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Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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Yes, i did. I was mostly advising not to take the final score as a factor directly correlated to the population. As a matter of fact the score could be way lower since most of the player on that server have alts in multiple guilds.


Just forgot to mention that his information is partially incorrect. You cannot make points from pvp and gsf normally because they don't proc.

That was my point. If you look at CQ and compare it to other servers it is obvious that some have such low populations that there are clearly a very small number doing point earning activities either because there are not enough doing them or because there are not enough players for those things to even pop in the first place.


CQ is just one thing to look at, fleet numbers were 25 + 28 with most planets having nobody on them, fleet chat is sparse and the GTN is mostly barren. It's not a good situation for existing/returning/new players who end up on those server and it's terrible PR for the game.

Edited by UlaVii
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Yes, yes, I know, everyone personally knows over 387 people that quit, etc..


Actually a majority of all three guilds I'm in are playing Final Fantasy. You can ignore these anecdotal points as much as you like, doesn't make them less true because you can't verify something yourself.

Edited by Transcendent
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Common sense would tell you at this point their plans have obviously changed since 2014.


This is pretty much the problem. Their plans change every year, so they never get any closer to an end goal. In 2012 we were going to get cross server PvP, which quickly got killed off by F2P. In 2014 we were going to get some "better than cross-server" options, which quickly got killed off by story based content. In 2016, they are still looking into the idea of returning to MMO style content, but can't commit to anything until next year. Hard to keep taking their word for the direction of the game when it is never realized.

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That was my point. If you look at CQ and compare it to other servers it is obvious that some have such low populations that there are clearly a very small number doing point earning activities either because there are not enough doing them or because there are not enough players for those things to even pop in the first place.

I know for sure that some of the guilds have somewhat bigger population but as i said they a lot of players are in multiple guilds and there is little point in competition. And yes, if i count the individual accounts i'd say there are about 200 players on ToFN.

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Actually a majority of all three guilds I'm in are playing Final Fantasy. You can ignore these anecdotal points as much as you like sunshine, doesn't make them less true because you can't verify something yourself.


So does that equate to 4 people, 40, 400, or maybe 10? The majority of the players of the last guild I was in would be 3, since there were 5 of us. I guess that's the problem with anecdotal evidence, majority loses any meaning when it could just as easily mean 2 as 2000.


The question is, who's anecdotes is one to take seriously? The last time I was on Fleet, yesterday, there were 2 instances, with 103 people in channel 2. Am I supposed to take that one off reading as significant? Does that mean that my server isn't hurting at all, and thus the whole game isn't hurting? You see, if I were a new player, and I got to fleet and there were 3 people on it with one map, I'd delete that toon and reroll somewhere else. Of course, I'm fairly certain that I'm not going to run into that on any of the servers, unless I start fishing for it at really odd times, like 3 AM on a weekday. Or even better, I could be "that guy", that posts a screenie of there being 3 people in my instance, but not providing the map to show that there are 2 or more instances. I've seen it done on these very forums. Ironically, it was several years ago.

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So does that equate to 4 people, 40, 400, or maybe 10? The majority of the players of the last guild I was in would be 3, since there were 5 of us. I guess that's the problem with anecdotal evidence, majority loses any meaning when it could just as easily mean 2 as 2000.


The question is, who's anecdotes is one to take seriously? The last time I was on Fleet, yesterday, there were 2 instances, with 103 people in channel 2. Am I supposed to take that one off reading as significant? Does that mean that my server isn't hurting at all, and thus the whole game isn't hurting? You see, if I were a new player, and I got to fleet and there were 3 people on it with one map, I'd delete that toon and reroll somewhere else. Of course, I'm fairly certain that I'm not going to run into that on any of the servers, unless I start fishing for it at really odd times, like 3 AM on a weekday. Or even better, I could be "that guy", that posts a screenie of there being 3 people in my instance, but not providing the map to show that there are 2 or more instances. I've seen it done on these very forums. Ironically, it was several years ago.


Less than 30 people on a fleet with a single instance is pretty regular outside of prime time and sometimes during prime time depending on the server and faction.

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You see, if I were a new player, and I got to fleet and there were 3 people on it with one map, I'd delete that toon and reroll somewhere else.

How is a new player to know that Fleet represents the servers health?

Edited by TUXs
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Actually a majority of all three guilds I'm in are playing Final Fantasy. You can ignore these anecdotal points as much as you like sunshine, doesn't make them less true because you can't verify something yourself.


Nor does it make them any more true because you say so.

Edited by Bruticis
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Nor does it make them anymore true because you say so.

So you think the players who are subscribed here, and have actively hoped for a healthy state of the game, are en mass lying with their anecdotal evidence to what end?


What does an individual like TUXs, Transcendent, or myself gain from fabricating tales of dead guilds?

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Nor does it make them anymore true because you say so.


Well do let us know when this page shows the servers as heavy http://www.swtor.com/server-status, if you would be so kind. Checking TOR Status shows a fair few dead servers, mind you I'll concede one point, there is a slight uptick in activity on the main two US / EU servers.


Still means a lot of players who are stuck on dead servers though.


Edit: Don't take my word on this, go create a character on those dead servers and let me know how grouping up for things goes, considering I've had over an hour on one of those servers with zero queue pops, that isn't a great thing.


Numbers of individuals saying about dead guilds should also paint a picture, even if it is a reduction of 1 or 2 here and there (for me it's larger than that btw), when you start adding those up? I mean seriously, what point are you trying to make? That everyone is telling fibs or something? :confused:

Edited by Transcendent
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So you think the players who are subscribed here, and have actively hoped for a healthy state of the game, are en mass lying with their anecdotal evidence to what end?


What does an individual like TUXs, Transcendent, or myself gain from fabricating tales of dead guilds?


I think if I had a credit for every person that claimed they were quitting and taking their entire guild of 9875 people, I'd have about a trillion credits.

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Ben & Musco just said in the stream:


"We have no plans to merge servers before the end of the year"


As they think the servers will fill up again when KotET releases. The dead servers won't be saved with KotET, if it would have an effect it would of already with KotFE :rolleyes:


They had to reinforce Harbinger shortly after KotFE launch, and implied they'd upped the pop cap on all servers around that time. FWIW.

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Ben & Musco just said in the stream:


"We have no plans to merge servers before the end of the year"


As they think the servers will fill up again when KotET releases. The dead servers won't be saved with KotET, if it would have an effect it would of already with KotFE :rolleyes:


Now that we have a definitive answer, here's hoping they lock and delete every single one of these idiotic threads people are bumping and creating just to be obnoxious.

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so it sounded like at max level, pvp, FPs, operations all require a sub now. So those pops are now going to exclude all the ftp and preferred players. Bet those pops are gonna go much faster eliminating that. OPs and wz passes worthless now.


So at one point FTP model helped save the game and now it looks like they are abandoning that model

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Now that we have a definitive answer, here's hoping they lock and delete every single one of these idiotic threads people are bumping and creating just to be obnoxious.


Well, the year is old and January is around the corner to revisit the topic. No reason to stop the conversation when BW basically left the door wide open to it happening in the future. Not to mention, we would never stop being vocal about something we want just because BW says they aren't doing it. Look at League of Legends, which came out against solo queue, sandbox mode, replays, and crowd funding prize money a few months ago only to have all of those things announced as coming soon due to player feedback.


Never stop giving feedback, sometimes it's the only way to ge through to the devs.

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There is no need for an open discussion, the issue was addressed. The end. You aren't getting your way this year.

^^ Musco's secret alt forum account :p


At least they told us their intentions and reasoning at long last.

Edited by UlaVii
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