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The Contraband Slot Machine


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Don't worry I've reported all the post about BW scamming, dishonest, how the devs are idiots ect ect...I do believe you may have mentioned some of that...


Then you'd have to prove this was not the case. We can prove it actually was. The scamming has been done (read initial post and compare to the results). It is being dishonest.


Calling a dev an idiot is a personal opinion. And he is entitled to that view. and from what is going on bugwise and otherwise, I am inclined to say he is RIGHT.

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Hey folks,


We know that there have been many questions about the Contraband Slot Machine and its intent. Here are a few notes on it:

  • The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.
  • It is 100% not an exploit to use the Slot Machine.
  • If you feel the desire to sell access to your Stronghold, that’s totally up to you. As a reminder, do not scam people as that is against ToS.
  • We added the Slot Machine as a fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event, so spend those credits to your heart’s content!

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun! :rak_03:





You know Eric - , How about instead of being concerned about a slot machine , instead you Fix a BUG with the companion 192 armor for Kira / Nadia, this does impact the game. ( this armor stats are lower than the 172 / 186 armor stats ) . This would make people feel you are at least addressing a note worthy issue.

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I don't post on these forums often, but this is pretty bad, guys. Like, borderline bait and switch level illegal bad. I feel horrible for Musco, who's going to have to explain that quote in the OP ("it's working as intended, we might change junk drop rates!") with respect to the actual massacre ("jk lol enjoy your worthless machine!"). A nerf was needed, but the thing about nerf is that it's soft. They went at this with an actual, real-life bazooka.


I feel the same way. My previous post was my first one ever on the forums.

I've experienced my fair share of changes and bugs that put me at a "disadvantage" (previously learned skills disappearing when leveling up, skill costs being removed after spending a lot of credits on them, final quest in the expansion not working while I pre-ordered it, nightlife achievements (still) lost, ...) but this is really something else. This is not just about something in-game, this is about real money that people spend on these machines and which they now can't even use to get the certificates now that they have the necessary rep. The only way to get these certificates now is buying packs/hypercrates, which not only makes it bait & switch, but they also "force" us to buy more packs with coins to make the reputation usable. Seriously, what good are the reputation tokens even if you don't have max reputation yet? Max reputation isn't going to get you anything unless you buy packs to get certificates. Sure this was also the case before, but that was before a lot of people spend a lot of money to get these machines. If this was their plan all along (give everyone the chance to get max reputation so people would buy packs for the certificates), there would be nothing wrong with that if they had a low drop rate for the certificates in the first place. Because at least then people wouldn't spend the money to buy the machines with the idea that they could get certificates from them.

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Your attitude is offense. It screams : "I am not affected by it, so **** everybody, **** and move on"

I'd like someone rob you out of something in real life, I bet you don't **** and move on.


Forum police man ??? Holy shyte, you do more policing in one post then the NYPD in a year. Look at yourself before starting calling other people names. As a forum police man, lemme remind you trolling and griefing are against ToS. (yes, and so is scamming ....)


Post whatever the hell you want. So do we. And I'd wonder how many trolling reports you got just from this post.


And I wouldn't be surprised if your latest post got reported also.

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I don't post on these forums often, but this is pretty bad, guys. Like, borderline bait and switch level illegal bad. I feel horrible for Musco, who's going to have to explain that quote in the OP ("it's working as intended, we might change junk drop rates!") with respect to the actual massacre ("jk lol enjoy your worthless machine!"). A nerf was needed, but the thing about nerf is that it's soft. They went at this with an actual, real-life bazooka.


Basically Eric Musco is finished as a spokes person or community manager, as least as a far as convincing the audience of his or Bioware's intentions go. He claims one thing during the weekend, makes it abundantly clear that everything is working as intended, then three days later everything changes. ...ooops.


He is either very much left in the dark (which makes him not to be believed) or lies straight to our faces on his company's behalf (which makes him not to be believed as well) .


