorry, but im not rerolling SORC because you guys are buffing it so much so that dumb players and scrubs can just click 2 abilities and output 3-4000 dps. Though its still not buffed enough, because so many of the people rolling sage and sorc due to FOTM.... are just stupid. They have no clue how to kite sometimes and some of them are just outright stupid. It's really fun when you get into a warzone with 7 sages or sorcs on your team and you cannot even win the warzone because they're so worried about killing people. And as for sentinel and mara, anything looks at you, you die. I have trouble keeping up with players on my sentinel as well, as they just walk away from anything and i die because they pressed a kite ability + 1 damage ability (cough cough *Powertech*). We're in dire need of some CC immunity. You can't even play the class anymore in PVP nor is it even remotely fun to play in PVE. Prior to 3.0, I played watchman in PVP. It was super fun. I would dot someone up and then throw force stasis on them and they just melted. After those few abilities, most people were at 50% health. Now the damage they do is easily mitigated, healed through, and shrugged off. Also, it sucks when you can't even interupt those sorcs that spam lightning storm. Yea, its actually uninteruptable! Without polarity shift... I understand how you guys wanted to give everyone some kind of AOE advantage, but lightning storm is the highest DPS outputting AOE imo. It does 3-4k per tick, and the tooltip says it does over 10k to almost 11k damage in the AOE with all the buffs. That's BASE DAMAGE. Plus add in your surge, relics, power, crit chance, and it can easily be doing around 13k maybe? And it's spammable and completely uninteruptable. I'm not saying nerf sorc either, they just need a slight tone down in their damage output, while sents and maras need a buff in their output. Also, we need better utilities. You guys show that you care only about sorc when you do your community livestreams too. I've tuned into 1 of them and was immediately deterred because all you were doing was playing a SORC. Really? Only sorc gameplay from the devs it seems. I tuned in last week, and yet again you guys were playing sorc. I would love to see you guys play 2-3 hours of sent/mara gameplay ONLY. No switching or anything. Because according to the devs, Sents and Maras are in a good position right now. So i dare you to play one. I know you guys will suck at it because: 1.) Sent and Mara is broken 2.) You guys only play ranged classes (sorc). You have no clue how to stick to anything except pressing a slow button or pressing force speed. There you go Musco, I dare you to try it. I dare say it would be the funniest livestream ever. I'll watch it to the end just to see how badly you guys play. Please just try and communicate with us if you actually ARE fixing sent and mara, or are you guys just planning on deleting the entire class from the game? If so, I'll just stick to my shadow and finish leveling my Vanguard so i can be OP like everybody else. Also one last thing, It really shows how broken sent/mara is when you play a whole week of PVP warzones without seeing 1 mara or sent. Thats out of about 20-30 games per day. Yea, that's how broken that class is.


~ Rant Over, You're Welcome ~

~~ Best Regards, TMOE ~~

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Glad 3.1.1 could bring a needed change to Mara and Sent. Oh wait... Forgot, you all just buffed and rebalanced other classes, but nah Sent is fine.


