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The Contraband Slot Machine


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I think the main idea behind this machine is something like this:

- Get people to buy packs for the slot machine, let the word spread of how good it is

- Reach a certain point, when pack sales have already reached the maximum and are not going to increase, maybe because everyone and his dog already owns the slot machine.

- Nerf the hell out of the slot machine = thus making the investment of many players rather short lived.


Prepare to make a new rulette machine.


prepare to NOT sell hypercrates.


In this thread we have seen people claim many things...every pull is a win!!! the slots give free materials..not true. there is not 100% return. there is cost associated. crafting missions are free mats if you look at it a certain way. over the course of 100 mission, you are making money, thus they are free. if the devs over nerf this, they will hinder their ability to sell cartel coins. people will look at it as bait and switch. as long as the market has access to the items in question, there is no real problem. if people stop running the missions, bw might look at fixing them.

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prepare to NOT sell hypercrates.


In this thread we have seen people claim many things...every pull is a win!!! the slots give free materials..not true. there is not 100% return. there is cost associated. crafting missions are free mats if you look at it a certain way. over the course of 100 mission, you are making money, thus they are free. if the devs over nerf this, they will hinder their ability to sell cartel coins. people will look at it as bait and switch. as long as the market has access to the items in question, there is no real problem. if people stop running the missions, bw might look at fixing them.


Pretty much nailed it. Like I said earlier, they are not going to do anything that will lead to a loss of sale for this pack, or future packs because a couple gtn warriors are QQing about it. They can tell themselves that, to make them feel better, but aint going to happen.

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prepare to NOT sell hypercrates.


In this thread we have seen people claim many things...every pull is a win!!! the slots give free materials..not true. there is not 100% return. there is cost associated. crafting missions are free mats if you look at it a certain way. over the course of 100 mission, you are making money, thus they are free. if the devs over nerf this, they will hinder their ability to sell cartel coins. people will look at it as bait and switch. as long as the market has access to the items in question, there is no real problem. if people stop running the missions, bw might look at fixing them.


You either misunderstand the machines are are deliberately misrepresenting them.


The fact of the machine is that, as long as you can sell CM Personnel Decorations for 10k, the cost of every scrap that drops from them is negative. That is to say, the machines pay you to generate raw materials for crafting.


Even if you can only sell CM Personnel Decorations for 5k, that STILL means that the slot machines produce more raw materials in less time for fewer credits than running missions.


The devs can completely remove the scrap drops from the machines and they would still be desirable because:


1) They drop reputation items. Players who want to max out their rep will use the machines to do so.


2) They drop reputation items in quantities that, after you have maxed out your reputation, you can vendor (guaranteed immediate credits) to get back about 65% of what you spent on tokens.


3) They drop Cartel Market Certificates that people will use to:


3a) Get the Cartel Market items they've always wanted / worked up reputation to get

3b) Turn into CM Personnel Decorations which, as long as they can sell at 10k or more, make the whole thing profitable


Some people might use them to max rep, get enough certs to buy the hover chair and Revan mask, then stop. But that's a valid use case that others on this forum have stated they value.


So take your misrepresentation of the machines, your hyperbole, and your doom and gloom if they're fixed, turn 'em sideways, and shove 'em straight up your candy... Go home, Rock, you can't say that here.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Guys, gathering remains the most cost effective way to get mats. You can sell those mats to buy high end mats at zero cost because most of them are overpriced on the GTN.


Know quite a few folks that have been doing that for a while now. They do not run missions...they gather mats, sell them at a high profit, buy the high end mats they need.


Second best way to get mats is to...well....buy them from the GTN, what I still believe most will continue to do. Why? I expect most do not want to be bothered with gathering, with running crew missions, even standing in front of a slot machine.


They want the mats they need...now....this instant. And they have the money to make that a reality.


THEN comes the slot machine. After that you have crew missions at dead last.


I still feel very strongly that the problem is not the machine....the problem sits with crew missions, and those flaws were simply brought into focus with this machine.


Most will still buy mats or gather them themselves at zero cost....in fact you often make money as you are running around killing mobs.


