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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Yes that's why it is ironic. You've got more on your "high and mighty" horse about that than most non cheaters have gotten about punishing/dealing with the cheating issue.


That word does not mean what you think it means

Edited by Danery
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Bioware is a for profit company. They won't do anything that will jeopardize their goal of making money.


What i have been saying from the start. You are quoting me mocking someone who thinks BW is still planning a response. Most understand where this is going. The rest are still whining.

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With all due respect Bioware, if someone need to get punished for this exploit is your team who lauched a broken expansion and went out on vacation.


LOL maybe they all wanted to be done by 5 so they could get to happy hour at the bar down by the airport? And correct me if I'm wrong, didn't the last boss not drop loot at all when 3.0 was released??

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You forgot Stage 3


That's where everyone who paid $20 of their hard earned money for a broke expansion and then did what everyone else in their guild did, and hundreds if not thousands of others did get punished for getting some free loot unsub and quit the game. Stage 3 culminates with a drastic reduction in Cartel Market sales and subscriptions as well as a negative word of mouth backlash reducing the number of new players entering the game. Ultimately Stage 3 ends with what for all intents and purposes is the death of SWTOR. It won't happen next week or next month but I know a lot of people with their hand on the unsub button about this. We'll see how those crying for bans and punishment feel when that happens.


On a personal note every single person crying out for punishment for something that does not affect their ability to play the game in the slightest are far worse than any exploiter could ever be. This was my first MMO and experiencing this community first hand has insured that when the time comes it will be my last. You are truly terrible people who are celebrating the possibility that bad things will happen to others.


Amen its nice to see some people aren't ignorant basement dwellers who can't see the big picture...

Edited by flaviusthelewd
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On a personal note every single person crying out for punishment for something that does not affect their ability to play the game in the slightest are far worse than any exploiter could ever be. This was my first MMO and experiencing this community first hand has insured that when the time comes it will be my last. You are truly terrible people who are celebrating the possibility that bad things will happen to others.


So any crafter who legitimately got rare mats in order to craft 192s who then found that exploiting crafters had so many of those mats the price on their crafted items went into the toilet weren't affected?


Nothing done by players in game is worse than an exploiter, but no one was celebrating bad things happening to others. It's simply necessary that bad actions suffer consequences. Those consequences were about where I said they would be earlier. If people are going to rage quit for being punished for their own actions, this game is better off without them.

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Your post history today seems to indicate you don't know how supply and demand work...


My post history indicates that I don't give a (redacted) about GTN PvP or the mistaken belief that the point of the game is to end the week with the more credits in the bank than anyone else on the server.

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My post history indicates that I don't give a (redacted) about GTN PvP or the mistaken belief that the point of the game is to end the week with the more credits in the bank than anyone else on the server.


Well, when you pay the sub fee's for people who do craft, you can tell them how to play. No one says you have to do it, but you can't expect people to play the way you want them to.


Not liking it doesn't make your opinion right when the facts make it wrong.

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My post history indicates that I don't give a (redacted) about GTN PvP or the mistaken belief that the point of the game is to end the week with the more credits in the bank than anyone else on the server.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


When I don't care about something, I don't even bother posting.


I think you care quite a bit about these subjects.

Edited by Khevar
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Well, when you pay the sub fee's for people who do craft, you can tell them how to play. No one says you have to do it, but you can't expect people to play the way you want them to.


Not liking it doesn't make your opinion right when the facts make it wrong.


Do whatever you want, just don't expect me to give a single damn when something in the game knocks your precious GTN prices down to a less ridiculous level.


Did you rage about the CSM making grade 11 purple mats supposedly "too common" too?



The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


When I don't care about something, I don't even bother posting.


I think you care quite a bit about these subjects.


"Don't give a damn" as in "have utter disregard and contempt for the thing, and for anyone who thinks that the game or other players should service it in any way."


If it were up to me, there would be at least three ways to get ANYTHING in the game -- loot, credit/comms vendors, and cartel market. ANYTHING.


