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Carnage Marauder is not fun to play at all anymore


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I was on the early access of Revan with my Carnage Marauder.

Of course I immediately noticed the change in strength (being killed by mobs that I didn't previously saw as a threat was my first hint)

I changed the way I played it. With a lot more efforts I managed to recover ~50 to 60% of what I had the day before (not the fun mind you, that was lost). After that first day I didn't bothered to play until today.

I did the 2nd mission of the Hutts and was surprised to be killed by a couple of normal mobs. It was even worse than the first day. But also, I noticed some regular lag spikes (still seeing 44 to 55ms on the latency).

So I guess that with the new, improved, way of playing the new CM, latency is a merciless killer.


I see only two explanations as for why the developers did this:

_ they hope the majority will switch class thus ensuring more hours of play (with only a minority of players leaving). This is actually a typical move to artificially give more "work" to players, thus ensuring they'll stay.

_ they would not understand fun if hit them with a laughing-gas-filled plastic clown.

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I was on the early access of Revan with my Carnage Marauder.

Of course I immediately noticed the change in strength (being killed by mobs that I didn't previously saw as a threat was my first hint)

I changed the way I played it. With a lot more efforts I managed to recover ~50 to 60% of what I had the day before (not the fun mind you, that was lost). After that first day I didn't bothered to play until today.

I did the 2nd mission of the Hutts and was surprised to be killed by a couple of normal mobs. It was even worse than the first day. But also, I noticed some regular lag spikes (still seeing 44 to 55ms on the latency).

So I guess that with the new, improved, way of playing the new CM, latency is a merciless killer.


I see only two explanations as for why the developers did this:

_ they hope the majority will switch class thus ensuring more hours of play (with only a minority of players leaving). This is actually a typical move to artificially give more "work" to players, thus ensuring they'll stay.

_ they would not understand fun if hit them with a laughing-gas-filled plastic clown.


You forget my good man/woman idk you......TWO SABERS YAY!!!!!!!:D

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1) Always role with a healer comp (you are the dps)

2) Defensive cooldowns clock of pain, predation etc - use them

3) Always role with a healer comp (you are the dps)

4) Gore is your friend - use it

5) force cammo comes in handy in tight situations... (just a thought)

6) Always role with a healer com (you are the dps)

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I was on the early access of Revan with my Carnage Marauder.

Of course I immediately noticed the change in strength (being killed by mobs that I didn't previously saw as a threat was my first hint)

I changed the way I played it. With a lot more efforts I managed to recover ~50 to 60% of what I had the day before (not the fun mind you, that was lost). After that first day I didn't bothered to play until today.

I did the 2nd mission of the Hutts and was surprised to be killed by a couple of normal mobs. It was even worse than the first day. But also, I noticed some regular lag spikes (still seeing 44 to 55ms on the latency).

So I guess that with the new, improved, way of playing the new CM, latency is a merciless killer.


I see only two explanations as for why the developers did this:

_ they hope the majority will switch class thus ensuring more hours of play (with only a minority of players leaving). This is actually a typical move to artificially give more "work" to players, thus ensuring they'll stay.

_ they would not understand fun if hit them with a laughing-gas-filled plastic clown.


Out of curiosity, what level are you. Carnage mara is very strong towards the end of the leveling curve with propper gear, but at lower levels mobs seem to have gotten a lot tougher against every class. My commando and vanguard also got considerably weaker versus old content mobs after the patch.

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No. Carnage is lame now. My main has been a Carnage Marauder since launch and the fun is indeed gone, as is the burst damage which was supposed to be the point of the spec. Carnage is broken. Period. Sure, you can play it in PVE and still succeed, but its not half what it used to be. In PVP its just a joke. And frankly, Im tired of hearing people say "oh, its not that bad". Really, it makes me want to vomit. Im having a really hard time bringing myself to resub in six days.
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No. Carnage is lame now. My main has been a Carnage Marauder since launch and the fun is indeed gone, as is the burst damage which was supposed to be the point of the spec. Carnage is broken. Period. Sure, you can play it in PVE and still succeed, but its not half what it used to be. In PVP its just a joke. And frankly, Im tired of hearing people say "oh, its not that bad". Really, it makes me want to vomit. Im having a really hard time bringing myself to resub in six days.


