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I did the exploit...


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This so called Exploit stuff is all BS. If all these exploits which ARE Really NOT, exploits then why the hell were they put in game by the Devs, and don't give me this BS, that the devs did this by mistake, because ppl cannot do these things by mistake, like all the Treasure boxes on Rishi.

In different context, you'd have had a good shot at winning Darwin Award.

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If BW doesn't take any action towards those exploiters then they should not blame anyone else other than them selves when the number of exploiters increases in the future with new updates/expansions... Edited by saremun
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Dude, no offense, but in the end, even if there was that bug for a longer time than usual, that was no excuse to willingly abuse it. I get that they should have fixed this a lot sooner, I do, but if you were to use an exploit like that anywhere else, in most MMO's you would probably experience the same predicament regardless.



meanwhile you said something about lockboxes being farmed and patched in the first patch? you mean all the ones with high credit amounts on Rishi? that wasn't an exploit, since they never put a limit on how many lockboxes you could go to and therefore no one could find an illegal workaround to that limit. Making this completely different from an actual exploit.



as for credit sellers, yes they are freakin annoying, the sad part is they DO get banned, the problem is its so easy to create a new F2P account that you cut off one head and two more take it place, and made only worse by 3.0 since a major expansion somehow meant to them " business opportunity!" and those bloodsuckers will continue to fester around this game for at least another month, then eventually when the game gets back into a lull period between major patches will they go down to regular levels.



Its your decision if you want to unsub or not, after all, it's your money that you worked to earn, but just saying though, while it is partially their fault, as many people in other threads pointed out, even when faced with the exploit, they chose to avoid it, meaning you could have done the same and avoided this mess, it was your decision ultimately and fault does lie with you.


again no offense.

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It's funny when the only defense on this whole topic people seem to have left is to start citing other area's of possible breach of ToS like that somehow justifies or lessens the infractions in this particular case.


I know right, I saw one person somewhere write how they don't action people who commit name violations, you know, as if name violations were as harmful as this exploit.

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The whole reason why not just this community but the entire world is as messed up as it is, is simply because people think that they are entitled to do something wrong just because someone else did. But all it does is make things worse.


If we stopped doing that, this world would be a much better place. Oh well, I can dream right?

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This is insanly ridiculous. Yeah u all pref. players right. U re the best player bla bla. Really i dont care if u ban us just BW lost all customer whic is '' 300-400'' sub. player and who is gonna feed this damn game ? im complatly agreed with @tuncu. And im gonna army soon so im already cancel my sub. but im here because my friends to the and.


Im sorry about my English.


And a little advice for BW , let it go man. This issue only hurt you and company , not us. We're players , we are always find new games always. But you guys , if u dont stop this madness this game will fall instantly.


Anyway best regards.

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This is insanly ridiculous. Yeah u all pref. players right. U re the best player bla bla. Really i dont care if u ban us just BW lost all customer whic is '' 300-400'' sub. player and who is gonna feed this damn game ? im complatly agreed with @tuncu. And im gonna army soon so im already cancel my sub. but im here because my friends to the and.


Im sorry about my English.


And a little advice for BW , let it go man. This issue only hurt you and company , not us. We're players , we are always find new games always. But you guys , if u dont stop this madness this game will fall instantly.


Anyway best regards.



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Can tell your mother is a drunk crack head that poked a hole in several rubbers until you were conceived just to get on welfare, gratz to you for turning out to be an immoral douche bag.


Wow, so much anger over something so trivial. So cheating is wrong, so that justifies your attack on his mother?

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First i playing game becouse of community, about six month ago swtor lost his privilage in my mind, second they weren't here almost month and after first patch they start storm. btw TheNahash sorry to insult you i did not intent do it.

You might reconsider your choise, the community here is the worst I've ever seen.

I do meet nice people ingame however, so I assume nice people stay away from forums...

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I did the exploit as well. Please just give us the punishment, so that i can create another account if need be and resubscribe, if this one gets permanently banned, so I can go back to playing SWTOR in some fashion or another without having to worry about this, admittedly self-placed and now gloriously elevated to the eye of the public, guillotine placed over my head.
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You might reconsider your choise, the community here is the worst I've ever seen.

I do meet nice people ingame however, so I assume nice people stay away from forums...