I really liked the preliminary patch notes. It was great to see what was coming! But i'm extremely disappointed, like many others, that sentinel was not fixed. You guys are worried about tiny little armor bugs that make your butt look fat, but not worried about an issue with an entire class? I'm sorry, but im not rerolling SORC because you guys are buffing it so much so that dumb players and scrubs can just click 2 abilities and output 3-4000 dps. Though its still not buffed enough, because so many of the people rolling sage and sorc due to FOTM.... are just stupid. They have no clue how to kite sometimes and some of them are just outright stupid. It's really fun when you get into a warzone with 7 sages or sorcs on your team and you cannot even win the warzone because they're so worried about killing people. And as for sentinel and mara, anything looks at you, you die. I have trouble keeping up with players on my sentinel as well, as they just walk away from anything and i die because they pressed a kite ability + 1 damage ability (cough cough *Powertech*). We're in dire need of some CC immunity. You can't even play the class anymore in PVP nor is it even remotely fun to play in PVE. Prior to 3.0, I played watchman in PVP. It was super fun. I would dot someone up and then throw force stasis on them and they just melted. After those few abilities, most people were at 50% health. Now the damage they do is easily mitigated, healed through, and shrugged off. Also, it sucks when you can't even interupt those sorcs that spam lightning storm. Yea, its actually uninteruptable! Without polarity shift... I understand how you guys wanted to give everyone some kind of AOE advantage, but lightning storm is the highest DPS outputting AOE imo. It does 3-4k per tick, and the tooltip says it does over 10k to almost 11k damage in the AOE with all the buffs. That's BASE DAMAGE. Plus add in your surge, relics, power, crit chance, and it can easily be doing around 13k maybe? And it's spammable and completely uninteruptable. I'm not saying nerf sorc either, they just need a slight tone down in their damage output, while sents and maras need a buff in their output. Also, we need better utilities. You guys show that you care only about sorc when you do your community livestreams too. I've tuned into 1 of them and was immediately deterred because all you were doing was playing a SORC. Really? Only sorc gameplay from the devs it seems. I tuned in last week, and yet again you guys were playing sorc. I would love to see you guys play 2-3 hours of sent/mara gameplay ONLY. No switching or anything. Because according to the devs, Sents and Maras are in a good position right now. So i dare you to play one. I know you guys will suck at it because: 1.) Sent and Mara is broken 2.) You guys only play ranged classes (sorc). You have no clue how to stick to anything except pressing a slow button or pressing force speed. There you go Musco, I dare you to try it. I dare say it would be the funniest livestream ever. I'll watch it to the end just to see how badly you guys play. Please just try and communicate with us if you actually ARE fixing sent and mara, or are you guys just planning on deleting the entire class from the game? If so, I'll just stick to my shadow and finish leveling my Vanguard so i can be OP like everybody else. Also one last thing, It really shows how broken sent/mara is when you play a whole week of PVP warzones without seeing 1 mara or sent. Thats out of about 20-30 games per day. Yea, that's how broken that class is.


~ Rant Over, You're Welcome ~

~~ Best Regards, TMOE ~~


Soooooooooooo true ,devs dont even log with a mara.Also no maras in ranked pvp,and if you are brave enough ,to q for ranked pvp as a mara ,you get flamed for joining. thnx devs

but its so funny that now forcecammo gives us cc immunity -as long as we dont attack- lol,i bet juggs and sins ,even mercs with their hoverride are laughing their *** off at the trolling the devs are giving to the maras.

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What Maras/Sents need to be good again:


General Changes

-Defensive Forms should be baseline for all specs. We should not have to take this Utility. Juggs had a similar talent, and it went baseline for them. Do the same for Maras.

-Generating Fury while using Channel hatred should be baseline. If a Utility is required for every spec to function, then that utility is not an option. Make it baseline.

-Predation not tied to the Fury system. Steal the entire Hydraulic Override ability and change the Utility that increases the movespeed from 50% to 80% to also gives us root / knockback / snare / pull immunity and breaks those on use. 45 second base cooldown. This reduces the possible uptime while making that uptime more valuable, and makes it more than what it is now - a root break that every mara / sent must take.

-Along with the predation changes I outlined above, move the utility to increase the movespeed amount and reduce cooldown to the first tier (skillful).

-Undying change.. whether it's the current change (takes no health), or the vanilla version. Usable while stunned and breaks stuns, and gives immunity to all CC / stuns / roots / slows etc for the duration. Also keep in mind, it's cooldown is being increased, so I feel like we should be given something more to compensate than just removing the health cost.

-Overall better self heals. Boost the Utility that gives a heal on Saberward to be a total of 60% hp over the duration, instead of the max of 36% which is it's current.

-Force Camouflage Utility in 2nd tier (currently cleanses) now purges all roots, slows, dots, etc, and grants immunity to all CC / stun / knockback and snare / root effects for it's duration. Exiting the stealth prematurely ends the effect.

-Give us retaliation back, or something to take it's place that is similar (an off the GCD, instant, moderate damage / high rage cost ability). It was a major part of our Gore burst window, and it provided a rage dump in Rage spec.


Fury Changes

-A smash that hits reasonably hard again in Fury spec. Reduce the max number of targets back to 5 if you want. I have never in all my time playing since beta, EVER been in a situation where I could actually smash more than 5 targets anyway. Getting 5 people stacked up that close together in pvp long enough to get a smash off is like a once in 1000+ hours of play occurrence. Otherwise this spec is fine if we get some of the general changes outlined above.


Annihilation Changes

-A better way to spread dots in Annihilation, and maybe stronger / longer lasting dots. Increase the size of smash or something, or give us an ability to replace it entirely.

