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The Contraband Slot Machine


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That bull this would never have been switched if people didn't QQ last week. There are consequences for actions people take and now some are QQ about the consequences of their original QQing and the rest are QQing because well they have nothing better to do but jump on the hater train.


I don't agree. Though I believe that the feedback from last week certainly alerted them to the issue, I think it is more likely the devs simply looked at the drop rate, decided it was bad and changed it.


I think they should have actually payed attention to the community. Many folks had reasonable suggestions to alter the drop rates to something more reasonable without nerfing it to death. They most definitely did not follow player advice IMO.

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Nowhere close. Less than half of that in terms of mat drops from the machine pre-nerf.




I submitted as bug reports multiple reports of just what I earned from 198 tokens purchased.


The Odds were also datamined, just as the current odds were data mined.


No one stating that it was easy to get 11-12 purples in 10 minutes is lying. They are not exaggerating, they are not misrepresenting the truth of the prior slot machine odds.


Those were simply in line with the odds that had been datamined.


If you disagree, and you had your own results that did not match, welcome to a RNG. But given a sufficiently large sample size (which BioWare has) the data being provided matches the percentages data mined as the payout tables of the slot machine.


Disagree all you want, scream and yell and stomp your feet and refuse to pay for a sub, do whatever you want. But calling people, for all intents, liars, when their data matches all known data on the subject and yours does not... is really only pointing out one person as being unreasonable and stretching the truth.


Go find a 'Heat-Wave' post on this subject. Now click on her name, go to all her posts and start reading through them.


You'll find one where she admits her guild has over 10,000 jawa junk in its bank from the slots. That she has over 3,000 jawa junk in her own banks from the slots. She is also someone who, like you, thinks the slots were 'fine'.


Now, just for fun, start queing up companion gathering missions and you come back and tel us when you have gathered 3,000 purple mats.


We'll be waiting.

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I don't agree. Though I believe that the feedback from last week certainly alerted them to the issue, I think it is more likely the devs simply looked at the drop rate, decided it was bad and changed it.


I think they should have actually payed attention to the community. Many folks had reasonable suggestions to alter the drop rates to something more reasonable without nerfing it to death. They most definitely did not follow player advice IMO.


So you believe if nobody said a work last week we would be having this discussion this week?

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I submitted as bug reports multiple reports of just what I earned from 198 tokens purchased.


The Odds were also datamined, just as the current odds were data mined.


No one stating that it was easy to get 11-12 purples in 10 minutes is lying. They are not exaggerating, they are not misrepresenting the truth of the prior slot machine odds.


Those were simply in line with the odds that had been datamined.


If you disagree, and you had your own results that did not match, welcome to a RNG. But given a sufficiently large sample size (which BioWare has) the data being provided matches the percentages data mined as the payout tables of the slot machine.


Disagree all you want, scream and yell and stomp your feet and refuse to pay for a sub, do whatever you want. But calling people, for all intents, liars, when their data matches all known data on the subject and yours does not... is really only pointing out one person as being unreasonable and stretching the truth.


Go find a 'Heat-Wave' post on this subject. Now click on her name, go to all her posts and start reading through them.


You'll find one where she admits her guild has over 10,000 jawa junk in its bank from the slots. That she has over 3,000 jawa junk in her own banks from the slots. She is also someone who, like you, thinks the slots were 'fine'.


Now, just for fun, start queing up companion gathering missions and you come back and tel us when you have gathered 3,000 purple mats.


We'll be waiting.


Jawa junk needed a nerf, no one is really arguing that. They didn't just nerf it tho and that is where the problem lies, the machine is useless now, test one and see for yourself. BW has left quite a few people feeling very ripped off and those people should feel that way rightfully so, it was a botched attempt at a fix, can't see how anyone can defend that, but hey.....

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So you believe if nobody said a work last week we would be having this discussion this week?


Well, I am not sure what you mean by that comment, but I will clarify if my post wasn't clear.


I believe what they said ALERTED Bioware to the problem. But I do not think they considered community feedback when making the changes.


The changes made do not generally match any of the complaints levied, except for the general complaint that something had to be done. Specific suggestions seem to have been ignored.

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I submitted as bug reports multiple reports of just what I earned from 198 tokens purchased.


