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The Force Awakens theories...


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So with Disney taking over and the new rule, that everything outside of the 6 movies, the Clone Wars, Rebels, and any new books and comics are no longer canon, I'm thinking the Force Awakens might tie into SWTOR.



So the new enemy going forward is the Emperor. He has absorbed enough death that he was able to return to the universe. Obviously we will eventually fight him. What if we only destroy his corporeal form again and he slumbers until the Galactic civil war. Maybe the death of Palpatine awakens him and he rolls in to take over the Empire and continue his quest to destroy the universe...and the only people he could see able to stop him.



That would connect SWTOR to the new movies and keep it canon. If it is fully removed from canon, it makes me question how long the game will keep going once the new movies are out.

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Unfortunately, bringing the Sith Emperor into these movies is not a good idea. For one, casual movie fans or casual Star Wars fans (those who saw only the movies) have no idea who the Sith Emperor is. Bringing a villain from media that casual Star Wars fans (or people who have never seen Star Wars before) don't know about is a good idea to alienate and confuse the audience because the Sith Emperor's backstory would be too convoluted to explain quickly in the timeframe of a movie.


Finally, reaching so far back for a villain speaks to a lack of creativity on the part of the writers. It's one of the reasons why having Palpatine as the main villain would be a bad idea.


It also raises so many questions. Like, where was the Emperor during all these thousands of years? Why didn't he do anything for all that time? Etc.


Honestly, the franchise can only benefit from a new and unique (to the franchise) villain.

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Hmm, it is true that.


However the fact it is called "The Force Awakens" seems to lend some credibility that whatever the antagonist is, which in itself may not even be Sith.


My theory, is that the Dark Side of the Force is the Force in its entirely, it is the purest state of the force - which is to say, raw power, flowing water. And it is possible, there was some Immortal being(s) (maybe if Disney may make "Celestials" canon) , they are perhaps going for a Devil route - either with a Fallen Celestial or powerful Darksider Ghost.


Hence, the entity awakens in the first movie of the new trilogy, and revitalizes the ruins of the Empire. Its goals, who can say?

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WARNING: I am going to use SPOILER tags to protect your eyes from my main theory regarding this film.





In both the Prequel and Original Trilogies first episodes, there has been a somber tradition of Jedi Padawans looking on helplessly as their Masters are killed via a Sith Lord. Obi Wan had to watch helplessly as Darth Maul cut down Qui Gon Jinn and Luke Skywalker had to look on in horror as Obi Wan surrendered himself to the Force before Vader's blade touched his robes.


Fast forward to the new Episode VII. Luke is now the Jedi Master and no doubt has a Padawan of his own at the time. I foresee that Luke will die at the hands of the new Sith Lord, perhaps in front of the woman who may/may not be his Padawan.




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WARNING: I am going to use SPOILER tags to protect your eyes from my main theory regarding this film.





In both the Prequel and Original Trilogies first episodes, there has been a somber tradition of Jedi Padawans looking on helplessly as their Masters are killed via a Sith Lord. Obi Wan had to watch helplessly as Darth Maul cut down Qui Gon Jinn and Luke Skywalker had to look on in horror as Obi Wan surrendered himself to the Force before Vader's blade touched his robes.


Fast forward to the new Episode VII. Luke is now the Jedi Master and no doubt has a Padawan of his own at the time. I foresee that Luke will die at the hands of the new Sith Lord, perhaps in front of the woman who may/may not be his Padawan.





It's unlikely. Given that Luke is perceived as the most powerful Jedi ever and may take up the primary role in the new movie, it's not likely they'd up and off him at the start of the newest trilogy. Or Luke may already be dead for unrelated reasons and he only appears as a Force Ghost or through a holocron. Given Harrison Ford is back playing Han Solo, he may be the one kicking the bucket in Ep7, which may send his kid to the Dark Side.


Honestly right now there's no telling what the movie will actually entail. TFA may not mean a Dark Side user attains power, but someone unknown who has awakened to the power of the Force whom, perhaps, had no history of Force sensitivity. The big thing is the EU has been swept off the table. TCW and Rebels are staying as part of Disney canon, but all other media is cut off and SWTOR can just be left alone since it can't really impact what they want to do anyway. Not unless we blow up Alderaan, and that ain't happening.