I haven't even started the Revan mission arc yet and I currently farm Rishi for mats on a regular basis. Have one character there at all times, ready to run a predetermined mining route when I log in.


25 minutes, start to finish, and I have a full stack of scav mats, 3/4 of a stack of bio mats, a few drops to sell and around 40k in creds by selling junk and slicing.


BEAT THAT. And I am not standing in front of a machine, im actually out in the world doing something.


The machine is great...I use it when I am crafting items to make kit parts, so I can craft MKs. It is a good supplement, but after two stacks of coins on average (how much I can go through with one crafting session of 30 pieces) I'm looking at MAYBE 20 pieces of each scrap.


20 pieces. That helps...but it is no substitute. I need at least 3 times that in that time period to justify replacing gathering.


The impact of this machine is exaggerated IMO. I am not saying it has no impact....it is the preferred way to get high end mats now, but the time sink is a bit much. At least with crew missions I can send and forget...this thing I have stand right in front of it and click away.


It gets old quick.


By the way, tried to sell decorations....didn't sell a one. Now I am stuck with the darn things. I hope to sell them at some point, but that certainly didn't work for me.


So we have higher prices, tedious gathering with the machine, and the decorations do not sell well....no matter what I do (other than selling the mats I get from it, haven't tried that yet) I can't seem to avoid losing money on this machine.


For 100k I get 20 to 30 pieces of each. For that money I get almost the same amount with crew missions. A bit more blue, a bit less purple. Most of the time for LESS money but more time.

Edited by LordArtemis
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With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun! :rak_03:




I don't think the drop rates are wrong. The amount of drops makes it fun.

If there has to be tweaking it should be what junk drops instead of when it drops.


People make an issue mostly about [scrap: Jawa Junk] (the purple one). As I see it, the green one seems to have about 40% chance, the blue and purple both around 30%. So my suggestion is the same amount of scrap, but if tweaking is needed put it in the further chance category.


Scrap: Scavenged scrap (green) - 60% (or try 50% first)

Scrap: Assorted Droid Parts (Blue) - 30%

Scrap: Jawa Junk (purple) - 10% (or try 20% first)


I think that should at least reduce the whining and make the market a little more stable without making the slot machine feel worthless like a nerf would do. The power of tweaking over nerfing.

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Guys, gathering remains the most cost effective way to get mats. You can sell those mats to buy high end mats at zero cost because most of them are overpriced on the GTN

Let's just put that to bed once and for all. If something is truly overpriced, it will not sell. Then, if the seller actually wishes to sell, he or she will re-list at a lower price.


The definition of "overpriced" is not "LordArtemis cannot or does not want to pay that much."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I think actually the BLUE should be reduced if anything, and the green increased.


I think the purple is just about right.


Right now all three seem to come out about even, which seems odd to me.


I think I shared my opinion on the machine many time so far, however, this is something I agree on out of principle.

Purple drops should be rarer than blue, and it in turn should be rare than green drops. Right now the three have a probability of 12.5 to drop, moving 5% of the chance for a purple jawa drop to green should fix that in principle.

It becomes, 17.5% 12.5% and 7.5% for green blue and purple respectively.

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Let's just put that to bed once and for all. If something is truly overpriced, it will not sell. Then, if the seller actually wishes to sell, he or she will re-list at a lower price.


The definition of "overpriced" is not "LordArtemis cannot or does not want to pay that much."


Let's get it out of bed bran.


The definition of any contention is not "if branmakmuffin approves", unless he is speaking of himself.


It is not a fact they are overpriced. It is an opinion. One I can present. Others will disagree, and they would not be wrong because to them, for their individual viewpoint and situation it may not be overpriced.


Since you do not define my situation in the game, my finances in the game, my actions nor my disposition you will not be defining the meaning of my statements today. When I present something as fact that is obviously nothing of the sort you are welcome to correct me.

Otherwise spend your time defining your own comments and leave me to mine.

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I think I shared my opinion on the machine many time so far, however, this is something I agree on out of principle.

Purple drops should be rarer than blue, and it in turn should be rare than green drops. Right now the three have a probability of 12.5 to drop, moving 5% of the chance for a purple jawa drop to green should fix that in principle.