The Odds were also datamined, just as the current odds were data mined.


No one stating that it was easy to get 11-12 purples in 10 minutes is lying. They are not exaggerating, they are not misrepresenting the truth of the prior slot machine odds.


Those were simply in line with the odds that had been datamined.


If you disagree, and you had your own results that did not match, welcome to a RNG. But given a sufficiently large sample size (which BioWare has) the data being provided matches the percentages data mined as the payout tables of the slot machine.


Disagree all you want, scream and yell and stomp your feet and refuse to pay for a sub, do whatever you want. But calling people, for all intents, liars, when their data matches all known data on the subject and yours does not... is really only pointing out one person as being unreasonable and stretching the truth.


Go find a 'Heat-Wave' post on this subject. Now click on her name, go to all her posts and start reading through them.


You'll find one where she admits her guild has over 10,000 jawa junk in its bank from the slots. That she has over 3,000 jawa junk in her own banks from the slots. She is also someone who, like you, thinks the slots were 'fine'.


Now, just for fun, start queing up companion gathering missions and you come back and tel us when you have gathered 3,000 purple mats.


We'll be waiting.


The truely sad part about this is that people who waited to use the machines until Eric said it was ok, missed out on getting good loot at a good price. Now, the people who abused the heck out of it got the loot, and becuase BW changed the drop rates so much, those people will be able to severely jack up the prices on their loot and profit more. Before the nerf the circuitry was selling at less than 20K each on harbinger, and falling. This morning they were close to 40K again and rising. The only people that 'won' were the people that got in day one and used the machine nonstop (macroing or normal play).

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97 pages of legitimate complaints about this pathetic "tweak" and not a single response from BW?


NOBODY will sit and play a 5$ per pull slot machine knowing that the max jackpot is only 2$.


When can we expect this to be corrected? Because it is in fact BROKEN now! You posted the changes, you knew people would stockpile coins at the cheaper rate only to rob them the next day. I've already requested a charge back on my credit card for all the coins purchased and my monthly sub fee. I hope everyone else does the same, these thieves don't deserve our money.

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Almost 100 pages to this thread (To say nothing of all the other threads created on the slot machine topic), almost 48 hours since the nerf patch was rolled out and still not a peep from Eric or anyone Bioware related.


Pitiful. :mad:


Surely Eric or someone at BW can take time away from preparing the Ban feather on Ravage exploiters to give us some info on why they killed the slot machine?

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Well, I am not sure what you mean by that comment, but I will clarify if my post wasn't clear.


I believe what they said ALERTED Bioware to the problem. But I do not think they considered community feedback when making the changes.


The changes made do not generally match any of the complaints levied, except for the general complaint that something had to be done. Specific suggestions seem to have been ignored.


I've been around MMOS for awhile now not sure about you but the chances you had two different posters have the same suggestion on any subject is rare. So which suggestion should have they listen too? Yours? One of the other 50 postsrs? I don't recall in any MMO they took one specific suggestions and implemented it, that's not how things work. They made a decision based off of feedback from those QQing. Now people are QQing about the consequences of either their own QQing or the fact they kept quiet while they raked in the benefits of what others thought was wrong.


There were very few people last week giving credible suggestions most of it was pretty much the same thing we are seeing today. Lots and lots of complaining with.

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"it was allowing an entire profession to be bypassed."




Not that it was in any case. I had access to 3 of the machines and was still crafting! still sending crew on craft missions. I was just never crafting for other players. Wasn't before the machines came out, wasn't during the week or so it was giving tons of jawa junk out, and wont be now. However if you were just to make credits, its like this: If you sold a crafted item for 100k but now players are selling it for 20k, then just make 5 to sell-same result.


How about banning all craft items from being sold on the GNT? What was that a NO!


All you cared about was making in game money, In which case you could still, just by adapting to the changing circumstances. This is nothing new and has always been the case with GNT sales. Just as it was when the first cartel packs were suddenly being sold at half price. Cartel items lost a lot of value. We adapted, not that making in-game money was ever my goal in playing mmo's.


