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Where Were You...3 Years Ago!


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Three years ago, I believe was right when the Closed Beta ended (either the 18th or the 16th, I believe). So I knew what I was expecting in SWTOR, but I also had my birthday near then. So I don't think I actually logged into live servers until I drunkenly did it on the 23rd.
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At the time, I didn’t work for BioWare.


Just a few months before the launch, a few friends and myself sat in my friend’s living room where I first heard about The Old Republic. They showed me screenshots and trailers and I was hooked. We set up our guild using the web-based guild creator that night. Fast forward to Early Access and we were slashing through enemies as soon as the flood gates opened. The server we were on only lives on in spirit, but I still remember how much fun we had going through the content, carving our places in Galactic History.


On the second anniversary, I read a post from the Community team about their experiences over the past year, and in a line at the end mentioned that just after the new year, a new Community team member would show up to replace the recently-producer’d Amber Green. At the time I knew it was me, but they couldn’t say anything. I think that post made me more excited than the job offer, as it kind of solidified the idea. It was an amazing experience, and one I wouldn’t trade for anything else.



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Musco took mine :jawa_mad: (I was standing next to him as the servers went live), so I'll tell another tale!


I think it was around 3:00am the day before launch, I was in the office getting everything ready on the website. I was the only person from our team there, all of the lights were off except for my desk lamp, and my desk itself was in the corner of the room. So safe to say, I was in my own little world, listening to music and not paying attention to my surroundings. A security officer was making the rounds and tapped me on the shoulder - scaring the absolute crap out of me. I screamed and jumped out of my chair, knocking all of the knickknacks off my desk. Working late has never been the same.


It's been a crazy three years since then. I am so thankful and happy to work on SWTOR and with its community.

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3 years ago? I was coming off the last beta weekend, remembering how hard it was to heal as an OP back when we only started with one heal, and I'd somehow always pull off bosses. So I'd hide between my mobile shield generator, before that took it away from Operatives. Reading the last set of patch notes, iirc They were taken from ops at the last second. I almost didn't play an op because of it! lol


Shortly after release, I pvped my heart out on Davik's Estate with RS. I miss the "old" times, back when I was Kitten and I was known as un-killable on my server. After merges and xfers, obviously I never got my name back :(


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waiting in line with couple of friends, in NYC, to have my poster and box signed by the founders :p as well as gift them my homemade bits of swag :D along . ran into couple of kickass cosplayers there too. unfortunately, they ran out of t-shirts before I could grab one, but oh well.


P.S. I was in early acess so all my characters were already created, names reserved and all.. but still wanted to go to official launch party.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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i was in the first group of early access and logged in within the first 5 minutes that the servers opened for early access. I had a list of various alts with classes and names that I wanted and I was quickly creating them all before anyone else beat me to the names.
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Three years ago, I was here for early access being blown away/ bewildered by what I was about to jump into.


Being a huge fan of both KotOR and KotOR 2 but never actually played an mmo before (what a learning curve THAT was!), I was looking forward to playing this game and I wasn't disappointed. I've been here since then. Even though it's had a few ups and downs along the way, I love playing it and hopefully for at least another three years.


My favorite memory was pretty early on with my soon to be main, Jedi Sentinel (I was co-leveling a consular at the time). The Chapter One boss fight with Darth Angral. I forgot how many times I died during that fight. It was then that I learned the hard way about gearing and leveling. The lightbulb above my head went on and that opened up all kinds of doors for me concerning the game. It was a hugely satisfying moment taking him down after all that time. Everything else was a lot easier after that, apart from the emperor at lvl 50, but that's another story!


Happy Birthday, SWTOR!

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I was trying to save my money so i could build a computer so i could play the game, because I tried the game out on my friends computer. I remember making a Sith Warrior and gave it a name ofcourse, played around on korriban and leveled up some, and i thought it was awesome. Even though it was my friends computer, he deleted my character after i played for some time. So a few months later, i finally built my computer, made another Sith Warrior with the same name, and still have that character today, and ever since then, i have been playing the game! :)
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3 years ago feels like so long, and yet oddly like it was also only moments ago.


