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Everything posted by madmuggle

  1. Yea it's all about server. I was 100% pub before 3.0 on harb, pvp was pretty balanced. 3.0 hit, I decided to level my imps. This is not an exaggeration, I played 45 wzs last week on 2 chars as an imp, won 2 out of the 45. Pubs are just roflstomping wzs. They are running tons of premades and imps are pugging to the max right now. I rarely even see guilded people in the wzs and if I do, never from the same guild. The constant loss rate is of course making it even worse at 60-80 comms per loss means we aren't gearing up. I was able to buy 4 pieces of gear (left side cheap stuff) from those games. My pubs never lose and get 120-160 comms per game. Even with bad gear I get carried pub side. Edit: played 8 wzs tonight, won 0. Even the imp v imp game I finally got in, was of course us imp pugs vs a premade. :/ I'm sure it will change when geared but man it's frustrating trying to gear imps to compete in pvp right now. And bolster seems just plain broken. PVE gear does jack.
  2. Nope. I moved all my chars from bastion to harbinger. PVP servers are super dead now. WZs pop faster and have more variety on harb than bastion. Late night wzs take 5+ minutes to pop on bastion and will often end with not enough players. Harb is going full speed all day/night. Ranked almost never happens on bastion whereas you can get pretty good ranked going (both group and solo) on harb almost any time you want with a few messages in fleet on both factions. Also if you do any pve it happens a lot on harb. You can pug raids all day long. I never see any going on bastion. As for wpvp, which is like my favorite thing, it really isn't worth it. You can stomp everyone in pve gear and everyone seems to wear their pve gear in wpvp. So it makes it not really fun. At least for me. I like a challenge in my pvp and when you're pvp geared vs pve, you can literally 1v5 no problem. I wouldn't move, I think you'll regret it. At least population wise, if not money.
  3. Kinda what i figured.. oh well. Currently that's what I do is run a mission ffrom another tier. lately I've actually started just running either side missions figuring it will even out and I'd rather get the supplies I need. thanks for the answers guys.
  4. Like people said above tracer missile will give it you but before then I rely a makos first shot on the target. Its a dot and will proc it for you.
  5. Is there anyway to generate a new list of missions for a diplomacy mission? A lot of times I'm after the medical supplies but don't want dark side points and there will be no missions for light side points and medical supplies. Is there a way to reroll the list without doing those missions so I can get a new list with better choices?
  6. The reason i said Shadow Strike is it hits pretty hard for an opener. When you have the bonus force regen from coming out of stealth I find using SS I still barely use enough force to not be full after a SS/Breach. So to me that isn't a waste. And the burst is pretty high. Also, I wouldn't say it isn't even close to a good "rotation". The only difference in mine and yours is you prioritize double strikes over project. Which is fine. I use project a lot for a stun rather than damage. On an elite mob I agree project is probably a waste. Lastly this information is for lower to mid levels. I haven't hit high levels of play which is true for most people that would be asking advice anyway.
  7. Dont listen to infiltrate. That would be megasuperhorribleawful dps. Shadow strike is a bad dps skill. It should only be used if you have the find weakness buff otherwise the force to damage ratio is horrible. A decent rotation for infiltrator spec is: stealth (for force regen buff) open with either shadow strike or force breach project double strike if i have an aoe situation add your aoe knockdown and the channeled rock throw skill. double strike is way better than shadow strike for dps if you dont have the find weakness buff. reapply breach as needed.
  8. well I'm only 18 but I find it quite easy to solo. I can usually even take an elite without my companion. although that tends to take a medkit. what i do is start in stealth (assuming you are midde tree build) this gives you high force regen when you come out of stealth. doesnt matter what attack you start with although i use the backstab if there is an enemy i can 1 or 2 shot. otherwise the force dot or the big rock work great. then its all about dealing with the little guys first to get the dps down. i like to throw the rock for the stun and then double hit. you want to utilize your stuns a lot. use force stun and the rock and the aoe push. these will help keep the dps down. dont use backstab unless you proc the expose weakness debuff from the middle skill tree. i find it one of the more complex classes to solo well with so far. sorry about case and not knowing skill names. posting from my phone.
  9. Unfortunately you do have to choose one. I read an article pre-release on IGN that mentioned it may be possible to stay neutral but at this point you will miss out on gear if you don't go either light or dark all the way.
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