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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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So you are basically saying that you don't know what you are talking about, which is what I have been telling you all along.


No. I am saying what I said. You are just GETTING that point. You could have got it 5 posts ago.


Because if I was saying I didn't know what I was talking about, you would have to say the same.


Keep up.

Edited by LordArtemis
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No, this is akin to you demanding a link to a paper that explains that water is wet.


I am not an idiot.


But let me give you some indisputable facts as well. And no, you will not be provided "links" to prove these facts. They are beyond reproach. You have no choice but to accept them, period.


1) My opinion means nothing. My conclusions could be and often have been wrong.

2) My opinion does not represent some kind of threat.

3) Regardless of ANY studies conducted on the market overall there is no way for anyone to conclusively state that any study conclusions apply to this game.

4) Often the studies do not agree with each other on important points.

5) Often the studies use their own criteria to define casual, hardcore, raider, pvp and the like, making it more difficult to come to a consensus.

6) Bioware has released little to no information to the public with respect to the demographics for this game.


Now, you WILL accept that. You have no choice in the matter.

provide links to actual studies or stop making wild, unsupported claims.


this is akin to making a claim about biology then linking to http://www.nature.com/

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provide links to actual studies


I did.


or stop making wild, unsupported claims.


You are the only one doing that out of both of us. Your post history stands as clear proof.


this is akin to making a claim about biology then linking to http://www.nature.com/


No, its not. This is akin to you asking for a link to article to prove water is wet. Again, I am not an idiot.


I can do this all day.

Edited by LordArtemis
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People shouldn't be using the term witch hunt anyways as witch hunts punished innocent people and these exploiters are not innocent they are guilty of violating the Terms of Service.


Uh.... no... witch hunt is perfectly applicable to the cries for "justice" that some are calling for because it is a term regarding the punishment of groups of people with little regard for their innocence or guilt. Hence the use whenever someone accuses a person of being an exploiter for merely defending or offering a different point of view.


Oh by the way, maybe you star wars geeks have forgotten that part of the morality of the movies. "A certain point of view" is rather prevalent. but... nope, one must only have MY worldview, no others are allowed.

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Getting back on topic.


I contend raiders are a likely minority and likely do not contribute as much financially to this game as the most likely majority casual playerbase. Therefore, making grand statements like banning the exploiters will destroy the game is just not a sensible contention IMO.


Just my view of course.

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You do realize thats basically the same excuse that the people who used the Ravager exploit use right? It was that way for almost a month, it was that way on the PTS, etc. And just because a bug has never been fixed does not make it a bug or an exploit. How long did the Nefra thing exist before they fixed it the first time? How long did it take them to fix the Gharjj bug?


Umm yea the CZ deal is intended it's not a matter of excuse it's a matter of reality all those other things are clear exploits and not intended so you adding the CZ thing doesn't make sense as it was a legit thing the developers put in put in the game so sorry your logic is very flawed.

Edited by Kaizersan
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Getting back on topic.


I contend raiders are a likely minority and likely do not contribute as much financially to this game as the most likely majority casual playerbase. Therefore, making grand statements like banning the exploiters will destroy the game is just not a sensible contention IMO.


Just my view of course.


end of the day 90% of Raiders are Subscribers and they will be spending far more than a F2P person

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you provided links to websites, not links to studies.


provide links to studies


do what all day? run away from supporting all of your laughable rhetoric? yes im sure you can keep dodging it lol


The websites contain over 1000 articles and studies.


You are the one dodging, and I know exactly why...because you were unable to find articles that countered my opinion. You checked, you couldnt find any, what you did find (because you likely didn't spend any real time looking) corroborated my claims. You have done this before, and you were called on it by more than one person before.


You know I do not post specific snippets from the two commercial sites because I am not allowed to unless that information is published on another site...which has been explained to you already by more than one person on this board. You need a subscription to read the articles and studies....but they do have some free information.


If you want to view the paid information you can pay for it like everyone else, or you can seek out the public information on sites like massively.


Google is your friend.


Why is it that other folks had NO PROBLEM finding the information using the links? How can you explain that?