I remember very well where I was during the launch of SW:TOR, seeing as I was streaming during the beta, early access, and then again on the official launch. It was a fantastic experience, and easily one of my favorite amongst all the launches I've been involved in. THE HYPE WAS REAL.


One of my favorite memories was streaming the final beta day. Various streams, including Towelliee, decided to have a dance party in Dromund Kaas cantina, most of us joining in the same phase as we all had fun and waved one final goodbye to the test server before making our transition to our new home. That was the first time I passed the 1k viewer milestone on Twitch and, as I had promised in a previous stream, if that happened then I had to rap.


Not only were my beats waaay off, but my face was redder than a tomato, though naturally I ended it all with a classic Rickroll and had a good laugh with the rest of the people viewing. The engagement from the community then, several months after, and even now, has never ceased to amaze me. So many fun, passionate, helpful gamers that play TOR, which has easily rocketed this MMO to the top of my favorite games list.


Wall of text crits for 9,001 damage.



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3 years ago...I decided to level up a commando as my first toon since all my MMO buddies decided they wanted to roll pub toons (and quit like 2 days after launch because they didnt like PvP...cause lvl 13 pvp is so awesome in the first place...). So I leveled up my commando to 50 alone on a pvp server (Death Wind Corridor) and getting ganked by 4 players 5+ lvls above me was such a trill. After I hit lvl 50 I rerolled to a pve server (Axial Park) to be with other friends because my pvp buddies quit 2 days in. Those friends ended up quitting too so I rerolled to yet another server (Shien-RP). I rerolled another commando (because it was my love xoxo).


So the first month I rerolled twice because friends quit and server populations started dying. But regardless, I am still playing and happy with the pvp in this game =]

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Can't tell you about 3 years back, but here are some posts I made to my old gaming friends on a different forum about 1 year back, when I was getting back to gaming and starting SWTOR.


Happy B-day SWTOR :)



Posted 23 December 2013 - 05:29 PM



I just broke a toe and finally restarted the KOTOR 2 from the save that happened right after character creation - in Feb 2010 (yakes)... I think I can make it this time... at least to Chapter 2... heh. I am reading rave reviews for ME, and trilogy looks like a heck of a deal. It's been a long time for me…




Posted 06 January 2014 - 04:45 AM

I dunno, just gotta post about it & don't want to keep on and on in ME thread.


{on KOTOR 2} Heh, the Nar-Shadaa is a mix of the best and the worst of the Obsidian. Atton's entire back-story and conversion in one massive dialogue, rendering it messy and un-frigging believable. And an actually well-made transition of focus from the PC to the NPCs and couple of very effective short dialogues with the same blimey Atton. Endless crawls through empty spaces, a couple of broken quests (even modded), but also a couple of very nice NPCs.


I am also starting to take issues with most of the major char development not only for Revan but for my current PC taking off screen. Again, not a fan of the 'discover ye terrible backstory' through the memory loss plotting.


[snipped for length]


I am guessing I am half-way through.




Posted 24 January 2014 - 06:44 AM

{about SWTOR} I am going to check my laptop for spec compatibility. Just in case, you know :)




Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:24 AM

Okay, I am downloading something gigantic, don't think I can actually try it today, work and all that RL stuff that gets in the way of computer gaming, you know.


So, Consular is not a good idea? I will give a knight a try, I guess. Do you actually save a game in MMO or just start over every time?




Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:59 PM

Thank you, I guess it will make sense.


EDIT: Consular's companions look more interesting than JK (though the choice of the RI is perplexing given the other two choices, but BioWARE is BioWARE, or maybe I am the only player who always wanted a Twil'ek romance but I can make do as usual). Hard to say from a quick summary like that. I am a bit worried because one of the companions for JK has the same name as my kiddo. Imperial Agent sounds actually the most interesting off hand. I might try that instead.