EDIT, from another post

"High end should be "rare" or they can give away 198 Items in the Slot machince too "


Now that would even make me start using them again, lol. Because the 3 OPs I tried to do to get elite comms and ultimate comms for high end gear was enough to put me off ever doing them again. waited around for what seemed hours (but was just under 1 hour but not by much) only then to be removed from the ops group because A. higher players wanted to join, and B. because a healer came along so got removed for him. OP's never again.



EDIT I told a lie, I did do one op on a toon on the tomb of freedon nadd, sever. Totally forgot that so tried to do 4 ops not 3, only ever did the one though for the reasons stated above. Results was the same, it was enough to put me off ever doing ops again. Ok so why try 4 times well one bad experience is nothing you just hope its a 1 off, after 4 times! thanks but no thanks.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Almost 100 pages to this thread (To say nothing of all the other threads created on the slot machine topic), almost 48 hours since the nerf patch was rolled out and still not a peep from Eric or anyone Bioware related.


Pitiful. :mad:


Surely Eric or someone at BW can take time away from preparing the Ban feather on Ravage exploiters to give us some info on why they killed the slot machine?


Sounds to me like you guys are running out of copy/paste materiel and want them to say something so you can take their words out of context and or complain about whatever they say.

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Almost 100 pages to this thread (To say nothing of all the other threads created on the slot machine topic), almost 48 hours since the nerf patch was rolled out and still not a peep from Eric or anyone Bioware related.


Pitiful. :mad:


Surely Eric or someone at BW can take time away from preparing the Ban feather on Ravage exploiters to give us some info on why they killed the slot machine?


They are probably weighing their options on how to address this.

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Almost 100 pages to this thread (To say nothing of all the other threads created on the slot machine topic), almost 48 hours since the nerf patch was rolled out and still not a peep from Eric or anyone Bioware related.


Pitiful. :mad:


Surely Eric or someone at BW can take time away from preparing the Ban feather on Ravage exploiters to give us some info on why they killed the slot machine?


Every day that goes by I lose faith that anything is happening to the Ravage exploiters. So far not a single person has been touched. But really, if Eric made a post about the slot machines, would you believe him? I want to see the main developer behind the machine make a post, explain the original thoughts and goals behind it, brainstrom about why it worked/didn't work the way they thought, and have a constructive conversation about how to better achieve their goal in the future.


Somewhere in there I'm hoping the goal really was to make credits as a requirement to content a thing of the past.

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186 gear is not "basic starter gear". You don't need artifact quality gear while leveling. You can very easily run level 60 HM fp's in 178 blues and if you have a team that knows the mechanics you can do the same with the Ravagers SM op.


So starter gear is already easily accessible, because any crafter worth his salt has stacks and stacks of the blue prototype mats they've gathered while trying to get those purple mat drops.


The artifact 186 gear makes HM's easier, makes SM Op's easier, and the artifact gear at lower levels makes leveling easier...but it isn't necessary. I've leveled toons using just the drops I've gotten as loot and mission rewards without any difficulty at all.


The Jawa Junk from slots debacle destroyed all of the effort and credits crafters put forth trying to get artifact mats. The prices people throw around to try to justify destroying crafting in this game fail to take into account the companion hours put into trying to get the mats instead of actually crafting items. It fails to take into account the RE system that requires massive amounts of materials at the green and blue level and the hours of crafting and REing to get the one useful Artifact iteration of an implant or ear piece.


Those prices people complain about are for premium gear, not starter gear. A group in full 186 mods, armorings, enhancements, barrels, hilt and augments can easily destroy HM fps and SM ops as long as they know the mechanics. Stop acting like 186 is starter gear.


All I can and need to say to this post is THANK YOU.

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Every day that goes by I lose faith that anything is happening to the Ravage exploiters. So far not a single person has been touched. But really, if Eric made a post about the slot machines, would you believe him? I want to see the main developer behind the machine make a post, explain the original thoughts and goals behind it, brainstrom about why it worked/didn't work the way they thought, and have a constructive conversation about how to better achieve their goal in the future.


Somewhere in there I'm hoping the goal really was to make credits as a requirement to content a thing of the past.


Well you better find someplace else to have your "constructive conversation" because those don't happen here. It's just QQ after QQ, thread after thread of a complsiner copy/pasting another complainers QQ to a new thread. And this happens on ever topic...


I'm amazed you guys still pay for something you QQ all day every day on.