It really isn't that bad.


Would I Like some changed? a couple would be nice but with the set bonus you can get a nasty burst window in. But you have to know how to do it.


It still flows much better than what fury or anni does - I still like it.


To the OP if you are feeling really weak and you were lvl to 55 at the lunch of early access - Unless you were running around in greens - you were doing something wrong. I had no problems. IT was stated that while the damage was brought down - they also made mobs while lvling weaker as well. I suspect this effects sub 55 more than 55-60.

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than the first day. But also, I noticed some regular lag spikes (still seeing 44 to 55ms on the latency).


where I comfortably play the game with >180 ping (I laugh every time I see someone complaining about the game being unplayable @ 100 ping)


In all seriousness though, I can consistently fit a Ravage -> Devastating Blast into a Berserk Gore window, and a Vicious Throw -> Devastating Blast in a non-Berserk Gore window. With 4x the ping.


Anyway, the spec has been modified so its a case of optimizing the use of the alacrity boost provided by Berserk. You want to do things such as:


Battering Assault under Berserk, so it has a 9 second cooldown instead of a 12 second one.

Gore under Berserk, so that way you can fit a Ravage -> Devastating Blast into the window

Anything not called Battering Assault, Gore, Ravage or Devastating Blast in a Berserk window should be a Massacre, as to get MOAR DAMAGE (Its only 1 rage under Berserk)


Either way, it feels like the most dynamic of the 3 specs - though its only just beating Fury. Annihilation has some fixing to do.

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Out of curiosity, what level are you. Carnage mara is very strong towards the end of the leveling curve with propper gear, but at lower levels mobs seem to have gotten a lot tougher against every class. My commando and vanguard also got considerably weaker versus old content mobs after the patch.

Level 55.

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No. Carnage is lame now. My main has been a Carnage Marauder since launch and the fun is indeed gone, as is the burst damage which was supposed to be the point of the spec. Carnage is broken. Period. Sure, you can play it in PVE and still succeed, but its not half what it used to be. In PVP its just a joke. And frankly, Im tired of hearing people say "oh, its not that bad". Really, it makes me want to vomit. Im having a really hard time bringing myself to resub in six days.


Carnage still has the best burst of any mara spec right now. Devastating burst>VT>Massacre under beserk is going to be a solid 30K damage in 3 seconds. And that is assuming massacre does not crit. That enough burst for you? Just remember that now with the nerf in ravage damage it should only be used with gore when VT is not available.


In short, mara/sent damage is fine. It's survivability and escapes that are lackluster, not damage.

Edited by Vodrin
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It really is. If you're a pvper you're better off just playing a jugg right now.


Jug utilities and defensive cooldowns are much better than mara for sure. I still think mara/sent will be fine in regs and certain group ranked comps, but you better stay away from solo ranked with mara/sent. Guardian/jugg is just vastly better in that setting.

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Oh my,

did you read the part that said, "damaged will be reduced so that it can be restored at 60?"


and for the record I think carnage is better in 3.0. Please people stop griping about the changes, its not going to fix anything either you like it and stay with it, learn to like it, or Re-spec for something you do like.

Edited by ZackyFeet
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speaking of jug envy, they a leading the dps boards in pvp. besides the point, the powerlevel for me feels a tad worse, everything is slow right now as a mara. slow is the way to describe it, the rhythm is gone. can almost watch TV and take bites of food now while in pvp combat. havent been able to do anything like this since i was a CH cleric in EQ. Edited by Bruceme
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Oh my,

did you read the part that said, "damaged will be reduced so that it can be restored at 60?"


and for the record I think carnage is better in 3.0. Please people stop griping about the changes, its not going to fix anything either you like it and stay with it, learn to like it, or Re-spec for something you do like.


Damage output isn't the issue people are having with the class.

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