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Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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But then lets face it Eric has said that his favorite part of ToR is the cantina events. Which fair play I guess playing the game is pretty low down on most the devs minds. Much better to get out and see the sights and have a few beers paid for by cartel market gambling.


Eric is a community guy. That means his job involves in interacting with game's community. So obviously the huge gatherings of happy people at Cantina Tours are his favorite things, I would say it is a welcome change after reading through all the bile and hate spewed at developers on these forums.

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Yeah would have thought this is more important than the option to pre-register for an event where pre-registration does not mean you will get in. It doesnt mean anything yet it gets the devs posting about it.


But then lets face it Eric has said that his favorite part of ToR is the cantina events. Which fair play I guess playing the game is pretty low down on most the devs minds. Much better to get out and see the sights and have a few beers paid for by cartel market gambling.


All Eric does is take crap from us... and then tell us what we don't want to hear from the Devs... he is a Community Liason his ONLY job is to post to us BUT he can only post when the Dev's tell him "okay post this."

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Did Eric tell you this or are you just making up ****:rak_02: My guess is the latter.


The Job of Communiy Manager is to be a conduit between players and developers.

That means picking out things that people say, filter them and pass them on to developers. It also means posting whatever the developers or people higher up in the food chain say can be posted. This usually means things that are well on their way to be finished, demonstrated, etc.

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The Job of Communiy Manager is to be a conduit between players and developers.

That means picking out things that people say, filter them and pass them on to developers. It also means posting whatever the developers or people higher up in the food chain say can be posted. This usually means things that are well on their way to be finished, demonstrated, etc.


Thanks Capt. Obvious.


My point is that the other guy claimed a narrow definition for what Eric's job is. He hasn't a clue what exactly the scope is or isn't. Neither do you. Neither do any of us unless we personally know the guy.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Thanks Capt. Obvious.


My point is that the other guy claimed a narrow definition for what Eric's job is. He hasn't a clue what exactly the scope is or isn't. Neither do you. Neither do any of us unless we personally know the guy.


Yes but some of have common sense as well. Sorry that one missed you...

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Yeah would have thought this is more important than the option to pre-register for an event where pre-registration does not mean you will get in. It doesnt mean anything yet it gets the devs posting about it.


But then lets face it Eric has said that his favorite part of ToR is the cantina events. Which fair play I guess playing the game is pretty low down on most the devs minds. Much better to get out and see the sights and have a few beers paid for by cartel market gambling.


The 'better than cross server' solution, whatever it is, is a massive undertaking based on the OP. If it is as popularly believed regional mega servers or some other server merges it involves:

- Selecting the right hardware that can handle this.

- Setting up new levels of instancing and the servers and processes to support the interchange between.

- Creating, developing, and testing whatever they are doing to preserver names

- etc. etc.


The point is that this is something on a much larger scale than most of the changes they've done. Even though they've done server merges before this would be fundamentally different based on their call outs to preserving names and having some support for different play types (pvp, pve, rp, etc) and the scale will be significantly larger. So they can probably reuse some of what was done before, but a lot of it is likely new work.


The cantina pre-registration is just a website with a database of who subscribed to what and sending out rewards based on that. It's fundamentally similar to a lot of rewards they've done in the past.


All this to say that the 'better than cross server' system is a very complicated multi-year project vs the cantina events was probably a 6 month project at most. If they put all their eggs in the 'better than cross server' bucket we'd have 0 content, bug fixes, or improvements for at least a year. Instead they have many projects going at once to continue to deliver updates while they work on the big taco.

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Yes but some of have common sense as well. Sorry that one missed you...


Wait...wouldn't common sense dictate that none of us have any idea what Eric's absolute job is? We can all assume, but none of us know with any certainty, right?

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Wait...wouldn't common sense dictate that none of us have any idea what Eric's absolute job is? We can all assume, but none of us know with any certainty, right?


Only way to know what his job entails id to look at the job description for his position and since I doubt anyone has that around here it's all just guess work at best.

Edited by Anaesha
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Only way to know what his job entails id to look at the job description for his position and since I doubt anyone has that around here it's all just guess work at best.

Right, but even then we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. I'm with ya...common sense tells me NONE of us know what his actual job is...hell, I bet 4 of the 5 other Bioware employees don't even know.

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Does anyone realize this is the same exact thing they said in the last quarter of last year (That they had something in the works and would make the announcement before the end of the year) and then literally just never said anything at all???‽‽!‽!? Now they are coming here again saying the same thing when by now should have had a solution and implemented it. Honestly this is so pathetic.
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Does anyone realize this is the same exact thing they said in the last quarter of last year (That they had something in the works and would make the announcement before the end of the year) and then literally just never said anything at all???‽‽!‽!? Now they are coming here again saying the same thing when by now should have had a solution and implemented it. Honestly this is so pathetic.

This post is actually from the last quarter of last year...we just haven't heard anything yet, which you pointed out.

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Right, but even then we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. I'm with ya...common sense tells me NONE of us know what his actual job is...hell, I bet 4 of the 5 other Bioware employees don't even know.

^ This. Even having the written job description would only give us a slightly better starting point for making guesses - the 'boots on the ground' reality of a job and the written description of it rarely match. (All the more so at a company that has gone through some significant upheavals the way BW Austin likely did in the wake of SWTOR's F2P conversion and the rise and fall of Shadow Realms.)


Making an educated guess,though, whatever his job description (and job reality) is, it is probably not the case that:

his ONLY job is to post to us

heck I doubt any of the Community Team have the Forums as their sole ongoing responsibility, and certainly the head of the team doesn't. Is it part of their jobs? Absolutely. Is it one of their primary responsibilities? Maybe, maybe not.