If he was in a public office, I would call for his resignation. This way, all I can do is not believe any thing bioware will state in the foreseeable future. As I didn't see any bans over the last week, with exploiting of Ravagers going unpunished despite BWs claims, this look like a steady modus-operandi by Bioware. action is only taken if the company's credit line is threatened


'nuff said


PS I absolutely think a tactical nerf was due (which I considered to towards cartel certificates and the junk-cost of grade 11 items), but this one is mind-blowingly misconceived

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Jawa scrap hasn't just been reduced on the slot machine. It's pretty much non-existant now. 198 coins dropped in, not one bit of jawa scrap, junk, or droid parts. Tons and tons of rep items (way to much in fact), but no more jawa materials at all. At least not for me.


A lot more failed spins as well, around 20% overall. Otherwise I didn't get anything but rep items or respins on those spins.

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Basically Eric Musco is finished as a spokes person or community manager, as least as a far as convincing the audience of his or Bioware's intentions go. He claims one thing during the weekend, makes it abundantly clear that everything is working as intended, then three days later everything changes. ...ooops.


He is either very much left in the dark (which makes him not to be believed) or lies straight to our faces on his company's behalf (which makes him not to be believed as well) .


If he was in a public office, I would call for his resignation. This way, all I can do is not believe any thing bioware will state in the foreseeable future. As I didn't see any bans over the last week, with exploiting of Ravagers going unpunished despite BWs claims, this look like a steady modus-operandi by Bioware. action is only taken if the company's credit line is threatened


'nuff said


PS I absolutely think a tactical nerf was due (which I considered to towards cartel certificates and the junk-cost of grade 11 items), but this one is mind-blowingly misconceived


While I agree with most that you're saying, you can't really blame Eric Musco for the nerf unless he knew that it was going to be bad and didn't notify us. But even then, he couldn't be to blame for the nerf itself. At that point a lot of people already had the machine, and even if he would've told us that the nerf was going to be bad, it wouldn't have made it right.


But I agree that this makes BW very untrustworthy, and by extension Eric as well. Because he may have the best intentions, but if BW keeps him in the dark about major changes like this we can never take anything he takes seriously.


This is very sad because I am under the impression that he does in fact have the best intentions, and he seems to try very hard to do the best with what limited freedom he gets to talk about upcoming changes, but that's not enough and he himself can not change that. The only way he could tell us more is if he a) knows more and b) is allowed to talk about it more.


That is of course assuming that he didn't know or wasn't allowed to talk about the major changes - which I myself believe he didn't because if he knew or was allowed to talk more about them he would've known he would be blamed afterwards for not making it clear enough what the changes would be.

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I find it really fascinating that this

fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event
seems to have created an uproar on these forums on par with (or greater than) the Ravagers exploit, let alone things like the Enemy Within bug, the ability delay/lag issues, or the 14 month wait between new Operations last year.


People have... strange priorities.

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BW this just isn't right. I understand and frankly support you adjusting the rate at which Jawa Junk drops from the slot machine. That DOES make sense relative to how challenging it was to obtain Grade 11 purple mats (without buying them on the GTN) before you unleashed the slot machine upon us. But to go to the extent that you did with this 'adjustment' today............it leaves a very, very sour taste in my mouth.


I waited to purchase hypercrates this go around, I honestly had no intention to buy any as the only thing I liked vanity-wise was the Shae Vizla's armor set. But again, I read these forums religiously and caught wind to what the Contraband Slot Machine actually did. An interactive decoration that not only dropped Contraband Rep, but also the decent chance to drop Cartel Certificates, and Premium/Prototype/Artifact Scrap?


When you sell a product (indirectly, buy the packs/crates for the chance at the slot machine) that offers these things, tell people the machines are working as intended, and then ONE WEEK later completely change their rate/degree of usefulness, it is extremely deceptive to your customers. I didn't use these machines to sell purple mats on the GTN and make millions. I used these machines for mine and my guild's crafting needs. It breathed new life into the game for me. Now the machine essentially spits out Contraband Rep only, no certificates or scrap because you altered not only Jawa Junk rates , but EVERYTHING about these slot machines to the point where 99 coins nets you ZERO scrap or certificates (subject to RNG, just my experience after three stacks of coins). This would have been nice to know, BEFORE I spent hundreds on hypercrates this go around.