It could even involve the awakening of a Sith Spirit, like Exar Kun on Yavin-4. Disney may not consider the EU material canon, but like Lucas they'll have no trouble picking what elements they like from it and using it for themselves to make their "Original" films. I honestly don't have high hopes for the movie. The initial trailer looked extremely poor, and that cross-guard saber had such a whiz-poor design that I'd like to go meet Disney's props designer so I can promptly beat the crap out of him.


Having moving parts for the cross-guard is a design flaw. Having them come out like switch-blades is an utter joke since their purpose is to Block attacks from other sabers, and the fact those parts can move and flip into place makes them extremely weak and easily breakable. If they wanted a cross-guard design, the emitter should be a prism with the mini-blades coming out in a V shape from the cross-guard just below the lightsaber blade. You keep the emitters internal and fixed, which provide the protection without making them vulnerable, and without making it look like complete garbage.

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Nah, they won't touch SWTOR for the obvious reasons meantioned by Aurbere. The movie is to attract new audience, not to please old EU fans. But really, they gotta do something with SWTOR. If they will not recognize it as canon, it won't be good.

My theory, is that the Dark Side of the Force is the Force in its entirely, it is the purest state of the force - which is to say, raw power, flowing water. And it is possible, there was some Immortal being(s) (maybe if Disney may make "Celestials" canon) , they are perhaps going for a Devil route - either with a Fallen Celestial or powerful Darksider Ghost.

Then who is the sith with lightsword in the trailer? Honestly, I've got an impression that Disney will try to make the movie look like the old ones( in the sense of atmosphere and style, not plot itself ), with using Celestial or the Ones theme it would not be possible. But they are planning to make more movies in the future, where the topic will probably be touched.

Fast forward to the new Episode VII. Luke is now the Jedi Master and no doubt has a Padawan of his own at the time. I foresee that Luke will die at the hands of the new Sith Lord, perhaps in front of the woman who may/may not be his Padawan.

Truth be told, very probably. I doubt they will be hanging on old main charcaters for a long time, I think ther are going to introduce them in the movie only to tie new episode to the OT. Fan service( not in the usual meaning of the term, but it still applies), if you like.

It could even involve the awakening of a Sith Spirit, like Exar Kun on Yavin-4.

I think that would be interesting.

Althought I don't have high hopes for the movie as well. It can be a good new start if we're lucky, but not something mind-blowing per se.

Edited by LordCJK
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The only reason they said everything EU was not officially canon was FOR the direction of the new movies. Think of it as a way...where they said that stuff because then they could decide officially what they wanted to do with it. Now, that does NOT mean that they will not use any of that stuff from the EU as they darn well please. They just kind of started with a clean slate if you can look at it that way.


Perhaps they will use stuff from EU. Just because Disney said the EU isn't canon doesn't mean they will never use that stuff again it just means that it's not official anymore and other people can't make it so just be saying it UNTIL Disney perhaps decides to make it into their stories.


Also, I want to note this isn't me saying an argument where swtor is canon or non canon I just see Disney doing whatever they want with what information is out there. They could take little bits here and there from EU and deem that "official" now or they could go a completely new direction.

Edited by Sarfux
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The only reason they said everything EU was not officially canon was FOR the direction of the new movies. Think of it as a way...where they said that stuff because then they could decide officially what they wanted to do with it. Now, that does NOT mean that they will not use any of that stuff from the EU as they darn well please. They just kind of started with a clean slate if you can look at it that way.


Perhaps they will use stuff from EU. Just because Disney said the EU isn't canon doesn't mean they will never use that stuff again it just means that it's not official anymore and other people can't make it so just be saying it UNTIL Disney perhaps decides to make it into their stories.


Also, I want to note this isn't me saying an argument where swtor is canon or non canon I just see Disney doing whatever they want with what information is out there. They could take little bits here and there from EU and deem that "official" now or they could go a completely new direction.



