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Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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mega servers with mega lagg with mega crap engine, yah I can see how getting -10 fps in warzones would be appealing to keep the subs going.


This is what people keep missing and I don't get why they miss it. The biggest benefactor of mega servers would be the PvP servers. Their populations have been suffering and if you like world PvP it sucks. Thing is many of the same people on PvP servers calling for mega servers are the same people who complain that CURRENTLY their fps sucks when they get into PvP. What do they think will happen to fps with a PvP mega server?


Also the only way to do it would be to totally reassign data centers. If you are on the West Coast PvP server your server is in Cali...on an EC your server is in Virginia.


Mega servers would do diddly for PvE.

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  • 3 weeks later...
@EricMusco is there anything you or BioWare would like to share with the community regarding this issue? This update was on 12/15/2014, and said, "in the next few months". It's now 6 months after this announcement of an upcoming announcement. So it seems reasonable to believe that whatever plans you have, you know what those plans are, and you can inform the community. Even if the plans are to "do nothing" (which is what I perceive that BioWare is doing).
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Honestly, I think that the issues and demands of players have shifted a bit from the release of SOR. Whatever solution that they were working on may or may not have been strong for addressing the challenges currently faced by players which has drawn out and lengthened the process for communicating and developing a response and hopeful solution for server population issues.


let's also not continue to necro this thread, it's old stuff and there are newer, more current threads talking about these issues

Edited by MeatbagTitan
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Pretending this topic doesn't exist must be a running joke at the Austin studio by now

"You know they are asking about server populations again"

"What did you tell them last time"


"How long ago was that"

"I don't know, it's been awhile"

"Did they accept that"

"At the time they did, what should I tell them"

"Well maybe if you ignore it it will go away"

"I don't know, they seem pretty persistent"

"You sure ignoring it won't help"

"Pretty sure"

"You think if we tell them we are on it, they'll stay subbed and we can still make money"

"Probably, but since I told them that already, why bother"

"Good point, maybe they'll even buy transfers if we ignore it longer"

"Hey yea, good point. Let's just ignore it some more"

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Hey folks,


At our fan event in Las Vegas, one of the things we stated is that we are working to address the concerns of things like queue times and uneven server populations and that we would provide an update before the end of the year. As you might expect we're not ready to tell you exactly what we are working on yet, but we did want to go into what our goals are for next year.


  • To address issues of queue times across all types of content, both PvP and PvE.
  • To rethink how we approach “server separation.”
  • Remain sensitive to things like character identity.
  • The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.
  • We also would love to use this opportunity to enhance/create social systems. It’s a big ole’ galaxy and we want it to feel that way.

In the coming months we will be releasing more details. We appreciate your patience as we work towards these goals.




Please tell us about your progress on this matter, before it's too la...

Edited by frennky
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They want more people to buy cartel coins and transfer characters so they can milk them instead of letting you know what they are working on.

It can only mean one thing. They are in desperate need of $$ cause the game is close to dead.

The new expansion is supposed to bring people on subscriptions because FTP is literally killing this game.


Dirty tactics from a shady company.

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