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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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So you can't see the parallels between those situations, and the way you keep asserting or implying that anyone who considers all of this a gross over-reaction to a largely harmless act must be "one of the cheaters", and how differing opinions on what constitutes cheating in this case or what constitutes an appropriate reaction is "defending the cheaters".


And that's what makes you a "witch-hunter", not just because you don't like people who "defend the witches", er, I mean "cheaters".


There are no parallels between your "examples" and this situation.


You call it a harmless act, I call it obvious exploiting to gain an advantage. As to a differing opinion on cheating...really? You take advantage of an unintended bug to gain rewards from an ops boss you didn't earn, and you don't consider that cheating? There isn't a gray area here, it's black and white. To even think that there is a possibility that this isn't cheating is amoral as hell. And appropriate action is whatever EA/BW says it is. My opinion on that is just that, an opinion. My opinion was stated some pages back considering the likely actions against accounts.


But saying people are defending cheaters for some altruistic reasons? That's ludicrous. There aren't many people who will defend exploiters out of the kindness of their heart, which means most of the defenders of the exploiters have a stake in this somehow, be it they themselves cheated or they are afraid their raid team will disappear because most of them cheated or some other similar reason.


To say you are defending people who broke the rules because you have some high minded sense of justice looks like a smoke screen.

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this is pretty hilarious. use the ignore feature, qq less.


No funny at all no deserve that and you know all to well you can make new toons to get around ignore. Most people point is if your taking the hard line and punish people for ravanger you better start punishing every thing then or you look like a joke

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But saying people are defending cheaters for some altruistic reasons? That's ludicrous


There defending them because players are allowed to cheat else were and have nothing happen to them nodda zip 0. That fair right in for a penny in for a pound? Either punish all cheaters or none period nuff said on the mater. BW has been lazy in other area's now they want to punish some players that did this well until they start doing so to other cheaters we say BS

Edited by Neoforcer
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So I get sexually harassed for MONTHS by MULTIPLE players at the same time, causing me a lot of trauma, bringing up unwanted memories resulting more depression and emotional stress that didn't die down for a very long time.


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So I get sexually harassed for MONTHS by MULTIPLE players at the same time, causing me a lot of trauma, bringing up unwanted memories resulting more depression and emotional stress that didn't die down for a very long time.


Many people and guilds had reported these people over and over again and finally, you ban one person. Just ONE. For how long? A WEEK. I'd get told that as soon as this person is back after the week of ban, they're going to go after me even more. Did this happen? YES. Did it get reported? YES. Did you do anything further? NOPE. Yet you're going out of your way to see who did the exploit that was YOUR issue, Bioware, YOUR mistake and you're going to take action on all of us (account bans I'm assuming) that took advantage of the exploit regardless of the policy? You should know that not all people will listen to that policy, be stupid and do it anyway. It's wrong, but it happens.


But I guess that applies to you as well, I should also know that you won't listen to reports and help that never gets heard of. And I am sure there has been other people in the same position as me. Harassment is wrong, it's cyberbullying and there are real people behind these characters with real feelings and such. Ignore option can only do so much. These people kept remaking new toons and kept on with the harassment and STILL do every now and then, to THIS day, whenever they see me on the fleet, which I ultimately try and avoid being there by all means because nothing is being done about it. I do not even acknowledge them and that still doesn't stop them.


Well, Bioware, I am SO sorry that you had an exploit in this game. I am so sorry that some of your Dev's messed up on it. My DEEPEST condolences. It's great that you fixed it and all. I really hope you seek therapy after all of that, the exploit must have made your life a little harder! GG!


Wooops! this is really bad! I don't know where you are from, but at least here -Spain- (not exactly the most progressist and developed country in this world) it is a really serious offence and can be punished even with a jail sentence (I do not know what the sentences can be in other countries) and also legal actions can be taked against those who known this situation and do nothing to prevent it. But of course, there's a problem related with local/international context: the offender in this case can live in a country and the victim in another one. That makes virtually imposible to act against them.