Honestly an aweful LOT of the EU is becoming canon fast. the new books are frquently mentioning things from it.


the new Imperial handbook pretty much makes multiple referances to the X-wing series, rebel assault series, rogue squadron series and SWG all in a single chapter

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  • 9 months later...
To back up the theories on an established tradition of a Padawan seeing his Master cut down, one could say that Luke is going to die in this first new film, but what if that's not what happens? What if it's someone else who dies? If I remember correctly, J.J. Abrams had indicated that someone big was going to die and I propose the following: What if Leia dies? In the trailer, it kinda alludes to the fact that she has the Force, so we can perhaps assume that she received training in the ways of the Jedi.
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What if Leia dies? In the trailer, it kinda alludes to the fact that she has the Force


That was dialogue from Return of The Jedi, when Luke is telling Leia that she's his sister and Darth Vader is their father.

There was absolutely no alluding to her being Force Sensitive, he told her she was and she basically said as much in reply and when Han's trying to reassure her that Luke wasn't on the Death Star when it was destroyed. She is Force Sensitive, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's had any training from Luke or other sources.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was Han who died.

Harrison Ford wanted him to die in ESB, which didn't quite turn out the way he wanted.

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That was dialogue from Return of The Jedi, when Luke is telling Leia that she's his sister and Darth Vader is their father.

There was absolutely no alluding to her being Force Sensitive, he told her she was and she basically said as much in reply and when Han's trying to reassure her that Luke wasn't on the Death Star when it was destroyed. She is Force Sensitive, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's had any training from Luke or other sources.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was Han who died.

Harrison Ford wanted him to die in ESB, which didn't quite turn out the way he wanted.



"I have it. My father has it. My sister has it. And now you have that power too..


I didn't finish reading what you stated. You acknowledged she is force sensitive but stated she may not have received training from luke. Fair enough, spoke before reading fully. That is my mistake. Ignore this. :p

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Whatever it's going to be, I doubt it will have some connection to SWTOR, the Old Republic or the Expended Universe in general. Disney certainly always want to do things their way... To be honest, I can't say I trust them with that. The new lightsaber is okay, fine, I can live with that, but that ball droid... It's like they have a lack of imagination right now :confused:

Anyway, about the theory... I guess Luke will die. Perhaps, will be a force ghost for... someone. But Han... Please, don't kill Han. Even if he's old. And gray.

By the way, why does everything always start from Tatooine? That dustball is some kind of key planet :p

Edited by jane_vakarian
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Whatever it's going to be, I doubt it will have some connection to SWTOR, the Old Republic or the Expended Universe in general. Disney certainly always want to do things their way... To be honest, I can't say I trust them with that. The new lightsaber is okay, fine, I can live with that, but that ball droid... It's like they have a lack of imagination right now :confused:

Anyway, about the theory... I guess Luke will die. Perhaps, will be a force ghost for... someone. But Han... Please, don't kill Han. Even if he's old. And gray.

By the way, why does everything always start from Tatooine? That dustball is some kind of key planet :p


It's actually not Tattooine but another desert planet named Jakku.

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  • 2 weeks later...
WARNING: I am going to use SPOILER tags to protect your eyes from my main theory regarding this film.





In both the Prequel and Original Trilogies first episodes, there has been a somber tradition of Jedi Padawans looking on helplessly as their Masters are killed via a Sith Lord. Obi Wan had to watch helplessly as Darth Maul cut down Qui Gon Jinn and Luke Skywalker had to look on in horror as Obi Wan surrendered himself to the Force before Vader's blade touched his robes.


Fast forward to the new Episode VII. Luke is now the Jedi Master and no doubt has a Padawan of his own at the time. I foresee that Luke will die at the hands of the new Sith Lord, perhaps in front of the woman who may/may not be his Padawan.





Luke falls to the darkside in the EU then tries to destroy the emperor in his new cloned body, He then returns to the lightside of the Force and starts the new Jedi Council.

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  • 1 month later...

I have another theory, this one surrounds the true identity of Supreme Commander Snoke. It is NOT Darth Plagueis.




It is Darth Maul. Now, before we go crazy and condemn me for being insane, there is evidence to support this.


