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10 Good
  1. I just picture the team sitting in the room staring at their cell phones and poking at their tablets trying to think of what they can do to make the community happy. Team member 1: "Maybe we should take another look at the slot machine drop rate?" (Room breaks out in laughter) Team member 2: "Maybe we could reach out on the forums and ask for feedback about our streaming?" Team leader: "Fantastic idea!!" Now lets move on to the sales figures from the last cartel pack cash grab!" STOP avoiding the community and start reading your forums!
  2. Then why post? If you're going to mark someone as incorrect back it up troll. More wasted oxygen on useless lives.
  3. Oh look, another wasted entry in a thread you should have never opened to read. If you have nothing to contribute of any value, then move along. Just how many people need to complain before you and the other 6 people with less than intelligent responses realize that this had a significant impact on the community? Did you read the notes that were posted by Eric? Did you read the changes that were being reviewed? Did you use money you worked hard for to buy a Hypercrate or Pack to obtain one of these machines? Did you personally pump even a fraction of the credits the other people did testing the changes after they were made only to find that the one thing they said would be changed wasn't the only thing? I'm going to guess NO! Maybe you're a crafter that lost a corner in the market of overpriced materials or goods. I can't think of any other reason for you to open a thread, read it and post your pathetic drivel on something you don't even care about. The patch notes today, Jan 27th, still didn't address the HUNDREDS of posts and numerous threads asking to repair the damaged item that we were assured was "working as intended". I am not alone in spending more credits than I care to think about to get a negligible return on my investment. This company needs to take a stance, stop dragging their feet and respond to the people that PAY MONEY for their game which in turn keeps them employed, fed and a roof over their head. One day that company won't be there and their actions will follow them if they go looking for another job in their chosen craft.
  4. I'm still surprised BW hasn't offered a conversion option for mats. X# of greens for X#blues, X# blues for X# purples. Along with a readjustment of the drop rate to bring this more in line with what they intended from the start. Crafting is a waste of time and money at the current returns. This would provide a nice way to rid our inventory of the abundance of mats gained from trying to get the items you want.
  5. Yup, I've reported every single post of his for spam. He has provided nothing of value to any thread on this topic.
  6. 97 pages of legitimate complaints about this pathetic "tweak" and not a single response from BW? NOBODY will sit and play a 5$ per pull slot machine knowing that the max jackpot is only 2$. When can we expect this to be corrected? Because it is in fact BROKEN now! You posted the changes, you knew people would stockpile coins at the cheaper rate only to rob them the next day. I've already requested a charge back on my credit card for all the coins purchased and my monthly sub fee. I hope everyone else does the same, these thieves don't deserve our money.
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