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Serious? You had Darth Marr do this???


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After the battle of Rishi; when he ceases his fleets' fire and puts Satele Shan on the holo...they had him BOW TO HER??? A Dark Lord of the Council? Bowing to a Jedi Master? Wow I guess having one Sith (Lana) act like a Jedi isn't enough they have to have Marr start acting good too. Unbelievable.

That's just fine. But... I can't get over why Darth Marr is wearing two hoods at once.

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A battle won by the Republic despite silly Hollywood tactics, even.


"Men, we have the high ground and cover! I want you to jump down there and charge head-long, and then engage those saber-wielding maniacs in close combat!"


Not even mentioning Satele's baffling decision to even engage him in lightsaber combat despite clearly being a consular type more then a knight type. Why didn't she open up with that massive hill shattering force wave instead of charging headlong through some mooks to engage Malgus in lightsaber combat when she knows the last time she did that he wrecked her? Hell, she gave herself a perfect chance to disengage when she dropped that tree on their fight and instead she chose to re-engage despite it having been made clear that she hadn't closed the lightsaber skill gap.

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He was Darth Sidious all the time... so Darth Sidious DID bow...


Wrong. Palpatine bowed.


Not sure how you guys don't understand he was just playing a role as a Senator under Palpatine; which has nothing to do with how he would act in the form of Darth Sidious

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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So basically, you are saying it doesn't count because he was under an alias at the time when he did it. That is really stupid, did he literally change his personality with magic while he was using his public persona?

What is there to "count"? Sidious didn't bow to anyone is a true statement even if Palpatine did. It speaks directly to his biggest character flaw. Sidious wouldn't be caught dead bowing to someone.

Edited by Sorwen
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dude... that' was like 20 or so years ago - she was a padawan during that first fight. she has matured and gained more experience since then. Malgus on the other hand - well you know, after a while injuries like his - get to you. and that second fight, it was army against army. in which she kinda sorta permanently injured his jaw, forcing him to wear face-mask at all times.


That's pretty unfair to Malgus.


The second time they fought, Satele didn't exactly beat him fair and square. She arrived fresh to fight Malgus, while part of his energy was already spent fighting the Republic troops and surviving a missile to the face. Despite this, Malgus still got the upper hand in the fight, breaking Satele's saberstaff in two and forcing her to defend with Tutaminis. With both her hands used to defend, how long would she have possibly held if Jace Malcom wasn't there to save the day?


In a clean 1v1, Malgus was the superior duelist.

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You mean this?



If that's all, I'd interpret it as he was dying, but his personalized suit sustains him.




Darth Marr was a human male who was famous for never revealing his true face—the Dark Lord was perpetually encased in his personalized suit of battle armor, and rumor had it that the sight of Marr's visage was the reason Moff Xerxian committed suicide. Throughout his tenure on the Dark Council, Darth Marr's body slowly transformed as a result of immersion in the dark side of the Force, and by the time war broke out again with the Republic the Sith Lord was aware that his body would not last much longer.

You quote a answer and then deny it lol .


Darth Marr is still feared , skilled , and powerful and will likely be that way till he dies .

Edited by mefit
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That's pretty unfair to Malgus.


The second time they fought, Satele didn't exactly beat him fair and square. She arrived fresh to fight Malgus, while part of his energy was already spent fighting the Republic troops and surviving a missile to the face. Despite this, Malgus still got the upper hand in the fight, breaking Satele's saberstaff in two and forcing her to defend with Tutaminis. With both her hands used to defend, how long would she have possibly held if Jace Malcom wasn't there to save the day?


In a clean 1v1, Malgus was the superior duelist.

It is clear Malgus was a powerful Duelist , but his use of the force was mostly surrounded in Lightsaber Combat where Satele is beyond that .

The first two time they met she was lucky but I am willing to bet the third time he would have been the one to go down .

Not to mention it is unfair to her to judge her weak when most the Empire feared Malgus too .

Everything about Malgus has and always was aggressive . He killed his own wife because he seen that she weaken him .

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It is clear Malgus was a powerful Duelist , but his use of the force was mostly surrounded in Lightsaber Combat where Satele is beyond that .

The first two time they met she was lucky but I am willing to bet the third time he would have been the one to go down .

Not to mention it is unfair to her to judge her weak when most the Empire feared Malgus too .

Everything about Malgus has and always was aggressive . He killed his own wife because he seen that she weaken him .


She was NEVER his wife, but more like his lover. :p

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What is there to "count"? Sidious didn't bow to anyone is a true statement even if Palpatine did. It speaks directly to his biggest character flaw. Sidious wouldn't be caught dead bowing to someone.


Unless you are suggesting that Sidious suffered from a major psychosis and Palpatine was a literal split personality then your premise is nonsensical. Palpatine is Sidious, anything Palpatine does is something Sidious did.

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I see nothing wrong with what he did, it was a sign of respect. I think people respect Darth Marr, because he offers it back to those who are worthy of it. He doesn't feel the need to be rude or hostile to get his point across. He's a warrior and a gentleman, and that's why I adore him. He is one of those, that doesn't need to raise his voice to be heard. In fact he's more terrifying because he's calm, cool and collected. This isn't a lack of passion, it's controlled with precision...he uses it when he needs to.


I find it a bit interesting that on the Sith side of the story, he is far more controlled and reasonable. In the Jedi story, you see more anger, distrust and a bit of snark from him.


I think he's beautifully written, and I love seeing him in the stories.

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Aside from Lana, Marr is the only sith my agent is comfortable working with. After all he has seen I can't fault him for that. Yes, I'm looking at you Darth Zhorrid:D

Also he wants to reestablish intelligence albeit under sith oversight. He is intelligent enough to see that we're needed in this war.

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Aside from Lana, Marr is the only sith my agent is comfortable working with. After all he has seen I can't fault him for that. Yes, I'm looking at you Darth Zhorrid:D

Also he wants to reestablish intelligence albeit under sith oversight. He is intelligent enough to see that we're needed in this war.


In other words, under a tight leash.

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In other words, under a tight leash.


I'm curious how it will work out. But we always were on a tight leash tbh. There always was sith oversight and they used our assets as they pleased. I'd hope that Marr would at least prevent random sith lords to use us as their instruments for their own gain and not that of the empire as a whole. Time will tell.

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I'm curious how it will work out. But we always were on a tight leash tbh. There always was sith oversight and they used our assets as they pleased. I'd hope that Marr would at least prevent random sith lords to use us as their instruments for their own gain and not that of the empire as a whole. Time will tell.


Not so much, as attested during the Imperial Agent story.

Instead of being intrinsically involved with the war when the latter broke out again, Imperial Intelligence chose... Other pursuits, regardless of its merits.


In the process, the current Keeper and the new Watchers fell comatose. In addition to this, Imperial Intelligence failed to deliver the goods at the time Corellia was invaded, as alluded to here.


Corellia, for all intents and purposes, was the turning point for the Republic in the renewed war.

In other words, yet again, not so much. Now they have a Sith playing Minister, and NOT a non Force-sensitive individual. It is even unclear if there will be a Keeper-like figure in the food-chain, or if the new higher-ups will have supreme control.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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