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Galactic Starfighter Stats Records


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Some people enjoy setting goals for themselves that are measured statistically. It can be a reason to keep playing, or to set a bar for yourself to see if you can achieve it.


Some people like to see where the boundaries are for how well a ship can perform. This thread is very useful for demonstrating where the statistical ceiling is on the various ship types. You can show with a pretty high degree of certainty which ships are the best performers in many categories. I'd love to see an even wider statistical analysis so we could get a true representation of what the average player's output is, not just the high end.


You don't have to use an exploit to score a high K/DR. You just have to be exceedingly cautious and risk-averse. Don't draw attention to yourself, get out of trouble, don't put yourself in bad situations and accept that you'll be hampered offensively by your need to stay alive. Certain servers would definitely provide a more favorable environment for attempting such a thing. Being on dominant teams consistently also certainly would help. Contributing ~13 k+a and 28k damage while running up a K/DR score that high shows that the guy is helping his team. Could he put up higher numbers if he was taking more risks? Yes, but it doesn't look like a cheat to me in any way, nor does it paint him as a bad teammate.


It's interesting to see how far someone can push any stat if they set their mind to it. If they're pursuing something positive and not hurting their teams, there's no reason to get bent out of shape about it.



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As far as the balance goes, GSF is in much better position than most other games. Yes, we can use more dev time, but the game has multiple viable ships most of which have multiple viable builds.


Also, why do you congratulate me? Congratulate the guy who posted those "record" screenshots. And finally, why don't YOU find something more useful do with your life than asking others to find a solution to your problem of leveling ships.

You started the chain of tearing down. This is a textbook case of reaping what one sows.
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Why would you care if a player wants to pad their K/D ratio?


If it's important to them, let them do it. It has no effect on you.


If someone quits a game to avoid dieing to pad a K/D ratio, it does actually have an effect on me. Someone unwilling to take risks will often hurt a team.


Suicide tensoring is great for getting ships to sats quickly, and then into a more combat effective ship.


This would hurt a k/d ratio but would help a team win and increase the amount of Req they receive allowing for faster ship maxing.


An individual who cares more about personal stats then helping the team should not be playing a game with a team. They should be doing one on one dueling in fleet.

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If someone quits a game to avoid dieing to pad a K/D ratio, it does actually have an effect on me. Someone unwilling to take risks will often hurt a team.


Suicide tensoring is great for getting ships to sats quickly, and then into a more combat effective ship.


This would hurt a k/d ratio but would help a team win and increase the amount of Req they receive allowing for faster ship maxing.


An individual who cares more about personal stats then helping the team should not be playing a game with a team. They should be doing one on one dueling in fleet.


I think Despon covered all your points pretty thoroughly.


As for suicide tensoring: if that specific person never played a tensor, would you say he's hurting the team? I've never suicided with a tensor, am I hurting my team? Am I obliged to suicide an immediately swap to a rampart/quarrel/flashfire/whichever ship you believe is best?


Those screenshots don't show him like a non-contributor.


Anyway, if he quits and he's hurting his team, they're not worse off without him. Maybe even better, since someone who could help them might join.

Edited by Greezt
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You effectively enumerated the reasons why I was so boggled. I do grasp all of the stats & possibilities you mentioned. And despon elaborated on the "how" pretty well; I think he's probably dead on. It's just incredible to me that someone would be able to fly in a manner resulting in those numbers so effectively for so long. I want to watch a few games from this dude's perspective, if only for lulz.


As to the "why":


Some people enjoy setting goals for themselves that are measured statistically. It can be a reason to keep playing, or to set a bar for yourself to see if you can achieve it.


Right, and you, despon, understand this as well as anyone - and of course I do too, as evidenced by our "average damage per battle"...err, battle. Breaking 80k average on a GS is nuts, I gave up at 75k and haven't played that toon since (though apparently I still hold the overall record, just not the GS one).


