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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

regarding punishment for exploit


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Sorry, you invalidated your entire post with these two lines, come back and try again when you can avoid committing these tired witch-hunter fallacies. Accusing anyone who won't jump on your bandwagon of being one of the "cheaters" or of "defending cheaters" is classic mob-mentality nonsense.


*golf-clap* Well done sir, you managed to invalidate my whole entire argument by putting forward your opinion as fast, rewriting what I said into your own interpretation of it without actually putting the how and why said argument is now invalid.


You sir are a winner.


For what it's worth though anyone who actually defends the cheating or cheaters if not a cheater themself is indeed "defending cheaters" just by the definition of the words. Not too hard to understand? You defend cheaters ... people accuse you of defending cheaters ... accuse of you doing the thing you do ... yeah? ok.

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*golf-clap* Well done sir, you managed to invalidate my whole entire argument by putting forward your opinion as fast, rewriting what I said into your own interpretation of it without actually putting the how and why said argument is now invalid.


You sir are a winner.


For what it's worth though anyone who actually defends the cheating or cheaters if not a cheater themself is indeed "defending cheaters" just by the definition of the words. Not too hard to understand? You defend cheaters ... people accuse you of defending cheaters ... accuse of you doing the thing you do ... yeah? ok.


So now "defending the cheaters" is just as bad as being a "cheater"? Interesting. Love how you try so hard to muddy the waters and deflect the issue away from your assertions that anyone who won't grab a pitchfork is clearly up to no good...


Blackstone is spinning in his grave...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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So now "defending the cheaters" is just as bad as being a "cheater"? Interesting. Love how you try so hard to muddy the waters and deflect the issue away from your assertions that anyone who won't grab a pitchfork is clearly up to no good...


Blackstone is spinning in his grave...


I don't know ... is it? It was your term I stole ( "defending the cheaters" ) that you think us uber witch hunters are going after you for. Whatever happens in your little world you will have to try and explain for us. :)

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quick, sue Bioware for their forum making your eyes bleed!


I would have to check the ToS and see if I'm allowed, my state law might over rule that though luckily however I have rich friends who will start a class action law suit for me. Watch out Bioware ... the new Erin Brocovich is coming for you!


Err wrong thread, never mind, carry on.

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I don't know ... is it? It was your term I stole ( "defending the cheaters" ) that you think us uber witch hunters are going after you for. Whatever happens in your little world you will have to try and explain for us.


The phrase "defending the cheaters" came from one of those baying for blood, who literally and directly called for perma-bans for "cheaters", those "defending the cheaters" and anyone who "benefited from the cheating" -- and then proceeded to double-down on this nonsense by implying that anyone who objected to that level of punishment must be guilty.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The phrase "defending the cheaters" came from one of those baying for blood, who literally and directly called for perma-bans for "cheaters", those "defending the cheaters" and anyone who "benefited from the cheating" -- and then proceeded to double-down on this nonsense by implying that anyone who objected to that level of punishment must be guilty.


*shrug* cool story bro.


I've seen a couple of them like that, quite a lot of sarcasm attached if you can spot it.

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Banning people will just lead to people leaving the game. Goven enough time away from the game people will just forget about the game and leave. You think que pops are long now wait till they ban and it starts to make people quit. And they people who are left will leave because the server is quiet or their buddies don't play anymore and it spreads till it dies bioware and EASY can't afford to chance that they would be the laughing stock of the industry how they banned people and lot there game at the same time. Read all the post of bioware tor EA downs sizing their team what do you think will happen with fewer Suns that will mean fewer prograers and longer waits for new content. Push the ban and watch the game die off faster than it is now. Watch and see.
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So what if people leave the game and it dies off then your left without a game and you lost out like the cheaters lay out and you both lost.


Bioware made a mistake and a lot of players also made a mistake I agree with the person who said if bioware knows who didn't take advantage of that exploit that I think they should give those players a unique mount maybe that mount that drops in game in that ops that everyone has now maybe make a pure shiny black or silver or even gold version of that mount and give that as a reward maybe even throw in a 198 peice as well.

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Bioware made a mistake and a lot of players also made a mistake I agree with the person who said if bioware knows who didn't take advantage of that exploit that I think they should give those players a unique mount maybe that mount that drops in game in that ops that everyone has now maybe make a pure shiny black or silver or even gold version of that mount and give that as a reward maybe even throw in a 198 peice as well.


Bioware made a mistake, but players made a CHOICE. You don't cheat by mistake, people did not server transfer to cheat even more by mistake. they made the choice and now they need to face consequences.

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I think the people who are wanting to be rewarded for not using the exploit are probably just pissed they didn't get to use the exploit themselves. Its a similar "something for nothing" mentality that both seem to share. I've got news for you, doing the right thing is almost never easy and rarely nets you anything other than the feeling that you are morally superior (or at least made a choice with fewer consequences) than someone else.
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I think the people who are wanting to be rewarded for not using the exploit are probably just pissed they didn't get to use the exploit themselves.


This. I made a thread "One word: Hyprocrisy".


Wasn't today Bioware would announce the punishment? So all the full min/max 198 casuals that didn't killed the boss are SAFE!!

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This. I made a thread "One word: Hyprocrisy".


Wasn't today Bioware would announce the punishment? So all the full min/max 198 casuals that didn't killed the boss are SAFE!!


Just because you're operating under some serious misinformation:


Bioware never said they would announce punishment. Nor are they likely to EVER do so.

Bioware said optimally speaking they'd have it wrapped up in a week.


That's likely the last you'll hear of it.

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Wasn't today Bioware would announce the punishment?

BioWare never said they would announce the punishments, and never gave a definite date for handing out punishment. "Wrapped up in a week or so" is all we've been told as far as I know, and that was about a week ago.

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Just because you're operating under some serious misinformation:


Bioware never said they would announce punishment. Nor are they likely to EVER do so.

Bioware said optimally speaking they'd have it wrapped up in a week.


That's likely the last you'll hear of it.


Well, I just couldn't care less.

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Love how some people think that if others didn't cheat they must not have had the opportunity to do so.


I got news for you....


Lot's of people had plenty of opportunity (including myself) and chose NOT to cheat. That's called integrity. But hey, if you would like to justify your actions by thinking that following the mob mentality, instead of your own judgement is ok, then you go right ahead. Us non-cheaters will earn our **** the right way, thank you.

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