In a personal opinion, I'm scarred such things can happen (wherever it takes place) and people who knows and can do something, basicly have done nothing. I have played this game for 3 years, or so, but it's my first MMO and I have to admit that if game in general likes me a lot, I can't say the same about a significative part of the comunity: I'm really sick about see racial, religious or sexist coments from some users in the chat, and a large list of missrespect coments to others. Really sick. But at this poit I only ignore this people. To be honest, if someone bans me for using the exploit and at the same time keep doing nothing with this people, I will be happy to move on.

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This type of chat is going on in gen chat all day long people are pissed that BW seems to randomly through darts at a dart board to decide what is ok to punish when they calmed ya there breaking the TOS and we are asking well what are you going to do about that and BW goes a shrugs there shoulders on other cheaters.
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NOT hilarious, not funny in any way. Harassment is not a cool thing or perhaps tis something you enjoy? Play the bloody game and leave others alone that don't want to interact. How bloody hard is it?

(last bit was for the *** hats doing such things.)

I agree...not hilarious or funny at all, but a bit strange to bring up, in such detail, in this thread...I get your point, but...

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I agree...not hilarious or funny at all, but a bit strange to bring up, in such detail, in this thread...I get your point, but...


Guessing that he/she has reached the point where dealing with the system quietly isn't working, so might as well make a scene in front of as many players as possible and hope that the embarrassment and shock value will be enough to get those in the system to take the problem seriously and fix it.


It's a good strategy.

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Guessing that he/she has reached the point where dealing with the system quietly isn't working, so might as well make a scene in front of as many players as possible and hope that the embarrassment and shock value will be enough to get those in the system to take the problem seriously and fix it.


It's a good strategy.

Huh...I would have to agree. I hope it works.

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Guessing that he/she has reached the point where dealing with the system quietly isn't working, so might as well make a scene in front of as many players as possible and hope that the embarrassment and shock value will be enough to get those in the system to take the problem seriously and fix it.


It's a good strategy.


kinda like there taking care of the pvp issue?

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I'm pretty sure that sexual harassment takes precedence over pvp concerns.

Well, to what extent do you mean?! Do you think the entire Development staff has dropped what they're doing to investigate claims?! Or are you thinking that only one person works on PvP and allegations?! Why wouldn't they purse both at the same time?

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So I get sexually harassed for MONTHS by MULTIPLE players at the same time, causing me a lot of trauma, bringing up unwanted memories resulting more depression and emotional stress that didn't die down for a very long time.


Many people and guilds had reported these people over and over again and finally, you ban one person. Just ONE. For how long? A WEEK. I'd get told that as soon as this person is back after the week of ban, they're going to go after me even more. Did this happen? YES. Did it get reported? YES. Did you do anything further? NOPE. Yet you're going out of your way to see who did the exploit that was YOUR issue, Bioware, YOUR mistake and you're going to take action on all of us (account bans I'm assuming) that took advantage of the exploit regardless of the policy? You should know that not all people will listen to that policy, be stupid and do it anyway. It's wrong, but it happens.


But I guess that applies to you as well, I should also know that you won't listen to reports and help that never gets heard of. And I am sure there has been other people in the same position as me. Harassment is wrong, it's cyberbullying and there are real people behind these characters with real feelings and such. Ignore option can only do so much. These people kept remaking new toons and kept on with the harassment and STILL do every now and then, to THIS day, whenever they see me on the fleet, which I ultimately try and avoid being there by all means because nothing is being done about it. I do not even acknowledge them and that still doesn't stop them.


Well, Bioware, I am SO sorry that you had an exploit in this game. I am so sorry that some of your Dev's messed up on it. My DEEPEST condolences. It's great that you fixed it and all. I really hope you seek therapy after all of that, the exploit must have made your life a little harder! GG!


Thank you for bringing some proper perspective here.


ETA: Yes, I remember this from the first thread as well. Guess we know where people's priorities still are.

