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Rank the class stories (no spoilers please)


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I'm a returning, but practically new, player and was wondering how people would rank the various class stories from best to worst? My wife is also likely to start up again as well. Neither of us is particularly set on a class, so I figure we can pick our classes based on the 2 most engaging story-lines. We're both pretty casual players so we'll worry about end-game raiding and such later.


So, what do you feel are the best class stories and why? Please no spoilers and thank you for your responses. :)

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Without spoilers what made the Guardian and sentinel stories stand out for you?


It was a joke. ;)


My personal favorites are the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent. Other people I talk to seem to favor the last two heavily, while finding the Knight one sightly cliche -- which is partly the case. :p


Ladies I usually talk to -- including my GF -- seem to heavily favor the Jedi Consular and Imperial Agent, with a brief mention of the Smuggler and Sith Inquisitor ones here and there.


Regardless, that's my experience really. Others may feel differently.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Jedi Knight story is usually placed as number 1, because of the "classic quest to defeat evil"


you defeat emperor (his vessel, you learn about that later)


Jedi Consular story was really crappy for me for that whole diplomatic stuff, and basically it was just boring

Smuggler's story is all about one-liners in dialogues, if you like to skip or dont read/listen, avoid it, story is average

Trooper is all about being soldier, so you do some fun stuff, and sometimes you don't


Sith warrior is following true sith path, kill for someone, then take his/her place. There is some good stuff there

Sith Inquisitor is at the beginning similar to warrior story, with more revenge

Agent one of the best story in game, quite complex, (so far I did it 3 times, and I haven't checked all options yet), if you like skipping, or not reading/listening, avoid it, you need time for this

Bounty hunter, basically you become bounty hunter, then kill people, then get revenge. For me only 1st chapter is good


JK,A >> SW,SI,T,BH,S >>>>>>>>>>>> JC

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It was a joke. ;)


My personal favorites are the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent. Other people I talk to seem to favor the last two heavily, while finding the Knight one sightly cliche -- which is partly the case. :p


Ladies I usually talk to -- including my GF -- seem to heavily favor the Jedi Consular and Imperial Agent, with a brief mention of the Smuggler and Sith Inquisitor ones here and there.


Regardless, that's my experience really. Others may feel differently.


Told you I'm knew...didn't even get that was a joke. LOL!

Thanks for the info though. Since the wife and I would be leveling together we would need 2 good stories of the same faction. Based on your post, seems like smuggler and counsular might be 2 good ones to start, or possibly sith warrior and imperial agent.

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Generally you are going to see people rank Imperial Agent, Jedi Knight, and Sith Warrior above the rest, between those 3 everyone has their opinion but in general Imperial Agent is seen as the best. As for the others, Trooper and Jedi Consular usually get rated as the worst, and the others fall in between.


If I had to compile a list of popular opinion, it would probably be:


1. Imperial Agent

2. Jedi Knight

3. Sith Warrior


then quite a drop


4. Sith Inquisitor

5. Bounty Hunter

6. Smuggler

7. Trooper

8. Jedi Consular,


Though, it's all up to personal preference, which is mostly defined by what Star Wars character archetype you prefer, as that's the one you're likely going to have the most fun with regardless of how "objectively good" the stories are. I will say one benefit to the Jedi Knight story is that it is perhaps on the largest scale, you get the ultimate villain, and it's the closest to a KOTOR 3. That said, I personally didn't enjoy the Knight story very much. :p

Edited by Swissbob
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Told you I'm knew...didn't even get that was a joke. LOL!

Thanks for the info though. Since the wife and I would be leveling together we would need 2 good stories of the same faction. Based on your post, seems like smuggler and counsular might be 2 good ones to start, or possibly sith warrior and imperial agent.


Well, I liked all 8 class stories myself but I found different people to like different stories for different reasons, so I wouldn't rely on recommendations.

In any case, Counsular and Smugglers stories have a rather different overtone to them and I personally wouldn't want to do them side by side. For me Trooper and Counsular would work better together, because in both stories you are dealing with the war against the Sith Empire, although from a different angle (after chapter one).


Imperial side I couldn't say which classes would even fit together story-wise. If I would level with someone else, I would probably do the class missions by myself or have one of the classes be a bounty hunter. The other three classes all deal with some rather delicate (and I would think secret) matters in their stories so having some other person participate would feel off to me ....


But this is just my opinion.

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For me it goes:


1) Sith Warrior

2) Bounty Hunter

3) Imperial Agent

4) Sith Inquisitor

5) Jedi Knight


Those are the only class stories I've played through so far, so I can't rank any others. To be fair about the JK story: I greatly prefer the Imperial side, so that probably has something to do with it being at the bottom of my list. Faction preferences aside it actually is a pretty good story. I just can't stand the way Jedi are represented in game.

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In my opinion


1) Imperial Agent

2) Sith Warrior

3) Jedi Knight

4) Smuggler

5) Bounty Hunter

6) Sith Inquisitor

7) Jedi Consular

8) Trooper



To be fair, regarding the Consular



It does get significantly better in Act 2 and 3, but Act 1 is so terribly bad that it took me forever to force myself to play it.


Edited by Andrellma
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As Swissbob said, the class story you enjoy will have a lot to do with your own desires for your character. The Consular story tends to rub people the wrong way because they have no interest in a diplomatic, scholarly type Jedi. That's fine. Personally, I dislike the Agent story unless it is played light side.


My stock answer to this question is play them all. The class stories are this game at its best.


But my ranking is:


1) Consular

2) Warrior

3) Trooper

4) Knight

5) Inqusitor

6) Smuggler

7) Agent

8) Bounty Hunter

Edited by Master-Nala
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One thing I can say: The stories with the more interesting dark/light choices, with many party interactions on your ship and with overall more money being invested to them are Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight and the Agent.

These classes got the most money of the investment. Those three are easily the best stories.


Smuggler is actually a pretty fun story as well.

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Of those I played (either finished or in parts):


1. Consular (yes, I'm one of the few who love that story)

2. Sith Warrior

3. Smuggler/Bounty Hunter (torn between these two, so I'd rate them as equal with BH having the better companions)

4. Inquisitor

5. Jedi Knight (too much forced epicness, dislike the JK companions with the exception of T7)

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As many pointed out, this is a VERY subjective subject as everyone has their favorites/least favorites. But I'm still happy to throw in my two cents since I've played them all at least twice (some three or four times) :)


In order of my preference:

1: Sith Inquisitor

2: Agent

3: Sith Warrior

4: Jedi Knight

5: Jedi Consular

6: Smuggler

7: Bounty Hunter

8: Trooper

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Sith *FEMALE* inquisitor. The female part is very important, as the actress that delivers all this dialogue is head and shoulders above anything else in the game. It's also a good enough story, and I found it quite fun. The voice acting for this part is just perfect really, especially if you play it really evil, fantastic job and well worth anyone's time to go through it.


In general, I don't like the republic side of things, because of the progression of planets, especially early on. No spoilers, but you get tossed into a huge city pretty early, that I found mind numbingly boring and/or confusing.

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