The reason I threw in the towel, largely, is that I simply didn't enjoy playing that way any longer. The toon I was using earned the nickname "Ruthless Eddie" on JC - and rightly so - because his sole goal in GSF was to vaporize anything and everything, pedal to the metal, whenever possible, regardless of the game situation, incompetence of the opposition, whatever. Wins and losses didn't matter, crushing noobs was irrelevant. Pursuit of the 75k mark was entertaining in its own way, sure. But I couldn't keep playing like that.


And back to the KDR guy - I can't imagine playing that way either - over hundreds of games. It sounds like a drag, to me. But again, I understand the motivation behind pursuing records like these. So while I would never chase a record like this, I think I empathize with Necriol's motivation and certainly don't condemn him for accumulating those stats. imo, the numbers are so insane they border on hilarious.

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I have met about a year an a half ago a similar pilot on TEH.. He was flying a T3 scout. He had a W/L of 20% and a KDR over 25. He was unable to get kill against most dominant players on the server at the time and was leaving as soon as he was killed. I even saw him backfill 3-4 times into a single match only to leave after one death.

The guy above likely used the same strategy with a more dominant ship..

On 355 games, I guess he farmed bads for about half his matches getting upward 20-25 kills each time. And then left all the bad matchup.. Comnsidering I have yet to hear of a decent Pot5 pilot... The server seems to land itself rather well to this tactic.

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I have met about a year an a half ago a similar pilot on TEH.. He was flying a T3 scout. He had a W/L of 20% and a KDR over 25. He was unable to get kill against most dominant players on the server at the time and was leaving as soon as he was killed. I even saw him backfill 3-4 times into a single match only to leave after one death.

The guy above likely used the same strategy with a more dominant ship..

On 355 games, I guess he farmed bads for about half his matches getting upward 20-25 kills each time. And then left all the bad matchup.. Comnsidering I have yet to hear of a decent Pot5 pilot... The server seems to land itself rather well to this tactic.


I'm glad another person sees it from the same perspective as I do. I think I recall the TEH pilot you've mentioned from my rare visits to that server. I'd rather have an asteroid on my team instead.

It's not that I'm against the idea of this thread or high KDR. I've seen some pilots linking insane KDR in /GSF, however they had other stats to match it to (like high W/L% or average damage/kills/etc.) and I would be foolish to ignore their presence in a game. I'm against people trying to cheat their way in and the others accepting it as a normal thing to do.


You started the chain of tearing down. This is a textbook case of reaping what one sows.

Feel free to elaborate. I'm not entirely sure how to interpret it.

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Comnsidering I have yet to hear of a decent Pot5 pilot... The server seems to land itself rather well to this tactic.

Yallia and Is'pep* were both Pot5 pilots, and are much better than decent, to name a few. During my ~100 game stay there, I definitely saw others as well. Just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Belittling the entire class of pilots that have come off a particular server doesn't reflect very well on you.


There's no need to be so disparaging about things or assume the worst. It's not like you have to use underhanded tactics to put up a really good K/DR. It can be done within the confines of the game's normal operating parameters.


*edited for clarity, originally I had thought Is'pep was also Georgewhite, but was mistaken. Georgewhite however is also a very good pilot just not from Pot5.



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Pursuit of the 75k mark was entertaining in its own way, sure. But I couldn't keep playing like that.

It's definitely stressful. It adds a layer of consequence to your ship choice at the start of a match. Knowing that you have to be on your game, squeezing every last bit of damage you can out of whatever situation, is wearying. The last thing you want in that case is 'farming' matches or blowouts, you want matches that are hard enough to last long, but not ones where you're focused hard.


I still feel compelled to try to land 80k+ on that Mangler every match. I've thought about getting a Mailoc just so I have a T1gs that I don't care about that number in. I toyed with the idea of trying to push over 81k, but came to the conclusion that beyond a certain point it's very dependent on lucking into a run of matches with favorable circumstances. I admit, it would be nice if I can fill out the 150 or so games I need to get to 1000 on that gunship and keep it over 80k, just from a personal satisfaction standpoint. Exhausting, though.


And back to the KDR guy - I can't imagine playing that way either - over hundreds of games.


imo, the numbers are so insane they border on hilarious.

You guys did see Anaris's K/DR record for the Clarion/Imperium, right? 268... you want insane, there you go.