1. The Clone Wars TV show is official Disney Canon now. That means that Maul survived being cut in half by Kenobi in Phantom Menace and was taken away in TCW by Sidious. We can surmise that Sidious tortured him incessantly and perhaps "damaged" him as J.J. Abrams and Andy Serkis alluded to recently.


2. By now, most of you(except the few that live under a rock) have seen the first The Force Awakens trailer, where we hear the voice of Snoke. We were told that the voice belonged to Andy Serkis. Serkis is definitely providing the body, but it doesn't sound like him though. Go ahead listen to it again

at indexes 0:15 and 0:50. Sound famliar? If you watched the Prequels, it should.


Peter Serafinowicz provided the voiceover for Darth Maul in Phantom Menace and in TCW, among countless other times in the universe of SW content.


Now listen to Serafinowicz as Maul



Sounds almost identical doesn't it? I think that this will be an awesome thing if it happens......


3. Someone had to train Kylo Ren in the Dark Side of the Force. Who else would be left to teach him?


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So with Disney taking over and the new rule, that everything outside of the 6 movies, the Clone Wars, Rebels, and any new books and comics are no longer canon, I'm thinking the Force Awakens might tie into SWTOR.



So the new enemy going forward is the Emperor. He has absorbed enough death that he was able to return to the universe. Obviously we will eventually fight him. What if we only destroy his corporeal form again and he slumbers until the Galactic civil war. Maybe the death of Palpatine awakens him and he rolls in to take over the Empire and continue his quest to destroy the universe...and the only people he could see able to stop him.



That would connect SWTOR to the new movies and keep it canon. If it is fully removed from canon, it makes me question how long the game will keep going once the new movies are out.


There is an official map out now that details the planets in this movie and ones from the past. Unfortunately many of the Prequel planets and some of the Originals are not on this map, which is weird.


Here is the map.



We all know about Jakku, but joining it in this movie are:


- Onderon

- Bothawui

- Hutta(called Nal Hutta)

- Moraband(Korriban)

- Dantooine

- Takodana

- Rattatak

- Mandalore

- Ithor

- Dathomir


and also:


- Rakata Prime/Lehon

- Starkiller Origin Point


Now, that Origin Point is where I believe Dromund Kaas lies in the universe, in the Unknown Regions. They haven't admitted it, but all these planets point to this game, and possibly the entire TOR universe, becoming Canon via association!



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Honestly an aweful LOT of the EU is becoming canon fast. the new books are frquently mentioning things from it.


the new Imperial handbook pretty much makes multiple referances to the X-wing series, rebel assault series, rogue squadron series and SWG all in a single chapter


Doesn't make any of it all canon though.


Darth Bane is canon, but that doesn't mean his backstory and how he became a Sith Lord from Legends is.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Well obviously any characters from TFA cannot actually be an NPC in SWTOR, due to the time differential.


However, in the Aftermath novel, there are a group of dark side users (who may or may not be associated with the Knights of Ren from the movie) called the Acolytes from the Beyond. Where they're from (the Beyond) could be explored in a future expansion. Since it's only a book, and not actually part of the movie, I'll go ahead and say that it would be cool to see where the dark side originated from, as Palpatine was (unknowingly to us) sending scientists and young men/women out to this Beyond searching for the source.


So while it's hard to really tie the game into the new movie(s) but as far as I know, some elements could be in place during the timeline of SWTOR.

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Trailer says everything.


2 Jedi's,who're not aware of the Force yet / 1 'Sith' (Who seems more like a Warrior to me,doubt he's a Sith tho.) / Old Cast (especially,Luke).


It'll def have a similar Plot to Episode 4 (Where Luke just learned about the Force etc.) since Finn/Girl (forgot name) were portrayed as 'Trooper/Mercenary' at first . My guess is ,that Finn / Girl set on a Journey to find more about the Force (and especially to find Luke,since Finn uses he's Lightsaber).

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The more i see new footage TV spots and the like im worried this becoming a new hope reskin, with elements from empire. I hope disney doesn't think "well fans love the Originally trilogy, so we are gonna give them originally trilogy story with new kids". Im extremely optimistic that im wrong. Still can't wait to see it, i rarely ever go to theaters but i will be there for sure with this movie.
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