Because once again you are deflecting....and this is getting rather old at this point.


Our post histories stand in evidence. I welcome anyone to view our history, and go to the sites linked and make up their own minds.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I did.




You are the only one doing that out of both of us. Your post history stands as clear proof.




No, its not. This is akin to you asking for a link to article to prove water is wet. Again, I am not an idiot.


I can do this all day.


How many people have to tell you the same thing?


You don't need to be a business analyst to see how wrong you are, or know anything about the industry in general.


We know video games.


Some of us have been playing video games since PONG. We have seen every failed video game from Wildstar to ET on the Atari.


Stop banging the drum already.

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This thread needs to be locked, I mean seriously there are so many posts that blatantly violate the ToS, so many that are off topic and so many others that are just ridiculous demands or unsubstantiated claims... This is way beyond pathetic please people just get over it already.

As my kids would likely be singing right now, "let it go," just let it go guys.



Stop banging the drum already.


I couldn't agree more. FYI, I dig your signature, that is absolutely correct!

Edited by RiVaN_
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This thread needs to be locked, I mean seriously there are so many posts that blatantly violate the ToS, so many that are off topic and so many others that are just ridiculous demands or unsubstantiated claims... This is way beyond pathetic please people just get over it already.

As my kids would likely be singing right now, "let it go," just let it go guys.


This thread should never have been allowed it's everything that the forum TOS is against and by doing this Eric Musco incited a riot and should be dealt with.

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Since everything else in here is complete trash, made up numbers and pure speculation...


"Hostess CupCake is a brand of snack cake formerly produced and distributed by Hostess Brands and currently owned by private equity firms Apollo Global Management and Metropoulos & Co. Its most common form is a chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing and vanilla creme filling, with eight distinctive white squiggles across the top. However, other flavors have been available at times. It has been claimed to be the first commercially produced cupcake, and has become an iconic American brand."


Source Wikipedia 1/19/15...Why Post? Because it's more reliable and pertinent than most of these posts in this thread.


BUILD a BRIDGE people... get over it.... Bioware will deal with it and everyone just needs to chill out. ;)

Edited by dscount
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Ok, I found one thread so far that has quite a few useful links inside it from many forum members. They present some good arguments against my views, and even use some of the study data to counter my views.


It was a good discussion.




I will find more if needed. I am pretty sure that Andryah posted some interesting information as well.


At any rate, as I said before, whatever Bioware decides to do is fine by me.

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As my kids would likely be singing right now, "let it go," just let it go guys.

Let it go, let it go

Can't roll it back anymore

Let it go, let it go

Turn it in and do the Op some more!


I don't care

What the others say

Let the forums rage on,

The grind never bothered me anyway!

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Let it go, let it go

Can't roll it back anymore

Let it go, let it go

Turn it in and do the Op some more!


I don't care

What the others say

Let the forums rage on,

The grind never bothered me anyway!

Well played Tux! Well Played.... LOL :D

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I think your data is about as relevant as the quarterly reports for McDonalds and Burger King when it comes to this game. This is not your typical MMO and many who play SWTOR don't play other MMO's so the data you keep posting is irrelevant.


That about right his data has nothing to do with research into this game and how well the cc market works. It has to do with other studies into how Mccrap market gets there data.

Edited by Neoforcer
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you're right the countless ndas i've written and signed over the last 15 years in my professional career are apparently meaningless thanks for setting me straight, tips LOL

Reading and signing multiple NDAs does not provide you with any experience relevant to making a determination of whether a particular provision of an NDA would be enforceable or not, no more than reading a statute would make you competent to practice law or playing an MMO would render you competent to code one.


No semi-competent attorney goes before a judge and 'argues': "Your Honor, I've read dozens of contracts, and this provision of this contract is unenforceable." Instead, they cite case law of the state in question where a court, preferably an appellate court, ruled that a similar provision in a similar contract was unenforceable.


So tell me, regarding the provision being discussed, in the jurisdiction that controls for BioWare's NDA, what prior court precedent exists that ruled that a similar provision in an NDA signed as a condition to participating in beta testing of a game was unenforceable?


I will wait.

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