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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rank the class stories (no spoilers please)


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Well, for me I'd say the best are as follows, starting with the best...last being worst. Not that it matters, but I'm a female player...and these are what I enjoyed most.


Imperial Agent (Male and Female, both equally fun)

Sith Warrior (Male and Female equally fun)

Jedi Knight (Female pref)

Sith Inquisitor (Female pref)

Bounty Hunter (Male pref)

Smuggler (Female pref)

Trooper (Female pref)

Jedi Consular. (Both equally drab)

Edited by Lunafox
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1. Consular

2. Smuggler

3. Warrior

4. Trooper

5. Inquisitor

6. Knight

8. Imperial Agent


DIdn't play BH past Alderaan, but anything is better than the agent for me.


Interesting. Mine is almost the exact opposite. :)


1. Agent.

2. Knight.

3. Inquisitor.


5. Warrior.

6. Smuggie.

7. Bounty Hunter.

8. Consular.

Edited by Rafaman
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I'm one of the few that loves the Consular story, especially Belsavis. Again, no spoilers, but if I could spend an entire day just playing Belsavis on a Consular, I'd be a happy bunny.


I like the Consular story as well. Unfortunately, I can't stand how we got stuck with one crappy companion for half the game, and don't get more interesting options until near the very end. I finished one Consular, and vowed never again.

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So far I like the SI and BH stories fairly well.


The IA story... ugh. Act 2 completely ruins it for me with the trite, cliched, contrived...



...mind control element.




JK is a bit too much of a railroad, it's obvious that something terrible is about to happen even without the spoilers I've seen, and it cannot be stopped unless you want to abandon the class story and never finish it.


Smuggler, didn't need any spoilers, the "big twist" was obvious from miles away, and the while "Dude Where's My Car" thing got old in a hurry when it's the class most associated with having a ship. Plus, WHERE IS THE SMUGGLING?


SW wasn't bad.


Trooper has been troopery so far.

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Note that if you want to pair up with your wife including the starter planets that you will be restricted to pairs of classes.


The Jedi Knight/Jedi Consular start on the same planet while the smuggler/trooper start on a separate planet. Same for Sith Warrior/Inquisitor and bounty hunter/Imperial agent.


You meet up when you get to fleet at about level 10 or so. Taking your time this could be 3 - 6 hours of game play (maybe more, maybe less - I have played enough that I can do it pretty efficiently even taking my time).


My wife and I generally pair up when running a set. Currently we are redoing the knight/consular on a new server.


My personal favorites:

Imperial Agent

Sith Inquisitor

Sith warrior/jedi knight

smuggler/bounty hunter



Note that I have 3 inquisitors although I ranked it second - I like the play style and animations the best of the classes. Sith warrior is interesting to play both light and dark side.

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Mine would be


1: Knight: Classic Star Wars Jedi, cliche does not bother me. Good companion set.

2: Agent: Has a great deal of depth. Good comp. interaction and twists.

3: Warrior: Classic Sith, good development though light and dark sides become diminished over time.

4: Inquisitor: Much like the warrior, with more plotting and revenge.

5: Consular: True Jedi with diplomacy. Don't let people fool you, there is some action as you progress.

6: Bounty Hunter: He's a bounty hunter, what did you expect. Light and dark choices vary and work well though.

7: Smuggler: Had some fun bits, but one liners are just that, one liners, not use 15 times In a day liners.

8: Trooper: Go shoot stuff for Havoc Squad! Chapter one started well' but two and three weren't as strong.


All stories had some merit though, can't say I hated any of them.

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From paired combinations, my favorite were Bounty Hunter-Sorcerer and Scoundrel-Shadow. I liked non FU combination with a FU more than 2 of the same, even if you start on the same planet. AFter L7, you can shuttle between the starter planets, so if one char is suffering the second can come and help out. :)
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My favourite storylines so far


1 - Imperial Agent

2 - Sith Inquisitor

3 - Trooper

4 - Jedi Consular

5 - Sith Warrior


I played through the game Pub side as a duo and solo'ed Imp side when my brother was offline.


The most fun I had in the game so far was playing my Trooper with my brother as a Smuggler, me being the Jar-head muscle to his wise cracking Han-Solo looking troublemaker.


Personally I feel that the Imp side stories are best explored solo as all of them felt very selfish with everyone having their own little plots to make themselves more powerful. Pub side feels more altruistic with everyone working to save the Republic.

Edited by Aetes
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Here's how I rank them, from best to worst, and why.


#1 - Agent

Just a very well put together story. I felt like my choices mattered, moreso than in any other story, the plot kept me interested, the ending was great. Most of the side characters were all quite solid as well. If I have one complaint, it's that I feel like I ended up with many of the "wrong" characters as companions. Despite the fact that most of the companions weren't the best, everything else was completely solid, though. I loved the way things came together, and loved how all the threads tied.