-Make Rupture tick every second like it used to, but make the total damage do just slightly more than it currently does. This allows for more heals from the dot if it crits without increasing our dps too much.

-Maybe 2% heal on dot crit was OP for it's time, but it would not be overpowered now and would make the spec MUCH more attractive in pvp. Put us back to 2%.


Carnage Changes

-Using Ravage while in Carnage spec grants "immobility" to the caster as well as rooting the victim. Immobility makes the caster immune to all physics abilities (pull, push, knockback, etc) while Ravage is being cast. This is fair because it can still be avoided using things like egress and hard stuns / CCs.

-Ravage in Carnage needs to hit harder to be worth using. Using Ravage is like putting a big "interrupt / stun / cc / knock me back NOW" sign on your head. It does not do enough damage to justify this currently. It is also extremely difficult to get a Clashing Blast in after the Ravage due to server latency and the bug with alacrity reducing both the cast time of Ravage AND the duration of your Gore window. In fact, using a Massacre + Blast is almost always preferable to casting Ravage now. Buff Ravage damage.. at the very least in Carnage, by about 20-30%. Fix the alacrity bug.

-Gore needs to go back to the 4.5s window (not respecting the GCD) or to a 6 second window (while respecting the GCD) and do a decent amount of damage. It wasn't overpowered before and it wouldn't be OP now. This will allow us to reliably get in a Blast after Ravage and make the ability more viable again, or to use Massacre / Blast / Throw within one window. I do not think this will be game breaking at all, but it might put us on par with other burst specs for Ranked pvp.


I agree with pretty much everything you said with the General and the Carnage change to Gore. I don't really play Anni or Fury much in pvp or pve to know anything about how to improve it though. obviously if we somehow got ALL of these changes in one patch we would have to adjust some things to not make it super OP because then we would have amazing root/knockback immunity all on relatively low cooldown. I also think the Cloak of Carnage(?) and Cloak of Annihilation(?) utilities should be meshed into one. (Can't remember if they are the exact names as I play a sent not a mara, but its the two utilities where if you activate Cloak of Pain, one of the utilities gives a increase damage reflected back and increased uptime and the other utility makes it so you generate rage when attacked)


As a side-note; Sins and Shadows also got a version of the "Defensive Forms" as well for a baseline passive skill. Its called "Technique Mastery" on a shadow, which is basically the "if you are in x-stance, y-happens". And as you said, Juggs got it as well so I see no reason why Sents/Mara's are the only melee classes with stances that have to take a utility point for a stance passive buff. Somone want to confirm if a similar change was given to vanguards/commados and PT's/Mercs for their cell "stances"?

Edited by UrbanSaint
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I agree with a lot of these changes


If Pred is taken off the Fury system i think it needs a 30 second CD. 45 Seconds CD is brutal if changed it MUST be 30 seconds.


One major class wide issue that needs to be addressed is dealing with stuns. we need something to be able to deal with the massive stunlocking.


- 30% less damaged while stunned


Udying is able to used while stunned


Force Camo is able to be used while stunned(this is what i would prefer to see)


I know the changes on the PTS is to reduce the CD of Unleash, which is needed but there still needs to be some sort utility or passive to deal with stuns


I am torn taking pred of the Fury system because as Carnage there are times where i cast it 2-3 times with my fury stacks. One thing that would be nice would be to Make Frenzy reset the CD of Fury.


This gives us more options and allows us to double pred every 2 min 15 seconds. Which isn't OP at all even with the suggest changes to 70% speed and root/knockback immunity.

Edited by Valzanik
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Hey folks,


We know there has been concern from the Sentinel and Marauder community about the status of their class, and when they might be receiving changes. Sents and Maras will see changes in update 3.1.1. As a secondary note, it is our plan that in some cases we will also put our minor patches (such as 3.1.1) on PTS. This way we can get some additional testing, especially around class changes.


Thanks everyone!



People been replying to this thread for weeks now, and daily posts for sent/mar are posted now begging for some answers. As well as the lack of communication from devs on top of the answers of possible changes we might get are not nearly enough to be competitive. This is now became beyond ridiculous, and i feel people who are massively struggling to compete with the other classes in all aspects of the game deserve better. I for one am very dissapointed and demand to know why.....? Why is the pure dps spec mar/sent being so left behind and left in the dark devs...... why?