It becomes, 17.5% 12.5% and 7.5% for green blue and purple respectively.


That sounds reasonable. I do think the drop rate for greens should be higher. I did think the drop rate for purples was about right, but I wouldn't oppose them reducing it a bit to make more sense.

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It is not a fact they are overpriced. It is an opinion. One I can present. Others will disagree, and they would not be wrong because to them, for their individual viewpoint and situation it may not be overpriced.

So you're saying the definition of "overpriced" is "LordArtemis cannot or does not wish to pay it." Except I'm pretty sure there is a technical definition of"overpriced" in the field of economics and I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with you.

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Guys, gathering remains the most cost effective way to get mats. You can sell those mats to buy high end mats at zero cost because most of them are overpriced on the GTN.


Gathering gets you raw materials at something approaching 0 cost. It could be argued that it's higher than zero because time but if you're talking click on a kill and your companion harvests it, I'm willing to call it zero cost.


The slot machines pay you to gather materials.


That makes them the most cost effective way to get mats. You don't get them for zero cost. You get paid to get them, before you ever turn them into finished goods or post them to GTN.


Know quite a few folks that have been doing that for a while now. They do not run missions...they gather mats, sell them at a high profit, buy the high end mats they need.


You cannot obtain blue or purple crafting materials from gathering.


Second best way to get mats is to...well....buy them from the GTN, what I still believe most will continue to do. Why? I expect most do not want to be bothered with gathering, with running crew missions, even standing in front of a slot machine.


Obtaining mats from GTN means that you spend some amount of credits to acquire those materials. For materials that can be gathered, GTN is the third best way to get them after slots and gathering. For materials that are mission only, GTN is... either the second or third best way to get them after slots and missions... depends on the cost per unit you can get them for on GTN.


Now that the slots are here, GTN seems like it would be the second best way to get mission-only materials because they'll be sold for less than the cost of acquisition via missions.


They want the mats they need...now....this instant. And they have the money to make that a reality.


I can see paying for materials if I have a burning need RIGHT NOW. But that's not the way crafters operate. We keep materials handy. We tend to try not to run out of them. So it's not like we'll need them RIGHT NOW.


We can take the 5-7 minutes to click through a stack of slot tokens to get the mats we need.


THEN comes the slot machine. After that you have crew missions at dead last.


I agree crew missions are dead nuts last. But slots are still first with a giant, speeding bullet. You can't beat being paid to gather materials that you'll be paid to turn into finished goods that someone will buy from you.


Unless there's another alternative that will pay you MORE just to gather the materials. Maybe the next slot machine will bring yet another improvement?


I still feel very strongly that the problem is not the machine....the problem sits with crew missions, and those flaws were simply brought into focus with this machine.


Unless you can get crew missions to pay me to run them, guarantee a return, and take only a few minutes, you are wrong. Crew missions suck and need to be fixed, but there is no reasonable, rational fix to them that would make them anywhere near as good as the slot machines in their current form.


Most will still buy mats or gather them themselves at zero cost....in fact you often make money as you are running around killing mobs.


Only the... less than thoughtful... ones. Those of us thinking through it, we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that being paid to gather the resources we need to make stuff places us at a significant competitive advantage to those who stubbornly cling to the "old ways".


I haven't even started the Revan mission arc yet and I currently farm Rishi for mats on a regular basis. Have one character there at all times, ready to run a predetermined mining route when I log in.


25 minutes, start to finish, and I have a full stack of scav mats, 3/4 of a stack of bio mats, a few drops to sell and around 40k in creds by selling junk and slicing.


The farming on Rishi and Yavin is awesome. But...


BEAT THAT. And I am not standing in front of a machine, im actually out in the world doing something.


I have an entire bank tab full of green scrap items that I can turn into any material I want immediately. It's all clean and neat and easy to organize. I don't have to put metals here, crystals there, keep inventory across dozens if items. I have more than half a tab each of blue and purple scrap that I can do the same with, and you can't get those on your Rishi farming circle. And you couldn't have got anywhere near that many had you run crew missions for those items the whole 25 minutes your farming run took.


On top of that, I sold CM Certificate Decorations all weekend for between about 38k and 65k to make that whole thing profitable.


