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Will SWTOR Ever Give Players the Freedom of Choice: Pet Class/Solo Class?


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No one's disputing that.


However, it's quite obvious that the game could've been designed better.

More in line with what MMORPGs generally provide players: freedom of character creation.

You can get away with forcing things onto players in single player RPGs, but MMORPGs are massive exactly because they provide a wide variety of choices for players when they create their characters.


No one's saying players in SWTOR should be forced into being solo without a companion. So why is it that people feel the need to say that players in SWTOR should be forced to use them? Just because it's Bioware? Just because they're some sort of magical paragon of all that is holy and can do no wrong?


I was actually pleasantly surprised they implemented a Display Sith Corruption option that can be disabled... even though it's been bugged since early access and constantly resets to being enabled.


I agreee mate.I feel in this game that im forced to use these companions and they dont give me the choice of freedom to play solo cause some mobs are overpowered and they are impossible to be defeated without a companion.

They said that in an interview that if the player wants to play solo he can but they didnt mentioned that it would be 5 times more difficult and sometimes impossible.

Thats were the companion system fails a lot.

They should have come with the idea to give u half xp from mob kills for as long as your companion is with u.

Seems like todays developers have no inovation at all no fantasy no experience.

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From the BUY NOW page for the game:


Adventure with Companions


Build or break meaningful relationships with your companions as they join in your journeys and fight at your side.


Core Feature, don't like it too bad.


If this is a troll post you did well, 8 / 10. If it's not a troll post, then I hate to say it your are misguided. This is what the game is meant to have and revolve around (companions)


EDIT: Not trying to be a jerk, just being blunt because that's again, how the game was designed and balanced for (for solo / co-op play)

Edited by Dark_Larva
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The issue is that SWTOR takes away the player's choice of subclass: pet class or solo class.
I'm sorry you feel that way.


The question isn't whether to keep playing or quit.
Correct. It isn't the question. It is the answer.


The question is whether there's any chance that the devs will realize the mistake they've made
It isn't a mistake.


(and it is a mistake purely from an objective point of view regarding class based MMOs in general)
Your opinion is neither objective nor universal.


and correct it or not.
It is not going to be "corrected".
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In my opinion, making the companions integral to any class, they've added a lot more class capabilities and customization than they took away. it makes the classes a lot more modular. Making them nonmandatory would detract away a lot from the dept of the gameplay imo. thankfully it would appear that bioware agrees with me.
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Making them nonmandatory would detract away a lot from the dept of the gameplay imo. thankfully it would appear that bioware agrees with me.


So basically, what you're saying is...




Alternatively, "Stop disliking what I like!"


Variety is key to an MMO. A developer who decides that everyone finds only one choice for a core character creation decision like this fun is being rather narrowminded.


In a single player RPG, sure, why not? It's a specific story with specific characters and so forth. But the whole point of an MMO is that everyone creates their own character.


Personally, I love the storyline and conversation options and how the character classes are described with some lore at the character creation screen, which has enabled me to create a character I can really relate to and enjoy playing, and yet when it comes to the pet class/solo class mechanic, for some odd reason, I wasn't allowed to make that decision. :confused:

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So I've been playing since early access and am enjoying the singleplayer/co-op content in the game immensely. The storylines and the conversation rolls in parties and whatnot are all great fun.


However, when it comes to the MMO part of MMORPG, I find one huge problem that keeps irritating me to no end, making it hard to enjoy the game.


SWTOR professes to be a class based MMORPG, yet takes away a vital, core choice that players in class based MMOs make to play the kind of character they really want:

Pet Class or Solo Class


Dismissing your companion means losing as much damage as you do alone. Not to mention healing companions, which are immensely useful as well.


You end up at a huge disadvantage even when solo questing.

You end up at an obvious lack of balance in WPvP.

You end up having to spend huge amounts of credits if you don't take the companions with you to take/submit quests since you don't gain as much compassion, which is responsible for their crafting/gathering mission capacity.


To get to the point: pets in SWTOR are mandatory, and no, simply dismissing them is not an option because of the disadvantage that causes.


So I'm wondering: is there any chance the devs will alter this to allow players who want to play solo classes to play solo classes or will pets always be mandatory to SWTOR?


Before anyone starts up with, "You knew the game would be heavily built around companions" -- that is irrelevant.