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I've been around MMOS for awhile now not sure about you but the chances you had two different posters have the same suggestion on any subject is rare. So which suggestion should have they listen too? Yours? One of the other 50 postsrs? I don't recall in any MMO they took one specific suggestions and implemented it, that's not how things work. They made a decision based off of feedback from those QQing. Now people are QQing about the consequences of either their own QQing or the fact they kept quiet while they raked in the benefits of what others thought was wrong.


There were very few people last week giving credible suggestions most of it was pretty much the same thing we are seeing today. Lots and lots of complaining with.


I see what you are saying. But I do not agree with it. Quite a few of the suggestions were credible.


The most common suggestion seemed to be to cut the purple drop rate for scrap dramatically. The amount varied, but that was the most common issue. Folks had little issue, in general, with blue or green scrap or the other items on the machine.

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Well you better find someplace else to have your "constructive conversation" because those don't happen here. It's just QQ after QQ, thread after thread of a complsiner copy/pasting another complainers QQ to a new thread. And this happens on ever topic...


I'm amazed you guys still pay for something you QQ all day every day on.


I think he was looking for that from the main developer, not the community Tdmaha.

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There is no reason for augments to cost a lot, or anything really. They are a nice addition that can allow a lower geared person to potentially fill a raid or WZ spot and reasonably contribute to the team. The progression in the game actually lies in the boss mob loot/comms earned for gear.


Crafters shouldn't be making gear with stats. That should be a comm/mob drop thing only. Crafters should be focused on looks only, like artifice is. If you force people to grind credits to hand over to someone to make gear to be viable for a raid or WZ, all you have really done is excluded part of the player base from seeing your entire game. Way to limit content with an outdated mechanic.

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Sounds to me like you guys are running out of copy/paste materiel and want them to say something so you can take their words out of context and or complain about whatever they say.


Not at all. I am not one of those clowns calling for him to resign or other such foolishness.


I would be happy for a response from Eric either saying yeah our bad, we over nerfed, we will fix it again and get it right this time OR an explanation why they made the drop rate on all jawa type drops so insanely low (As opposed to say only just the Jawa Junk drops) and how they think the machine has any worth once max rep is hit.


More so I would also love to hear what new plan Bioware has in the pipeline now the slots are dead and buried when they said this:


When we were going into 3.0.2, we wanted to make Grade 11 materials more accessible to more players than they were at the time. As you know, we simultaneously put in the Contraband Slot Machine, which afforded you a fairly good chance to get Jawa Junk and other Jawa vendor scrap parts.
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Not at all. I am not one of those clowns calling for him to resign or other such foolishness.


I would be happy for a response from Eric either saying yeah our bad, we over nerfed, we will fix it again and get it right this time OR an explanation why they made the drop rate on all jawa type drops so insanely low (As opposed to say only just the Jawa Junk drops) and how they think the machine has any worth once max rep is hit.


More so I would also love to hear what new plan Bioware has in the pipeline now the slots are dead and buried when they said this:


I hope there is a response when I wake up.

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I think he was looking for that from the main developer, not the community Tdmaha.


I know what he was saying. You missed what I was saying let me clarify. There is zero chance if the main dev opened up a discussion with the forum community it would lead to a constructive conversation. You would need to find a different venue if you truly wanted to have constructive conversation.


Personally I don't think the slots would justify this type of response.

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Well you better find someplace else to have your "constructive conversation" because those don't happen here. It's just QQ after QQ, thread after thread of a complsiner copy/pasting another complainers QQ to a new thread. And this happens on ever topic...


I'm amazed you guys still pay for something you QQ all day every day on.


I almost never QQ. This slot machine thing is the first time I really felt like BW said one thing, then did another. If they were a retail company, they would have just offered up refunds along side the adjusted item, and we'd all be square.


I honestly felt after Eric's post on Friday that BW was finally realizing how dumb it is to have expensive mats to begin with, and they were moving in a direction that allowed more people to have access to more content on a more even playing field. Now, i have no idea what their vision is. I just feel cheated.

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More so I would also love to hear what new plan Bioware has in the pipeline now the slots are dead and buried when they said this:


The way to give more mats into the economy was through the java vendor. It just happens, that the machine was released at the same time. That is, was this post is stating.

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