Edited by Frybert
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Well, to what extent do you mean?! Do you think the entire Development staff has dropped what they're doing to investigate claims?! Or are you thinking that only one person works on PvP and allegations?! Why wouldn't they purse both at the same time?


He commented with snark that boiled down to his discontent over the fact that they weren't taking care of PVP concerns.


I merely commented that put side by side, pvp simply doesn't compare and the other will get higher priority for resolution. Yes, simultaneously.


I make no claims about dev staff's numbers nor how many are assigned to whatever tasks exist there.


Lastly, your use of punctuation makes me feel as if you've had too much caffeine.

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So I get sexually harassed for MONTHS by MULTIPLE players at the same time, causing me a lot of trauma, bringing up unwanted memories resulting more depression and emotional stress that didn't die down for a very long time.


Many people and guilds had reported these people over and over again and finally, you ban one person. Just ONE. For how long? A WEEK. I'd get told that as soon as this person is back after the week of ban, they're going to go after me even more. Did this happen? YES. Did it get reported? YES. Did you do anything further? NOPE. Yet you're going out of your way to see who did the exploit that was YOUR issue, Bioware, YOUR mistake and you're going to take action on all of us (account bans I'm assuming) that took advantage of the exploit regardless of the policy? You should know that not all people will listen to that policy, be stupid and do it anyway. It's wrong, but it happens.


But I guess that applies to you as well, I should also know that you won't listen to reports and help that never gets heard of. And I am sure there has been other people in the same position as me. Harassment is wrong, it's cyberbullying and there are real people behind these characters with real feelings and such. Ignore option can only do so much. These people kept remaking new toons and kept on with the harassment and STILL do every now and then, to THIS day, whenever they see me on the fleet, which I ultimately try and avoid being there by all means because nothing is being done about it. I do not even acknowledge them and that still doesn't stop them.


Well, Bioware, I am SO sorry that you had an exploit in this game. I am so sorry that some of your Dev's messed up on it. My DEEPEST condolences. It's great that you fixed it and all. I really hope you seek therapy after all of that, the exploit must have made your life a little harder! GG!


Thread just got way more interesting.

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I exploited, I offered to assist others in my guild to do the same.


I did not pay for the exploit, another player sent me information on it and let me use the lockout for free.


I have been a sub for about 2.5 years, plus several hundred dollars spent in the Cartel Market. If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game. This includes removing gear, or any disciplinary action including a warning. I will encourage anyone else who has the same experience to do the same.


I play the game the way I choose to play the game. If BW releases a bugged instance, I will take advantage of that if I so choose. I do not demand that others exploit (and I did not encourage anyone outside my guild to exploit); I do not expect to be told by Bioware how to play the game so long as my play does not 1) negatively impact others and 2) involve circumventing the game as it is released by BW. If I have fun in the game doing something that Bioware created and put into the game, that's my choice. If I have fun driving circles on the fleet; that's my choice.


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.


I understand it's Bioware's game, and they will enforce rules as they see fit. I understand by classifying this bug as an exploit they put me in a category that violates the ToS (though I also want to point out that when I wipe on content that is bugged and so can't complete it, BW doesn't send me loot or schems or mats to compensate for the wasted time).


I am not saying this to 'threaten' or pitch a fit; I'm saying that the consequence of BW taking any remedial action against me is losing the $180 a year I pay to play the game. I'm sorry to leave, but I won't tolerate you releasing a buggy product and then punishing me for using it as I see fit. I didn't hack the game or do anything that isn't a normal behavior in the game. No other players are affected by my using the exploit. I did not harm anyone in doing so. There was plenty of harassment directed at me for exploiting, but none of those players will suffer consequences for their behavior.


BW said they "heard the community" - I am part of the community, clearly, based on their response, they did not hear me. So we'll see what happens.


I can not help but agree with this.

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It all fell on one person the moment he posted the very first post every thing has happened after that has been a fiasco. Like every post Eric post he ended up causing so many pvpers to leave with just one apology post sorry guys that not on our road map. Edited by Neoforcer
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