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Just updated everything congratulations to the new #1 spots, Necro and Despon you guys really outdid yourselves with those new records really awesome.


To anyone upset that a player is trying to push a specific number as high as possible please keep in mind many of these players are just looking for goals in game that hasn't been updated in a long time and has no sort of ranking anywhere. Many of these players are very good and even if they are playing in a manner to only help a certain statistic they will still be way more valuable on your team then the average GSF pilot.


There is no reason to shame someone setting a goal for themselves. Even Bioware encourages playing in certain ways to earn different goals, just look at how the achievement system works in this game. Playing for a certain statistic is no different then trying to earn an achievement.



Sorry I took so long to update the thread I usually wait until there are a few posts of records to update so I don't have to go in and edit every time someone posts. It had just been awhile in between posts. I'll try to stay more on top of it from here on out.


Keep those records coming guys!

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My mind...it is boggled. Those KDRs are insane. I'm trying to imagine what kind of playstyle results in numbers like these.


Hey Zuck,


I think I ended up with a KDR of 40 something on Sittingduck using the T1 GS when I was doing one ship leveling experiments. I think I posted a screenshot of that in my summaries of those experiments in the JC Space PvP Shoutout thread. Can’t seem to find it now, but it's probably in there somewhere.


Anyway, I can’t comment on what playstyle was used for Cerez’s numbers.


But, as for my playstyle on Sittingduck, I played it almost exclusively like a FPS sniper. And playing this way was really about positioning. I had the longest range weapons in the game. So if I played smart, I had a tremendous amount of control over when and how I chose to initiate and engage in combat. This included positioning myself relative to my team (I used them as bullet sponges and scouting drones). By putting my team between my ship and my targets, I made it hard for opponents to get to me without being shot up or picking up pursuers. I typically engaged targets at as close to maximum range as possible. This makes it hard for them to get to me, and means that if they do, they’re down on engines, while I’m at full.


I also tried to take out forward ships first, to deny forward sensor information to the enemy. Essentially creating areas where I was pretty sure the opponents had no sensor information. I would stay in those areas and reposition often (usually after 2-5 shots). Meanwhile, if I was doing a good job of supporting my team, I was keeping them alive well in front of me, and could take advantage of their sensor information. So, if someone came looking for me based on where they encountered me before, I could usually see them coming before they saw me. And I wasn’t roosting where they remembered me sitting. And if they did get to me. Well, I had two missile breaks, a barrel roll, and full engine bar. And I was probably headed for a friendly minefield, if there was one. And if all that fails, I'm not one of those GS pilots that doesn't seem to know how to use their BLC's.


Playing this way, I almost never died. Most deaths were the result of overextending for strategic reasons (having to hold a satellite, or rushing too far forward for a DO and stuff like that).


Anyway, take it for what it is worth. I’m hardly a great GS pilot. And doing this was more about careful flying and strategic thinking than anything else.

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Hey Zuck,


I think I ended up with a KDR of 40 something on Sittingduck using the T1 GS when I was doing one ship leveling experiments. I think I posted a screenshot of that in my summaries of those experiments in the JC Space PvP Shoutout thread. Can’t seem to find it now, but it's probably in there somewhere.


Anyway, I can’t comment on what playstyle was used for Cerez’s numbers.


But, as for my playstyle on Sittingduck, I played it almost exclusively like a FPS sniper. And playing this way was really about positioning. I had the longest range weapons in the game. So if I played smart, I had a tremendous amount of control over when and how I chose to initiate and engage in combat. This included positioning myself relative to my team (I used them as bullet sponges and scouting drones). By putting my team between my ship and my targets, I made it hard for opponents to get to me without being shot up or picking up pursuers. I typically engaged targets at as close to maximum range as possible. This makes it hard for them to get to me, and means that if they do, they’re down on engines, while I’m at full.