However well or poorly BW Austin manages their resources, I just cannot see them keeping full-time staff whose 'only job' (even speaking loosely) is to post on Forums and relay feedback from them. Juggernauts like WoW or LoL might have the resources and the need to justify such a setup, but there's no way SWTOR warrants it.

Edited by DarthDymond
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^ This. Even having the written job description would only give us a slightly better starting point for making guesses - the 'boots on the ground' reality of a job and the written description of it rarely match. (All the more so at a company that has gone through some significant upheavals the way BW Austin likely did in the wake of SWTOR's F2P conversion and the rise and fall of Shadow Realms.)


Making an educated guess,though, whatever his job description (and job reality) is, it is probably not the case that:


heck I doubt any of the Community Team have the Forums as their sole ongoing responsibility, and certainly the head of the team doesn't. Is it part of their jobs? Absolutely. Is it one of their primary responsibilities? Maybe, maybe not.


However well or poorly BW Austin manages their resources, I just cannot see them keeping full-time staff whose 'only job' (even speaking loosely) is to post on Forums and relay feedback from them. Juggernauts like WoW or LoL might have the resources and the need to justify such a setup, but there's no way SWTOR warrants it.


Not to mention companies tend to add extra items to your job description as the need arises. I've had it happen to me more then once. :mad:

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Not to mention companies tend to add extra items to your job description as the need arises. I've had it happen to me more then once. :mad:

Yeah, that was definitely what was front and center in my mind when I mentioned the "company going through upheaval" bit - 'responsibility creep' happens even as a normal course of business a lot of times, but when things get shaken up you better believe it becomes a reality big-time.

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Guess that means things like character names, you know with the merger last time plenty of people lost their character names (I did with my main) and with that the identity felt changed. At least I hope that is what Eric was talking about, since if I lose one more character name, I am out of here!


Well, that sucks. When "The Progenitor" merged I logged in to all important characters asap and did not have to rename any one of them. I even left the unimportant characters open, so that someone else could have the name if they wanted to, but that did not happen either.


I only had to rename "Laira" a stray character on a German server which I had not played for more than a year.


I thought things like that did not simply not happen with a main character... there is always someone who played their character a bit less. (I can only guess the total play time was the main argument who gets the name in case of a a name collision.)


I am just puzzled how they are going to solve this in case of future merges. Allow identical names in this exceptional and introduce something else to distinguish them? Try to inform the players with conflicting names up in front and make offers to those deliberately accepting a rename?

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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  • 4 weeks later...
Updateception indeed! I know it isn't quite the full spill of details yet but at least this way we can kind of let everyone know where our heads are at :rak_03:




So where are your heads at now? It would be nice to hear from you on the subject. Until then all that I have is my imagination, my willingness to listen to rumor, and my ability to speculate to form an opinion, and I would prefer not to have to resort to one of those options. That being said, I am still curious and I would appreciate an answer on the subject.

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^ This. Even having the written job description would only give us a slightly better starting point for making guesses - the 'boots on the ground' reality of a job and the written description of it rarely match. (All the more so at a company that has gone through some significant upheavals the way BW Austin likely did in the wake of SWTOR's F2P conversion and the rise and fall of Shadow Realms.)


Making an educated guess,though, whatever his job description (and job reality) is, it is probably not the case that:


heck I doubt any of the Community Team have the Forums as their sole ongoing responsibility, and certainly the head of the team doesn't. Is it part of their jobs? Absolutely. Is it one of their primary responsibilities? Maybe, maybe not.


However well or poorly BW Austin manages their resources, I just cannot see them keeping full-time staff whose 'only job' (even speaking loosely) is to post on Forums and relay feedback from them. Juggernauts like WoW or LoL might have the resources and the need to justify such a setup, but there's no way SWTOR warrants it.


Let me rephrase then...his final job product as it relates directly to us is to post to us. He is not coding the game. He is not making decisions as to why features will and will not be in the game. He is not a "decider" when it cones to game direction. When he posts on the forums on a substantive issue, the substance of said post is something he is TOLD to disseminte. If his job is like other games his job is also to manage the moderation of the forums etc.


You would be surprised just how much time he probably spends each day dealing with PMs or emails appealing warnings or suspensions based on forum moderation...then he moves on to actually reading the forums taking notes so he can bring up what appear to be pressure points for the player base, trending topics etc. Sometimes he probably doesn't even wait until the next meeting, he fires off an email if it is really "hot". This kind of stuff is tedious AND time consuming. Now of course BW could do things COMPLETELY different than most Game Companies but I doubt it. In the end though what we see directly are his posts to us, that he is usually told to post by his bosses after they make the decisions. So back in December after the " oops" of the Cantina Comment he was told to make that "clarification" post. I am sure he has told the bosses that we are wondering 6 month later what is coming based on that post BUT he can't post a dang thing substantive about it until they tell him "post this".


The fact people are arguing minutia on the issue and what his job is reminds me of a dog chasing its tale because it simply doesn't know what else to do. The only reason I posted what I did was to show that freaking out directly on Eric is wasted effort. He isn't some secret behind the scenes guy making decisions. Yeah he will say "hey guys I can tell you right now the idea you are cooking up may..." or may not "...be unpopular." So taking shots at him sees misplaced. In essence you are doing what any Game Company wants you to do, vent at the Community Rep...let him be the goat, when the people you should be focusing you ire at is the Producer etc.

Edited by Ghisallo
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