The issue is that SWTOR takes away the player's choice of subclass: pet class or solo class. The question isn't whether to keep playing or quit. The question is whether there's any chance that the devs will realize the mistake they've made (and it is a mistake purely from an objective point of view regarding class based MMOs in general) and correct it or not.


the thing you managed to get completely wrong is.



there are no pet classes.


they aren't taking away to the choice to be a pet class or not, the choice doesnt exist, because pet classes don't exist.

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Id like to know how ive done 95% of my quests without my "mandatory companion". Its an addition and you shouldnt have to depend apon it for anything bar some heroic quests you might decide to solo - or in a few groups we've used 1 or 2 companions to TANK (not a dps booster). Aside from that i have mine off crafting because i dont need it when i quest - its more useful there.


Im not sure why your having a tanty. Dont like it, dont use it.. pretty simple really. If your companion is a massive and necessary boost to your dps so you can quest, you have problems with your character or your still low level where your companions are relatively powerful

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"Because it's a core choice, a vital part of character creation in any class based MMO"


This may be where you're getting confused. The game is a "story based MMO." The game wants to tell a story to you and the best way to do that is by having a supporting cast. You know other people in movies get oscars besides the main actor.


Also, if you want to actually dicuss something, you can't say that a major point against you're argument is irrelevant. That makes your view also irrelevent because you fail to realize all sides of the discussion. Right now your original post makes it seem that you just want people to agree with you.

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Even if I agreed with you OP (which I don't) At this point they can't really change the mechanic.


If they created a new class (or class specialization) that was powerful enough to forgo companions and complete content just as quickly as the current classes with companions that class would then become insanely overpowered in situations (like warzones or flashpoints) where the current classes cannot use their companions.


So basically like them or not we are all stuck with companions being an integral part of all classes. Full stop.

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"Because it's a core choice, a vital part of character creation in any class based MMO"


This may be where you're getting confused. The game is a "story based MMO."


"Class based MMO" is not a genre. If an MMO has classes, it's a class based MMO.


Having/not having feet and resources are not a choice you have in any MMO.

Pet class/solo class is.


If the classes were indeed not intended to be different, then they'd all not only have companions but would also all be the same: same abilities, same appearance, same everything. But they aren't. They are different classes, yet are for some unfathomable reason homogenized via the companion system.


And as for those saying companions aren't mandatory, anything that puts you at a disadvantage if you don't use it despite having permanent access to it is mandatory. You should not have to be at a disadvantage just because you want to play a non-pet class.


And as far as saying "they aren't pets," that's just more Bioware Holy Grail praising. They are pets in combat/questing. Their lore, storylines, affection and crafting/gathering abilities are irrelevant to their use in combat, which is where they act as pets and are annoying to anyone who prefers playing solo class archetypes like warrior, mage, sniper, etc.

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SWG, I played 31/32 classes, guess which one I skipped? Creature Handler - I cannot stand pet classes.


SWTOR, I love companions.


Here is what I don't get with the OPs issue, what exactly is the issue you have with companions? Do they somehow get in your way? I've started managing mine a bit now that I am at a higher level (attack my target please, not that one over there), but for the most part I just leave it alone and it does its thing. Is it that you just don't like having something follow you? What is the exact issue with having companions?


Just saying I don't like pets isn't enough, for anything to change in the future (which it probably won't since the game is designed with companions in mind) you would need to be more descriptive with what you don't like about companions.

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I think the companion system is fun and a smart move by BW. If people don't want to use the companion they have reason to feel good about their accomplishments. And people who do like their companions don't need to feel like they are getting an unfair edge since companions are a normal part of the game for all classes.
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I would personally want some intelligence on the companions, like:


if there's a CC:ed mob close, then the companion won't use AoEs, it's annoying having to first click open the companion bar, right click the aoes, close down the companion bar


if that's never gonna happen then atleast let us move the companion spells on the companion bar so I can have the aoe stuff on the 4 first one so I don't have to open the companion bar up.

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i think what you are missing here is the fact that comps, are i guess simular to a pet in other mmos, as it is npc that you have some control over, however they are suppose to be equal in power to another player when you are not in a group and socialize the whole point of an mmo. 90% of the best solo classes in other mmos are pet based classes. so im not sure if get what you really want.


with social points which no one seems to want, atm, they want you to group.

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I hated the idea of companions at first, but as many have said it is a huge part of this game, and as such it has grown on me.


That being said, they now annoy me by always being in my way. Seems like 80% of the time, when I want to click on something, I end up clicking on him.


Still prefer to be able to "solo", but in this particular MMO, I can live with "needing" a companion.

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