#2 - Consular

Consular starts out with a personal, yet intriguing story, then in the second half widens the scope, probably doing the best of all the Republic stories of making me feel like an important player in the galaxy. A few too many of the Children in the final chapter felt shoehorned in, though, and the early parts of the plot, particularly, didn't really hold together well unless choices were mostly light-sided.


#3 - Inquisitor

Inquisitor was just a cool rise-to-power story. I loved how it built on itself, with Chapter 1 establishing yourself, 2 gaining a unique power and then 3...actually really dragged too much in the early parts, but eventually got to the political power triumph and one heck of a great ending. If late chapter 2/early 3 didn't drag so much, this would've been the best easily, IMO. But unfortunately, that didn't happen...


#4 - Warrior

Warrior was just one great moment after the other. Each chapter managed to have its own, unique story, but despite that, never felt disjointed. Suffers in the same (but opposite) way as the Consular in that while Light Side choices lead to some cool scenes too, the points of the story sort of didn't work as well.


#5 - Smuggler

Smuggler was quirky and fun, and there was nothing quite like it. I really enjoyed the personal touch to the story, and Smuggler also has the best cast of companions, far and away. Like the Inquisitor, though, it sort of stumbles in the chapter 2-3 transition, and the personal touch that made it so fun also made it feel less "epic" compared to the others. Plus I didn't like how things ended up...


...with both main contacts actually having worked together to sucker you. It really made a lot of the choices up to that moment feel really pointless.



#6 - Hunter

Hunter sort of struggled with the paradigm of the character. It's hard to feel very "freelance" and still have a 3-part story propel you forward. Despite that, though, everything the Hunter did was done with delightful aplomb. It was a cool story with real personal investment, and the chance to make a big difference in the end. I do admit it a few of the characters were a little too minor, though.


#7 - Knight

Knight had some great moments. The first chapter was definitely the most solid, but it became a little too "normal" of a story after that. The "Chosen One" thing just got old after a while, and like the Consular, many of the Dark Side choices seemed inconsistent with the story after the first chapter. Still, had a nice heroic feel to it.


#8 - Trooper

Trooper, finally, was the one story I really just honestly disliked. Chapter one built up some interesting threads, and then utterly failed to deliver on any of them. Chapter two was all about finding companions who I didn't ultimately care about. And chapter three puts a war in the setting and then kept me away from it for the most part. Granted, I think its what some people like about it, but I just felt like a grunt...very rarely felt important, and that lacked appeal. There are also way too many poorly thought out "tough" choices that never bothered. By the time I got to that choice near the end, I was so numbed to supposedly no-win situations that I just didn't care anymore. What I will grant to the Trooper is that the climaxes for the 2nd and 3rd chapters were excellent...if the rest of the story had measured up to the bar of those two missions, my opinion would've been very different.

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1. Inquisitor

2. Sith Warrior

3. Imperial Agent


5. Jedi Knight

6. Bounty Hunter

7. Consular

8. Trooper


Not to say any of the stories are bad per se, just that the ones near the top I found more worthy of replaying again. And all classes have some memorable companions. Bounty Hunter especially.

Edited by StrangeDais
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Here is what I've got.


1. Inquisitor (Imo, this makes you feel most like a proper Sith Leader. You get your own fleet even)

2. Bounty Hunter (The story was straight forward but I really liked how the companions played into the story. Felt like a proper crew)

3. Sith Warrior (This kind of echos my feelings about the Bounty Hunter. Both are badaces, get sht done and have great companions. I only put this a bit below because you feel like a lackey at times)

4. Jedi Knight (Standard story of a hero that rises up to the occasion to save the day. I felt a specific plot development was pretty dumb though)

5. Imperial Agent (Imho, the most overrated story by a huge margin. It's the least "Star Warsy" story in the game. I receives praise for the multiple possible endings.. even if they are largely ignored after that)


LARGE GAP- I really like like the top 5 are head and shoulders above these bottom 3.


6. Consular (It's a slow story. However it was greatly improved when I did it during the 12x weekend since I was able to just focus on the story without distractions. It's a story about patience, wisdom and sacrifice)

7. Trooper (Chapter 1 is pretty ridiculous to start with. Chapter 2 is actually pretty awesome. Chapter 3 ends with you still being a punk in the republic army)

8. Smuggler (I haven't made it past Chapter 1.. I have no desire for the story archtype.)

Edited by Xeraz
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Here is what I've got.


1. Inquisitor (Imo, this makes you feel most like a proper Sith Leader. You get your own fleet even)

2. Bounty Hunter (The story was straight forward but I really liked how the companions played into the story. Felt like a proper crew)

3. Sith Warrior (This kind of echos my feelings about the Bounty Hunter. Both are badaces, get sht done and have great companions. I only put this a bit below because you feel like a lackey at times)

4. Jedi Knight (Standard story of a hero that rises up to the occasion to save the day. I felt a specific plot development was pretty dumb though)

5. Imperial Agent (Imho, the most overrated story by a huge margin. It's the least "Star Warsy" story in the game. I receives praise for the multiple possible endings.. even if they are largely ignored after that)


LARGE GAP- I really like like the top 5 are head and shoulders above these bottom 3.