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I'm beginning to think this is all the devs intended when they said "there will be Sent/Mara changes in 3.1.1", but now that they've seen the community response they're taking a step back and going "Oh... Maybe this is something we really need to take a look at... But we have nothing else for this patch, this is all we meant. Okay, don't promise anything yet, if we can throw something together we will, but otherwise we still did fulfill our stated obligations for 3.1.1."
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Since we cant post on the pts anymore and given that its closed now i guess i can say thanks for nothing.The truth is that you had no plans for sentinel changes in the first place.You just made this thread to calm ppl down a bit.And in 3.1.1 you just changed random things for the sake of changing,ignoring all feedback.But hey,you can tell us now that you care :rak_03:.GG tho for leaving the class in that terrible spot (unplayable for all end game content).Now go,hurry,combat team guy! mess up with another class and change random stuff again ignoring all feedback,overbuff or overnerf or whatever...
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I'm beginning to think this is all the devs intended when they said "there will be Sent/Mara changes in 3.1.1", but now that they've seen the community response they're taking a step back and going "Oh... Maybe this is something we really need to take a look at... But we have nothing else for this patch, this is all we meant. Okay, don't promise anything yet, if we can throw something together we will, but otherwise we still did fulfill our stated obligations for 3.1.1."


I rather say the hate our class and want it out of the game. They have achieved this I really hope 3.2. will have the much needed improvements or the class will be were Scoundrels DPS landed after Community whining about their OPness after launch, in the grave of not to be played AC Disciplines. Problem for Sents as a whole is, we have no healing or DPS Tree. So Bioware why don´t give us a Tank and a Heal tree? Since you don´t want us to be viable DPS at least make us viable Tanks/Heals.


I have lost faith in any Dev on the Combat team, you produce stupid stuff you lack communication whith Sentinels and now you rendered the Class useless in every enviroment. I hope your Season 4 Statistics will underline that Sent is in no way a viable OPTION for PvP. I hope your Statistics for Hard mode Operations level 60 will show you that Sent is no viable Option for 75% of the encounters. That is what Progression Guilds in both Endgame PvP and PvE believe, they don´t care because those RL-less people got multiple Raidready chars. I have not the time to play more then one Main for Raiding or PvP, so fix the ****. I don´t care about a costume designer, I want the Sent to have 1 viable Spec for every Boss encounter.

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If all mara/sent changes are those in the 2 poor patch notes you gave us, I think you just definitely failed with the class AND your game.


If you're planning for real bigger changes like almost a global class rework for 3.1.2, then I didn't say anything.


If there is no more than these laughable changes with 3.1.1 patch AND 3.1.2, then you are just real incompetents.


Get another job and leave MMO's in peace, please.


If you think you will keep your playerbase and your subscribers by acting like this, then you've just no clue about how to please a customer and keep his trust and loyalty (so his money too).


2.10 was really good, and 3.0 ruined everything.


SoR is a complete fail and has started to sign the end of this MMO.


If you just don't care and keep on doing the same mistakes over and over again, please tell us, so we can at least know why you are just doing your job so badly.


Any other company delivering a service to a customer acting like you're doing is likely to fail, and if employees are working the same way as your dev team, they would be fired in no time.


Just think twice about it, a game without players is likely to die in less time than you need your patches to be on PTS.


Enough said, wait and see, but I'm more and more pessimistic about the future of this game.

Edited by DarkNecroCrusher
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I have stuck with the marauder hoping that you would realise what a bad place the class is currently in. I have persevered in the new operations, accepting that the class has to work far more for its numbers than most other classes. All this has been done because I actually believed you'd be see the struggles based on forum feedback and, I expect, statistical tools that would show the decline of marauders in-game, in both PvP and PvE. Honestly, you've received so much feedback both in this sub-forum and in the pts one. There are various ideas that would recitify the problems the class has, without making it overpowered. Not only have you ignored them, but you don't even have the decency to communicate with us. We're left in the dark without any ideas what's to come in the future. Are the current patch notes what we can expect? Do you have more in mind for 3.1.1? Will there be marauder changes in 3.1.2 (or 3.2, if that comes after 3.1.1)?