That beats your farming run. By a lot.


The machine is great...I use it when I am crafting items to make kit parts, so I can craft MKs. It is a good supplement, but after two stacks of coins on average (how much I can go through with one crafting session of 30 pieces) I'm looking at MAYBE 20 pieces of each scrap.


20 pieces. That helps...but it is no substitute. I need at least 3 times that in that time period to justify replacing gathering.


Too small of a sample set size. My own analysis of the data from my own runs, many thousands of purchased tokens, tell me that I'm going to get 12.5 Jawa Junk per stack of tokens (and that will cost me nothing - actually be profitable).


If you don't want to believe my numbers, you could go dig up the data-mined rates of return and see... holy jeebus, I'm getting worse returns than I should be. :D


The impact of this machine is exaggerated IMO. I am not saying it has no impact....it is the preferred way to get high end mats now, but the time sink is a bit much. At least with crew missions I can send and forget...this thing I have stand right in front of it and click away.


The time sink is nothing if you're willing to buy the materials for next to nothing on the GTN, after the credit sellers who've macro'd the machine all week list them there. Or do you really think BioWare is going to fix the mission skills to get the cost of Grade 11 Artifacts down into the tens of credits per unit range and increase supply so dramatically that we run zero risk of running out?


It gets old quick.


By the way, tried to sell decorations....didn't sell a one. Now I am stuck with the darn things. I hope to sell them at some point, but that certainly didn't work for me.


LOL, what server? I put a stack of 5 of each personnel decoration on myself for GTN fodder on Saturday afternoon and had to keep going back to the vendor to buy more so I could keep selling them. Some sold better than others, but I never listed any at below 37,000 credits.


So we have higher prices, tedious gathering with the machine, and the decorations do not sell well....no matter what I do (other than selling the mats I get from it, haven't tried that yet) I can't seem to avoid losing money on this machine.


You have LOWER costs with the machine. The machine pays you to generate crafting materials. It doesn't get any lower cost than that.


The machine is LESS TEDIOUS than running missions because in the time it takes me to run through 1 stack of tokens and get 12 Jawa Junk, I can't even send out enough companions to MAYBE bring me 12 Midlithe crystals if THEY ALL CRIT.


If you're losing money on this machine, you're doing it wrong or people on your server have already abused the bejeebus out of the thing. What are the lowest prices on Twi'lek Dancer (Female), Twi'lek Dancer (Male), and Bartender (Male) on your server's GTN right now?


For 100k I get 20 to 30 pieces of each. For that money I get almost the same amount with crew missions. A bit more blue, a bit less purple. Most of the time for LESS money but more time.


100k worth of crew missions runs 25.7 (25) Rich Yield missions. That mission takes something around 35 minutes to run, so you'll get the return from the last one in 14.5 hours assuming you can run them back-to-back-to-back. But let's say you have 4 characters with Treasure Hunting so it's really only about 3h45m. The Rich Treasure Hunting mission crits 20% of the time, giving you 3 Midlithe Crystals when it does. 25 * 0.20 = 5 crits * 3 = 15 Midlithe crystals.


So you've spent 100,000 credits and 3.75 hours to get 15 Midlithe crystals. Each Midlithe crystal cost you 6,666.66(repeating) credits.


If I want 15 Midlithe Crystals, I'll load up on 125 Slot Machine tokens for 62,500 credits and run them through my 2 slot machines. That will take me about 9 minutes as opposed to 3.75 hours.


At the end of that, I'll have CM Rep items that I will vendor for approximately 40,625, bringing my cost to acquire the crystals down to 21,875.


Given the odds from my runs, and the data-mined odds, that should also have returned 15 Jawa Junk, which I can turn into Midlithe Crystals, plus 3 Cartel Market Certificates.


Before I ever sell a CM Certificate, this means that I spent 21,875 credits on 15 crystals, or 1,548 per crystal. That's 5,118 per crystal less than you spent and I got them 3 and a half hours faster than you did.


Oh, and I still have those 3 CM certs which on my server I can get a very easy 35k each for.




Why the fu...dgecicle would I ever run a mission again?

