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I did the exploit...


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I did it a total of 5 times. 3 on one server, 2 on another.


My main reason for this is because I wanted to optimize my characters, and I was told if I didn't do the exploit I would be kicked from my raiding team entirely. That's my only reason for doing it.


I was also told to give a guild crafter one of those purple mats, so I gave him one and he gave me a barrel in return. I haven't done anything with the other mats as they are sitting in my inventory.


I know some guild members who have done it 10+ times, I know the people who told me about it. In fact the first time I did it, I didn't even know. Some guildie invited me to a group I was just told to set the ops group to 16m story and I told the I've already done Ravagers on 8 man, but he obviously went in and looted. I guess I must have unknowingly assisted with someone to do it.


I obviously regret doing it, but I was wondering what the circumstances have to be in order to be punished. What sort of punishment will there be? Will I be permabanned from the game? How many times is bannable? If you've got schematics from the items and made millions of credits, is that more of an offense?

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It take guts to admit it, though you could have said no there was some social pressure on you. If I was in your place, I would delete all the mats right now and contact CS and explain it to them. They might ban you or they might thank you for coming forward, however, for me I think it is too little too late as this should have been done before Eric's post.
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It take guts to admit it, though you could have said no there was some social pressure on you. If I was in your place, I would delete all the mats right now and contact CS and explain it to them. They might ban you or they might thank you for coming forward, however, for me I think it is too little too late as this should have been done before Eric's post.


I already have sent them a ticket and explained why. I did it 5 times all on the same day and regretted doing it after.. Obivously I'm a bit scared of having my account perma banned

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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They wont tell you what level of punishment till you get a email. Making people exploit as a guild say volumes about the guild your in it not worth it and you should of left right there. Now you will have to wait till they email you what your punishment will be. Edited by Neoforcer
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I did it a total of 5 times. 3 on one server, 2 on another.


My main reason for this is because I wanted to optimize my characters, and I was told if I didn't do the exploit I would be kicked from my raiding team entirely. That's my only reason for doing it.


I was also told to give a guild crafter one of those purple mats, so I gave him one and he gave me a barrel in return. I haven't done anything with the other mats as they are sitting in my inventory.


I know some guild members who have done it 10+ times, I know the people who told me about it. In fact the first time I did it, I didn't even know. Some guildie invited me to a group I was just told to set the ops group to 16m story and I told the I've already done Ravagers on 8 man, but he obviously went in and looted. I guess I must have unknowingly assisted with someone to do it.


I obviously regret doing it, but I was wondering what the circumstances have to be in order to be punished. What sort of punishment will there be? Will I be permabanned from the game? How many times is bannable? If you've got schematics from the items and made millions of credits, is that more of an offense?

Stage 3. Bargaining
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If you are in a guild that feels they need to use exploits, it's no one's fault but your own. At no time were you forced to participate in the exploit; you always had the choice to quit the guild and find another group that would not exploit. Don't blame the other players in your guild for this.


In any case, we still don't have any information on what kind of action they are going to take, and even then, I doubt we'll get any public information about it.

Edited by Jerba
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If you are in a guild that feels they need to use exploits, it's no one's fault but your own. At no time were you first to participate in the exploit; you always had the choice to quit the guild and find another group that would not exploit. Don't blame the other players in your guild for this.


In any case, we still don't have any information on what kind of action they are going to take, and even then, I doubt we'll get any public information about it.

Peer pressure is not something easy to scoff at! He is not guiltless but he is not 100% guilty as well. There is a lot of resources on this subject that do explain why it is hard to overcome. There is a reason why we have programs to help people overcome their social construct instead of just saying: Don't do this.


But again I am not really defending him, it is just not as easy to say as you think.

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Fair play that you admit it, but stating that you were "peer pressured" into it probably makes it worse. You had a choice, yeah it means you might have been kicked but you left anyway (so you say). You made that decision yourself and the consequences should be the same (if there are any at all), don't try to seem like you were a victim of a flaw in the game that you and several others exploited.
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I am sure there will be at least several meetings,where they will be discussing ,if we do this to them how many will leave the game and how much $$ will we lose.and if we do this ,how many will be embolden and do the next one(there always will be a next one). and while some people only play a game to find exploits ,most do not do it, look at one of the last exploits, some guilds were using the guildship tp to help players get certain datacrons . was it a exploit? due to my bad hand /eye coordination. I have bypassed about 95% of the datacrons. having to be a good hop skip and jumper to get something that at most only give you bragging rights is it a exploit? yes i know abut the +10 on the ship. on tattoine ther is the walker datacrons,the "official" way is to ride a very long flyer,and hopefully jump and land on it then get the two datacrons. or how i got it was someone did that ,then offered to pull us up to the top. was that a exploit? was that a cheat? how about the one in the cartel bizzare? more hop skip and jumping. while some may like it I do not
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I know, I quit the guild soon after :rolleyes:


You should report each one you know who did the exploit. And definitely the ones who pressured you to do it.

Tbh it sounds like the pub guild I'm in. Not that I was pressured but I'm not part of the raiding teams either. But there are active, proud cheaters in that guild. :mad:

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Peer pressure on a game? That's a new one for me.


You must be blind to think this is not an issue. The new operations are comparatively difficult and as such currently have pretty high gear checks. If a guild or raiding group within a guild are to do something, they of course want to pick their best and most geared players. To think that you automatically will get an invite to say a HM raid even though you don't have full 192 yet is a bit unrealistic.


If you want to play, you have to have the gear, especially since most players aren't good enough to be in say Zorz no matter what gear they have. If a lot of other people used the exploit (either because they felt they deserved it due to the current state of the game, or that they just didnt care), that means you will find yourself at the bottom of the gear list if you do not also do it. You can then choose to try to find a different guild (on my server I think people in all major guilds have used it), to use the exploit yourself, or be content not getting invited as often any more.


EDIT: Additionally, its also very much present in set raiding teams, esp for those that use parsec/starparse or similar. Why? Try being constant lowest heals/dps and being content with it. Even if you are, the rest of your group will not be as soon as you die due to lack of heals/dps.

Edited by cvak
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Amazing that remorse hits in the same day devs post that they will do "something". I hope they wipe all you have gained and as a reminder to act nice, also wipe all 192 and 198 gear from you account wide. This because I do not support even temporary bans in this time and age. I also hope they are not lenient towards any squirrel who in fear of losing stuff is feeling fake sorry.


I done it too, so our guild could get the loot that their bugs caused us to miss out on.

Perhaps you should have written a ticket about the loot, like dozens other groups did and got their gear. Worst explanation for exploiting ever.


Pst.. about saint comments? it doesn't make anyone saint not having exploited. It doesn't make anyone saint wanting BW set an example with this round of exploiting. I am bloodthirsty, not a saint. Bloodthirsty only because I believe setting an example now will lead to healthier game in the end.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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It take guts to admit it, though you could have said no there was some social pressure on you. If I was in your place, I would delete all the mats right now and contact CS and explain it to them. They might ban you or they might thank you for coming forward, however, for me I think it is too little too late as this should have been done before Eric's post.


What takes guts is standing up for what's right when you have nothing to gain and everything to lose, not when you are caught red-handed and the best excuse you can come up with is "the Devil made me do it".


The OP would've had guts if he had reported the exploit when he found out about it. Instead, he obviously thought "meh, they aren't going to do anything to us" so he waited until the very last minute - when it was clear that something would be done - to admit that he used an exploit, hoping that there would be people that would fall for it.


Social pressure?


Edited by TheNahash
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