I am part of a progression guild. Progression raiding is what I enjoy the most in this game. Up until 3.0 the marauder was, without a doubt, the class that gave me the most enjoyment. The class was reactionary and dynamic. You did good damage with all three specs - they all had their uses for different fights. Now there's a significant different between annihilation and the other two, but annihilation is boring to play. Today I realised that there is no point working through these HMs on my marauder anymore. I am far better off tanking or dpsing on my PT, as NiM will be only be worse. It's already hard on certain fights (Torque and Revan, especially), but I hoped you'd make class and balance changes that would make it worth it in the long run. I do not see that happening at all anymore. I am baffled you want to remove any resemblance of an active marauder community in the game. It will for most people end up being an alt used for the occasional SM run, but otherwise only to send your companions on a mission. Congratulations on that. You've done a spectacular job.

Edited by Xenphon
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I have stuck with the marauder hoping that you would realise what a bad place the class is currently in. I have persevered in the new operations, accepting that the class has to work far more for its numbers than most other classes. All this has been done because I actually believed you'd be see the struggles based on forum feedback and, I expect, statistical tools that would show the decline of marauders in-game, in both PvP and PvE. Honestly, you've received so much feedback both in this sub-forum and in the pts one. There are various ideas that would recitify the problems the class has, without making it overpowered. Not only have you ignored them, but you don't even have the decency to communicate with us. We're left in the dark without any ideas what's to come in the future. Is the current patch notes what we can expect? Do you have more in mind for 3.1.1? Will there be marauder changes in 3.1.2 (or 3.2, if that comes after 3.1.1)?


I am part of a progression guild. Progression raiding is what I enjoy the most in this game. Up until 3.0 the marauder was, without a doubt, the class that gave me the most enjoyment. The class was reactionary and dynamic. You did good damage with all three specs - they all had their uses for different fights. Now there's a significant different between annihilation and the other two, but annihilation is boring to play. Today I realised that there is not point working through these HMs on my marauder anymore. I am far better off tanking or dpsing on my PT, as NiM will be only be worse. It's already hard on certain fights (Torque and Revan, especially), but I hoped you'd make class and balance changes that would make it worth in the long run. I do not see that happening at all anymore. I am baffled you want to remove any resemblance of an active marauder community in the game. It will for most people end up being an alt used for the occasional SM run, but otherwise only to send your companions on a mission. Congratulations on that. You've done a spectacular job.


My exact same feeling.

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I agree with the sentiments expressed here and can only hope for the best regarding the possibility of meaningful changes being made to the AC in the near future. The lack of responses from the devs doesn't surprise me though. It's disappointing but not entirely out of place. The proposed utility changes from the two announcements are ok and should help but the balance regarding dps is the big unanswered question we all want an answer to. Buffing Fury and Carnage may not be the approach that the devs will take. Nerfs to other classes may be on the cards. Either way it would be nice to know
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Let me sum this up. I give the development staff an F. Is this too harsh? No. WE PLAY THE OTHER CLASSES IN THE GAME. We know them. We know where they measure up, and where this one is so grievously lacking. The community reached consensus as to the problems with the class, documented them, and offered solutions. What we got was poor communication and total crap for "fixes", that almost everyone agrees does LITTLE TO NOTHING to make things appreciably better for the class. We will still be bottom tier in pvp and amongst the LEAST attractive choices to fill a slot in a raid. All this from a build that WE WERE PROMISED WOULD address our issues. What a load of crap. Somebody needs to wake up and smell what they are shoveling.


EAWARE, YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY errrr, GAME. Again. YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING to actually FIX the class OR OUR CONCERNS. YOU DO NOT DESERVE OUR MONEY. This work product deserves nothing but the trash. Are you happy, proud that you had to take this game F2P? Are you proud the playerbase is a tiny fraction of what it was...that the server count has went from scores to a handful? How many more hits do you think this game can take? How many more customers do you feel you can alienate?

Edited by Dyvim
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"Most of the community's suggested changes make sense, but don't expect anything before 4.0".


That's probably their rationale despite having a discipline system which is supposed to enable frequent and accurate balance changes. For example, even if they wanted to reverse annihilation's playstyle to something resembling 2.x (and even if they had the mathematical modeling for it) they wouldn't do it so soon after 3.0 release because that would just make them look foolish. Remember, the glory and fun of carnage 2.x was a mistake on their part and they waited until 3.0 to revert it's basic rotational concept back to 1.x carnage. I would not be surprised if 4.x annihilation reverts to something resembling 2.x anni. Not exactly of course, but something of a conceptual retro change.