Edited by DarthTHC
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I think actually the BLUE should be reduced if anything, and the green increased.


I think the purple is just about right.


Right now all three seem to come out about even, which seems odd to me.


For most schematics:

Greens use green mats

Blues use green and blue mats

Purples use green and purple mats.


Usually more greens are needed than purples or blues (and the blues and purple are usually the same amounts).


So what you are saying is that you like the purple drop rate, and since you don't need blues to make purple items, you'd like those shifted to greens (because you need more than 1 green per purple). All that would do is further reduce the number of crafting missions to run.


Sorry the "I Win" button isn't big enough for you yet.

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Guys, gathering remains the most cost effective way to get mats. You can sell those mats to buy high end mats at zero cost because most of them are overpriced on the GTN.


Know quite a few folks that have been doing that for a while now. They do not run missions...they gather mats, sell them at a high profit, buy the high end mats they need.


Second best way to get mats is to...well....buy them from the GTN, what I still believe most will continue to do. Why? I expect most do not want to be bothered with gathering, with running crew missions, even standing in front of a slot machine.


They want the mats they need...now....this instant. And they have the money to make that a reality.


THEN comes the slot machine. After that you have crew missions at dead last.


I still feel very strongly that the problem is not the machine....the problem sits with crew missions, and those flaws were simply brought into focus with this machine.


Most will still buy mats or gather them themselves at zero cost....in fact you often make money as you are running around killing mobs.


I haven't even started the Revan mission arc yet and I currently farm Rishi for mats on a regular basis. Have one character there at all times, ready to run a predetermined mining route when I log in.


25 minutes, start to finish, and I have a full stack of scav mats, 3/4 of a stack of bio mats, a few drops to sell and around 40k in creds by selling junk and slicing.


BEAT THAT. And I am not standing in front of a machine, im actually out in the world doing something.


The machine is great...I use it when I am crafting items to make kit parts, so I can craft MKs. It is a good supplement, but after two stacks of coins on average (how much I can go through with one crafting session of 30 pieces) I'm looking at MAYBE 20 pieces of each scrap.


20 pieces. That helps...but it is no substitute. I need at least 3 times that in that time period to justify replacing gathering.


The impact of this machine is exaggerated IMO. I am not saying it has no impact....it is the preferred way to get high end mats now, but the time sink is a bit much. At least with crew missions I can send and forget...this thing I have stand right in front of it and click away.


It gets old quick.


By the way, tried to sell decorations....didn't sell a one. Now I am stuck with the darn things. I hope to sell them at some point, but that certainly didn't work for me.


So we have higher prices, tedious gathering with the machine, and the decorations do not sell well....no matter what I do (other than selling the mats I get from it, haven't tried that yet) I can't seem to avoid losing money on this machine.


For 100k I get 20 to 30 pieces of each. For that money I get almost the same amount with crew missions. A bit more blue, a bit less purple. Most of the time for LESS money but more time.


Just to give you some real numbers:


I have three slot machines surrounding me with the vendor to sell the coins within reach. The cool down to hit the slot machine is about 1.5 seconds or around there from what I've noticed. I can go through 40 coins per min. That means in the 25 mins you've been running around hoping someone else isn't there with you taking the spawn I've just gone through 1k of coins. Now 3hrs later..........over 7k coins. Do you know how many purple, green, blue mats I have now. It's RIDICULOUS. over 1k purple. Oh and the cartel certificates, over 200.


No matter what numbers you attempt to throw out there to make it seem like the slot machine is within balance, it is not. The actual numbers prove it. Just because I have to spend 800k overall (this number is based on selling back the excess rep items) to get 2k purple mats, 3k green/blue doesn't mean it isn't a better option than what you do. The slot machine is faster and 100% assured.


At this point they should leave it in. Because they are fooling themselves thinking the market is done. I'd rather them introduce all new craft able material at this point because there is no way to fix any of this. Let the slot machine stay, let end game gear go down 5k each piece like everyone appears to want.

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So you're saying the definition of "overpriced" is "LordArtemis cannot or does not wish to pay it." Except I'm pretty sure there is a technical definition of"overpriced" in the field of economics and I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with you.


