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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Screw you and your hedgehog boyfriend. I'm tired of you trolls cheating, whining, blaming others, then attacking the people that do things with integrity.


Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.


This isn't your game. I don't know if I can take you seriously on this.


People are allowed, encouraged even, to present their opinion here and then stay with this game. If you feel you can't take that, move away yourself. Because, frankly, this isn't your game.

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Screw you and your hedgehog boyfriend. I'm tired of you trolls cheating, whining, blaming others, then attacking the people that do things with integrity.


Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.


Your self righteous anger about how those folks have ruined **your** game...


The Emperor: You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed.

Strike me down with it.

Give in to your anger.

With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.


Luke: No.


The Emperor: It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine.


The Emperor: Good, Good.... Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.


Welcome to the darkside, we used to have cookies, but.... Darth Baras ate them all.

Edited by RiVaN_
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Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.


If you tell people they cannot speak or that their opinion doesn't matter how can you expect them to listen when you share your thoughts? How do you expect them to try to understand your point of view when you refuse to even allow them to voice theirs?

Edited by RiVaN_
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do things with integrity.


Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.


there is no integrity in this world and just by your own tone you sound like your full of hate and anger there goes your integrity. Nice try though

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OK, to all of those out there that used the exploit, WE CHEATED! Period. I am relatively new to the online gaming world, (this is my first and only). I guess I am used to solo games where you take advantage when you can to help make things a little easier. I used this exploit unaware of how it actually impacted the game. All was going nice and easy until I was in an ops and saw 3 people removed from the group for having 186 gear. This wasn't even a HM. I started seeing how this exploit harmed the community. The I started reading these threads. I put my old gear back on and shelved my 198s. I wasn't going to take anymore parts of this. I have since actually destroyed (not sold) all the 198 stuff. We must own up to what we did, whether out of ignorance or greed (or both), and take whatever punishment Bioware feels is necessary. Be that banning or otherwise. If I am banned, I will not whine and cry about it. I will learn and apply that knowledge to whatever game I go to. If I am not banned and another exploit occurs, I will try to dissuade others from using it.

Don't just tuck your head in the sand and think that just because this didn't affect you negatively that it didn't affect anyone else negatively. Being a troll from time to time is one thing, being an ******* is another.

if only there was a way to start your own ops group


oh wait, that's right you were hoping to be carried to free loot...reminds me of exploiting

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Ya know what's funny? I had a bet with myself as to which person would go the ignorant route and take that very part out of context.


I won. It's good to know that I have a firm handle on the exploiters in this thread who will say anything to justify themselves.


I'm betting that in real life, you expend more effort at looking like you are doing your job and shifting blame onto your co-workers than you do actually doing your job. I have to work with people like you and it's funny when I and others get promoted past them as the sit idly in the same position for years and wonder why.


If you take my statement in context like anyone with common sense would, then you'd understand that anyone who would cheat in a fake game world will cheat anywhere. Since you don't really kill anyone in a video game, but you can really cheat, this makes sense.


But good luck with your campaign to paint exploiters as the victims. Rebutting your asinine claims breaks up an otherwise boring day.


This one wins it for me...how one can make this leap in logic is just baffling. It's ponderous, just ponderous.

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Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.

can you please take your own advice?
Screw you and your hedgehog boyfriend. I'm tired of you trolls cheating, whining, blaming others, then attacking the people that do things with integrity.


Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.

this reply is offensive and uncalled for
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Screw you and your hedgehog boyfriend. I'm tired of you trolls cheating, whining, blaming others, then attacking the people that do things with integrity.


Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.


Ooooh...this is getting good!!! /popcorn

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OK, to all of those out there that used the exploit, WE CHEATED! Period. I am relatively new to the online gaming world, (this is my first and only). I guess I am used to solo games where you take advantage when you can to help make things a little easier. I used this exploit unaware of how it actually impacted the game. All was going nice and easy until I was in an ops and saw 3 people removed from the group for having 186 gear. This wasn't even a HM. I started seeing how this exploit harmed the community. The I started reading these threads. I put my old gear back on and shelved my 198s. I wasn't going to take anymore parts of this. I have since actually destroyed (not sold) all the 198 stuff. We must own up to what we did, whether out of ignorance or greed (or both), and take whatever punishment Bioware feels is necessary. Be that banning or otherwise. If I am banned, I will not whine and cry about it. I will learn and apply that knowledge to whatever game I go to. If I am not banned and another exploit occurs, I will try to dissuade others from using it.

Don't just tuck your head in the sand and think that just because this didn't affect you negatively that it didn't affect anyone else negatively. Being a troll from time to time is one thing, being an ******* is another.


Thank you for that.


The whole gearing thing (as you said people being booted from ops runs for not having higher than recommended gear is wrong (IMO). If they meet the recommended, they should be able to join. But, ultimately its the raid leaders call (whether or not I agree with it).


If you are on the JC server... and need someone to run Ops with.. look me up, would be happy to have you join any team I am leading... only recommended gear is needed (even if its close... we can work through it :) )

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Day 5? lost count..really i keep popping in here just to poke you care bears with a stick, but since the topic has changed like 10-15 times from the actual use of their buggy design to the Hitler youth cry for the banning of any and all "people" who use it... too morals and moral excrement and so on and so on.. at the end of the day, much to the dismay of all you self righteous care bears its going to be EA's call.
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Hey folks,


Let’s talk a bit about the Ravager’s exploit. There are two stages to the process of removing an exploit and handling actions for players who participated. Stage 1 – fix the issue and ensure players can no longer partake in the exploit. That change is out as of today in patch 3.0.2.


