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Whats the best choice for a PVP Server?


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Hey guys its Kruged.Im currently in The Harbringer server im looking for the most populated pvp server for faster Ranked Q pop and amazing Wpvp. Ive been thinking about going to The Bastion server.Is that a good choice? People in my server are telling me its not worth it at all.. I need some more opinions! Thanks for your replies in advance and Merry xmas to you all!! Edited by Vandergotten
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Nope. I moved all my chars from bastion to harbinger. PVP servers are super dead now. WZs pop faster and have more variety on harb than bastion. Late night wzs take 5+ minutes to pop on bastion and will often end with not enough players. Harb is going full speed all day/night.


Ranked almost never happens on bastion whereas you can get pretty good ranked going (both group and solo) on harb almost any time you want with a few messages in fleet on both factions.


Also if you do any pve it happens a lot on harb. You can pug raids all day long. I never see any going on bastion.


As for wpvp, which is like my favorite thing, it really isn't worth it. You can stomp everyone in pve gear and everyone seems to wear their pve gear in wpvp. So it makes it not really fun. At least for me. I like a challenge in my pvp and when you're pvp geared vs pve, you can literally 1v5 no problem.


I wouldn't move, I think you'll regret it. At least population wise, if not money. ;)

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Harbinger is the best choice for getting queue pops. It's not flowing day and night, though, but I do believe it's the best server for ranked on US. It may be a PvE server, but the pvp community is rather active, and it's not 75% sorcerers. Edited by lpsmash
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The Ebon Hawk has constant pops for Regular Warzones, both for lower levels and Level 60 bracket.


Ranked solo-que has picked up tremendously and there's always at least 2-3 hours of back-to-back pops in the evenings. It's getting better every day as more pvpers have been hitting level 60. Group ranked has 4 teams that que nightly, but that requires a bit of pre-arranging at the moment.


The great thing is that there are no trolls in ranked over here. Everyone sincerely brings their "A" game to the table.


Ebon Hawk PvP... good stuff.

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Bear in mind that the servers are not all in one spot. I'm east coast and The Ebon Hawk gets me about 60ms less latency than does The Harbinger. Don't just select a server based solely on population and pops (though both are high for The Ebon Hawk), but include location into your factoring.
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Thanks for the advice! I guess i will stay on Harbringer and see how its going when S4 begins. I just really miss some good wpvp as a stealth although i never did any in Swtor.Thats why im kinda pushed toward it. Nobody got there flag active on Harbringer excepted a couple braves! Im flagged 24/24 waiting on you guys on Yarvin4!! Edited by Vandergotten
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Moved back to PoT5 about a week ago, Harb just didn't do it for me.


Not so much because of the people (some were great, others were fine.. certain were ****.. the usual) but mostly because it's slowly re-establishing itself and my latency is FAR better there.

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A vast majority of us left POT5 to go to harbinger last season. However, almost all of us have come back, and the ranked que pops on POT5 are the best around right now. Hopefully this carries over into the regular season, we shall to wait and see. Right now, Harbinger ranked is slowly dying.
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Moved back to PoT5 about a week ago, Harb just didn't do it for me.


Not so much because of the people (some were great, others were fine.. certain were ****.. the usual) but mostly because it's slowly re-establishing itself and my latency is FAR better there.


Umm yeah thats also two reason of why i want to transfer.Im not awseom but i think im not bad to. Im pretty new to swtor and i just begin to get comfortable using my Concealment Operative. Some rounds i play literally like a real beast and some other game i get beated out so easly. I need a better focus to always stay close to my target

.. But im not worried i will get it well soon :)

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For a while Harbinger has had the most consistent regular warzone pops.(and the most balanced) Bastion has the most active solo ranked arena. Last season Harbinger had the most active Group Ranked, but it seems likely/possible that will go to POT5 this season.


So, take your pick.

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For a while Harbinger has had the most consistent regular warzone pops.(and the most balanced) Bastion has the most active solo ranked arena. Last season Harbinger had the most active Group Ranked, but it seems likely/possible that will go to POT5 this season.


So, take your pick.

Ya... It will be hard. Im really thinking about The Bastion Since Pot5 is east zone(im also in est zone) but i play kinda late thr night really often. Im getting tyred of Harbringer even if my Guild Death row and their leaders are awesome i still wanna wpvp while im in queue for wz/ranked. I play a concealment operative and a vanguard which are 2 spec that are really funny im wpvp feel like a rogue as my Op.. I can globale mostly everyone flagged and on my vanguard im just lvl 20 but i got a merc 57 and the burst is kinda comparable to a mage burst which i rlly loved for pvp in wow.I really need to decide where im going now.. Bastion or Pot5.. Gahhhh... :p Happy new years to yall and thanks for all the answers and tips.

Signed: Kruged From Harbringer Server.

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Moved back to PoT5 about a week ago, Harb just didn't do it for me.


Not so much because of the people (some were great, others were fine.. certain were ****.. the usual) but mostly because it's slowly re-establishing itself and my latency is FAR better there.


How is pvp on tofn?


Queue time? Ranked?

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Hey guys its Kruged.Im currently in The Harbringer server im looking for the most populated pvp server for faster Ranked Q pop and amazing Wpvp. Ive been thinking about going to The Bastion server.Is that a good choice? People in my server are telling me its not worth it at all.. I need some more opinions! Thanks for your replies in advance and Merry xmas to you all!!


That depends on wether you play object pvp or death match... If you death match in objective based pvp, don't come to Harbinger... We already have too many pvp server transfer noobs who do this... They need to L2P... LoL

If you play objective pvp... You should come to Harbinger

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