I also tried to take out forward ships first, to deny forward sensor information to the enemy. Essentially creating areas where I was pretty sure the opponents had no sensor information. I would stay in those areas and reposition often (usually after 2-5 shots). Meanwhile, if I was doing a good job of supporting my team, I was keeping them alive well in front of me, and could take advantage of their sensor information. So, if someone came looking for me based on where they encountered me before, I could usually see them coming before they saw me. And I wasn’t roosting where they remembered me sitting. And if they did get to me. Well, I had two missile breaks, a barrel roll, and full engine bar. And I was probably headed for a friendly minefield, if there was one. And if all that fails, I'm not one of those GS pilots that doesn't seem to know how to use their BLC's.


Playing this way, I almost never died. Most deaths were the result of overextending for strategic reasons (having to hold a satellite, or rushing too far forward for a DO and stuff like that).


Anyway, take it for what it is worth. I’m hardly a great GS pilot. And doing this was more about careful flying and strategic thinking than anything else.


I do remember Sittingduck being remarkably difficult to kill.


Still: I'm pretty sure KDR wasn't your primary motivation. I mean, of course you wanted to stay alive, I get that. All the stuff you mentioned - positioning, carefully selecting targets, staying near max range - those are all things good snipers tend to do. IIRC (and I wish I had that screenshot handy, I'll have to dig through the space PVP shoutout thread) your offensive numbers were considerably better than KDR Guy's. That's really what I was flummoxed over: there was clearly a trade-off made between offense and defense. I don't believe your numbers reflected that sort of concession. Without naming names: we both know a couple of long-gone JC pilots who were notorious for running away at even the slightest hint of danger. Those guys never helped their teams win; chasing them became a game in itself. I just don't picture you playing that way.


Aside: I wish the battle record distinguished between TDM and domination numbers. I'm pretty sure my TDM KDR is respectable, while my dom KDR is probably terrible. In a dom, I have absolutely no qualms about putting myself in an awful spot to take out a beacon, or to hold on to a sat for a few seconds longer waiting for reinforcements to arrive - knowing I'm going to get my face melted. Maybe I do that kind of thing too much, I don't know...I just feel like it gives my team a better chance to win. But of course, not dying is a key factor in winning a TDM. I'd just be curious to see how those numbers differ.

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Aside: I wish the battle record distinguished between TDM and domination numbers. I'm pretty sure my TDM KDR is respectable, while my dom KDR is probably terrible. In a dom, I have absolutely no qualms about putting myself in an awful spot to take out a beacon, or to hold on to a sat for a few seconds longer waiting for reinforcements to arrive - knowing I'm going to get my face melted. Maybe I do that kind of thing too much, I don't know...I just feel like it gives my team a better chance to win. But of course, not dying is a key factor in winning a TDM. I'd just be curious to see how those numbers differ.



Yep that's a good point. There are also numerous situations where I kill myself on purpose because it helps the team win. Tensor suicide at the start and kiling yourself when you run out of pods are the obvious ones. But often I will kill myself in Lost Shipyards Domination if I see A or C losing turrets and i'm really far away. If you get a short spawn time then you can save that sat very easily.


Also, how does switching ships affect these stats? I tend to switch between ships very frequently in most games in order to pick the best counter to what the enemy is fielding.

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Not entirely sure what to make of it.


Did some testing and research, quitting the battle before end gives you a loss and adds play time, everything else counts as zero. His average battle time is over 9 minutes, which means he either didn't quit or did so at the very end. 28k average damage is about 18 slugs, with six kills per battle it checks out.


The thing that is standing out the most is total requisition gained. 435 average requisition is too low. It would only check out (barely) for a f2p/preferred. If he was subbed the whole time, it would mean he most likely ever completed only those matches that were wins.


Best case scenario, he played cautiously, picked off a couple people, tried to stay out of trouble. It would be tedious, one kill every 1-2 minutes, negligible income from objectives. It would work for him, less so for the team as a whole. It's a stretch, but it would mostly check out, would need to see the bottom of the battle record to know more. Worst case scenario, he quit every losing battle, but ironically this would make him a lot better pilot stat-wise, with about 50k damage and roughly 10+10 with one death every third match or so. Again, would need to see the bottom half of the battle record. Or for someone from his server who remembers him to enlighten the rest of us.



Not enough information to go on, at any rate, enjoy your record, guess I will have to settle for the 1000+ games category. But do consider playing for the win more in the future.