6. Consular (It's a slow story. However it was greatly improved when I did it during the 12x weekend since I was able to just focus on the story without distractions. It's a story about patience, wisdom and sacrifice)

7. Trooper (Chapter 1 is pretty ridiculous to start with. Chapter 2 is actually pretty awesome. Chapter 3 ends with you still being a punk in the republic army)

8. Smuggler (I haven't made it past Chapter 1.. I have no desire for the story archtype.)


lol yea as if the fleet you get as the inquisitor isn`t ignored....

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The inquisitor was the absolute worse for me. An errand boy who not ONCE couldn´t think of something by himself. Getting manipulated by literally everyone.


I don't get this at all. The Inquisitor puts more of his/her own plans in motion than any other class. Most of Chapters 2 and 3 for the Inquisitor are "I need/want X, how can I go about that?", while pretty much every other class has someone else telling them what to do.

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1. Sith Warrior - The most satisfying despite it's simple premise

2. Smuggler - By far the most fun to play through, though the dark side ending is totally ignored by absolutely everyone

3. Imperial Agent - Wonderful writing and monologues, though I feel Act 3 took an unneeded turn.

4. Sith Inquisitor - The companions are annoying and the destinations can make no sense, but there are moments where it's damn fun to play with unlimited power.

5. Bounty Hunter - The character interaction is very nice, though the storyline is a bit cliche.

6. Jedi Consular - An interesting story with a fun premise. Though what brings this down is the horrific voice acting and the total lack of regard for anything other than light side.

7. Trooper - Quite boring, which is sad as this is the class Jennifer Hale voices. The storyline is uninteresting and the companions are boring.

8. Jedi Knight - This thing is an abomination of writing that should never be touched again. The plot is extremely predictable, the companions are either pointless or annoying, the cliches are absolutely everywhere, it contradicts itself if you play dark side, and the voice acting of the PC is horrid.

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Sith *FEMALE* inquisitor. The female part is very important, as the actress that delivers all this dialogue is head and shoulders above anything else in the game. It's also a good enough story, and I found it quite fun. The voice acting for this part is just perfect really, especially if you play it really evil, fantastic job and well worth anyone's time to go through it.


In general, I don't like the republic side of things, because of the progression of planets, especially early on. No spoilers, but you get tossed into a huge city pretty early, that I found mind numbingly boring and/or confusing.


Agree on the female inquisitor. Her voice actor did an excellent job. I played mine mostly light side for it was an interesting contrast. What I enjoy the most about that story is the fact the inquisitor gets him/herself involved in a real ****storm, and has to desperately work as fast and smart as possible to get out of it. It was a real personal story and I felt all the blood, sweat, and tears of the protagonist........ I did enjoy each and every story to be honest. I am not terribly hard to please. Warrior was my second favorite. It was a more classic sith story over the inquisitor, and the warrior

was just badazz and felt like an unstoppable force. Jedi knight was fun, but a bit forced at times. It certainly felt epic and the closet thing to kotor 3. Agent was very well written with lots of twists. Felt like a mix of James Bond and Jason Bourne. Trooper was badazz. I played it mostly dark. There were a few decisions I had to make which were reall intense.. I dug the whole military vibe and being just a well trained regular joe who becomes a hero. Bounty hunter was a classic bounty hunter story, and that's all it needed to be. Jedi consular is meant for a more patient individual who like diplomacy and healing. It got dull at times, but all in all was satisfying. Weakest story was the smuggler. Yes there is something of plot, but dialogue and one liners make the story for the most part. I originally rolled a male gunslinger and eventually a female scoundrel. I greatly preferred the female. Her sassiness really won me over. The male counterparts buffoonery was irritating at times. He tried to hard to be cool where as the female just nailed it.

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1. Agent (most flexible and awesome story, nice companions too)

1.5 Consular (if it wasn't for the dragged first chapter it would be on par with the agent's one, jedi and SWTOR franchise to max, not great with companions though in terms of story but a pretty awesome dps that you can equip her with your recycled gear)

3. Warrior (awesome and some nice companions)

4. Inquisitor (sith to max although very little to do with SWTOR storyline, best cut-scenes in terms of locations and graphics, downside not really thrilled with the companions)

5. Bounty (pretty flexible story also, and true assassin this one with a great and flexible option in the end also like the agent's one; just the three chapters are fairly repetive to each other, some nice companions)

6. Trooper (classical military, although some missions a bit strange that are undertaken without the leadership of a jedi; not thrilled with the companions other than the robot)

7. Smuggler (funny and flexible but can't remember much other than the end, but some nice companions)

8. Knight (hyperbola to max; skywalkers, yoda, palpatine, sith'ari bane are just nothing in comparison to the knight; just no, absolutely horrible and pretty destructive to the SWTOR franchise that took them many patches to get back on track; not thrilled with the companions except from t7)

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