Posted 26 January 2014 - 07:46 AM


Well, we've downloaded the monster, and I started it, and I am like: wow, there is a movie. My husband, lazily, “you know, you can watch the movie on the TV, right?” So, he grunts and hooks the laptop to our large screen TV, and well, he ends up playing a Jedi Knight. I made a Counselor (I know, I know) and an Imperial Agent, the idea is, he'd drug his work laptop home, and we can try to play together on Republic and Empire Side once in a while. Kiddo doesn't really take interest in this one, it is far too fast. The game is nice, but I am still too used to the SP games.


What's DPS? I saw it on the chat logs yesterday.




Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:19 AM

Holy cow, guys, thanks for the info! I am going to send it to my hubby, he is much better than I (well, he made it to LVL 7 and seems to be equipped to the ninnies, I got to collect 2 Holocrons and my breeches show rips, lol)


Our combos (planned at least) are Jedi Knight - Counselor for LS and Imperial Agent - Sith Warrior for DS. We are on the Harbinger server, but I assume one can cross the servers if we ever develop enough to actually play with other people (that's gonna take some time)


Right now we are on the stage of: "OMG, this game is a HELL to control". It freezes when we use mouse to rotate the view, so we have to use ASD's and finding and targeting is a major pain. Any tips? It also takes a LOT to get used to the 'find, target, run up to, attack' sequence as opposite to the SP: pause, target, select the attack/spell, sit back and watch the character do all the work.


One thing that I LOVE in the game is that finally my character is not some special someone, I see all those folks doing the same stuff. Well, some of them (erm, all of them, really) with much better grace than I do.


Zabracks look really good both on LS and DS. My husband saw Sith avatar for Zabrack, and he is: Okay, too cool not to try.


We can only play on the low graphic setting (but huge resolution), so we lose plenty of the gorgeousness of the game, but the cewl factor is tremendous with animation making a puny 1st level attacks look like a thing of awesomeness (the Force Leap is just grand & I am so happy I can finally throw rocks at people!).


Folks, a couple more questions:

-what the heck are the 'social points' about and what are they needed for?

-anyone with a recent memory of the JK prologue? The sensor in the 3rd area set on the top of a structure, and there seem to be no way to reach it? Does the character need to run up the ramp and leap over the gap or something?






Now, one year later, that Consular is L55 (along with 5 more chars, first of which just dinged 60), and I still play it with my husband once in a while. I have a new rig that runs full graphic load an do not freeze when I use my mouse to move. I've never purchased ME. But I did purchase DA:O, and started a game... never went further than the starting area. :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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3 years ago feels like so long, and yet oddly like it was also only moments ago.


I remember very well where I was during the launch of SW:TOR, seeing as I was streaming during the beta, early access, and then again on the official launch. It was a fantastic experience, and easily one of my favorite amongst all the launches I've been involved in. THE HYPE WAS REAL.


One of my favorite memories was streaming the final beta day. Various streams, including Towelliee, decided to have a dance party in Dromund Kaas cantina, most of us joining in the same phase as we all had fun and waved one final goodbye to the test server before making our transition to our new home. That was the first time I passed the 1k viewer milestone on Twitch and, as I had promised in a previous stream, if that happened then I had to rap.


Not only were my beats waaay off, but my face was redder than a tomato, though naturally I ended it all with a classic Rickroll and had a good laugh with the rest of the people viewing. The engagement from the community then, several months after, and even now, has never ceased to amaze me. So many fun, passionate, helpful gamers that play TOR, which has easily rocketed this MMO to the top of my favorite games list.


Wall of text crits for 9,001 damage.




I still haven't seen the rap video either ;)


I almost didn't get to play at launch. I specifically took time off work for launch and ended up at work anyway. Everything went wrong that night, people didn't show up. Work was busier than usual. Somebody had to leave early... and when my boss called I didn't care about any of those things, but she was hot so I ended up at work ;)


I still managed to get done in time to reserve all my favorite character names though so it worked out :cool:

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