You don't stay away from the forums....so what does that make you? :p


Or me? :eek:



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I did the exploit as well. Please just give us the punishment, so that i can create another account if need be and resubscribe, if this one gets permanently banned, so I can go back to playing SWTOR in some fashion or another without having to worry about this, admittedly self-placed and now gloriously elevated to the eye of the public, guillotine placed over my head.


Well they said they would take action in about a week so next week you'll know. Still, it doesn't mean everybody gets a permaban. Some people probably will, others might get warnings and/or suspensions.

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I will cancel my subscription and will leave from swtor forever.






One can only hope you get banned. This game doesn't need gamers like you. Hell, no game does.

Edited by Quraswren
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I'm still trying to figure out why people keep throwing the word "Ban" around so much.


I'd eat my left shoe if the majority of the exploiters got anything more than a temporary account suspension and the removal of their ill gotten loot.


I mean, if you did something crazy to obtain the ability to do the exploit, or perhaps if you made millions of credits from it...then I could maybe see them taking more drastic action.


Because there are a toxic community with pitchforks a torches rather then just playing the game. This is why i pvp less crybabies and toxic players. You know what happens to a game when the community that turns toxic like this it drives away players and friends of player that say screw this. That what you all are doing bashing people you dont even know if the person used it and your bashing them because they understand the same thing. Getting out the pitchforks and torches hurts this game. If the dev don't get a handle on people and there anger they will drive whats left of a good population to other games.

Edited by Neoforcer
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It's funny when the only defense on this whole topic people seem to have left is to start citing other area's of possible breach of ToS like that somehow justifies or lessens the infractions in this particular case.

You misunderstand the purpose of pointing out other ToS infractions. It's to demonstrators that some of the holier-than-thou ban-all-the-rule-breakers advocates are not so holy after all.


In the U.S. there are so many laws now that scholars estimate the average person breaks a dozen every day without realizing it. As a result, an advocate of hang-all-the-law-breakers is advocating a noose around their own necks.


While BioWare's Rules of Conduct are mercifully brief compared to the United States Code, they are also intentionally fuzzy, to give BioWare much needed flexibility. As a result, most players have probably broken the rules in some manner or another, depending on how you interpret the rules.


Look at the exploit-related rule: you must not "Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service." Well, what's a bug? Ultimate comms from L55 ops? Being able to bypass a boss (e.g. Garj) ? Finding a place you can stand where some of the attacks from the boss won't hit you? And what's an unfair advantage? There's some wiggle room there, which not only allows BW to decide that an exploit isn't an actionable exploit, but also allows players to (at their own peril) believe that too.


The anti-communication portion is a little clearer, but as a result it's got a loophole you can drive a truck through. It's reasonable to think BW may come down hard on anyone that violated the anti-communication portion, for a number of reasons I won't go into here.


TL;DR: everyone breaks rules sometimes, often unknowingly, and sometimes it's not worth doing anything about; with the Ravagers exploit that's up to BW to decide. Anyone who says differently is being unrealistic.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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One can only hope you get banned. This game doesn't need gamers like you. Hell, no game does.


This game does not need a toxic players like you either. one can only hope people wake the hell up and play the game instead of arguing what action will be taken it getting very old very quick

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If they want to ban you, they will. You can spend an eternity trying to justify to yourself what you did was right and try to convince other people while also in a way stil trying to convince yourself you didn't do anything wrong. Still a cheater. Don't be surprised if things happen. Edited by Sarfux
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If BW doesn't take any action towards those exploiters then they should not blame anyone else other than them selves when the number of exploiters increases in the future with new updates/expansions...

Well, if that's the case, they didn't impose any sanctions for the Nephra exploit, which ran for months, so aren't they already in that situation?

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Because there are a toxic community with pitchforks a torches rather then just playing the game. This is why i pvp less crybabies and toxic players. You know what happens to a game when the community that turns toxic like this it drives away players and friends of player that say screw this. That what you all are doing bashing people you dont even know if the person used it and your bashing them because they understand the same thing. Getting out the pitchforks and torches hurts this game. If the dev don't get a handle on people and there anger they will drive whats left of a good population to other games.


hahahaha ye theres not a single topic in pvp about, cheater exploiters hackers etc dont make me laugh.


If you exploit the game you know theres gonna be action taken at some point.

BW made a mistake ppl should make a ticket saying, hey guys that and that is the case its not working as intended and ppl choose to exploit it over and over and now that its out there that they gonna punish those players all kinds of excuses pop up.


Be a man and take the hits. they burned themselfs and now they have to sit on the blisters

Edited by NrDLeipe
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