From a PVE perspective, they need to increase the ranged tax they talked about on one of the past streams because atm it either doesn't exist for certain specs, or if it does exist it isn't enough to justify bringing melee to hm ops. Of course, pvp concerns would probably clobber pve concerns in this case so "don't expect anything before 4.0" if ever. Changing ops mechanics is possible as well but much less likely.


So much for their intricate matrix of class buff/debuffs that was supposed to enforce class diversity. When 7+ bounty hunters is arguably the strongest ops composition, and most serious progress teams strongly prefer ranged dps, it's fair to say that the carrot of class buffs has failed in that regard and will never trump mechanics or raw AC dps/hps/tps numbers when deciding who to bring. They may as well remove the matrix altogether, as many players suggested before they even announced the matrix. Bloodthirst, Celerity, +3% healing bonus, etc are an archaic MMO concept and should just be removed or affect only the player that cast it.


I know, wait until 4.0

Edited by Projawa
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I have stuck with the marauder hoping that you would realise what a bad place the class is currently in. I have persevered in the new operations, accepting that the class has to work far more for its numbers than most other classes. All this has been done because I actually believed you'd be see the struggles based on forum feedback and, I expect, statistical tools that would show the decline of marauders in-game, in both PvP and PvE. Honestly, you've received so much feedback both in this sub-forum and in the pts one. There are various ideas that would recitify the problems the class has, without making it overpowered. Not only have you ignored them, but you don't even have the decency to communicate with us. We're left in the dark without any ideas what's to come in the future. Are the current patch notes what we can expect? Do you have more in mind for 3.1.1? Will there be marauder changes in 3.1.2 (or 3.2, if that comes after 3.1.1)?


I am part of a progression guild. Progression raiding is what I enjoy the most in this game. Up until 3.0 the marauder was, without a doubt, the class that gave me the most enjoyment. The class was reactionary and dynamic. You did good damage with all three specs - they all had their uses for different fights. Now there's a significant different between annihilation and the other two, but annihilation is boring to play. Today I realised that there is no point working through these HMs on my marauder anymore. I am far better off tanking or dpsing on my PT, as NiM will be only be worse. It's already hard on certain fights (Torque and Revan, especially), but I hoped you'd make class and balance changes that would make it worth it in the long run. I do not see that happening at all anymore. I am baffled you want to remove any resemblance of an active marauder community in the game. It will for most people end up being an alt used for the occasional SM run, but otherwise only to send your companions on a mission. Congratulations on that. You've done a spectacular job.



I was expecting same tbh, but should of known better...


They ruined mara specs with 3.0, annihilation for example received biggest change in play style which most of community does not like, including myself, i do not remember any1 asking BW to turn that spec into long duration dot spec, to make rotation so boring and long, but they did it anyway.


Now i will still try to finish this HM tier on my mara, i had my hopes and i really didn't want to change class, but after seeing this i am certain now it will happen and i need to prepare some other class for NiM Ravagers/Tos.


All the talk from BW about disciplines making balancing/changes easier from my perspective are not true, i do not see it, not for mara or for any other class tbh, changes are slow as they were if not even slower....

I mean what were they even talking about, almost 3 months into xpac and we receive 2 changes(both of them questionable), ty for nothing i guess...


Worst part in all of this is their silence, their complete lack of communication towards community which has concerns about state of their class that are justified, there were some really good proposed changes from community that didn't mean making mara OP, and BW failed at listening AGAIN and failed communicating AGAIN with players that play this class to make it better/more fun to play.

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I have stuck with the marauder hoping that you would realise what a bad place the class is currently in. I have persevered in the new operations, accepting that the class has to work far more for its numbers than most other classes. All this has been done because I actually believed you'd be see the struggles based on forum feedback and, I expect, statistical tools that would show the decline of marauders in-game, in both PvP and PvE. Honestly, you've received so much feedback both in this sub-forum and in the pts one. There are various ideas that would recitify the problems the class has, without making it overpowered. Not only have you ignored them, but you don't even have the decency to communicate with us. We're left in the dark without any ideas what's to come in the future. Are the current patch notes what we can expect? Do you have more in mind for 3.1.1? Will there be marauder changes in 3.1.2 (or 3.2, if that comes after 3.1.1)?