As someone who has spent thousands on this game, you have lost my trust. I will no longer, outside of my subscription fee, be supporting this game financially through the Cartel Market.


TL;DR - You lost my trust and any future income from me outside of subbing by being very deceptive about these slot machines within 7 days of them being available in your Acolyte's Shadow packs.

Edited by DougieVnek
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Okay so I heard the mounts IF we get one they are BOUND not Bound to legacy and NOT usable cross faction....if that is the case there is zero incentive...All I ask is you make the mounts bound to legacy to defer the costs per char per side.


(I was always taught NEVER look a gift horse in the mouth, didn't complain before the nerf won't after)

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Further discussion throughout the day and a look at the information posted elsewhere, I believe a mistake was made on BioWares part.


For example:


When I posted prior to the adjustments I believed the chance for the 'premium drop' that would be like the Kingpin Rancor I used decimals to report the chance.


I stated .001. This equates to roughly 1 in 1000. or close to the reported .09% chance to get the Rancor with the 'Feeling Lucky' buff. (.09% = .0009, rounded to three decimal places, = .001)


While I do not know the veracity of the datamined information, as I did not do this myself, it appears the percentage for the new mounts is at .001% OR .000001.


This is the difference between my original suggestion (1 in 1000) to the implementation (1 in 100,000)


My operating assumption at this point is that someone made a mistake and didn't understand their maths. This happens and is not an issue.


I think that if the other percentages are addressed and looked at in a like manner, you can easily re-adjust the machine to more reasonable levels.


I for one wanted it adjusted because its prior state made doing companion missions a complete waste of time and money. Now it has shifted entirely too far in the opposite direction.


Please have the devs review the drop rates and NOT use .001% as a chance to drop a new mount as this is FAR IN EXCESS (much much worse than) the rate of drops for the Kingpin Rancor.


I would suggest the mounts be bind to Legacy.


and then look at the expected rate of return per cost so that the purple materials gained from using the slot machine cost 50 to 100% the cost of materials (purples) expected to be gained through crew skills.


Crew skills will remain the 'best' most cost effective manner to gain materials for crafting but the Slot machine would produce the results faster at a higher cost.


This appears to have just been a mistake in the application of decimals to percentages and you will likely do much to make your community happier if you were to comment on this and announce a fix as soon as possible,


Thank you for your time.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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Any fun folks had with the machine was likely harshed by the draconian nerf that followed. Bad form IMO. Very bad form.


Umm he was referring to having fun in the game. Pretty sure people didn't do the slots because they were "fun". But hey when you are mad and heading out the door you are all for twisting words I guess...

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After 500 coins: (not counting free spins) I got:

1-[Cartel Market Certificate]

117-[banned Holovids]

71-[Prohibited Medical Supplies]

26-[Confiscated Artwork]

2-[scrap: Scavenged Scrap]

1-[scrap: Jawa Junk]


This was not an "adjustment" this was an outright destruction of the item!

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Umm how many times are you going to copy/paste this? Can't think for yourself today?


The other Thread was deleted. Chill out and stop worrying what OTHER people are doing. Until they promote you to Forum Moderator - post something useful or don't post at all.

Edited by Choloe
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About the Contraband Cartel Slot Machine....this was a wonderful idea. The drop rate was not too much and the only folks complaining about it are the credit farmers. I log on and get spammed by 5 or 6 credit sellers a day. These are new ones as I ignore them as soon as I see them. This seems to be acceptable to Bio Ware as there has been nothing done about it. Giving us the drop rate on the slot machine that actually made it affordable to gear a character made sense as the cost on the GTN for the new grade 11 crafting materials is out of line. It costs more to craft an item than it could be sold for on GTN. This outrageous nerf that has been done to the drop rate is just a plain slap in the face to players who pay to play. It was not even a "nerf" it was more like a complete "bait&switch" scam by Bio Ware. Folks spent real money to buy the cartel packs for this one item. To me it seems like Bio Ware is saying..."Screw you!! We support the credit farmers more than the people who pay to play." So yes I have removed my credit card from the subscription and no longer intend to pay to play a game that doesn't care about its players. Good luck on your new slot machines. Have fun.
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