Your right. There is a technical definition. Since that definition is irrelevant with respect to personal perspective, which is what this ENTIRE DISCUSSION IS ABOUT I would say it is obvious there is no need to be pedantic.


Unless of course you believe either of the following fallacies...


1) LordArtemis has opinions that are important and influential.

2) The perception of prices related to an individuals view are never speculative or personal in nature. Only the textbook definitions apply.


Please do not make me start using IMO again. I am already derided enough for using it to excess to avoid this very situation.

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Not everyone gets one of those machines you know.


Everyone in a decent guild probably has access to one. I do in both of mine.* Gives people something to do while looking for a pug or waiting for a Q to pop.


*I also have my own 3-machine bank which lets me burn 500 coins in about 20 minutes.

Life is too short to be pulling the handle on only one slot machine.

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Please do not make me start using IMO again. I am already derided enough for using it to excess to avoid this very situation.

Please don't...it's more fun to see who assumes you speak for them when posting your opinion.

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No matter what numbers you attempt to throw out there to make it seem like the slot machine is within balance, it is not. The actual numbers prove it.

All the numbers prove is the numbers. This "balance" thing is totally and arbitrarily set by BWEA and whether or not it's "proper" is entirely a matter of opinion. They will make decisions based on what they think will help them earn them the most real cash. Whether or not the result is "properly balanced" is an irrelevant side show.

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Everyone in a decent guild probably has access to one. I do in both of mine.* Gives people something to do while looking for a pug or waiting for a Q to pop.


*I also have my own 3-machine bank which lets me burn 500 coins in about 20 minutes.

Life is too short to be pulling the handle on only one slot machine.


My guild had 4 by Thursday.

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To clarify, I do only have one machine, and I can't spend more than one crafting session in front of it before I am bored to tears.


So hours and hours of standing in front of it is not an option for me. I understand it is an option for some, but I would speculate that is NOT the norm.


Buying mats on the GTN is the norm in my view. I would bet on that all day.


Folks that do not like to pay will not pay for coins any more than they would pay for mats. They will scavenge as they always have.


That leaves those that normally run missions or want the rep/embargoed items, gold sellers and perhaps those that wish to exploit in some way, and those that would normally engage in material selling on the market....hardcore crafters if you will.


All of those folks combined are a minority IMO. That is why I feel it is likely this has not had an impact yet, and will likely not a measurable impact in the future. Much like any other move that folks said would destabilize the economy.


And note, this is speculation on my part, but it likely will NOT be on Bioware's part. If they do see problems they will likely act, if not (as I suspect) they may make small adjustments to help out high end crafters or leave it as it is...as they have done in the past.


One example....they raised the price of mods on the Makeb vendor. That was the extent they were willing to go to help out crafters with respect to unified comms.


Speaking of that...Unified comms. Gear sales on the CM. Speeder sales on the CM, Crystal sales on the CM. There was no market crash.


All of those changes, from my perspective, only hit those folks that were making money in those areas, and I would speculate most of those folks moved on to other more profitable venues.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Guys, gathering remains the most cost effective way to get mats.


Counting blue and green scrap tokens and CM Certs as having no value, and vendoring the rep tokens, I am getting the purple Java Junk for 1350-1600 credits each. So conservatively, my grade 11 purple mats are costing me 1500 (Midlithe Crystals) to 4500 credits (Adaptive Circuitry) each.


Perhaps for slicing, crew missions are competitive - you'd need to average a crit every 3 or 4 missions for that to be the case. But for Treasure Hunting and Diplomacy, the Slots are cheaper.

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Counting blue and green scrap tokens and CM Certs as having no value, and vendoring the rep tokens, I am getting the purple Java Junk for 1350-1600 credits each. So conservatively, my grade 11 purple mats are costing me 1500 (Midlithe Crystals) to 4500 credits (Adaptive Circuitry) each.


Perhaps for slicing, crew missions are competitive - you'd need to average a crit every 3 or 4 missions for that to be the case. But for Treasure Hunting and Diplomacy, the Slots are cheaper.


Thats a fair point I think. But one could still contend it is not as convenient as hands free...though that is probably stretching it a bit.

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