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Make CC bought ships legacy unlocks


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Bioware made a fantastic product with Galactic Starfighter, just incredible. Bioware needs to make money, so Bioware sells CC and then makes a few items available to purchase with CC. The consumer(me) sees an item she wants and buys CC to buy the item. Everyone's happy, except I'm not. The cost for the ship isn't unreasonable, until one realizes that the ships are character bound. It's not fiscally worthwhile to invest $12 into a digital item that's bound to one toon on one faction. To even enjoy a ship on both factions, it's $24, for a single ship. At that point I can go buy 2-3 games with similar mechanics and thoroughly enjoy myself. This means to fully unlock every ship for one toon of each faction, it's 14400 Cartel Coins! That's over $100! It's not a $100 game!


The point to this rant, is that I feel Bioware should make Cartel bought ships a legacy wide unlock just like most other Cartel market items. It's better to make it cheaper and get some of us to buy it than to make it so unreasonably expensive that none of us will buy it. I refuse to spend any RL money on GSF right now purely out of principle.


How do you feel about this issue? How many of those of you who have spent CC on the ships, felt satisfied?

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I think that ships are really overpriced especially since they are just copies of ships that can be unlocked with fleet req. Actually some of them are a bit worse than their normal variants due to non-changing weapon icon. I have unlocked them all on both sides with credits even though it took quite long time to find seller for them. I rarely use any of them, because my loadout just doesn't have space to keep them in.


I agree they should at very least be legacy wide unlocks. It's no suprise to me if gsf doesn't make money for developers since there just isn't anything available that would be worth spending any.

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I think they went overboard with the "real money shouldn't boost power" angle on these. I get the desire to make them strictly identical to existing ships, but it's definitely odd that there's no unlock option.


Back when we got answers on this sort of thing, this question was treated as if it was a "share hangar" request- aka, you'd earn 50k req on your cartel market TZ-24 Gladiator and that we expected to use that exact same 50k TZ-24 Gladiator on another character in the same legacy. But that was never really the question, the question was there being a cheaper way to unlock it across all characters, much like a zillion other things in the game. That way your new character would have a stock TZ-24 waiting for him via some unlock method.



I also think that they should have had a few more cartel ship options, and made them cheaper. Players who think "cartel ships are for suckas" would instead be slowly grabbing ship after ship.



They really missed their price point here.

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Frankly, instead of making ships that always count as mastered, they probably should have just sold req boosters. They have valour boosters and WZ adrenals/medpacs on the CM, after all.


Is valor really the correct mapping? Isn't it Warzone Commendations, which you can't boost?


I do agree, however. The "counts as mastered" means that, if you get ONLY req from queues (aka, you pop 0 tokens), you'll get 13,636 ship requisition, and 2,045 fleet requisition extra over the life of the ship, never any more. In common use, you'll get less. If you don't take the ship to mastered, you'll get less, etc. Those represent the maximum amount of extra req generated on a cartel ship over its entire lifetime.


They could definitely do better than this.

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Is valor really the correct mapping? Isn't it Warzone Commendations, which you can't boost?


I do agree, however. The "counts as mastered" means that, if you get ONLY req from queues (aka, you pop 0 tokens), you'll get 13,636 ship requisition, and 2,045 fleet requisition extra over the life of the ship, never any more. In common use, you'll get less. If you don't take the ship to mastered, you'll get less, etc. Those represent the maximum amount of extra req generated on a cartel ship over its entire lifetime.


They could definitely do better than this.


I would be fine with it being a cosmetic option with a nominal gameplay advantage (like the +41 stat Cartel Crystals you can use at level 10, which are more powerful than the regular crystals you can get at that level, but the benefit is minimal in the big picture).


However, in order for them to be worth there price, they need to be able to be unlocked for your entire account. I am not dropping that many CC on something that is only for a single character. It's not quite as ridiculous as paying 2,000 CC for a single-use dye, but still...


Also, if they are going to be "cosmetic" options, they need to at least look cool. IMO, most of the current Cartel options look like crap, at least compared to their Republic counterparts. I know, at least anecdotally, I see more Oculas/Skybolts on the Imp side than on the Pub side, and this is likely due to the fact that the Flashfire just looks so much cooler. If there were actually cool looking Cartel options, I would consider picking them up just so I could have two different loadouts for a specific ship type. But there is no way I am flying a Skybolt when I have a Flashfire on my bar.


Finally, where are the Cartel versions for the other ship variants? These seem like a relatively easy way to monetize GSF. Unless, of course, their initial offerings failed to bring in enough revenue, even though fixing the above issues would likely make it more profitable. But seriously, it would be really nice to have the ability to have two different loadouts for T3 Strikes and T3 Gunships, along with some of the other ships.

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I actually can't think of ANY good reason why they don't have more cartel ships. I can think of decent reasons not to change the cost of the existing ones, but it's really surprising that they don't just add more of the ships as cartel. They could even mess with different price points.
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  • 5 years later...
I actually can't think of ANY good reason why they don't have more cartel ships. I can think of decent reasons not to change the cost of the existing ones, but it's really surprising that they don't just add more of the ships as cartel. They could even mess with different price points.


I would eagerly buy up any cosmetic variants and feel each ship deserves at least one. Anyone else remember long ago when these ships dropped in cartel packs?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I would eagerly buy up any cosmetic variants and feel each ship deserves at least one. Anyone else remember long ago when these ships dropped in cartel packs?


Most of this thread happened when the ships were available in cartel packs lol.


I still wonder why they don't occasionally trickle out some cartel ships.

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If they had ever burned some precious devving hours at an actual in-game hangar, I'm sure it would have paid itself back like 100x by now. Hangar as in an actual in-game area where your ships are actual tangible physical objects. You'd get to oggle at your ships and their customizations, loadouts, paintjobs. Maybe have your stats and achis materialize as some wear, tear, personnel and deco on the walls. That way, even people who'd never fly GSF would have been spending on GSF ships. Custom ships and paintjobs and whatnots would have much more value.



Current GSF hangar window feels about as tangible and in-game as a CM preview screen of an armor you don't own. Even a total low budget approach could be an improvement. Like..Hangar in World of Tanks is just bcground pictures with modest anmation and sounds. (last i checked anyway) Still, this feels way more immersive than this


Beyond the daydream tier, I wish they'd add all GSF stuff to collections at least. Buying anyting for one single pilot of yours is real bad value. Ability to unlock it for legacy? Better.

Edited by Stradlin
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2015 this thread was made, and it still hasn't happened? Doesn't seem like they added any new ships since the initial ones either. Fingers crossed that maybe Galactic Seasons adds a new crop of players to GSF (I am a new GSF player thanks to Galactic Seasons) to make it worthwhile to dedicate resources to fixing some things. Ships being in the collections, new ships added, and maybe lowering the price of said ships.
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2015 this thread was made, and it still hasn't happened? Doesn't seem like they added any new ships since the initial ones either. Fingers crossed that maybe Galactic Seasons adds a new crop of players to GSF (I am a new GSF player thanks to Galactic Seasons) to make it worthwhile to dedicate resources to fixing some things. Ships being in the collections, new ships added, and maybe lowering the price of said ships.


They added bombers after the intiial GSF release. And T3 scout, iirc. Maybe T3 GS too. Memory is spotty.


Why covet for CM ships btw? Just for the sake of owning them, right? They offer no meaningful benefits over normal ships. It can be " nice" to have 2 x t1 strikes in row and whatnot, but that stuff def isn't vital.

Would like to see all GSF stuff in collections as well.

Edited by Stradlin
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