I am part of a progression guild. Progression raiding is what I enjoy the most in this game. Up until 3.0 the marauder was, without a doubt, the class that gave me the most enjoyment. The class was reactionary and dynamic. You did good damage with all three specs - they all had their uses for different fights. Now there's a significant different between annihilation and the other two, but annihilation is boring to play. Today I realised that there is no point working through these HMs on my marauder anymore. I am far better off tanking or dpsing on my PT, as NiM will be only be worse. It's already hard on certain fights (Torque and Revan, especially), but I hoped you'd make class and balance changes that would make it worth it in the long run. I do not see that happening at all anymore. I am baffled you want to remove any resemblance of an active marauder community in the game. It will for most people end up being an alt used for the occasional SM run, but otherwise only to send your companions on a mission. Congratulations on that. You've done a spectacular job.


Very well said, my friend, and I hate to have to agree with you...


What makes matters worse for me is that I can't find the enjoyment my pre 3.0 Sent gave me in any other class. Telekinetics Sage comes closest, but is still so far. I don't know if I'd be still playing, if it wasn't for my guild...

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Very well said, my friend, and I hate to have to agree with you...


What makes matters worse for me is that I can't find the enjoyment my pre 3.0 Sent gave me in any other class. Telekinetics Sage comes closest, but is still so far. I don't know if I'd be still playing, if it wasn't for my guild...


Yeah, the current state of the game has never been as bad as it is now.


I can't manage to have as much fun as I did before 3.0.


I'm staying for my guildies too.


And because I've invested to much time in this game to stop without another solid game to replace it.

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I am staying on my Sent just to have the "Unanscheißbarkeit" Token in my Buffbar. Playing a Sent nowadays you are the rarest species in pvp and pve. It is so fun to kill other Acs and laugh at them when they can´t beat me.


As I like to say:

If you loose to a Sent as of today, be it PvE DPS or PvP Fights, you are at fault for beeing unable to randomly press some skills. If you tend to stay in first place in most PvP and PvE Fights as a Sent you are a god of Gaming, beeing short of dying from beeing fat like hell probably. If you are able to maintain an acceptable level with a Sent in PvP or PvE Endgame raiding all those players who main other ACs shall hail you. You got skill you can play unplayable classes even after the Devs patched them out of the game.


10 Commandments I take as a Sent quite seriously:


1. You are a Sent an MbTD, as such you don´t need fance Mobility, you are there to be hit.

2. As you are a Melee you shall not have no fancy Defensive Abilities, you awesomness ist enough to shield you against any attacks.

3. You are alllowed to carry two Lightsabers don´t expect to do reasonable Damage your coolness will chill your enemies to death.

4. You are a skilled player so the Creator has deemed you unworthy of CC or any kind of counters to actions of less skilled players.

5. Don´t ask for buffs, as any buff to a Sent will result in dozen times nerfing every single ability.

6. Devs question your reasonability since you are asking for stupid OP Buffs and the Sorcs really need a 1min immunity bubble first. Don´t expect your class to be viable baseline. Your Genius and a Magic Elf from Finnland shall help you.

7. Always prepare some cash when you want to be in a hardcore Raid, they are as ment as an offering to the BioGods who allow you to enter an Operation even if you are a Sent.

8. Never expect to receive any HC Loot you haven´t bought from the Random Progression Guild beforehand by paying them to take you with them.

9. As a Sent you may flame anyone who dares to perform lower in any category and be it just most times died. They have no Skill and need to l2play OP Class.

10. You shall always question the competence of anyone who looses to you in Endgame PvP or PvE, if they can´t beat you they won´t beat an immobile Training Dummy.

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You had to post this crap twice? OK, fine. Obviously you don't care about the class and are happy with it being gimped. Go troll somewhere else.


I care a lot about my Sentinel, and how his long-time Combat spec is almost garbage now. However, since the Sentinel is one of 13 character I have, it is not the end of the world for me.


I understand the lack of care or some might say even disrespect from Bio on Sent/Mara problems and how it is affecting the Sent/Mara community, but has the lame threats of un-subing, the warnings you will all quit the game completely, and the constant demands netted any of you any real change since 3.0? Nope.


Maybe if you let it go for now, regroup, and come back in a calmer matter and try explain your issues without the petty garbage mixed in, just maybe Bio might give you the time of day.


At the core of any business is one truth: Money is Money. If they aren't getting it from you, they have a legion behind you ready to pay them more. Threatening to quit the game doesn't do anything but make you look stupid.


Grow up Sent/Mara mains. Learn how to constructively deal with your problems as adults.

Edited by mastervalkar
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