The notion of crafting for profit based on the contrived rarity of mats should be flushed down the toilet.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Do whatever you want, just don't expect me to give a single damn when something in the game knocks your precious GTN prices down to a less ridiculous level.


Did you rage about the CSM making grade 11 purple mats "too common" too?


Ah, you're one of those who believes the efforts of others should be cheap so you don't have to do anything to get them. I see. Too bad, the game won't change for you so it's up to you to either do something to earn the things people are selling or do without.


If you don't like it, don't buy it but don't expect crafters to give away stuff for free.

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Do whatever you want, just don't expect me to give a single damn when something in the game knocks your precious GTN prices down to a less ridiculous level.


Seems to me your still defending those exploiters huh, trying real hard to prove that you know everything and that legit items being obtained in a non legit way is always legal dang.

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Ah, you're one of those who believes the efforts of others should be cheap so you don't have to do anything to get them. I see. Too bad, the game won't change for you so it's up to you to either do something to earn the things people are selling or do without.


If you don't like it, don't buy it but don't expect crafters to give away stuff for free.


"Efforts" :rolleyes: It's only an "effort" because of the contrived rarity (of both materials and schematics) and the artificial time sinks imposed by Bioware in the design. And as it is, 90% of the "effort" of crafting something is telling your companions to go do stuff.


If I need something crafted, I either craft it myself, or do without, or find someone I know who can craft it for a reasonable price instead of the typical GTN PvP rates.


Reading all these posts about the "terrible" effects that the exploit or original CSM had on the "crafted goods market" reminds me of recording industry executives acting like their business model of ripping off 95% of the artists and then gouging customers under the guise of "artists' rights" was sacred, and should be defended by society as a whole. Or telecomms executives crying about how new technologies would "drive them out of business".


Note to all -- your business model is not sacred, and no one is obliged to uphold it.

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Seems to me your still defending those exploiters huh, trying real hard to prove that you know everything and that legit items being obtained in a non legit way is always legal dang.


Or rather, you're unable to tell the difference between "defending" and "having perspective on the actual severity of their actions".

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"Efforts" :rolleyes: It's only an "effort" because of the contrived rarity (of both materials and schematics) and the artificial time sinks imposed by Bioware in the design. And as it is, 90% of the "effort" of crafting something is telling your companions to go do stuff.


If I need something crafted, I either craft it myself, or do without, or find someone I know who can craft it for a reasonable price instead of the typical GTN PvP rates.


So, you've never had loot and sold it on the GTN?

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"Don't give a damn" as in "have utter disregard and contempt for the thing, and for anyone who thinks that the game or other players should service it in any way."

Yeah ...


This is kinda my point, Good Sir. "Don't Give a Damn" is incompatible with "Utter Disregard and Contempt"


It doesn't bother me that you hate parts of the game and some of the players. But you should own up to it. Hiding behind "I don't care" and "I don't give a damn" is just dishonest.

Edited by Khevar
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I'm more concerned with the utter lack of actual impact on actual gameplay, than I am with the "violation of ToS".


That's great for you. Too bad that's not the only concern...


I will put it simply:


Even when it doesn't directly affect you personally, cheating is wrong and carries consequences.

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That's great for you. Too bad that's not the only concern...


I will put it simply:


Even when it doesn't directly affect you personally, cheating is wrong and carries consequences.


Just curious, but do you get this mad when people use cheat codes in Skyrim and Devil May Cry?

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So, you've never had loot and sold it on the GTN?


I just slap stuff on GTN for whatever price gets it on the first couple of pages without needlessly undercutting for the sake of undercutting, and if it doesn't sell, then meh, whatever, I'll post it again in a few days under the same general process. I don't track prices, buy low and sell high, or otherwise "play the market".


Anything with a GTN price that's not significantly higher than vendoring, just gets vendored, or left in storage.


I have zero interest in "maximizing profit" or trying to finish the game with the most credits, and zero regard for anyone who wishes to constrain the availability of gear or other items for the sake of those goals.

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