One thing I did find pretty good though was total damage / deaths ratio, which is nearly 36k. So well done on that, even though I don't endorse the road taken.



Also as to my clarion, I had it shelved after I power died and got raped by sheep in TDM when it released, started flying it as support once the immigrants came to TRE. After few dozen games with no extra deaths it became bit of a joke as to how high it can get. Flew it as a handicap ship in what appeared to be easy matches / ones where I could slack off, found a screen of one particularly good one, so it wasn't all padded :p.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 86 Win% (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 13.16 KDR (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 22.65 Average Kills per battle (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 85,379.41 Average damage per battle (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 66.28 Accuracy% (100 games)



Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 86 Win% (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 13.28 KDR (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 22.59 Average Kills per battle (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 84,923.95 Average damage per battle (100 games)

Neutrinos'smw (Neutrinos) - Battle Meditation - 66.91 Accuracy% (100 games)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Couple updates. Many thanks for posting.


Cat-face (Purple-font) - <> - The Red Eclipse - 91.36% win loss (834 games)

Slash-wave (Purple-font) - <Republic Defender Group> - T3-M4 - 56.62% accuracy (313 games)


for scout flashfire/sting


Slash-wave (Purple-font) - <Republic Defender Group> - T3-M4 - 59.79% accuracy 205 games


for gunship quarrel/manglar


Slash-wave (Purple-font) - <Republic Defender Group> - T3-M4 - 66.96% accuracy 138 games

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, would like to submit these entries for the 1000 matches played category. Thanks!

Overall (1606 games)

Win %

Kalessian - Stroke my Wookie - The Red Eclipse - 74.90 % (1606 games)


Kalessian - Stroke my Wookie - The Red Eclipse - 4.73 KDR (1606 games)

Avg. Kills per Battle

Kalessian - Stroke my Wookie - The Red Eclipse - 10.67 Average Kills per Battle (1606 games)

Avg Dmg Dealt

Kalessian - Stroke my Wookie - The Red Eclipse - 45683.62 Average damage dealt per Battle (1606 games)

Avg. Assists

Kalessian - Stroke my Wookie - The Red Eclipse - 7.67 Average Assists per Battle (1606 games)

Accuracy %

Kalessian - Stroke my Wookie - The Red Eclipse - 48.57 % Accuracy (1606 games)

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  • 1 month later...

Some of these numbers just blow my mind. And I giggle every time I see the Missiles-only entry.


Couple minor updates for the >1000 match categories. Nothing major, just extending my lead in acc% and leapfrogging Xi'ao in average damage:


Tøbiasfünke - Retrocide - Jedi Covenant - 62.21% accuracy (1163 games)

Tøbiasfünke - Retrocide - Jedi Covenant - 49,972 damage (1163 games)


Pic for # of matches played since it doesn't show up on the other screenie.


EDIT: the acc% one replaces Zuckerkorn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am posting this on behalf of Kiera Carson aka Jaesa on Harbinger.


Dustmaker / Comet Breaker


Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 84.00% Win% (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 6.36 KDR (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 13.74 Kills/Battle (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 55,614 Damage/Battle (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 65.26% Hit% (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/KqZtJ4H.jpg


Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 6.79 Assists/Battle (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg



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  • 2 months later...

1000 + games Overall


Zbulwersowany - Legion Alkoholików - The Red Eclipse 9.02 Average Assists per Battle (1945 games)


Zbulwersowany - Legion Alkoholików - The Red Eclipse 7.85 Average Kills per Battle (1945 games)


Zbulwersowany - Legion Alkoholików - The Red Eclipse 66.99 Win% (1945 games)


Zbulwersowany - Legion Alkoholików - The Red Eclipse 38655.72 Average Damage Dealt per Battle (1945 games)


Zbulwersowany - Legion Alkoholików - The Red Eclipse KDR 2.98 (1945 games)


Zbulwersowany - Legion Alkoholików - The Red Eclipse 45.90 Accuracy% (1945 games)


100+ games Overall


Ludojad (Zbulwersowany) - The Red Eclipse - 9.83 Assists per Battle (218 games)

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