Stage 2 – With the exploit removed, we can work towards finalizing our data review and assigning appropriate actions. We have a lot of information! We know who used it, who they invited, how many times they exploited, when they participated, credits gained, and whether they gained a crafting pattern from reverse-engineering. We are still reviewing the data and determining the appropriate action for those who took undue advantage of the exploit. We won’t be taking action today, but we’ll wrap it up in the next week or so.


On the plus side, most players didn't partake in the exploit at all allowing us to focus on the few who did. It may seem silly to thank you for not using an exploit, but we really appreciate you taking the time to raise our awareness of the issue through a variety of channels. It demonstrates your commitment to the game and to keeping the game fun, and fair for everyone. So thank you for not using the exploit.




So I get sexually harassed for MONTHS by MULTIPLE players at the same time, causing me a lot of trauma, bringing up unwanted memories resulting more depression and emotional stress that didn't die down for a very long time.


Many people and guilds had reported these people over and over again and finally, you ban one person. Just ONE. For how long? A WEEK. I'd get told that as soon as this person is back after the week of ban, they're going to go after me even more. Did this happen? YES. Did it get reported? YES. Did you do anything further? NOPE. Yet you're going out of your way to see who did the exploit that was YOUR issue, Bioware, YOUR mistake and you're going to take action on all of us (account bans I'm assuming) that took advantage of the exploit regardless of the policy? You should know that not all people will listen to that policy, be stupid and do it anyway. It's wrong, but it happens.


But I guess that applies to you as well, I should also know that you won't listen to reports and help that never gets heard of. And I am sure there has been other people in the same position as me. Harassment is wrong, it's cyberbullying and there are real people behind these characters with real feelings and such. Ignore option can only do so much. These people kept remaking new toons and kept on with the harassment and STILL do every now and then, to THIS day, whenever they see me on the fleet, which I ultimately try and avoid being there by all means because nothing is being done about it. I do not even acknowledge them and that still doesn't stop them.


Well, Bioware, I am SO sorry that you had an exploit in this game. I am so sorry that some of your Dev's messed up on it. My DEEPEST condolences. It's great that you fixed it and all. I really hope you seek therapy after all of that, the exploit must have made your life a little harder! GG!

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Screw you and your hedgehog boyfriend. I'm tired of you trolls cheating, whining, blaming others, then attacking the people that do things with integrity.


Take some responsibility for your own actions, learn that people with opinions different from your own are still allowed to voice their own opinion, and then get the hell out of my game.


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OK, to all of those out there that used the exploit, WE CHEATED! Period. I am relatively new to the online gaming world, (this is my first and only). I guess I am used to solo games where you take advantage when you can to help make things a little easier. I used this exploit unaware of how it actually impacted the game. All was going nice and easy until I was in an ops and saw 3 people removed from the group for having 186 gear. This wasn't even a HM. I started seeing how this exploit harmed the community. The I started reading these threads. I put my old gear back on and shelved my 198s. I wasn't going to take anymore parts of this. I have since actually destroyed (not sold) all the 198 stuff. We must own up to what we did, whether out of ignorance or greed (or both), and take whatever punishment Bioware feels is necessary. Be that banning or otherwise. If I am banned, I will not whine and cry about it. I will learn and apply that knowledge to whatever game I go to. If I am not banned and another exploit occurs, I will try to dissuade others from using it.

Don't just tuck your head in the sand and think that just because this didn't affect you negatively that it didn't affect anyone else negatively. Being a troll from time to time is one thing, being an ******* is another.


Now this, this I can bloody well respect as it goes hand in hand how I was brought up. You own up to your mistakes or misdeeds, not hide away or excuse them away like a child would. Thank you for posting this. MUCH needed reminder.

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So I get sexually harassed for MONTHS by MULTIPLE players at the same time, causing me a lot of trauma, bringing up unwanted memories resulting more depression and emotional stress that didn't die down for a very long time.


Many people and guilds had reported these people over and over again and finally, you ban one person. Just ONE. For how long? A WEEK. I'd get told that as soon as this person is back after the week of ban, they're going to go after me even more. Did this happen? YES. Did it get reported? YES. Did you do anything further? NOPE. Yet you're going out of your way to see who did the exploit that was YOUR issue, Bioware, YOUR mistake and you're going to take action on all of us (account bans I'm assuming) that took advantage of the exploit regardless of the policy? You should know that not all people will listen to that policy, be stupid and do it anyway. It's wrong, but it happens.


But I guess that applies to you as well, I should also know that you won't listen to reports and help that never gets heard of. And I am sure there has been other people in the same position as me. Harassment is wrong, it's cyberbullying and there are real people behind these characters with real feelings and such. Ignore option can only do so much. These people kept remaking new toons and kept on with the harassment and STILL do every now and then, to THIS day, whenever they see me on the fleet, which I ultimately try and avoid being there by all means because nothing is being done about it. I do not even acknowledge them and that still doesn't stop them.


Well, Bioware, I am SO sorry that you had an exploit in this game. I am so sorry that some of your Dev's messed up on it. My DEEPEST condolences. It's great that you fixed it and all. I really hope you seek therapy after all of that, the exploit must have made your life a little harder! GG!

this is pretty hilarious. use the ignore feature, qq less.
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this is pretty hilarious. use the ignore feature, qq less.


NOT hilarious, not funny in any way. Harassment is not a cool thing or perhaps tis something you enjoy? Play the bloody game and leave others alone that don't want to interact. How bloody hard is it?

(last bit was for the *** hats doing such things.)

Edited by Ksilvante
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this is pretty hilarious. use the ignore feature, qq less.


Pagy.. this isn't hilarious at all. Knowing people in similar situations in RL... its not funny, not in the slightest.


Amithalia, that being said... Pagy is correct that, in addition to reporting them, you should also make use of the ignore feature.


Not sure how you went about reporting them, but if you have the ability... include screen shots.

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